Good things come to those who wait

Story by Rustic_King on SoFurry

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#11 of A Gentleman's Journal

Author's Note:

Again, I'm really sorry it took six months to write this! Hopefully it's not too bad and is an enjoyable read. I tried to make a story that advanced the plot and gave insights into the characters motivations - particularly Celestia's. I mean, how would any of us deal with falling in love with someone who lived a much shorter life than us? I may need to tweek this here and there, but I think you've waited more than long enough.

If you can't be bothered googling all those names, They are all variations on "bad/evil news"The basic idea is that this is someone who only ever speaks bad/evil/hateful words. Tolkien fans may know the first one as the appellation given to Gandalf by Grima Wormtongue in an attempt to imply that he only ever brought bad news.

The poem that Edmund begins to quote when he is back in the UK is from Canto Sixth of "The wanderer" by Sir Walter Scott.

Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,

Who never to himself hath said,

This is my own, my native land!

Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd,

As home his footsteps he hath turn'd,

From wandering on a foreign strand!

If such there breathe, go, mark him well;

For him no Minstrel raptures swell;

High though his titles, proud his name,

Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;

Despite those titles, power, and pelf,

The wretch, concentred all in self,

Living, shall forfeit fair renown,

And, doubly dying, shall go down

To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,

Unwept, unhonour'd, and unsung.

I left the interview room, my mind reeling from all that that had happened. I don't remember the trip back home at all, but I know that when I arrived I went straight the the bedroom and collapsed on the bed without undressing and it was two days before I was well enough to venture out of bed.

A week later, I was reading some stories to the foals.

"Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote

The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,

And bathed every veyne in swich licour

Of which vertu engendred is the flour,

Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth

Inspired hath in every holt and heeth

The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne

Hath in the Ram his halve cours yronne,

And smale foweles maken melodye,

That slepen al the nyght with open ye

(so priketh hem Nature in hir corages),

Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,

And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,

To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;

And specially from every shires ende

Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende,

The hooly blisful martir for to seke,

That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.

Bifil that in that seson on a day,

In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay

Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage

To Caunterbury with ful devout corage, "

'Ahem, what are you reading to our children?' came Milky Way's voice from the doorway

'The Canterbury tales; a classic!' I replied, looking up from the book

'Ed, you cant read that to the foals, it's far too bawdy!' she chastised me as she entered the nursery

'Don't worry, I won't read the more racy parts.' I answered 'Besides, they aren't going to know what an "ers" is anyway.'

Milky gave me "the look"; she had one brow raised, and her whole face spoke of her disapproval which she couldn't put into words

'All right, I suppose it is a bit much, I'll read something else.' I said, quailing under her stern gaze

I rummaged through the pile of books until I found one I thought was a better match.

'Ah, "The tale of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter.' I said, and began to read it

"Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were - Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They lived with their Mother in a sand-bank, underneath the root of a

very big fir-tree.

'Now my dears,' said old Mrs. Rabbit one morning, 'you may go into

the fields or down the lane, but don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden:

your Father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs.


'Wait, the father got turned into a pie? What kind of children's story is this?' Milky interjected, aghast.

'The kind that teaches children to listen to their parents. It's better than, say "The little train that could" any road.' I replied

Milky raised her brow further still, shrugged and sat down with the foals, which I took as permission to continue. Scarcely a few moments later, the foals had all fallen asleep. Very carefully, Milky and I put them into their cots and quietly made our way to the lounge. Octavia was reading a book, and Lightning Dust was draped on the back of my armchair.

'I don't know why you bother reading to them, they don't understand a word you're saying.' Milky said, following me onto the couch

'I know, but I'd like to think that on a subconscious level it's working - you know making them smarter.' I replied, stretching out my legs

'Well as long as they're smarter than you, I'll be happy.' Lightning Dust put in snarkily

'I love you too dear.'

