A Fateful Encounter

Story by Atsila on SoFurry

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#1 of 18+ and other Kinky stuff.

A young woman faced with financial difficulty becomes a Rocket grunt. For her final initiation, she has to capture a Pokémon. Unfortunately, her task becomes a nightmare when she stumbles into the den of a none too pleased Arcanine.

Her boots swamped across the damp forest. Jasmine sighed to herself as her task at hand overwhelmed her thoughts. She shook her head, trying to remind herself of a good reason why she would employ herself with Team Rocket. These criminals made their living off harvesting Pokemon for their skills, genetic engineering their first priority. She slouched, and shook her head as these thoughts raced through her mind. She saw what they had done to Mewtwo, Meowth, and the others, modifying them far beyond their natural state.

Jasmine wasn't exactly privileged. Her father was a wreckless drunkard, her mother stolen by cancer two years ago. With her mother's job sacrificed, Jasmine's wellbeing depended on the so-called "care" of her father, as if his screaming and shaming could be considered care. It's not as if she wanted to become a criminal. Far from it. But her desperate situation forced her to follow the dollar.

Jasmine's task was to capture a Pokemon as part of her initiation. What would she catch? Where would she go? "Two hours in this maze and I haven't found a single Pokemon!" She leaned against a tree in frustration. If she couldn't do this, what was left for her? Then her eyes jolted leftwards. A cave. Her nerves clutched her as she forced out a gulp. "I...really don't want to do this...but what choice do I have?" With that, she tipped her Rocket-themed hat and made her way into the den, in search of whatever laid within. A dimly lit fire around the corner eased her nerves a little. "Maybe it's another human? Or even a trainer?" she thought to herself.

The rocket-clad women walked briskly, yet careful to the source of the light. She gulped nervously, a bead of sweat trickling down her brow, only to find an Arcanine dozing away on a makeshift hay bed. There was no way the Pokemon Team Rocket provided could take this beast. Maybe this wasn't the Pokemon she was meant to catch. Sure, the perks for capturing an Arcanine would be great, but what would happen to her if all her Pokemon fainted? Jasmine gulped and stumbled back. Snap! She shuddered and looked down at the twig she just stepped on. She looked ahead of her as crimson eyes glared back.

Jasmine's nerves took over in her bid to step away from the large dog. She clumsily tripped, hat falling off, the massive fire dog inching towards her. His eyes gleamed an ambiance of anger, fangs bared and an angry growl emanating from his chest. He slowly paced his way towards her, his irritability evident in each powerful step.

"What do you think you're doing here," the fire dog asked in a booming masculine voice. Jasmine didn't bother to ask him how she could speak. She just wanted to make it out alive at this point. He made his way towards the Rocket grunt in training.

"I-I'm s-so sorry for interrupting your sleep, Mr. Arcanine. I have a job to do for this group called "Team Rocket, and..."

"Team Rocket?" A roar bellowed throughout the den as he lept forward, fangs bared. Every Pokemon in that forest knows who Team Rocket is and what they stand for. Jasmine's heart sank at the sight of the beast barreling towards her. He crashed into her, pinning the young girl to the cave floor. Her eyes were closed tightly, expecting the Arcanine to kill her outright for disturbing him. All she could hear was a vicious growl stemming from his chest. A few seconds pass, and she finally mustered the courage to look at the dog in the face. If he was intimidating from a distance, he was even more so up close. Her gaze was fixated on his blade-like fangs, their thin coating of saliva shimmered off the light in the cave.

"You dare come into my den in the name of Team Rocket?" He snarled, a bit of drool splashing her face. "Girly, you don't know who you're dealing with. Now you have to pay the price."

What price could he be talking about? His brawny forepaws pinned her down, bringing a sharp tinge of pain throughout her arms. Jasmine's mind was racing as the towering Arcanine simply stared at her, eyeing her up and down. He thought for a few seconds before a vindictive grin wrapped around his muzzle.

"W-why are you looking at me l-like that?" Jasmine's voice shivered strongly.

