James and the Giant Stallion

Story by JakeXtraTall on SoFurry

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upon a time, in a land just a short drive away from where the author

lives, there were three exceedingly horny teenage boys who were

walking in a park on a typically warm Saturday afternoon in the middle

of summer.Actually, I suppose it's unnecessarily redundant to

use the phrases "exceedingly horny" and "teenage boys"


It should suffice to say that like most boys of their age they were

desperate to find new and different ways to use their now fully

functional genitalia, and equally frustrated at how difficult it was to

come up with solid, working ideas.The boys walked along as they

normally do at this time of day, laughing and joking with each

other.  They were the best of friends and they shared every

experience together that they could.  Not only were they

teenagers, and just as horny as one might expect, but they were also on

summer break to boot.  They had all the time in the world on


hands and they were carefree and looking for trouble.  The


was their oyster and they would pluck its shiny pearl for their own

(and then likely hump the slippery meat left behind in the shell if

they could figure out a way).They felt completely free.  They could do what they wanted, when they wanted,

and however

they wanted.  Of course, in case it might not yet be clear,

being teenage boys you see, what they wanted was sex, and when they wanted

it was always, and how they wanted it was in every possible way,

including ways they couldn't even yet imagine, but that's neither here

nor there.  Or is it?  In fact, it may not only be

here, but

also very much there.  Get me?  No?  Anyhow,

let us

dispense with the setup and proceed to the meat of the


The time has come for these boys to learn a thing or twelve. 


along, dear reader, and see what sorts of bizarre and twisted things

can befall the careless horny teenager in this weird, weird world.After just a bit more setup of course...The

"here" in question was a greenbelt made up of a river valley that cuts

through the heart of a city (the "there" is a place far stranger than

here, that we shall get to a bit later, as will the boys). 


is a network of paved walking trails "here" that connects various parks

all along the green belt.  All sorts of adventures are had

here on

a regular basis.  Read one of my other stories if you don't

believe me.  It's a wonderful place to spend time on a hot


day and it was the favorite hangout of these particular three boys.The

boys had been skate boarding all morning and it was already early

afternoon and they had not yet had their lunch.  So, moments

earlier, they had stopped at a street vendor's cart to purchase burritos

to eat.  You may ask, "What the hell else would you purchase a

burrito for if not to eat it?"  Have I mentioned yet that they

were horny?  Well, as they walked with their foil and paper

wrapped lunches in hand there was some discussion of just letting the

burritos cool a bit, ripping an end off, and then humping the warm, wet

filling.  Ultimately, they had decided that they were


too hungry and they should just head to their usual quiet, secluded spot

to sit down and eat them.Like typical teenage boys who were

flush with the energy of overflowing hormones and deep in the throes of

puberty, they could not stop talking about ideas for sex (like that

burrito fucking thing for example) and all of the talk had made the

three of them hard as rock as they walked along.They finally

came to a nice, circular, grass clearing well off the beaten path that

they always liked to sit at while they ate their lunch.  The


settled in and got ready to un-wrap their burritos.  That's

not a

euphemism for pulling their cocks out by the way, they really were just

hungry and were planning to eat their lunch.Then a somewhat

humorous conversation broke out that, while there was no way for the

boys to know it, would lead to the strangest events of their young

lives to date.Let's listen in..."Man, I got such a boner it hurts.  I wish I could hump

someone right now so I could get this thing to go down," complained James."Yeah,

you always say that when there's no one around to hump.  Come


think of it there never is anyone around to hump.  You're


horny anyways and I swear you'd hump anything that moves," said Kevin,

"hell, it probably wouldn't even need to be moving for Christ's sake."Nick laughed, "Yeah, you'd probably even fuck a hole in the ground!"James

chuckled, "Like you guys are any less horny.  You got tents in

your shorts too.  Don't tell me you wouldn't fuck a hole in


ground.""I sure wouldn't, I don't think Nick would either.  We're not

as desperate as you are James," Kevin chided.While

they were talking Nick had picked up a dried up piece of a branch and

stuck it into the soft ground and twisted it a few times to create a

nice cylindrical hole that was about six inches deep and two inches

across."Oh my God, James, check out that hole, it's so sweet and dark and

tight and inviting.  I think it's been checking you

out.  It

really wants you man!" he teased.James set his burrito aside

and jokingly took a long, lusty look at the hole while rubbing his stiff boner

through his shorts and said, "You know, I think you're right. 


can't pass up a chance like this.  How many holes just sit


and beg for it like that?"He yanked down his shorts and

underwear releasing his rigid, proud young tool, dived at the

ground, and with some effort and a grunt, he stuffed his hard, eager

young dick right in the hole.  The two other boys busted out

laughing as they watched his smooth, pale ass start bobbing up and down.Much

to his surprise, James found that it actually felt pretty good.  The soil was

still a bit moist from an early morning rain shower and his rock hard

cock was really snug in the hole and, as he pulled it out and pushed it back in, the

compression from his thrusting squeezed a bit more moisture out of the sides of the hole turning it into slick mud

and his cock started sliding in and out smoothly with a wet, sucking

sound.To the other boys' surprise James actually started to

fuck the hole for real.  His body took over and he forgot that

anyone else was there.  He bucked and moaned, reveling in the


and different way to use his cock, and before long he shot ropes of his

young boy spunk right into the hole while groaning his contentment.The

other boys were now rolling on their backs, laughing and hooting as

they realized their friend really was horny enough to fuck a hole in

the ground!James came back down from the orgasm and rolled off

the hole and lay on his back for a minute with a satisfied smile on his

face and his dirt covered cock softening on his pubic area, oozing out

the last of its payload."You guys gotta try that!  It's awesome!" he exclaimed."Fuck you, we're not that desperate......are we?" Nick asked Kevin,

suddenly sounding unsure of the fact."Not yet, no." said Kevin, though he seemed to be looking longingly at

the hole.There

was some chance that the other two boys would indeed be trying this

trick on their own later on when they were alone.  The


thing that raised them above James's level of desperation was that there

was no way they would fuck a hole in the ground, unless nobody was

there to see them try it.  See the difference there?For now, they all remembered their hunger and turned back to their


were nearly finished eating when James suddenly stopped and mumbled

"ouch" through a mouth full of food.  He worked his mouth


and then spat a couple of hard beans out into his palm."What the fuck?  These beans aren't refried, they're

petrified!  I nearly busted a tooth on them!"The

others chuckled at him and suggested he bring them back to the vendor

and make a scene to get his money back.  He wasn't that


for money though and he was too lazy to try to make a case for

himself.  He simply tossed the beans over his shoulder and


by fluke they fell right down into the cum-filled hole in the ground

that had just been vacated by his own stiff, throbbing, jizz squirting

penis.(Stop trying to guess where this is going, you can't

possibly do it......can you? the author asked, suddenly sounding unsure

of the

fact.)The boys finished eating.  Not long after, full and

sleepy from their meals and tired from all the boarding, walking,

talking, laughing and fucking of holes, they fell asleep on the grass

as they usually did for an afternoon nap.Little did the boys

know, though I suspect you

might have had some suspicions of your own, those weren't any old

ordinary beans that James had thrown into the cum filled hole."They were magic

beans!" the little readers all shouted in unison in their little voices

as they clapped their little hands with glee and bounced their little

bottoms up and down in their seats excitedly, but the author just chuckled and

said, "No, kids, that would be stupid.  Do you have any idea how

much those would cost?  There's no fucking way a street vendor

would be using magic fucking beans in his burrito filling!  He'd

have to charge a gajillion extra dollars for that!  Duh!