'Shut up.' she shot back, blushing bright red

'Please you two, if you're going to start that, go to the bedroom - and don't wake the foals.' Octavia remarked dryly

'' Lightning blurted before mouthing silently, unable to come up with a suitable retort

'Much better!' Octavia said, settling back onto the recliner and resuming the book she had been reading

Lightning Dust shut her mouth and laid back down with a sour expression on her face.

At that moment, we were surprised by a knock on the door.

Groaning slightly, I stood 'I'll get it.' I said as headed down the hallway

I opened the door to find Celestia on the threshold, accompanied by Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike.

'Celestia, I wasn't expecting you!'

'Yes, I am sorry to drop in like this, I can come back if it's a bother.' she replied in her clear, melodious voice

'No, no, it's no bother at all. Won't you come in Princess? I beg your pardon - Princesses.' I added, with a small bow to Twilight.

'Thank you Edmund, but you needn't call me "Princess" you know.' Celestia said with a warm smile

'And you can just call me Twilight.' Princess Twilight added

'All right then, Celestia, Twilight, please make yourselves at home.'

'I'll, wait out here.' Spike said in a tone of resignation

'Oh, Master Spike! Please forgive me for ignoring you, do come in! I happen to have some fine Amethysts that I was intending to give you on your birthday, but I think a few weeks early is OK.'

Spike's eyes widened, and he grinned from ear to ear as he jogged alongside the Princesses as they entered.

'So, how are the foals?' I asked

'Oh, they're fine, Luna and Harry are minding them for me.

'Aren't they a bit busy planning their wedding?'

'I asked them the same thing, but they said they didn't mind taking a break for one afternoon. Luna seems very happy being an auntie, she spends so much time with Estel and Goldenmane.'

'Well that's good.' I replied a little tonelessly

'You seem a little depressed Edmund.' Celestia said

Had it been that obvious?

'Yeah, this whole court case has really knocked me for a six.' I replied

'But that's not all, it it?' she asked gently

'I wish it were, but there's something much more troubling.' I said

I then recounted the experience I'd had with the mysterious entity.

The room was silent, save for Spike happily munching on the Amethysts.

'But this is terrible! Now that the Elements of Harmony have been returned to the tree, we have nothing to fight back with!' Twilight frowned

'Don't worry Twilight, we still have powerful means of defence.' Celestia said soothingly

Twilight looked as though she wanted to press the point but thought better of it and remained silent.

'And what of Prince Harry?' Octavia asked, seeking to lighten the mood

'Well he spends part of his time on duty with the royal guards at the castle, and the rest of the time helping Luna and working on his vows. I often come across him in the library trying to find some inspiration from poetry books. I think he is having trouble finding the right words.' she replied with a gentle smile

'I see, next time you see him tell him to consider Shakespeare's' sonnets.'

'I'll do that.'

'I was wondering about the wedding, I was surprised to hear that The British Queen had given consent for Harry and Luna to wed.' Lightning piped up

'Yes, the law still states that anyone wishing to marry into the Royal family must be a communicant of the Anglican Church, but Her Majesty used her Royal pejorative and issued a proclamation giving her blessing for that requirement to be waived.' I explained

'But why?' she pressed

'Because, she takes advice and even an idiot like Cameron can see the advantages of a union with Equestria. Besides which, family is very important for the Queen, and if it makes Prince Harry happy then she's willing to circumvent the outdated law.' I replied calmly

'Well, I suppose we had best be going, thank you for your hospitality ladies.' Celestia announced an hour later

'I'll walk you to the door.' I said, standing up and leading them down the hallway

As she walked towards the front door, Celestia paused and then turned back to face me 'Edmund?'

'Yes?' I asked

Her face faltered for the merest of moments before resuming its usual beneficent expression.

'Never mind, it's not important.' she replied with a smile

'Are you sure? It seemed like you had something that you wanted to tell me.' I said

'I'm quite sure, Please pay it no mind. Well, we had best be off, goodbye for now.'

And with that they left.

'That was weird.' I said as I made my way back into the living room

'What was?' Milky asked

'For a minute I thought Celestia had something personal she wanted to tell me, but then she said it was nothing. She seemed a little sad, but left before I could say anything more.'

