Princess and the Dragon 12

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#12 of Princess and the Dragon

Well here it is finally. PORN!!! But try to keep the keyboard clean please, think of the children! ( shamelessly stolen from please try the game out! its epic! its a text game with lots of furry/scaly/kinky sex, transformations and deep plot) ANYWAY this is the shortest chapter but is the first one entirely devoted to the erotic part of our story. I found that part falling behind since I downright refuse to write 10 000 words for one chapter, it makes people tired from read it! Rest assured more porn and other stuff will come after the battle! Until then enjoy. I know I did!

In the night, there was a movement, there was a figure outside the estate house. That figure was well known to us, she was Lillian, the oldest princess of the king. Now, what she was doing there with a battle soon coming, could have been anyone's guess, but I will tell you.

"I hope I look presentable." Lillian whispered to herself as she closed the door, surprisingly the entire village was sleeping, the soldiers needed their rest for the battle tomorrow and the villagers wanted to sleep over the turmoil's of the battle... well, at least they tried too.

Lillian had taken a bath after the meeting and prettied herself up, using her royal make up. She picked out her finest clothes and waited till the dead of night to sneak out.

On her way to the rear town exit which lead to the mountains, she carefully tried to avoid being seen by anyone. She stuck to the dark and with the help of her dark clothes, managed to at least semi conceal herself.

She was soon out of town, when her luck ran out.

"Your royal highness?" She heard a voice from behind her.

'DAMN IT!' She yelled in her head. 'Why now of all times.' She readied herself and slowly turned around, she exhaled.

It was Marian.

The two women looked at each other and then Lillian started first. "Hello Marian, I must admit that I'm rather surprised to find you here."

"I could say the same thing about you, highness." Marian responded.

"Please call me Lillian and you tell me first your reason for being here, after all you did call me out." Lillian eyed her.

Marian looked a bit startled, she was not able to respond for a few moments and then her face began to turn red, she turned her head away despite the fact that Lillian couldn't see her well in the dark.

"I... I... it's not important, ok? We can both be on our way." She said as she turned around.

"Marian wait!" Lillian reached out to her and Marian stopped. "At least tell me where you are going, maybe we can walk there together?" 'DAMN IT AGAIN LILLIAN! DON'T SPEAK BEFORE YOU THINK!' She immediately regretted her words.

"Well... I was on my way to my office, I guess you can come and have a chat." Marian responded.

"That would be lovely." Lillian smiled, good, that is near the mountain.

After a short walk in silence, the two woman were in front of the workshop, Marian unlocked the door and the two entered the rather big building, the two immediately went upstairs to the office and it was only when Marian lit the torches in her office, that she truly noticed Lillian's appearance.

"Wow... you look rather fancy tonight, your Royal...... Lillian?" Marian asked blushing a bit. "What has made you dress up so nicely in this time of hour?"

"I'll tell you later on. But I must say first, you wanted the dragon, you saw him." Lillian leaned back in the chair.

"Yes! He was amazing! Just as I imagined!" Marian tried to hide her excitement, but she saw no need to do so, after all, the princess did know about her little... collection.

"Well, I'll assume that you want to meet him then?" Lillian asked.

"Would I?!" Marian semi gasped. "That would be awesome, I would like to know a bit of... dragon culture." This time she didn't blush, but ended her sentence suggestively, she realized by this point, that there was no need to not being open about the subject at hand.

"Tell me first, what drove you to... love... dragons?" Lillian teased, but in truth she wanted to find out more, after all, she also had a... dragon fetish.

"Well, to be honest, at first I started imagining doing it with horses, but seeing that horses are mostly dirty here and not to mention rare." (This was a time where even the biggest roads didn't improve the economy, a lot of people couldn't afford to travel and a lot didn't want to, as they had no gain in it.) "Well, let's just say that it stayed a fantasy of mine." She finished.

"Really?" Lillian rose her eyebrow. "Why didn't you suck a big juicy horse cock?" She teased, at this point she figured, why not? She knew the other womans kinks and for some reason, that day when she was out of her mind, she acted like... well... acted inappropriately in any case. So why not go along with it.