 Just settle down and let me tell you what they were..."The 'beans' were in


the droppings that came straight out of the very dirty asshole of a very

special bird that only lives in a very magical land high above the earth in

the clouds.  This particular bird likes to eat the seed pods

of an

exceptionally vigorously growing vine that can normally only be found

there.  The bird can only digest the fleshy parts of the pods,


it must shit the seeds out.  Earlier that very morning, the


had taken a big, smelly dump while flying over the edge of the cloud, and the poop

had fallen all the way down through the sky and came to rest right in

the open pot of refried beans that had gone into the boys' burritos, and

ultimately into James's mouth, and he didn't even have to pay extra!As if all of that weren't

interesting (or disgusting) enough on its own, it should be pointed out

that the bird in question is gigantic by our earthly standards and has

a wing span approaching 60 feet across.  The vile, toxic turds


drops are actually two or three feet in diameter but, due to their

magical nature, and quite luckily for all those below in the drop zone

I might add, as they fell from the rarified air in the magical cloud

kingdom down to the higher pressure of the completely mundane

atmosphere below, the pooped out seeds shrank and compressed at an

amazing rate such that they were all the way down to the size of an

every day red bean by the time they reached the ground, or the refried

bean pot in this particular case.  Is that cool or what?(As

an aside: The moral of this part of the fairy tale is simple, yet

important enough to take the time to point out...  "He who


the street meat, knows not the ingredients."  In other words,

don't buy your food from a sidewalk vendor.  You never know


has fallen into it.  Stick to a nice meal cooked indoors in a

clean restaurant if you want a better [though sadly, still not

guaranteed] chance of not eating shit.)Coming back to the

story, the vine these seeds would grow into could certainly be quite

dangerous to anyone right over top of it when it decided to


In this particular case however, there was actually no real danger.

 The author was quite certain of it.  While these


could grow freely up in the clouds in that magical land, the seeds

could not normally germinate down on earth given their highly

compressed state.  That is to say, they can't grow down here unless some

exceedingly implausible requirements were met.They

had to be planted in an open hole no more than six inches deep and two

inches across in moist soil.  They needed to be fertilized and nourished by


potent semen of a young boy.  They needed just the right

amount of

fresh water added to the mix, exactly ten drops, no more and no

less.  Finally, to actually trigger their growth they needed a

sudden drop in temperature of precisely seven degrees accompanied by a

good jolt of electricity.What are the odds, right? 

Clearly these conditions were ludicrously demanding and could not come

about on their own even in the wildest imaginings of the most depraved

author.  I mean, yeah, we've already got the perfect hole with


seeds and the cum, but that other shit?  No way.  It


simply not possible.  This was a real good thing since, once

triggered, the growth of the plant would be sudden and explosive,

resulting in a vine that would instinctively and inexorably be driven,

by the awesome, erection inducing power of pubescent spooge, to continue

to grow harder and thicker and longer until it reached its native land

high in the clouds.The vine would have expended all of its

energy by then and like many things that start small and then rapidly

grow to a long, hard stiffness, once spent it would quickly wither and

shrink back into the earth never to be seen again.  That is to

say, never to be seen again unless

by some strange chance those ludicrously demanding and ridiculously

improbable conditions were met once again. But, I mean, really, what are

the odds, right?As the three luscious boys dozed in the

afternoon heat they were blissfully unaware of storm clouds that were

rapidly building in the sky above them, powered by the heat of the

afternoon sun and the chilled air of a cold front that was swiftly

moving in.  There was going to be a brief but severe thunder


in a few minutes and they had a long way to go to get to shelter, but

they didn't even know the danger they were in.The black clouds

boiled and the sky began to darken.  The wind whipped up and

completely unexpectedly and without warning even, as the cold front rushed

in the temperature dropped by precisely seven degrees.  Rain


started to fall intermittently at the front of the storm as the

menacing clouds prepared to unleash their deluge.  Several


of rain fell and probably exactly ten of them, no more and no less,

actually landed right in the little six inch by two inch hole in the moist soil with the

boy's cum and the seeds.Right about at the seventh degree of

temperature drop, and just after the tenth drop of rain, no more and no

less, entered the hole, quite by chance (though I'm guessing at this

point you were completely expecting it, clever reader) a bolt of

lightning shot down from the dark, angry clouds and struck the hole,

thus fulfilling a long list of completely improbable and ridiculously

ludicrous requirements.Seriously, I ask you, what are the odds?Anyhow,

in the words of many a gentle poet from days gone by, 'all


hell broke loose'.  There was a clap of thunder so loud it


like a long and violent train wreck from two freight trains colliding

head on at full speed.  A deep rumble began in the earth and


until the ground all around the boys bulged and heaved tremendously and

with a powerful, ear-splitting groan the entire clearing broke free from

the earth and began to rise at an alarming rate into the sky.The

boys woke with a start as they rocketed vertically through the air on

the piece of ground they'd been so peacefully slumbering on moments ago.The boys jumped to their feet and stood unsteadily, looking around in

alarm."What the fuck is this

shit when it's at home!?" yelled James over the rush of wind."Fucked if I know!" yelled Kevin."Fuck, we're going up!" yelled Nick."Wow, genius, you figured that much out did you?!" yelled Kevin."Fuck you, and your little mom too!" yelled Nick.Kevin punched Nick hard on the shoulder.Nick slapped Kevin on the back of his head.Kevin pushed at Nick to knock him over, but Nick grabbed his shirt and

pulled him down with him.The two started laughing as they wrestled on the ground."Will

you two fucking girls get a room or something?" yelled James, "I'm busy

getting ready to die right over here and I don't need the distraction!"As

they continued to rush skyward, the three boys got to their hands and

knees and crawled closer to the edge to look down.  Stretching

straight down for what looked like miles was a long, thick vine that

appeared to be still growing beneath them.  The power of


jizz was indeed a force to be reckoned with.They were

accelerating upward at such a rate it felt like they weighed five times

more than normal.  The scene below was starting to look less


a picture from a very high place, and more like a shot from the fucking

space station."Holy fucking, butt munching, hairy palmed

Jebus!  We're pretty much hooped if this thing keeps


We're gonna be launched right into space and our heads will pop like in

the movies!" yelled Kevin."Yeah, listen guys, if we see even a small chance of jumping off this fucking thing onto something solid we

gotta take it, OK?  Don't hesitate!" James yelled.The other boys nodded and they continued to watch from the edge of the

"clearing" as it shot upwards toward space.Suddenly,

they moved into a thick cloud and their upward trajectory seemed to

slow to a safer pace and quicker than they could say

"thefuckisthisshit?" they popped right out the top of it into what

appeared to be a dense, steamy jungle."Jump, you idiots! Now!!!" yelled James.The

three boys did not hesitate and took several steps back then ran at

full speed and they bravely leaped out from the edge.


flew out over the alien landscape and dropped down the entire three

inches to the ground right beside the "clearing" just as it came to a

stop.  They didn't even fall over when they landed."Well, that was easy," said James.They

all noticed that the piece of earth that had carried them up was

completely stationary beside them now, just three inches above the

level of the ground they were standing on.  They hadn't really

needed to jump after all.  They could have just stepped off

it.  Suddenly, to their surprise, it shivered once and then


out of sight.  They rushed to the edge and watched it shrink

rapidly as it rushed straight back down towards the earth."Umm, James, do you think maybe we should have stayed on it instead of

getting off?" asked Kevin."What, no, huh?" said James, not quite feeling his smartest at the


the fuck are we gonna get back down now, brainiac?  Look at it

go!  If we'd stayed right on it we could have just rode it


down and then gone home and watched fucking Vampire Diaries," Nick said

angrily.The other two boys stopped and stared at Nick in stunned astonishment."Vampire Diaries?" asked James."You're so totally fucking gay!" said Kevin."Shut the hell up!  What are we gonna do?" asked Nick, turning

to James."Why the hell are you asking me?"