'I wonder if she's feeling a little lonely? It must be hard seeing us being a happy family when she's all alone. Edmund, do you think she wants to ask to join our family?'

'I'm sure she loves you Edmund, but what of you, do you love her?' Octavia asked

I thought for a minute before answering

'Maybe, I won't force the issue, I'll let her decide when and if she wants to ask. And, yes I'd be lying if I said I didn't love her. She's kind, wise and beautiful, so yes I love her. What do you ladies think?'

'I think it is a wise decision, and I like Celestia, she's a great ruler and a good friend.' Octavia said

'Yeah, I'd be happy to share you with Celestia!' Lightning piped up from her usual spot on my armchair

'If the other girls are OK with it then so am I, I just want Celestia to be happy.' Milky added

In the months that followed, there were more conflicts and diplomatic spats back on Earth, and increasing amounts of anti-pony sentiment.

"UN calls on Equestria to accept refugees."

'A special assembly of the UN issued a formal request to Equestria to accept a transport of 3,500 west African refugees today.'

"China seeks mining contracts in Equestria."

"Royal Sisters refuse to relax immigration policies"

After weeks of negotiations, Canterlot re-affirmed its opposition to mass immigration from Earth. A spokesman made the following statement.

"The Princesses have both made it clear that mass immigration to Equestria is just not feasible or desirable. Equestria simply cannot support large numbers of humans. If any great quantity of humans were to settle in Equestria, the environment could not support them. Humans would want to live here just as they do on Earth; which would destroy our world and our very way of life. The Princesses both favour limited and controlled immigration policies."

When questioned on if their policy was motivated by speciesism, the spokesman retorted

"That's blatantly untrue. Need I remind you that Celestia's foals have a human father, and that Luna is soon to marry Prince Harry of Wales?"

It was in this climate that I received a letter from Twilight.

"Dear Edmund,

I need to discuss some things with you at the Canterlot archives. Please meet me next Thursday in the Starswirl the Bearded wing."

And so the next Thursday, I entered the Starswirl the Bearded wing. At the far end of the room Twilight was in front of a large window reading a large, and seemingly ancient book on a wooden lectern. Her assistant Spike was there too, reading a Power Ponies comic as he leant against the lectern.

At the sound of my footsteps, she turned to face me.

'Edmund, thanks for coming.'

'No problem, always glad to do my bit for Equestria. So, what have you got?'

'I've done some research in the Canterlot archives, and I think I found some references to this being.'

From behind her, Spike made a face that seemed to suggest that he had done much of the work fetching heavy and dusty tomes from hard to reach places.

'Excellent! So, what did you find?'

'Not much I'm afraid, mostly just a long list of names. "Laþspell, Laþspelian, The Emissary, The Word, The Deceiver, Maldictus." it lists about 20 such names before a short entry that I think is vital.'

'In the year 256 BU, a spirit of vexation began to make itself known. When questioned, witnesses all told that it had announced itself as servant to "He of the unbound Majesty, the one who was, is and ever shall be.".It began to spread all sorts of strife and enmity. Preaching the destruction of nations couched in fair words, speaking of brotherhood and unity. Some were swayed and began to betray their kin, but most resisted the honeyed poison. When fair words failed, it began to promote hatred and war against the other races and those of the nation who refused his entreaties. Furthermore, the witnesses were told that the day would come when all would bow to the "Lord Eternal". The uniformity of these reports lends credence to these claims.'

'Wait, BU? What does that mean?' I asked, nonplussed

'Oh right, It means before unification. Before the separate Pony kingdoms united to become Equestria.'

'So, what happened next?' I asked, keen to learn more

'Well, from then on the records are a bit sporadic, but from what I can tell, a period of increasing tensions eventually led to the appearance of the Windegoes and the foundation of Equestria.'

'That is interesting, but that still doesn't tell us who is responsible; or does it?'

'I know what you're thinking, and I'm temped to think it too, but for one thing.'

