Spyro's Dream, Red's Reward

Story by Nanashi Eru on SoFurry

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This story contains homosexual content of characters I do not own the copyright to (Spyro, Hunter, and Red). Some size-play and bondage is also included. Of course legal age, 18 or older, pertains, as does being mentally mature to handle this sort of stuff. The only one forcing you to read this against your will is your own hand on the mouse, so enjoy ^_^

"Looks like you need to get rid of some stress...." A soft, furry paw ran along the purple dragon's chest as he lay on his side. Spyro churred softly as his cheetah friend smiled and gently traced his scales with his dull claws.

Spyro groaned out as a rough feline tongue ran across his emerging erection. Spyro thrust gently, his hard dragonhood sliding into Hunter's warm maw over and over. A paw curled around his balls, massaging and squeezing softly, making the young dragon's tail curl. A strong vacuum formed around his draconic shaft when the cat started bobbing his head and sucking hungrily. Spyro's wings fluttered as his back arched, humping the cheetah's short, warm muzzle until he let out a soft roar, his nuts jumping a little as his shaft throbbed and spurted out his thick seed which was instantly swallowed.

Spyro moaned, "This... oh, it feels too good... like a dream." His friend purred around his spurting member and sucked harder, wanting more*

The dragon gasped, waking suddenly as he heard the sound of a skateboard approaching. He looked down his body and merfed softly as he saw his aroused member standing proudly from between his legs. Before he could hide it, Hunter 'boarded up and stooped, blinking as he saw his friend's state, then grinned, kneeling down and rubbing his horns.

"Looks like you need to get rid of some stress...." A soft, furry paw ran along the purple dragon's chest...........

Spyru grunted as he slowly came to. The back of his head ached and for some reason he was standing, no, hanging upright. He looked up to find his wrists shackled above him and the shackles were attached to a rough hewn cave wall. He soon realized that his ankled were bound to the wall as well. He growled softly and glanced around.

Hunter, hearing the familiar growl awoke as well and soon the two friends realized that each was in the same predicament as the other.

"Are you ok?" asked Hunter.

"Yea, but the last thing I remember were your claws running over my scaled..." The little dragon's eyes closed and he murred softly when he remembered the feeling and he heard Hunter chucle when his dragonhood slowly peeked from his sheath. They both heard a heavy metal door creek open and deep, sinister chuckle. In walked a massive red dragon, bigger than any dragon either of the friends had ever seen.

"Well, I see you're both finally awake. Good." He grinned darkly and approached them, looking the dragon and cheetah over slowly. "You may call me Red. You are both my prisoners. Get used to it."

"What did we do to you?" Hunter glared at his captor and received a massive slap across the muzzle by Red's large tail, making him yelp. A bit of blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

"Nothing, but you will be doing whatever I want you to do if you value your lives." Red reached over and unhooked hunter's bindings from the wall, but kept him bound. He hoisted the cat by his wrist shackles and sniffed at his tawny fur. "Yes, you'll do nicely... You've never had a male before, have you?"

Hunter's eyes went wide as he realized what was going to happen and he started to squirm which only made Red grin softly. It actually seemed to arouse the large dragon as both Hunter and Spyro saw his huge dark rod extend and thicken between his legs. Hunter's tail was yanked to the side harshly by Red and his tight, furry rump was rubbed against the tip of Red's aching erection. The cheetah growled an squirmed. He pleaded for Red to stop, that he would do anything else Red wanted, but Red only snarled into his ear.

"You'll do what I want, no matter what it is, bitch." With that Hunter let out a scream of pain as Red forced his tip deep into his virgin entrance. Hunter squealed and cried out as Red continued to force his cock deeper and deeper, savagely forcing the poor feline to accept his thick rod. All Spyro cound to was watch in horror.

"Please stop! I'll take his place, just don't hurt him any more, Red!" Spyro was desperate to help his friend. Red looked over as he kept raising and lowering Hunter's now gurgling frappe on his cock faster.

"Anything, hmm?" Red growled lustfully and suddenly thrust upward, his tail going rigid for a few seconds. Hunter mewled weakly and passed out from the pain, blood trickling from his abused hindquarters as Red pulled him off of his shaft and set the unconscious feline aside. The big dragon walked over to Spyro, his dark cock covered in his own cum and Hunter's blood. "Then you can start by cleaning your master, boy."

Spyro whimpered softly, glancing over at his friend before nodding his head. His tongue snaked out and he began to lick Red's cock from tip to base and back again. Red let out a deep grunt and thruat forward, his strong paws on the back of Spyro's head, urging him on. To Spyro's surprise, and disgust, he was actually enjoying the feel of Red forcing him to pleasure him. Spyro opened his muzzle slowly and took the dark tip of Red's maleness in and began sucking. The crimson dragon snarled lustfully and muttered a few praising words as he started to screw Spyro's tight little muzzle.

Spyro did his best not to gag and ran his tonguie along the underside of Red's cock, making him groan and thrust faster. His precum began seeping into spyro's suckling mouth, which made Spyro's tailtip wag and his own cock to throb in need. His purple and gold tail curled under and began to rub himself.

Suddenly Red pulled back and lifted Spyro with his strong hands. His thick rod began rubbing along Spyro's silky ventral scales and against his young cock. Both dragons began to moan softly as Red's precum made their grinding much easier and faster. Spyro lowered his muzzle to flick his tongue across the slit on the end of Red's cock when it came into range which made his captor buck hiships.

All too soon for Spyro's liking Red's cock pulsed and coated his face and body in thick dragon cum. Red grinned down at his sloppy captive and kept rubbing his shaft over Spyro's spoogey rod and a few moments later the young dragon added his own cream to the mess on his body. Both dragons panted for a few moments before Red unchained Spyro's wrists and let him rest.

"Get some sleep, boy. We'll 'talk' again tomorrow..." With that Red left and guards came in to remove Hunter's still unconscious form and set him free, while others came over to wash Spyro's scales. As they worked, the purple dragon's mind wandered to what might happen the next day and he felt his sheath stir once again...


Comments? Criticism?

e-mail me at: [email protected]