asked James."Because it was your

fucking brilliant idea to get off!!" yelled Nick.James punched Nick hard on the shoulder.Nick slapped James on the back of his head.James moved to push Nick down but Nick grabbed his shirt and pulled him

down with him.The two started laughing as they wrestled on the ground."Oh for fuck's sake, we did this routine already!  Get up!"

yelled Kevin.They got up.The

boys decided there wasn't much they could do but look around and try to

figure out where they were.  They walked a long way while


in every direction at the unbelievably large vegetation.  They

jumped a couple of times as unusually large bugs roughly the size of a

Great Dane skittered by.  They could occasionally hear strange

grunts and growls off in the jungle, and the cries of what sounded like

very large predatory birds.  They were getting more and more

nervous about their predicament and began wondering what they might end

up being food for up here.The boys came up over a rise and James suddenly pointed and said, "Holy

shit! There's someone there!"There

ahead of them, standing on a hill, was the strangest, er, man, they'd

ever seen.  They assumed he was a man, but all they really had to

go on was that he had a big bulge between his legs and had no titties

to speak of.  Their confusion mainly stemmed from the fact that he

was in fact, a horse.  I suppose being a horse and a male would

actually more accurately make him a 'stallion'.  His head was that

of a very handsome horse, but with a slightly fuller set of lips that

were smiling at

them.   His eyes were a beautiful light brown color as

they twinkled in the sunlight.  His body shape was actually more

that of a man, with powerfully muscular legs and a rippling

abdomen and a well shaped chest and bulging arms and broad, heavily

muscled shoulders and a powerful, muscular butt.  By human

standards, he appeared to


around 38, about 6 foot 5 inches tall and 250 pounds or so of sexy,


muscle and bone.  He was wearing a pair of athletic shorts that


a massively full crotch and he had no shirt covering his large muscular

frame.  His beautiful, shining coat was an incredibly rich,

light chestnut

brown color that almost looked reddish.  His gorgeous, flowing

mane was

chocolate brown and two long, horse-like ears stuck up on either side

of it facing forward.  His big chest was covered in a forest of

soft, wavy hair the same color as his mane, and an appealing trail of


soft hair led from his chest down across his belly past his

beautiful innie navel and disappeared into the waistband of his

shorts.  Between his big glutes on his shapely ass he had a long,

thick, dark brown tail sticking out of a hole in his shorts and it was

swishing invitingly back and forth.  On his big, manly feet he

wore some thick athletic


bunched up slightly around his ankles in his extremely beat up, super

hot looking, large, leather hiking boots that were loosely tied with the tongue

hanging forward.  What a fucking sexy horse god sort of thing this

guy looked

like, seriously!To

Nick, who was in fact secretly just as Kevin had suggested earlier, so

totally fucking gay, the attractive male looked like someone he would

very much like to snuggle with.  He looked like a nice, big, chestnut colored,

huggable, anthropomorphic stallion in shorts."He looks like a nice, big, chestnut colored, huggable, anthropomorphic stallion in shorts," Nick said."Don't just repeat what the author says, dipshit.  Try to come

up with your own dialog!" James scolded."Fuck you, he does look huggable, doesn't he?""Yeah,

but there's something wrong here.  I mean, besides the fact that

he's a fucking horse.  It's almost hard to focus on him, like I'm


him through a haze or something.  My eyes aren't adjusting


said James.As they were talking, a heart-meltingly gorgeous smile lit up the

stallion's unbelievably handsome face and his eyes sparkled as he


raised his muscular, chestnut colored arm and waved his hand a couple

of times toward himself in a

gesture to get the boys to come over, and his lips moved.A moment later his warm, masculine and very inviting voice reached

them, "Hiya boys, come on over here.""Did you guys see that!?" James asked, alarmed."Yeah!  That fucking horse talked!" exclaimed Nick."Not that, stupid.  Well, that is weird, but I meant that his lips moved and there was a delay before we could hear his

voice!" said James."I don't know about this," said Nick, "I think we should probably not

go near him.""Yeah, I think you're right, for once in your sorry-ass life," said Kevin.Nick punched Kevin hard on the shoulder.Kevin slapped Nick on the back of his..."Cut

that shit right now!" James ordered, "Don't be so chicken you

guys.  We're screwed if we don't find some way back

down.  He

must know how to get out of here.  I'm gonna go check him

out.  You guys can stay here if you want."Nick and Kevin

were not about to be left behind.  They were indeed quite

chicken.  Far too chicken to actually stay behind by

themselves in

the spooky jungle.  James had always been their de facto


and they intended to stick with him where they could feel


He was the man with all the ideas and they tended to do whatever he

suggested.  They seemed to have already forgotten the fact

that it was his

idea to jump from the platform and he was the reason they were stuck up here.The

three boys started walking towards the stallion.  Occasionally, they

would lose him behind giant vines or ferns or low hills or huge,

spreading toadstools as big as a garage, but each time he reappeared he

looked much bigger, but didn't really look much closer somehow.


was very puzzling to them and James was doing his best to suss out the

reason for it in his head.  There was something in particular

that had been bothering him.  Then it came to him..."Shit, I just remembered something from physics class," James said."You were paying attention in physics?" Nick asked, incredulous."Yeah, I'm not a slackass dolt like you, I like to learn shit while I'm

at school."Nick wound up to punch James hard on the shoulder but James immediately

put up his hand and shook his head in warning."Listen,

there was something about the speed of sound being way slower than the

speed of light.  If we saw that horse guy's lips move before we


his voice, he must have been really far away.  Going by how


we've walked and the fact that he's still a ways out there, I'd say his

size is a fair bit bigger than the author said," James explained."Yeah,

what did he say?  Something like 6' 5 inches and 250


I think it's time to up that estimate," said Kevin.Kevin was

right of course, the little know-it-all.  It was indeed

time to 'up' it.  The

author had said that the stallion "appeared" to be 38 years old, 6' 5 and

250 pounds.  It's a commonly used diversion to say something


though it was fact, which actually turns out to be wrong and it creates

a big surprise later on.  Or at least it would if the little


hadn't figured it out already.To put it as plainly as possible,

perspective can do strange things to perception and vice versa when

influenced or even overridden by our preconceived

expectations.  Simple, yes?  I

know you

got it, but I should probably explain it more for that other guy who


boys certainly didn't expect to see a real live giant horse-man so their brains

ignored all the cues that said he was much larger than normal and much,

much farther away, and their minds twisted reality just a bit to make

him appear to be man sized and just a short distance away. 