'Which is?'

'Discord is his own master. Until Fluttershy offered him her friendship, there was no one and nothing that could make Discord do anything he didn't want to do. And besides, he's more interested in having a laugh than plots to help some evil entity take over.'

'Hmm, you make a fair point. Still it may be a good idea to have Fluttershy keep an eye on him.'

'I'll ask her, but she hates doing that sort of thing.' she said doubtfully

'Thank you, well I'll be going now Twilight, well done on the research Spike.' I said before making my exit

Before I left, I decided to pay a visit to the royal nursery.

The twin nannies bowed as I entered the room.

'Welcome your Grace!' they chimed in unison

'Edmund, please ladies. How are my children?'

They're doing well, your - I mean Edmund.' one of them replied

At that moment, Goldenmane began to cry, and the cause was immediately apparent.

'Oh dear, looks like somepony needs a nappy change.' I said

'Right away your Grace!' one of the nannies said

'No need, I'll do it, I am their father after all.'

I made my way to their play pen.

'Upsie-daisie, time to get all cleaned up!' I said as I lifted Goldenmane over to the changing table

I impressed the nannies with my skills in nappy-changing, as I had Goldenmane cleaned up and in a new nappy with practised ease.

'That was amazing Edmund!' they enthused as I gently rocked Goldenmane as she cooed and blew spit bubbles

Slowly she began to fall asleep, nuzzling into my chest, yawning and closing her eyes. I turned to see Celestia watching from the doorway with an expression of mingled happiness and regret .

'I see why your wives are so taken with you, you're a wonderful father.' she said softly as she entered

'Thank you, but I feel rather guilty that I don't spend nearly enough time with all my children. I replied as I gently laid Goldenmane in her cot.

'You know you can visit any time you like. I'm sure the foals would enjoy seeing you more often.'

'I promise I will try to visit more often, but as for now I have to get back to Nutwood.'

And so, with great reluctance I left for home.

_ April twenty-third _

It was 23rd April,St. Georges day, and as usual the towns and villages around Trottingham were celebrating with gusto. Nutwood was holding a village fête. There were all the usual things; raffles, coconut shies, bat a rat stalls, white elephant stalls, cakes, and home produce such as jams & pickles. We had plenty of entertainment too, with Morris dancing, tug of war, fancy dress and much more. And as the local Lord I was to open the festivities.

'Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls! As you know the Ponies and Humans here in Nutwood and nearby have a tight-knit community, we are bound by our similarities which enable us to transcend our differences. We celebrate all holidays here, and today is Saint Georges' day! Here is a poem which I think encapsulates, everything the Saint George's day is about. It is called " O England, country of my heart's desire" by E.V Lucas.'

" O England, country of my heart's desire,

Land of the hedgerow and the village spire,

Land of thatched cottages and murmuring bees,

And wayside inns where one may take one's ease.

Of village green where cricket may be played

And fat old squirrels sleeping in the shade -

O Homeland, far across the main,

How I would love to see your face again! -

Your daisied meadows and your grassy hills,

Your primrose banks, your parks, your tinkling rills,

Your copses where the purple bluebells grow

Your quiet lanes where lovers linger so,

Your cottage-gardens with their wallflowers' scent,

Your swallows 'neath the eaves, your sweet content!

And 'mid the fleecy clouds that o'er you spread.

Listen, the skylark singing overhead-

That's the old country, that's the old home!

You never forget it wherever you roam."

'That's all I have to say; so, eat, drink and be merry!' I called once the noise had quieted'

The assembled crowd gave a massive cheer and round of applause, which took some minutes to subside.

A month later we all travelled to Canterlot to join the main delegation to Earth for the wedding of Princess Luna and Prince Harry.

We were surprised to be met at the castle by a man, who was wearing the armour of a royal guard adapted for a human. The only other difference was that he had an Anglo-Saxon style sword strapped at his side, and he wore a hammer amulet around his neck.