"Well... the truth is... I'm shy." Marian confessed.

"So you never had sex before?" Lillian asked surprised.

"Nope... I just stick to my wide collection of dildos and fantasies, but I would never dare to do any of the things I come up with. After all, I don't have the time, nor the opportunity." Marian said making a half smile.

"So you wouldn't do it without any... added persuasion or support." Lillian asked.

"What... what do you mean." Marian asked excited.

"Well, let's just say that I know some special someone who can help you with that." The princess said. "Let's just say that he is... a friend and he has... friends who would help you with that. Let's just say that I dressed up tonight to go and see him." She leaned a bit closer.

"I-I don't understand." Marian said unsure.

Lillian smiled. "I'll explain, but let's get back on the subject first. Tell me how you found out that dragons arose you."

"Well, after I saw him in all of his magnificence that day, I just... well, I felt my inner woman telling me to get this one by his manhood!" Marian griped the air demonstratively. "If they have it that is." She finished.

"Well, of course they have it, I mean, how else would they reproduce?" The princes confirmed.

"True, well, with creatures such as dragons you never know." Marian wondered.

"Well, what would you do if you captured a live dragon? Tell me your fantasies." Lillian said. 'Maybe, Malion's brother will fill up Marian, after all he DID joke at the account of his human fetish. (She nearly laughed out loud when she thought of this.)

"Well, I fantasized about hunting him down and tying him up and then watching him squirm humiliated, then I would take him here and hook him up on the machine I have back there and milk him every day." Marian daydreamed. "Of course, that is all just a fantasy, in reality I would NEVER do that to a sane being, buuuuut if I ever found a dragon willing to do all those things with me, I wouldn't mind making a species crime by mating with another species at all! I mean, isn't love about love and sex about sex?" Marian explained.

Lillian worried a bit, that Marian maybe might replace her and take Malion from her, but she realized that it was such a stupid concept. More importantly, she realized that she was TURNED on by what Marian was saying, she too had a dominance fetish and that was a good sign. 'If I ever marry Malion, we would live out our sexual fetishes for all eternity.' She smiled. Lillian looked back a bit, father wouldn't object really, after all, he had sex with a frickin frost giant-ess. She never knew Arthurs mom, since she died before she was born, but it comforted her, knowing her dad would be ok with her choice... the same can't be said for the kingdom... but maybe, just maybe, if Malion becomes a war hero, he could earn the common folks favor.

"Um... princess?" Marian asked.

"It's nothing." Lillian snapped back into reality. "I'm just wondering about my own fetishes." She said.

"Mind sharing them with me?" Marian asked.

Lillian nearly yelled. 'Oh hell why not.' For she needed to be quick and this chat was stalling her, she remembered what she had set out to do.

"Better yet, I'll show you!" She said.

"What-what do you mean?" Marian blushed.

"Tell me first, do you trust me?" Lillian asked.

"Why do you ask?" Marian was confused.

"Answer me." Lillian said coldly.

"Well, yes I do, why do you ask?" Marian began shacking a bit nervously.

"Good, now I need to blindfold you and put you a gag in your mouth." Lillian stood up.

Marian's entire face widened. "You.. you are into girls!?!?!"

"No..." Lillian sighed. "I could do it with a girl, but I'm not, just get the blindfold and the gag..."

Soon the blindfold and the gag was found, Lillian placed both on Marian and secretly lead her out of the village, holding her by the hand. The climb up the mountain was a bit hard, but they managed with Lillian guiding the way.

Soon they were at the cave entrance, Marian was still blissfully unaware where they were. The princes lead them in and Marian heard a light but deep sound, which in fact was Malions soft snoring.

The princess placed Marian in front of the entrance to the main room, where Malion was sleeping on his back, she then took off only the blindfold and had to literally hold Marian down to calm.

"Shhhhhh!" She signaled to her and then took off the gag.

"What are you doing! Are you nuts! There is a fucking dragon here!" Marian whispered to Lillian as she moved behind the wall. The EXACT SAME wall, where Lillian masturbated the first time she saw Malion.