saw the only thing that made sense to them.  This perception


easier to process.The reality of the long distance made it hard

for their eyes to focus right and they were in fact seeing him through

a haze of smog from the filthy world below.  And of course


was that shit about the speed of sound and light that the smart asses

had somehow figured out on their own.In actual fact, the stallion

was really 380 years old, which is not even middle aged yet for a

giant horse.  He was 65 feet tall and weighed around 2500


See, you sort of move the decimal point over to the right one place or

something.The boys didn't know it yet of course but even his

cock, which if he'd popped it out of his shorts when fully erect would

have appeared to be an already astonishing, incredibly thick, 14 inches long from back where

they first saw him, was in fact about 14 feet long!  A whole

fucking decimal place bigger, see?!Do not question my

math!  If we were using metric sizes instead of these archaic

fucking English units it would be one decimal place, I promise

you.  Ten times bigger, see?  In any case the one

thing that

can be said is, "Boy are they in for a surprise if he pulls his shorts

down!"  Am I right or what?Now that they were better

informed with the new estimate of the horse's size that had been provided

by the author, the boys realized that it was time to refer to him as a

"giant" stallion.  James was still of a mind to check him out and see

if he

could tell them how to get home, so on they went.  They


to walk towards the stallion until finally, after what seemed a very long

time, they arrived at his gigantic feet, sweating profusely from the

exertion."Christ you guys, I can't tell you how much I've been

looking forward to this moment!" the stallion exclaimed, "My name is Jake,

and I'll be your giant stallion during your stay here."He grinned down at the boys and waited for their response.James

and Kevin tilted their heads way back to look way up at the massive horse's smiling

face.  Nick meanwhile leaned in a bit to try to look up the


hole of the giant stallion's shorts."Hiya, I'm James and that's Kevin, the one over there with the raging

hard on in his shorts for some reason is Nick.""I'm really happy to meet you guys," said Jake."I'm

happy as fuck to meet you!" said Nick, his boner making a very

prominent tent in his shorts as he surveyed the incredible tower of equine maleness."I like the sound of that, Nick.  I can already tell you're gonna be my favorite.  Come on guys,

I'll take you back to my place.  It would be about an hour's


for you guys though.  Will you let me carry you so we can be


in five minutes?""Hell yes, I've had enough walking for today," grumped Kevin.Jake

crouched down and lowered his right hand palm up so the boys could

climb onto it.  He stood back up and turned and marched


into the jungle.They'd traveled for just a short time without saying anything when

young James suddenly broke the silence."Does anyone else smell a weird mix of old spunk and strawberries?"The two other boys nodded."Oh shit,

sorry," said the giant, "I was watching your sweet, bare ass while you

humped that hole down there on the ground and I got a bit carried away

playing with my cock.  When I pop, it, uh, gets a bit messy.

 I use a lot of lube, too.  It's strawberry flavored.  I

probably should have picked you guys


with my left hand instead.""Gross!" yelled Kevin."Awesome!" yelled Nick as he dropped down and began licking the giant stallion's

palm."Wait!" yelled James, "What do you mean you were watching my

ass?  How?"The giant horse smiled and said, "I'll show you in a minute, we're almost there."They

broke out of the jungle and into a large cleared out area.  It


a nice, neat yard with a white fence and a well-manicured


There were a few tasteful shrubs here and there.  The house in


middle was a very nice little two-story with grey siding and white trim

and slate shingles on the roof.  This house did not look like


home of a giant stallion."This house doesn't look like the home of a giant stallion," said Kevin.James jabbed him in the ribs with his elbow."What,

you were expecting a big shiny castle or something?" the giant horse asked."Not really, I was expecting stables or a corral or something," Kevin said.Jake

laughed and said, "I wasn't always a giant horse you know.  I built this

house before this was done to me.  It still works just fine.

 I like


two-story.  I spend most of my time in the back yard anyhow.""Is that where the corral is?" Kevin asked.James jabbed him in the ribs again and Kevin said, "What?  You realize he's a big fucking horse, right?""Yeah,

he's a horse, but that doesn't mean you need to be such a jackass.

 So, Jake, what do you mean you weren't always a giant horse?"

James asked, "What were you before?""I was just a giant.  A giant man

I mean.  I got in a bit of a verbal scrape with someone and let my

mouth run off when I shouldn't have, and I payed the price.""What happened?" Nick asked."Well,

I sort of like to have sex, a lot, with everyone I meet really.

 Anyhow, I started messing around with the Tooth Fairy for a

while...""The Tooth Fairy?  The little lady that flies around in a tutu with a sparkly wand?  She's real?" James asked."It's not 'she', it's 'he', and yes, he's real.""You mean the Tooth Fairy is really a....fairy?" Kevin asked."Yeah,

he's a bit of a ponce, but he's a wildcat in bed.  I like an

effeminate guy once in a while.  They can be real sweethearts, or

real she-devils.  They're a ton of fun.  I've seen him wear

a tutu once in a while, but it's not his business attire, just

recreation.  His wand does indeed sparkle, but it's attached

between his legs.  He can do some pretty crazy shit with that

thing.  He's normally smaller than you are even, but he can use

his wand to make himself as big as me so we can screw around together.""So, you're gay?" Nick asked, suddenly seeming much more interested in the already pretty interesting conversation."Yup,

I'm about as gay as anyone could possibly be I guess.  I would

have thought it was obvious before by my admission that I was jacking

off while watching James fucking the ground.  Anyhow, good old

Tooth Fairy, he's a pretty experienced guy, and it sort of shows in how

loose he is, uh, back there.  I wasn't actually getting as much

pleasure as I would like when I fucked him.  I slipped and said

something about it once and he said it was my

fault because I was just

too small for him and he would do better with a properly equipped man.

 He said calling me a 'giant' was most certainly not referring to

what I was packing between my legs.  I got angry and said that

even if an extremely well endowed man were to try to hump him, it would

be like chucking a hot dog down a fucking hallway.  I told him I'd

have to be hung like a fucking horse to ever be big enough for his

well-used hole.  He took that to heart and decided I was right.

 He used that magic fucking wand of his to play a little trick on

me, then he fucked off and I haven't seen him since.  Sorry for

the language, but I still get a bit pissed about it."The boys

burst out laughing, then finally settled down and James said, "I'm

really sorry.  We shouldn't be laughing at you.  I think you

look great though.""I think you look awesome!" Nick exclaimed."Thanks,

you guys.  I really appreciate that.  To be honest, I sort of

like me better this way too," Jake said, "So anyhow, this is my house.

 Let's go around to the back yard."He walked them around the house to the back yard.All three boys gasped in unison.The

back yard was huge and magnificently kept.  The lawn was thick


green.  There was a beautiful, multi-leveled, cedar deck

attached to

the back of the house that stretched out into the yard.  The


of the house extended out over part of the deck to shelter it

and underneath it was a sound system with massive speakers and


big, comfortable couch and a beer fridge.  Built into another


of the deck was a large hot tub with the water swirling around invitingly from multiple jets. 


was almost as big as an Olympic sized swimming pool from the boys'

perspective.Out in the back yard was an Olympic sized swimming

pool, from a giant's perspective that is.  To the boys it


like a massive, perfectly rectangular lake with a diving board the size

of an aircraft carrier on one side and stone tiles all around


They could barely make out the far end of the pool it was so huge.The

yard was equipped with outrageously gigantic versions of all of the

things you would normally expect to see.  A nice gas grill,

comfortable chairs scattered around the deck, a large table with an

umbrella down on the lawn, a covered swing to lounge in, and a

basketball hoop.  It was all amazingly inviting."Umm, would you please adopt me Mr. giant horse guy?" asked James.Jake chuckled, "You guys like it?""Hell yeah!" said Kevin and Nick."Great,

you can come visit and use my yard any time you guys want, really,"

offered the stallion, "Let's go over by the pool there and relax for a

bit."There was a huge, parking lot sized blanket laid out on

the grass right at the edge of the pool.  Next to it was an


looking cylindrical brass gadget that was sticking up out of the

ground.  There was also a large bottle of lube next to the

gadget.  The giant walked over to the blanket and hesitated


as he was about to put the boys down."Say, can I ask an odd thing of you guys?" asked Jake."Wassat?" said James."Well,

you're all kind of sweaty from all the exertion of walking here and

you're probably like most boys on summer break and not real clean, am I

right?""You're right.  I haven't showered in a few days. 