"Tell you what: you're kinda pretty, and I'm a nice guy, so I'll cut you a deal." Arcanine chuckled to himself. Jasmine gulped. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know what his next words would be.

"I haven't had any good headwork in a while. You suck me off till I coat your face, and you're free to go. How does that sound, hmm?"

Jasmine's eyes widened as Arcanine's offer sunk in. "Is he serious? He wants to...o-on my...what?"

"So, do we have a deal or do I have to make an example out of you?" Jasmine just laid there under his weight. Her eyes darted around while her mind searched for an answer.

"You'll suck, if you know what's good for you." Of course she didn't want to die. She sighed and nodded, admitting what she must do. "Good." Arcanine eased his weight off of her, took a few steps back, and sat down. Jasmine sat up and looked at him, her eyes jolting to what he had down there. His malehood was massive. So long. So thick. And that radiant red coloring. She gasped at how big he actually was. Sure, this Arcanine was large in stature, but she didn't expect him to have a ten-inch cock.

"Well? You better get to work." Jasmine shook her head and crawled nearer, kneeling between his legs, his musk prying its way into her nostrils. She leaned in and eyeballed him in all of his glory, throbbing and twitching in her face, demanding her attention. Jasmine wrapped her left hand around his meat, just above the knot and took note of how hot it was. Not enough to be scalding, but definitely warmer than a human's would normally be. She began to pump up and down, the fire dog responding with a content purr after a few seconds. "Mmm, nice soft hands. Now let's see how well you work with that pretty little mouth of yours." He leaned forward, demanding entrance. Jasmine squinted and turned her head, not wanting to taste him. But she didn't have a choice.

She opened her mouth and suckled at the tip, her hand still working on him. Slowly, she began to bob her head over what all she could fit in. Jasmine may be poor, but she isn't stupid. She knew the better of a job she did, the sooner she would be on her way. She necked herself back and forth, her tongue bathing and massaging his cock. "Mmmhmpph," she moaned, sending vibrations through Arcanine's length. She was careful to pay special attention to the head. givin the tip a soft kiss each time her head retreated. He rewarded her with a deep moan, head tilted back in sheer pleasure. His length gave a hard pulse within her mouth, a shot of precum landing right on her tongue. Without a thought of displeasing her captor, she swallowed it down.

"Oooooh, good girl. You've done this before, haven't you?" He patted her head and stared down at Jasmine doing her job. Her head beginning to bob more rapidly. "Heh, makes sense for a girl with a rack like that." It was true. Jasmine had to do a few "favors" for her Team Rocket recruiters. She didn't exactly like going down, but when you're desperate to put food on your plate, or in this case, save your life, that desperation will rule you.

Jasmine decided to try and deepthroat him. She closed her eyes and thrust herself down as far as she could go, her cheeks bulging with his meat. Arcanine looked down at his little morsel, growling lustfully. Jasmine's eyes watered as she was merely one inch away from reaching his knot. She held her position as long as she could, tongue coating the dog's length, while the rest of him throbbed in the back of the girl's throat. Just as she was about to pull off, Arcanine began to rock his hips, forcing Jasmine to gag as his cock glided back and forth into her throat, coating her mouth with pre-cum. Being face-fucked by this sadistic Arcanine startled her, but she mentally told herself that it was all "worth it".

After a few minutes, Arcanine's throbbing became stronger and more frequent. His head tilted back, tongue hanging out in lust. "Ooooh, I'm gonna ruin that pretty little face of yours," he panted. "Y-you little slut." Jasmine just wanted this to end.

He got on top of her, knocking her on her back as the dog violently plundered her throat. Jasmine's eyes were closed tightly, trying to block out what was happening as his pace intensified. His growls became more profound, a deep pleasure coursing throughout his lower body. Without a word of warning, he came down her throat with a feral howl, shooting directly down her gullet before inching back, filling her mouth and forcing Jasmine to swallow roughly to avoid choking. He backed up further, finally letting his thick load explode right onto her face. First one shot, then another shot, and another still. Eventually he had covered her entire body with cum, marking her as his trophy. Jasmine couldn't even open her eyes. All she could feel was his warm, slimy load continuously blasting her, covering every inch of her voluptuous body. She should have expected so much from such a big Arcanine.