'Wæs þú hál! I am Cenwulf, Captain of the western Marches. The Princesses have requested me to greet you and beg you wait but a while while they finish their preparations.'

He led us to small walled garden where Estel and Goldenmane were being minded by a pair of unicorn nannies.

'Of course, thank you Captain. I must say I am surprised to see a human in Equestrian uniform.' I said, placing Hurricane, Cadenza, Éowyn and Éomer on the blanket next to their half-siblings 'I'd heard rumours, but is it true you're the first Human in the Royal Guard?'

'Yes, I am the first, and so far the only Human in Equestrias' armed forces. Celestia saved me from a lifetime on veterans benefits and gave me a new lease on life. For that, she has my utmost loyalty. She speaks highly of you, and between you and me she - '

At that moment, trumpets sounded, and the castle doors opened and Celestia, Twilight, Spike, Luna and Prince Harry came into view.

'Thank you Cenwulf, that will be all.' Celestia said as she approached

'It was an honour your Highness, have a safe trip and enjoy the wedding. And fear not, my men and I will guard the foals with our lives, no harm will come to them so long as I live.'

'I have no doubt that my foals are in safe hands, thank you Captain.' Celestia said with a beatific smile

'We're not taking our foals?' I asked

'I thought it best to leave them here, they're too young to travel through the portal to a strange new world.'

I see what you mean, and I quite agree, much better to leave them here.' I nodded, understanding her meaning

'Now we leave everything in your capable hooves Twilight Sparkle, Do not fear the power of the sun and moon, you have more than enough strength to control them.' Luna said kindly

'Yes, you are the brightest student I have ever had, and a wise Princess. I know you will do fine, just relax.' Celestia added.

'Don't worry Princess! I'll be here to help her!' Spike said enthusiastically

'Thanks Spike, you really are my number one assistant!' Twilight said, blushing

It was a long trip to the portal, and an even longer flight to the UK that even the luxury of a private jet could not assuage. By the time we got to the airport, i was severly jet-lagged and the trip through the portal didn't help matters.

We left the airport and got into the special car that had been sent for us. I gazed listlessly out of the window as we made our way into London.

'You seem rather subdued, aren't you glad to be back home?' Octavia asked

'Of course I am. "Breathes there the man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land! Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd, As home his footsteps he hath turn'd, From wandering on a foreign strand!" It's just-' I yawned hugely 'I'm a little jet-lagged is all.'

When I made it to our private apartment at the hotel, I stripped down to my underwear and crawled into bed and was asleep in seconds.

I awoke in the small hours of the morning, and at first I thought I had a headache, but soon I recognised a familiar scent. One of my wives was in heat again. My head began to get fuzzy, and I felt myself growing aroused as I instinctively sniffed for the source of the scent that was inflaming my senses. Realising what was happening, with a great effort, I slipped out of bed, and made my way to the bathroom.

I stood under the cold stream of water, trying to dull my senses through the shock of icy water. It seemed to be working as my raging erection slowly subsided. Once I was back to normal, I turned off the tap, stepped out and wrapped a warm towel around my waist and donned a bath robe As I made to steal back to bed, I came face to face with Lightning Dust who was blocking my way to the closed door.

'Oh, good morning! I er, just needed to take a shower and - ' I trailed off as the scent of a mares heat filled my nostrils

'Yeah, me too.' she too trailed off as her eyes wandered to my groin, a hungry look soon appeared on her face

Once again my body had reacted without my consent

'Oh, that's just -'

'Mine!' she almost shouted before leaping forward and tugging the towel until it came loose.

'Lightning, please! I know you're in heat but if we do it now we might wake the whole hotel, let alone the others! I whispered frantically as she advanced on me

'I don't care, I need this. It's been so long.' she replied huskily

'I know it has, and I want it too, you know what the smell of heat does to me, but I-' the "I" became long and drawn out as she had taken my throbbing member inside her mouth.

As she suckled on my cock, she looked up at me with smug satisfaction. I groaned and lay back, signalling my surrender to her desires. Closing my eyes, I revelled in her ministrations, but all too soon, I felt that pleasant sensation end.