What about you guys?" asked James.Nick

shook his head vigorously like there was no way he would bother

showering unless he absolutely had to, and Kevin just shrugged like he

had no idea when he last washed up."That's what I thought," said Jake, "is it OK with you guys if I give

you a bit of a sniff before I put you down?""Hell yeah!" shouted Nick."Whatever floats your boat," said James, smiling.He

brought the boys up to his face and carefully moved the end of his big, wide nose toward

them. Nick raised his arms and spread his legs and stood right in front

of one giant horse nostril and James did the same in front of the

other.  The massive stallion began to draw a long, leisurely sniff in


his nostrils.  His eyes rolled up in his head and his ears went back and he moaned


as he started to sniff again."Mmmm, you guys smell fantastic!" Jake exclaimed, "Kevin, could I smell

you too please?"The other two moved away to make room."Sure, smell this why don't you?" Kevin said, and turned and dropped his

shorts to expose his sweaty butt crack and moon the giant stallion while he snickered at him.Jake moved his nose quickly over and snuffed so hard Kevin's ass got

sucked in and wedged in the giant stallion's right nostril."Oh by God that sbells fadtastic!" said the horse, sounding as though he'd

suddenly caught a cold, and the other boys started laughing their asses

off.Kevin was laughing too as he started to push on the edges

of the giant horse's nose to try to free himself.  Jake put the


finger of his left hand beside his left nostril and squeezed it closed

and gently blew his nose and Kevin popped out onto the horse's palm

again."Well, that's a first for me," Kevin laughed, "can't say I've ever been

snorted by a horse before, and then blown out like a booger."The giant stallion chuckled.James

start laughing hard again and suddenly let go of a loud fart. 

Everyone got quiet for a moment, and then erupted into laughter all

over again.James turned a bit red while laughing and finally

said, "Geez, I'm sorry.  I had a burrito earlier and it's


to hit me.""Don't apologize, man, I'm really glad you did

that.  It sort of makes it OK for me to do this..." said the

giant horse,

and he leaned a bit and lifted one muscular leg slightly, and his

beautiful, thick, flowing, chocolate brown tail came up and he grunted, and a fart that sounded to the boys sort


like a long and violent train wreck from two freight trains colliding

head on at full speed crashed out of his butt.Now the boys were rolling on the giant's palm howling in laughter while

the stallion himself got a sheepish look of embarrassment on his face."So that's what it sounds like when a giant horse farts!" yelled Nick."Yeah,

sorry.  I was holding that one in for quite a while and it was

getting uncomfortable.  You

should probably get used to it cause it may happen again.  I


watching you guys eat those burritos earlier.  It gave me a

craving so I had a couple of my own just like them.  Well, just like them

except I didn't feel the need to add any bird poop like James had in

his," said the stallion."What, no, huh?" said James."Those weren't exactly beans you spat out....oh, never mind. 

It's not important," said Jake.The giant gently lowered his hand and the boys stepped off onto the

blanket."Here, look at this you guys," said the giant horse as he crouched down and

pointed at the wide brass gadget next to the blanket.To

the boys, the device was sort of shaped like a garbage can or something,

but was almost twice the diameter.  It was brass and had a

glass top recessed into it.  As they moved closer though, they could see


was an image in the glass.  It was a perfect, zoomed in view of


little clearing that they liked to nap in, the same one where today's

adventure had begun."Cool!  What is this?" asked James."It's

my telescope," answered the giant stallion, "It extends all the way down through

my domain and sticks out the bottom.  This is the


Well, for me it's an eyepiece, for you I guess it's more like a big

screen TV.  I've been using it to watch you guys while you


around down there.  It's one of my favorite things to pass the

time.  I lay on the blanket and watch everything you do.  I

have to confess I sort of have a thing


teenage boys hitting puberty.""Really, I would have never guessed by the way you sniffed us,"

remarked Kevin sarcastically."Cool, so you've been up here perving on us while we're down there

napping?" asked Nick, seemingly aroused by the idea."Yes,

but not just napping.  I saw you that time you appeared at the

clearing alone, Nick.  Remember, when you hiked down your shorts

and jacked off into your hand, then started tasting your own spunk?"Nick blushed and the other two boys laughed."And

you, Kevin, I was watching that time you were there alone and started

rubbing at your butt crack and then sniffing your finger over and over again," said the

giant.Now Kevin blushed while Nick and James chuckled, then suddenly James stopped laughing and he looked momentarily alarmed."Yes,

James, I did see you when you were alone and you suddenly stood up and

started pissing, and then put your fingers in the stream and brought

them up to your face for a sniff and taste," the giant stallion smiled.James now turned very red while the other two boys looked at him in surprise."You

guys have nothing to be embarrassed about.  These are all natural

things to be curious about.  Just the tip of the iceberg really.

 It was driving me a bit nuts seeing all of you trying these

things out, but not having the courage to share them with each other," Jake continued, "Anyhow,

napping, wrestling, jacking off, pissing and tasting, humping at holes in the

ground, I've been watching

all of it all summer long.  I've been wishing I could

meet you guys for a while.""Wow!  That's pretty freaky.  So now that you have us

up here, what comes next?" asked James boldly."Well,

we can't actually have sex or anything, not in the normal ways anyhow,

we're just not compatible size wise," said the giant stallion, "But I was really

hoping, being as horny as I know you guys are, you might be up for a bit

of screwing around anyhow.  Just some light stuff. 

We could

come up with a few ways to make things interesting I'm sure.""Like what?" asked Nick, suddenly extremely interested."I

don't know, whatever you might be open to.  As you guys were

starting to figure out with your experimentation down there, there's a

lot more


sex than just stabbing your boner into a hole and going at

it.  Have you guys ever sniffed at your own socks, underwear, pits

or shoes

maybe?"Nick nodded vigorously, "I sure as hell do!  I like the

smell."James turned a little pink, but grinned and nodded as well.Kevin

had been standing a bit behind the others and had surreptitiously

rubbed his finger up and down his own sweaty butt crack in his shorts

and was holding it under his nose while the others were talking, but as

he saw everybody's attention turning to him he

quickly moved his hand back down to his side and shook his head in

denial."Nope, can't say I've ever done anything like that," he lied."Most

people like it, whether they admit it or not," the giant stallion said, while

shooting a look at Kevin, "It's even better if you sniff someone

else's.  Smell is a huge part of sexual

attraction.   A

bit of innocent perversion can be a great way to enjoy


Kiss or sniff or lick or suck something that should probably be pretty

disgusting, and you might find it drives you right over the edge of

horniness.  Just loosen up and use your imagination and do whatever enters


mind.  The bottom line is size doesn't really matter for us if we explore those other ways of getting our rocks off."To the relatively inexperienced teenage boys, what the giant horse had

suggested was new and different,

but it

made a lot of sense.  They'd obviously each been experimenting a

bit on their own, but it seemed like it might be considerably more

interesting with someone else involved.  The boys took it all in

and started to

imagine the possibilities they had never yet considered and they began

to feel the urge to go a little crazy."You don't need to be

alone to jack off either you know, you could jam your nose in someone's

butt crack or crotch or just hold the inside of their smelly boot to

your face and jack away with your hand or something to bring

yourself off, while they're busy sucking on your toes or licking your butt.  When


humping there doesn't always have to be a perfect sized hole either, or

any hole at all.  You can just rub yourself against something

too.  Maybe one of you could strip down and ride my


Rub yourself up and down on it while I jack off.  I'd like


said Jake."I'm not sure if I'm ready for all that," said Kevin, while thinking to

himself how badly he wanted to try all that.The

other two boys were already jumping out of their clothes with eager

looks on their faces though, so he shrugged and not to be

outdone he started stripping down too, revealing an obviously straining

cock.  It was clear that his objection had been nothing more


a weak facade.  The three were completely nude in no time flat


stood with all of their proud young cocks sticking straight out.Jake

had sat down on the blanket to watch them strip down.  He then

decided to join them and kicked off his boots and hiked down his shorts,

exposing his giant sized briefs."Wait!" yelled Nick, "Could we

undress you the rest of the way, please?  Leave the socks and

underwear for us?  Maybe just lie down on the blanket and let


explore you?"Jake smiled, "Of course.  I think you might

be a bit like me, Nick.  I love the underwear and socks. 