"Relax, I brought you here to enjoy what few others will in their lifetime, just stand there and watch!" Liliian told her.

With that, Lillian moved out of the arch and into the room, she approached Malion.

"Psst, Malion, PSST!" She called out gently.

Malion merely flinched at this.

"Malion, wake up sleepyhead!" She called out again, this time a bit louder.

She saw his eyes opening and the surprise on his face.

"Lillian, why are you here?" He asked confused. (Dragons are able to get up quickly, they don't have the luxury of being able to sleep long.)

"Well, I was worried..." She said.

"About what?" He asked.

"Well I've known you for so long now, I care about you... and I even think that I love you." She confessed to him.

He had a perplexed look on his face. "Lillian... I..."

"Shh! I'm not finished." She shushed him. "Now listen, I am AFRAID, afraid that you might die tomorrow, my family could die! So just in case of that, I'll do something I would not normally do, remember I do this for I love you and for I don't wish to regret not doing it if you die!" She then gently placed a hand in his crotch opening and felt the warm skin of his dragonhood.

Malion was sooo shy and embarrassed and soo glad and happy at the same time, he couldn't say anything, he just laid there on his back and watched the whole ordeal happen right in front of him.

She gently took his fastly raising dragonhood out of its place and stroked it into full erection, it didn't took very long for Malion was always horny for his Lillian.

From hiding, Marian watched this with her jaws wide open and her pussy was instantly wet from the sight.

Malion moaned as Lillian took his balls out of their sacks, his full 7 inches standing tall and proud. Lillian moved aside to let Marian take a look at her first dragon cock!

It was pink like babies skin, unlike Malions scales, it was also soft unlike the rest of the body, you at first couldn't see any veins or arteries of it and it didn't appear to have a head, it was pointy with the small hole on top.

Lillian herself was very excited and very happy, she wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she LOVED Malions cock.

She took both hands and gently stroked it, this was her first time and she was clumsy and inexperienced, but hey, so was Malion, this was his first and therefore best handjob ever! She stroked the smooth cock and watched his reaction, she noticed that he panted and moaned more when she stroked the top of his cock and she focused her hands there.

The cock itself was slippery and hence it didn't need much lube. 'Cock sweat?' Thought Lillian, but she wasn't disgusted, she was glad, for it helped her lube the cock.

In the back, Marian gathered herself, but was soooo horny she fell to her knees, not moving her eyes from the ordeal as she moved her hand to her dress and undressed her undies, she sticked nearly her entire hand down her wet and gaping pussy. She was panting and sweating and was barely breathing, she didn't mind however, this was one of her wildest dreams thought she and Malion would have agreed, he was also in heaven and unable to believe this was reality.

The princess stroked the dragons cock. 'Now I know why dragons capture princesses.' Lillian joked with herself, she wanted to give Malion more... but what?

Then it hit her, she could... no.. could she?

She lowered her head and sniffed Malions dragonhood. His penis smelled heavenly, all his male juices, hormones and flavors mixing together to make one maleness. She wasn't disgusted, just really unsure of herself, but she griped his cock with one hand and his ball with another. Then she bent down and licked his left ball, this made Malion react like he was struck by lightning, his whole body reacted and he nearly roared out in pleasure.

The taste was beautiful, it was indescribable, but if she had to compare it to something, it would be like eating the most tastiest and spiciest beef, after being hungry for two weeks! She didn't hesitate, she griped his cock with both her hands and started to lick his balls. Malion let his long draconic tongue out and he nearly choked on his own spit, he could have bitten his own tongue out, but at that time he didn't care, he was on his height of pleasure... or so he thought.

Lillian continued to lick his balls and the surrounding areas where the balls meet other body parts, then she stopped. This caused Malion to raise his head and look at her, only to see her licking her lips.

"Pucker up dragon dick, here I come." She then put the tip of his cock inside her mouth, to this all of Malions muscles contracted, he started to roar out, but he bit his lips to prevent that, he nearly rose his legs in the air.