'That's it! time to get to the real deal.' I heard Lightning say

I opened my eyes and propped myself up on one elbow and the sight that met my eyes, nearly made me cum then and there.

Lightning was presenting right in front of me, her eyes glazed over with lust, her mane ruffled and her vagina dripping liquid as her clit winked in and out. If that wasn't enough, the sound her cunny made each time, a squelchy, gooey sound as the pussy juice was squeezed out made my mind up for me. Without her having to ask, I slid myself into her.

'Ahhh! Yes, that's what I've wanted!' she crooned in rapture

'Unf! You're so hot and tight!' I gasped as her walls clamped around my member

'I'm so glad you like it, now please fuck me!' she moaned

And so I did, ploughing in and out of her slowly, yet forcefully, eliciting soft whimpers of pleasure.

'Uhhn, faster, fuck me faster!' she cried out after a few minutes

I clamped my hand over her muzzle 'Shh! the others will hear you!'

'Then just fuck me! Stop being so gentle, and really give it to me, be a brute!' she hissed back

I gritted my teeth, 'She's just as demanding as ever!' I thought

I pulled almost completely out of her before slamming back into as fast as I could

'Oh yes! Like that!' she yelled in ecstasy as continued at that pace, her lithe form shaking with each thrust

'Lightning, I'm getting close!'

'Ahh! Me too, cum inside me! Make another foal in me!' she cried.

And at those words, I felt my cum explode from me and release my seed deep inside her clasping pussy.

I feared that she would demand another session right away, but thankfully she did not as today was not a day for non-stop sex. Only later did we realise that she had managed to get pregnant from that one love-making which was good since that day we had to attend the final rehearsal of the wedding, which was the next day.

We spent the rest of the week exploring London, being the most tourist-like tourists in all England. There was no "must-see" that we did not see. It was great fun just enjoying time with my wives. But as the day of the wedding drew closer, all the nerves began to fray. Indeed by the time it came, we we just glad that soon it would be all over.

I reached out my hand and rather forcfully shut off the alarm.

'Time to get up I'm afraid, ladies, we have a lot to do and we won't be able to keep our security detail waiting, those blokes run on a tight schedule.' I said, mainly for Lightnings benefit

Three hours later we were climbing out of the limosene that had been assigned to us.

As we made our way into Westminister Abbey, I caught we snippets of of the reporters commentary.

'And here's Edmund Johnson, Earl of Trottingham and father to Prince Estel and Princess Goldenmane with his three lovely wives.'

We were greeted at the door by the Bishop of London himself, Richard Chatres.

'Welcome your Grace, my ladies. Please follow Deacon Brown to your seats.' He said warmly

The service was to be mix of Equestrian and Anglican elements, to be jointly officiated with the head celebrant of Equestria and the senior clerics of the Church of England.

Archbishop Welby gave a short sermon about how marriages are sacred unions, and that love has the power to unite and added that no amount of hate can overwhelm pure love.

'For that is what we see here before us today. Prince Harry and Princess Luna have found love together in spite of so many obstacles, and in the words of the Pslamist "A Domino factum est istud et hoc mirabile in oculis nostris." This is the work of the Lord, and it is marvellous in our eyes.'

The Head celebrant of Equestria was next to speak.

He cleared his throat, 'Dearly beloved, we are gathered here, on this day blessed by Celestia to unite two hearts in blessed matrimony. The groom will now read his vows.'

Harry cleared his throat and began reciting.

"She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

Thus mellow'd to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impaired the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress,

Or softly lightens o'er her face;

Where thoughts serenely sweet express

How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodness spent,

A mind at peace with all below,

A heart whose love is innocent!"

'And now, I ask , do you, Princess Luna Selene take this man to be your husband? Do you vow to stay together in fair weather or foul, when the grass is green and when it is brown?'

' I do. ' Luna replied

'And now I must ask, do you Henry Charles Albert David take this mare to be your wife? Do you vow to stay together in fair weather or foul, when the grass is green and when it is brown?'