In fact,

I was sort of hoping you boys would let me keep all of yours. 


have a little snuff box that I could put them in and take a sniff

every once in a while to remind me of this awesome experience."Nick grinned and nodded, as did the other boys.The giant stallion lay down flat on the blanket on his back with his arms down beside him.  He was

wearing only his socks and underwear and the boys went to work on them.Nick immediately ran over and quickly climbed inside one of Jake's big

hiking boots that was lying on its side."Oh my God, it smells incredible in here!" he shouted.James went over and joined him."Holy shit! It does!" he exclaimed.Kevin

was interested in something else though and he quickly ran up the

giant stallion's muscular, chestnut colored arm, down his torso, across his hip and turned and settled

right at his crotch.  He noticed there was a wide ring of

sweat in

the giant horse's giant underwear against his thigh on each side of his massive ball sack

from the heat.  The boy stuck his face in the wet spot and


long and deep.  He could not believe how great it


He rubbed himself against the wetness to cover himself with it.He

marveled at the gigantic double-hill that appeared to be the giant stallion's

balls encased in the pouch of the briefs between his legs, and he gawked

at the shape of the magnificent seven foot long and three foot

wide sheath that stretched outward under the giant's briefs,

pointing to his belly button."Holy Christ, look at the size of that sheath!" exclaimed Kevin, "Can

you imagine the size of the tool that's gonna come out of there?!"He

grabbed the damp edge of the giant horse's briefs at the inner thigh and

planted his feet against the muscular leg and pulled up as hard as he

could until he created a gap big enough to crawl into.  He


himself in the crook of Jake's thigh where it met his ball

sack.  He breathed in the amazing aroma in here and rolled


in the moist, musty playground.He wanted very much to work his way down between the stallion's ass

cheeks to check out the asshole, but due to the way Jake was

lying, that particular avenue of exploration was unreachable at the

moment.  Still, there was plenty more to do in here.  He

spread his arms and legs as

wide as he could to plaster himself on to one of the incredibly massive

balls.  He gave the side of the huge, leathery ball sack a few



and then he crawled upward alongside the hot, thick, massive sheath and

started to roll around in the moist, thick, soft forest of chocolate

brown pubic hair that matched the color of the horse's mane.  It

was a little strange to see pubic hair on a horse, but no stranger than

the chest hair or pit hair he'd seen on the way down here.  Come

to think of it, it was pretty weird to be crawling around at the crotch

of a horse-man who was taller than your average apartment building to

begin with, so who was he to judge?He

could not believe the quality and quantity of the smell in


It smelled of crotch sweat, old pre-cum, dried up dribbles of urine, and a hint of strawberries,

but if smell were measured in digits, you would need to move the

decimal point to the right one place or something.  Get


It was ten times stronger when you were actually crawling around in

it.  It was a heady mixture that caused Kevin's libido to


firing on all cylinders.  The giant stallion had been right.


smell was pushing Kevin's horniness to levels it had never achieved

before.  He briefly wondered why he'd never made this

connection himself before, between the natural smell of another male and sexual

attraction.  He'd been sniffing his own butt crack for as long as he could remember, so why not someone else's?The

smell was so appealing to him he felt he needed to raise the ante a

bit.  He followed out to the end of the massive sheath under the

briefs, then worked his way around to the end of it right near the

waistband, and stuck his face right into the opening of the sheath and

took a long, deep sniff.  His toes immediately began to curl hard.

 He couldn't believe how intensely masculine and heady and

appealing this was.  He couldn't resist going a bit further.

 The sheath was big and very loose.  He pushed his head in

further and then added his shoulders.  He found that he fit just

fine.  Jake the giant stallion moaned at the amazing sensation of

having the boy crawl right into his sheath.  He couldn't believe

the one that was the most reticent turned out to be this much of a

freak.  Kevin went absolutely nuts.  He crawled forward until

he was fully inside the giant horse's sheath and kept going until he

bumped into an obstruction.  It was Jake's already hardening,

massive, thick cock!  The boy immediately began to lick at the

oozing, wide, blunt tip of the magnificent cock.  He rubbed

himself against it and wrapped his arms around to the sides of it as it

began to grow thicker and hotter and harder and it started to

inexorably push him back out of the sheath while the stallion moaned

his pleasure and started to become more aroused.Meanwhile, back down on the ground.  Nick had

emerged from the hiking boot and was rubbing himself along the slightly damp

sole of one of Jake's massive socked feet.  The sock had been


the giant stallion's sweat all day and it smelled like heaven to Nick. 


wanted so badly to lick up the sweat on the skin underneath."Hey James, come out here please and help me get these socks off," he


had been overcome by the kinky urge to lick the inside of the giant horse's

smelly hiking boot at the bottom, where the sweat from the giant toes would

collect, and he was still in there enjoying himself.He came back out, squinting, into the sunlight, and went over to give

Nick a hand.Jake

the giant had been watching all this with both amusement and extreme

arousal.  He gently turned his foot sideways so the boys would


able to deal with the sock.It took a great deal of finagling,

but eventually the two boys managed to pull the sock down and off the

end of the giant stallion's  foot, which was covered on top with a

beautiful, soft, hairy hide that was chestnut colored just like the

rest of him, but shaped just like a human foot.  The underside was

much lighter in color and smooth, yet leathery.James immediately proceeded to crawl inside the musty, sweaty sock to

roll around and explore the great smell in there.Nick

moved to the sole of the huge bare foot and started licking at the

sweaty, leathery skin there.  He moved to where the massive toes were


was enraptured by them.  He'd always been attracted to feet


this was an embarrassment of riches.  The giant stallion's foot was

sideways with the little toe on the ground.  Nick had to reach


as high as he could to just barely touch the giant's big toe. 


rubbed himself along the sweaty space under Jake's toes, and then

began to pull some of the huge toes apart so he could stick his entire

face between them and breathe in the odor and lick up the sweat

there.  He was so turned on at this point he felt he might


his load at any moment.James emerged from the sweaty sock with

a huge grin on his face and asked Nick to help him to pull the other

one off so they could then go up and work with Kevin to remove the

giant's briefs.Nick helped out and before long the two of them had the other foot bare.Then,

like Kevin had done before, they ran up the giant's arm and onto his

sweaty, hairy chest.  Nick ran down the giant's belly to join Kevin inside the massive underwear at

the crotch, but James paused and went back and hung himself over the

edge to stick his head into Jake's sweaty armpit.  