Seeing this, Marian put her hand in her mouth, the one that was in her pussy up until now, to prevent herself from gasping. The shock caused her Pussy to erupt, sending out pussy fluids on her dress and on the floor, but she wasn't done there, immediately she started masturbating again, such is the power of a sex drive!

Lillian nibbled on the tip, savoring its taste, once again she was surprised how nicely it tasted, that day she made herself a promise, she would legalize all brothels and make whores well respected citizens, after all, they gave people what they wanted and the people looked down upon them, if a cock tasted this good, then she understood, that aside from poverty being the main reason for doing it, prostitution isn't such a bad job after all.

She then took a good amount of length down her throat, while also using her hands to caress the rest of the cock, Malion fell into a trance, he was no longer there... at least not mentally.

In the back, Marian did her best to suppress her moans while she rubbed her clitoris. She decided to thank the princess somehow, this was the best gift ever! It was obvious that she knew the dragon well, the princess wasn't so mad, as to blow a total and complete stranger! Maybe she should introduce herself later.

The scene went on for some time, but Lillian decided to try and take it all in.

She relaxed and slammed all of the cock down in her mouth, she felt the tip hitting the back of her throat, while she used her hands to caress Malions balls. Malion's pleasure grew and grew, until Lillian took the cock out of her mouth to take some breath in. After all, this was her first time!

Marian on the other hand, came for a second time, but it was not enough for the horny woman, she sat on her knees, well exposed to Malion and sticked both of her hands in her now exposed pussy.

Lillian took the tip in again and she had bitten on it gently, prompting a reaction from Malion, the kinky dragon likes rough play.

"Your pre tastes nice, are all dragons..." Lillian started.

"I'm close! DON'T STOP!" Malion interrupted her.

She immediately started sucking and stroking again.

She worked on him with her mouth and hands and it wasn't long before he was pushed over the edge. He roared, waking more than a few people that night and Lillian removed her hands and placed them on the floor to support herself.

Malions cock contracted and erupted, a strong jet of creamy dragon milk went straight to Lillians mouth, who was still keeping half the cock in her. She drank much of it, as the juicy dragon male spunk kept coming, at last the sperm subsisted and the stream got smaller and smaller, until she could finally savor the taste and it was good and heavenly beyond her wildest dreams!

At the same time, Marian had her third orgasm and she fell down on the floor, collapsed from the exhaustion of the shock from the orgasms.

Lillian let the cock out with a loud 'POP' and a little bit of sperm (in comparison to the amount ejaculated) came from the cock onto her face and hair (only making her appearance more attractive).

Poor Malion collapsed to the same sleeping position he had in the first place, completely spent and it was then, that Lillian noticed all the spit dribbling from his cock and balls, she was surprised at the amount of spit she created, it made a small puddle underneath!

'Looks like I have a new favorite food! Dragon seed! Just imagine the cooks reaction at the palace when I say to him. 'Go and make me some dragon seed!'' She thought.

She was very horny, but very tired, she approached the lying Marian and picked her up. She was bewildered by her newfound strength. Looking into each other's eyes, the two women kissed each other gently and passionately as Lillian gave Malions seed from her mouth to Marions mouth.

"It tastes... he tastes... beautiful!" Marian said.

"I know... he sure does!" Lillian said.


Lillian carried Marian to the imperial estate and to her room, she was lucky that no one noticed the two

'There is no harm in her spending the night here.' The princess thought.

Unfortunately, it was late and they were tired, so they both simply collapsed on the bed, one bed that is, for Lillians room didn't have an extra bed.

"Lillian..." Marian started.

"What is it?" The princess asked tired.

"You didn't cum?" Marian asked.

"No I did not, but it's ok." The princess responded.

"No it is NOT OK!" Marian said as she got up and laid on top of the princess, taking of the 'royal' undies, she then looked at the startled Lillians pussy and said. "MY my, your royal highness how wet you are down here!"

Lillian smirked and said. "Well, why don't you help me with that?"

Immediately Marian started licking the princess's pussy, making Lillian moan. Lillian responded by taking off Marians undies and making it a 69. The two ladies gracefully brought each other to orgasm and fell asleep in such a position as the sun started to rose above the mountain peaks.