After a few more seconds, his orgasm finally began to die down. He panted heavily and opened his eyes to see what he can done to the young girl. He chuckled sadistically as a confident smirk crawled across his muzzle. "Heh. That's a good look for you." Jasmine searched around in her bag, reaching for a towel to at least clean off her eyelids. Finally she opened her eyes, looking up to the fire dog standing before. "That was the best damn blowjob I've ever had, girly. You've definitely got some skills!"

She shivered at his "compliment". "S-so, I'm free to go now...right?" A low rumble soon spread throughout the den. Arcanine looked down at his stomach.

"Well would you look at that? I guess all that face-fucking worked up an appetite." His feral eyes locked with her desperate eyes, sending a shock of panic through Jasmine's spine. He took a step closer.

"Y-you can't be serious! We had a deal! You e-even said..." She was cut off by Arcanine's voice.

"That was before you made me hungry with that pretty little throat of yours." His words truly terrified Jasmine, acting like this whole situation was all her fault. How cruel is this Pokemon? Up utill then, she had been only worried, but now he had other plans for her, and her fate seemed sealed.

He pounced upon her, pinning the young girl down once more. This time, he began clawing and biting at her clothes, turning her only protection into ribbons. Jasmine screamed in vain, hoping that anyone or anything would come to her aid. She did her best to kick and fail, but it was no use. Arcanine had her arms and legs pinned while he worked on decimating her clothing. After a minute, Jasmine was completely exposed and only her shoes and socks remained. He backed up, careful to keep her in place while he tore at her shoes, and then her socks. There was nothing she could do to convince this Pokemon that she should live, and she knew it. Jasmine began to cry, tears welling up under her eyelids.

Arcanine moved up closer to her head, dragging his rough canine tongue across her face. He could taste his seed from before, but It didn't matter to him. It only added to her flavor. After giving her a nice coat of saliva, she opened his powerful jaws and placed her head against his tongue. Jasmine's heart and mind were racing dangerously fast as the fire dog's musk and hot breath flared her nostrils. He maneuvered her head to the back of his throat and starting gulping. Jasmine realized something. He wasn't even chewing. He was swallowing her whole! Her crying and screaming became more intense, but to no avail. The strict confines of his throat muffled any chance of someone coming to her aid.

Arcanine's tongue bathed her lavishing young body, glossing her with a thick coat of saliva as he pushed her further down his anxious gullet. He had her in up to her chest by now, his throat muscles busily inching Jasmine closer to her destination. The hot air of his throat contrasting sharply with the cool breeze throughout the den. She felt sick. How could this have happened? All she could do was reflect on her past at this point and she sighed to herself, tears streaming down her face.

"Maybe this is for the best," she thought to herself, her mental state working to find a reason to accept what was happening to her. Growing up being abused and being on the verge of homelessness, sometimes she wanted to end it all. Now it was finally happening. She was going to die. Her body remained still, silently crying to herself as Arcanine had nearly swallowed her entirely. Her head popped into his stomach, the smell of death attacking her nostrils. She felt her feet disappear into Arcanine's carnivorous jaws, clacking shut, cutting her off once and for all from the outside world.

Jasmine curled up inside the dog's stomach and cried to herself, having been heartily defeated by this sadistic beast. She heard him let out a proud belch before licking his lips and walking over to his makeshift bed for a nice nap. He laid down on his side, tauntingly patting his extended belly. "Don't worry, girly. You did your job well and made a nice dinner. Be proud of yourself for that!" He chuckled to himself before laying his muzzle against the stringy hay he called a bed, slowly being lulled asleep by the occasional tossing and turning of his latest meal. "Nothing like the live ones," he thought to himself. "...pleasing you to their final breath." Before long, Jasmine curled up and allowed herself some sleep, waiting for the Arcanine's acids to take her.

If only she had chosen a different cave...