He lay down flat against the giant stallion's hairy hide, then turned

himself around and lowered his legs down into the armpit and began to

wiggle and rub himself all

around in the sweaty, soft, chocolate brown pit hair.  This was a big turn on of

his.  He wasn't gay, or at least he didn't think he was, but for

some reason the smell of a guy's pit, even his own, always made him go

hard.  He felt

that if

he hung around in here any longer he would bust a nut and he didn't

want to do that just yet, so he crawled back up and out onto the giant horse's muscular

chest and started to head down to join the others.He was

distracted again though, this time by one of the giant stallion's


He was curious if Jake's nipples were as sensitive as his own

were.  He walked up to it and wrapped his arms around the dark, huge, leathery nub and


to twist it around.  Jake immediately moaned his pleasure at


sensation.  James noticed that the nipple began to harden up


get a bit longer.  He worked at it some more, rubbing himself


against it, punching at it like a heavy bag, humping it for a bit, and

then twisting it some more.  He ran over to the other nipple


give it some of the same treatment and the giant horse moaned again.James

decided that he couldn't wait any longer to get to the best part of the

giant stallion's body so he finally ran down to join the others.  What


saw at the giant's crotch looked funny from outside.  He could

clearly see the outline of the giant's massive sheath and balls under

his briefs, but he could also see a hump moving around all over the

place like there was a giant gerbil loose in there or something.There

was so much to do around the giant horse's genitals that Nick could

not seem to settle in one area.  He was running around


Jake's underwear rubbing himself and licking at the sides of his

massive, fat sheath and crawling up and down it to try to find some way


jack it as it thickened to try to coax the cock out of it faster, or

running back to the gigantic balls to play with them for a bit, then

crawling back


the sheath to the end of it and licking at the sensitive skin around

the edge of it, or just rolling around in the sweaty pubic hair

trying to soak up every bit of the giant stallion's heady, masculine

essence.  Nick was in absolute heaven.James chuckled, "Come on out, you guys.  I don't think

we're gonna be able to get these off ourselves.  We should


let Jake pull them off.  I really want to get a good look at


cock and those incredible balls."Nick

made his way up to the waistband and emerged with a huge grin on his

face and smelling of giant crotch, but Kevin was nowhere to be seen."Where's Kev?" James asked.Nick shrugged his shoulders and said, "Dunno, I didn't see him in there come to think of it."Just

then, from the increasing arousal Jake was experiencing from Kevin's

treatment of his cock head, which resulted in a rapidly increasing

tumescence of his magnificent tool, the end of his massive sheath

thickened and stretched a bit as it poked out of the waistband of his

underwear, and suddenly Kevin's bare feet poked out of the end of the

sheath.  As the other boys watched in wonder, more and more of

Kevin's body became exposed as it was steadily pushed out of the

sheath.  Finally, his shoulders, arms and head cleared the exit

and they laughed as they saw their friend still completely absorbed in

the act of licking at the steadily oozing slit on the blunt end of the

stallion's massive, three foot wide penis as it continued to extend

right out of the sheath and push the boy along Jake's chestnut colored

belly.  He finally realized he'd been pushed out and sat up and

looked around to the other two boys and grinned as the cock continued

to push him further along the giant stallion's belly towards them while

it grew longer and longer."That was amazing!" Kevin exclaimed.The

boys gathered around near the tip of the giant stallion's massive penis and asked him to remove his

briefs.  Jake said they'd better get back to the ground where


was safe as he had to do some maneuvering to work them off, so they did.Jake

then quickly reached down and while lifting his butt, yanked the briefs

down his thighs, over his knees and off as his tail pulled itself

through the hole in the back of the underwear.  He tossed them


near his socks and lay back down flat on his back on the blanket.


immediately ran over to the discarded underwear and climbed inside to

once again roll around and get a bit of the essence of them like he had

done with the socks earlier.The dirty underwear had terrific

damp spots along the inner thigh part of the leg holes and a line of

dampness along the

place where the giant stallion's butt crack would have been.  He'd

obviously been sweating a lot from the heat.  James could even


a faint skid mark in the fabric right below the hole the tail normally

went through, right where the underwear would have touched the


butthole.  The smell of it all raised James's horniness level


eleven.  If this kept up he would likely have to move the


point to the right one place or something.Now that he was on

the ground, Kevin ran all the way down to the giant horse's feet and


and up between his muscular legs to his crotch again to play with his


hanging balls from the ground this time.  He couldn't get


of them.  The sight was mind blowing.  He didn't

think he

would ever get tired of the giant horse's crotch.  He noticed the long,

flowing hair of the stallion's tail was spread out on the ground

under his feet.  He imagined following that hair up to the thick

base of the tail, and he imagined the magnificent, dark prize that was

waiting between the giant horse's butt cheeks just under that

tail.  He was ready to

go to

the next level, and he wanted to finally get a taste of the giant

stallion's most private and personal area."Jake," he shouted, "could you lift your knees up so I can check out

your butthole?"When he heard that request, James emerged from inside the massive underwear and ran to

join Kevin.  He did not want to miss out on this.The

giant did as he was asked and lifted up his knees and grabbed behind

them with

his hands and exposed his big asshole to the boys'

delight.  His butt was furry with a soft, short-haired hide,

just like the rest of him, and he had a darker trough


hair running along his crack to his butthole, which was glistening with

sweat.  His tail came out just below the asshole, since the

stallion was on his back, and curved downward and became the flowing

long hair that the boys were standing on.  It was an incredibly

erotic sight.  Kevin could not wait to take a long lick under the

tail of a sweaty, giant stallion."Whoa!" said Kevin, "That looks amazing!  Give me a boost up


locked his fingers together with his palms facing up and Kevin planted

his foot on them to get hoisted up.  He wrapped his arms around

the thick base of the tail and shinnied up it until he reached the

glistening, sweaty pucker.  The smell here was mind blowing. 

The giant stallion realized what the boy wanted to do so he pulled his


back more to curve his back and bring his asshole a bit closer to

level to give him a better perch to play on.  Kevin found that he

could now actually crawl all around between the giant horse's buttocks

to explore more.  He crawled up the sweaty, fantastic smelling

line of smooth, leathery skin between the giant's amazing pucker and

his massive balls.  He sniffed and licked at the big, beautiful

balls for a while and then turned and worked his way back.  The

tail had come back and somewhat covered the asshole again so Kevin

reached up and pushed the tail away to expose the sweaty pucker again,

then moved his face right in to the sphincter.  He wasn't sure

where this urge was coming from but he could not resist licking the

giant stallion's hole and he began to lick at it with fervor, trying to suck up as much sweat as he could

