Duty Chapter 17: Legally Binding
#17 of Duty
Alex's first day of school and Joji has a surprising request.
Chapter Seventeen: Legally Binding
September 4th
It was Alex's first day of school.
As much as he hated to get up at 7:00am, get ready, and then have to sit through eight hours of bullshit, there was something about the first day of school that he found refreshing. For some reason, throughout his life, the first day of school was always on a clear, sunny, and warm day, which only stimulated the rejuvenating feeling. One explanation he had for the feeling was that school offered new opportunities, both social and academic (but mostly social as there would be plenty of opportunities to check out the athletes as they practiced). Another explanation he could muster was that school allowed him to value his free time more, something that he took for granted during the summer. But if this year meant anything, Alex had a less mysterious reason for finding the first day of school the least bit relieving: he would be seeing less of Joji around. Alex would apply the same avoidance strategy that he used for all the foster families he hated: he would stay long hours at school. Since Alex usually had few to no real friends, other than his many costumers, hooker-ups, and a couple of on and off relationships, he would usually get a lot of school work done. This is probably why he usually did well in school. After that, he would return back to the family to snag dinner and then he would go out (usually sneaking out) to meet up with any appointments. He would do that until January, he thought, and once he turned eighteen, he would head back to the city. Fuck it if Joji tries to stop him, or if he has to hitchhike back, he had had enough of this Midwestern town.
Alex went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. It only took a few seconds to warm up. He then pulled off his nylon shorts and moved into the hot water.
Still, he was getting some second thoughts about his initial plan. Marcus...that fennec's been putting ideas into my head. But Alex knew that his childhood was almost over. There was nothing he could reclaim or redo. He was almost at the age where he could be free. Free from foster families and orphan agencies. He would be able to go wherever he wanted. Finally do what he wanted. It had been his dream since he was six.
"Go where and do what?" Marcus's words rung in his head as he rested hand on the front shower wall. Maybe I'll wait till after I graduate.
At that, Alex turned off the shower and stepped right back out into the cold. He quickly dried off and walked over to the sink. He took the tower and wiped the mist off of the mirror, which was wide enough so that he could almost get a full view of himself. He whipped off his face and slowly lowered his towel, gazing at his thin, naked body.
Do you really like what you see, kid?
A few minutes later, he was charging down the stairs. He went into the kitchen where he got an energy drink out of the fridge and picked up a bagel from the counter and stuck it in his mouth. Alex then walked into the living room to get his backpack. And there, standing in to the frame of the front door, fully decked out in his police uniform, was Joji, grinning and with Alex's backpack in hand.
"Marcus's out of town, so he isn't driving you to school today," Joji tossed the backpack at Alex, who caught it with his free hand, "Instead, you're getting a police escort."
Alex, glaring and not saying a word, stomped past Joji.
Once on the road, Alex, his arms crossed and his backpack on lap, sat glaring out the passenger window.
"You're still not talking to me," said Joji smiling. Alex said nothing, and he did not move at all.
"Look Alex, I told you how sorry I am..."
Still, Alex ignored Joji.
"What else can I tell you?"
Alex only slouched further into his seat.
"I wouldn't do that," said Joji with a light chuckle, "You'll get some serious back problems."
A few second of silence passed, only filled with the hum of the police car.
"You know, with you not talking to me, or eating with me, or hanging with me, it's almost as if you aren't around anymore. And I'll admit that it's been...kinda lonely around the house for the past week."
Alex resituated himself in his seat and let out a sigh, but remained silent.
Joji himself let out a sigh, "And that got me thinking. Without you around, the house feels emptier. I know we've only been living together for only the last few months, but you've really grown on me...a lot. I not your parent and you're not my child ... but I'd like you to be."
Alex shot his face in Joji's direction, "What?"
Joji smiled and gave a quick wink at the young Dalmatian, as if he expected that this statement would finally get his attention.
"I want to adopt you. As much as you are already part of our family, I want it to be official. You know. Legally. What do you say?"
Alex shook his head, "Joji...I'm almost eighteen."
"I know it's uncommon, but it's still legal."
Alex ran his hands through the fur between his ears.
"Think about it," said Joji staring at the road, "you'll finally no longer be an orphan. I know that I'm not a whole lot older than you but...well...Alex we..." Joji stopped, jittering his mouth as if he was demanding it to say something, "...I love you... and I don't want you to leave. To just walk out on me."
Alex looked down to the floor frowning. Joji made no eye contact himself.
"You know how hard it is for me to say things like this? I never liked doing it," said Joji, still firmly staring at the road, "For God's sake, Alex, please say something..."
I can't tell him what he wants to hear, thought Alex, I don't even know what I want to say anymore.
The stress of looking for something to say was lifted by the stopping of the car in front of Mayfield High School.
If I could just jump out quick enough to...
Alex swiftly pushed through the door, but when he reached for his backpack, Joji grabbed it before he could.
"What do you say?" asked Joji with his sincere brown eyes.
"I'll think about it..." was all that Alex said. Joji released his grip on the backpack and Alex took off toward the glass door entrance of the school.