'I do.' he replied

Bishop Chatres stepped forward and loosely bound them hand & hoof with his stole.

'May your souls be bound, one to the other as long as you both shall live. In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.'

The celebrant then cleared his throat, a called out 'If any pony has a valid reason why these hearts should not be wed, then I invite them to speak now, or forever hold their peace.'

No one uttered a word, nor even moved.

'Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife.'

Harry and Luna then kissed, to fanfare and the ringing of bells

The atmosphere outside as the crowd cheered the newly-weds was electric. The joy, optimism and pride was a wonder to see. They adored the young Prince and they wished to share and communicate their joy at the wedding to this beautiful Princess, so different, yet so elegant.

After all the state occasions came the private function at Windsor Castle. Part way though the night, Celestia approached me with a serious expression on her face.

'Edmund, may I speak to you in private?' she asked

As the festivities continued, we walked to a secluded alcove.

'What did you need to talk to be about?'

'Edmund, do remember that day a few months ago that I came to visit?'

'Yes, I remember, it seemed like you wanted to say something to me. But then you dismissed it as unimportant.'

'I'm afraid I was lying. It was important, perhaps the most important thing in my life.' she said soberly

'What, Celestia please, tell me.' I said gently

'Edmund, for a long time now I have been fighting a very strong emotion. You must understand, for someone who lives as long as Alicorns do, forming close emotional attachments to mortals is painful. I have had many good friends that I have seen grow old and die, I still feel their deaths as if they happened yesterday.'

'Celestia, are you trying to say-?

'Yes Edmund, I've fallen in love with you, and my heart is full of both joy and sadness. Joy because I never believed that I could feel this sort of love again, and sadness because I know that one day you must die, as all mortals do.'

I took a half-step towards her and laid my hand on her cheek.'

'Celestia, if you ask it of me I will welcome you into my family. You will be as a wife to me, and for whatever span of life God has allotted to me I will ensure that when I am gone you will look back on our time together with nothing but joy.'

'I want to, Edmund, truly I do - but.' she bowed her head

'I know, you fear the day you have to say goodbye. When that day comes I will say what I say to you now. Do not mourn that I am dead, but celebrate that I was alive.'

She looked at me with great earnestness before nodding.

'Edmund, I love you, and I want to spend as much time as possible by your side. Please, may I join your family?

'My family is now your family, now and forever, let us go and announce our Handfastness to all our friends and family.' I said, and then kissed her passionately.

We returned to the main hall, where everyone else was chatting merrily in groups of two or four.

At the high table, I picked up a Champagne glass and tapped it lightly with a fork.

'Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please!' I called out

Once all the noise had subsided, I continued.

'Today has been a very special day, seeing two hearts bound as one, and I do not wish to overshadow or steal the thunder or otherwise detract from Luna and Harry's special day. But Celestia and I wish only to add to it, to enhance it whilst still remaining in the background. As you know I already have two children by Celestia and that she and I have become very close. In fact we have fallen in love, and as of a few moments ago I formally accepted her as my wife.'

For a few seconds there was perfect silence and then a ripple of polite applause spread through the room.

'Congratulations sister, I wondered when you'd work up the courage to ask him.' Luna said in a gently teasing tone

'Oh, Luna, you know I like to take these things slowly.' she replied serenely

'Well, sister good things come to those who wait.' she replied

At that moment I noticed one of the security men - seemingly the leader - talking via his ear-piece.He made his way to the Prime-Minister and Queen and said something to them which made Cameron blanch and the Queen nod thoughtfully. I had not been the only one to notice, as every face was turned to the two leaders of our nation.

It was the Queen who spoke first.

'Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that as of just a few moments ago North Korea has breached the demilitarized zone and we have reports of blood already being shed. At this time we cannot be sure of what course this renewal of hostilities may take, but I do know that we will rise to met any challenges with the fortitude, courage and dedication that has seen us through so many difficulties.'