from it.Jake the giant stallion started to moan again,

this time from the sensation of having his anus worked.  Kevin

heard the reaction and began to go crazy rubbing all over the giant

horse's big asshole to try to give him as much sensation as he

could.  Jake

moaned louder and longer.  Kevin then pushed his head hard right

at the bullseye and tried to work it into the hole.  Jake relaxed

and pushed a bit to loosen his sphincter and Kevin's head popped right

in.  The boy turned his head this way and that, licking at the

smooth walls of the horse's rectum until he couldn't breathe anymore,

then he pulled his head back out and set back to licking at the ridges

around the hole again.Meanwhile, Nick ran back up the

giant horse's arm and then he asked Jake to put his long muzzle down to

his chest and stick out his tongue.  He did so and with his chin

right down and his incredibly long tongue extended, it was able to hang

down right onto his chest.  Nick grinned and got on the end of the

tongue and squatted down on it and began to rub his ass along it,

cleaning his crack on the horse's drooling tongue.  He enjoyed

that for a while, then he stopped and straddled the thick tongue and

hung on and shouted for Jake to suck him in.  The stallion opened

his mouth wider and retracted his long tongue and Nick hung on as he

was lifted right up into the horse's mouth.  He turned around and

grabbed onto the tongue and began to hump against himself it and Jake

moaned through his open mouth at the thought of the boy rubbing his

privates against his tongue.Nick

found that even inside the massive stallion's mouth, there was a hint

of the scent of strawberries.  He realized that with the

stallion's massive cock fully erect, and with such a long nose and

tongue, Jake could likely put his head down and suck the end of his

incredible tool right into his mouth to suck the last of his own cum

out while he jacked off.  The thought that he was now rubbing

himself along the tongue that was covered in lube and horse cum drove

Nick even further into his lust and he humped at the horse's tongue

even harder as he moaned.  A strange urge suddenly overcame him

and he let go of his bladder and started pissing against the giant

stallion's tongue as he humped at it.  Jake began to moan even

louder now as the warm, acrid, tasty stream of the boy's urine gushed out

along his tongue.  He was in heaven.James had

ran back up the giant's arm and settled down right at the top of the

horse's belly where his chest began, so he could

finally enjoy playing with the end of the gigantic, fourteen foot long

cock.  He was


by a giant drop of clear pre-cum that was hanging from the slit

sticking out of the middle of the wide, blunt head.  He stuck his

face right into the bubble and sucked hard


take it all in and he swallowed the slippery treat.  He then


to rub at the giant stallion's cock head to try to coax out more. 


drop of pre-cum began to form and James decided to use it as

lubrication.  He stood and placed his rock hard penis at the

giant horse's piss slit and pushed it in.  He began bucking


against the stallion's cock head, fucking the slit.  The slippery


was as good as any he'd ever tried and the sight of that incredibly

long tool

laid out before him combined with the intensely masculine smell coming

off it and the thought that he was pounding his cock right into the end

of the cock of a beautiful, giant horse was starting to become too

much.  He began


buck harder as his orgasm started to build.Kevin had become so

turned on by the giant stallion's butthole that he had maneuvered

himself around and

was rubbing his hard cock against the ridges of the huge anus while he

licked and rubbed with his hands as well.  He could not get enough

of the smell and taste and the feel of it and he was beginning to

lose control.Nick, meanwhile, was so turned on by what he'd done

in Jake's mouth that he was now rubbing his own hard cock up and

down the giant stallion's tongue harder and harder as he hugged it and he was reaching orgasm as

well.  He yelled out and cum began to spurt in jets from his


and ran down the horse's tongue as the boy bucked and moaned against it.The

smell and taste and sensation of the giant stallion's anus was sending


over the moon.  He had no idea how amazing this spot was on

another male, let alone a horse.  Just the thought of what he was

doing here was making


more horny than he'd ever been in his life.  He couldn't take

anymore and his orgasm crashed into him and he began to spread his seed

around the giant stallion's asshole as he writhed in ecstasy, rubbing

himself against the

ridges.James was busy humping away at the massive horse's piss

slit.  His arms were stretched out along the top of the massive penis

as he leaned over it and licked at it while he fucked it.  He heard the

other boys moaning in pleasure and it


him over the edge.  His orgasm hit him and he bucked harder,


of control, and he shot his load directly into the giant horse's cock


the piss slit.Jake the giant stallion couldn't take anymore.  The

thought of all these boys in the throes of ecstasy, spewing their young

spunk at him, was pushing him right to the edge.  The

sensation of

his asshole being worked so well by Kevin, the taste of Nicks urine on his

tongue, and the banging of James's hips against his wide, blunt cock head combined

to send him over the edge.  His orgasm hit him with a powerful

shock wave and he shot a huge jet of thick horse cum from the end of his dick.James

was caught in the blast and rode the stream up the giant stallion's chest to

land right at his neck.  He was covered from head to toe in Jake's thick, pearly cum and


began to push it into his mouth.  He could not get enough.Kevin worked his way up the side of the giant's ball sack then ran past

the pubic patch and ran along the massive tool to see what was going on.The

giant could now safely let go his knees and lower his feet back down so

he did, and then

quickly took his own cock in hand and jacked it hard, moaning loudly

while it continued

to shoot streams of cum out onto his chest and belly.  Nick

crawled out of his mouth and jumped down to get some of the treat for

himself.Kevin moved into position at the end of the amazing tool to get a horse cum shower.  A

few slower spurts came out and covered him from top to bottom as

well.  Jake brought his cock back down so Kevin could get at

it better.  The boy placed his face right against the piss slit to


the last hot spurts of cum squirt out against it.  He opened


mouth and it was instantly filled.  He swallowed and went for

more.  The spurting slowed to a steady oozing and Kevin


to rub his face up and down the slit as more cum oozed out.The

three boys were in heaven.  The amount of cum was


even from a giant stallion's perspective.  Jake had never cum so


or so

much in his life.  The boys could not get enough of the

giant horse's potent spunk and they rolled in the massive pool of it

that was now covering Jake's chest and belly to coat themselves and

they licked at it to eat as much as

they could.Finally the flow stopped and the boys had their

fill.  They all settled into the huge puddles on the giant horse's

chest and belly and

lay there in complete contentment as the massive tool began to quickly

retract back into the thick sheath, dribbling more cum out the end of

it as it left a pearly trail down the stallion's belly.  The three



the giant stallion lay quietly as they came back down from their

orgasmic high."Holy fucking, butthole licking, cum sucking, shit!  That was the best thing I've

ever done!" exclaimed Kevin."Yup, bar none," agreed James."I wonder if giant horses can legally marry boys?" queried Nick.The

giant stallion chuckled softly, causing his belly to move up and down

giving the

boys an earthquake of about a seven on the Richter scale.  The

stallion had been sweating profusely from all the activity under the


sun and the combination of the sweat and the huge volume of cum had

created a slippery surface causing them to slide around

uncontrollably as he laughed."Hey, take it easy!" yelled James, chuckling.The boys laughed and rolled around a bit more.  James got an

idea and stood up and ran up to the giant horse's chin."Move aside you guys, I want to try something," he said to the other


moved aside.  James broke into a run and dived into the puddle


cum and sweat and his naked body slid all the way down Jake's chest and belly on the

slippery mess.  He came to the giant navel and dipped in and as he


the other side of the belly button he shot upward and flew in a short arc,

laughing and yelling, to land in the giant's patch of pubic hair near

the base of his thick sheath. 

The other boys needed no invitation to try it themselves. 


and again they took turns on the awesome, slippery ride. 


the giant interrupted them."Shit you guys, I'm really sorry but I need to fart again," said Jake.James, being the cleverest one of the boys, once again got an idea."Wait, can you hold it for just a bit longer?  I want to try

something for fun," he asked."Sure, I can hold it just a bit, but not long.  What's up?""Everybody off.  Jake, move yourself so your butt's just at

the edge of the swimming pool and lie back, OK?"The

boys got off of him and the giant moved over to the end of the towel

and lay back down with his butt towards the pool right at the edge.James

then climbed back up the giant and said, "Hit me with a shot of that lube, and then pull your knees back

like you did for Kevin before, so I can reach your butthole."The giant stallion complied again.  He reached over and grabbed the bottle

of lube and squirted James a bit and put some extra in his belly button,

then he dropped the bottle and pulled his knees far up towards his


curving his back and making his anus almost level.James splashed into the belly button to coat himself some more and than


made his way, slipping and sliding a bit, past the giant horse's crotch


his anus.  He put his feet at the giant stallion's hole and pushed them

in.  Then he worked the rest of himself in until only his head


sticking out.  The other boys started laughing at the sight.

 There was the giant stallion holding his knees back, his beautiful

tail sticking out with the long, flowing, chocolate colored hair

hanging down, exposing his asshole


the sky, and sticking out of it was the head of their friend, grinning.The giant said, "James, I really can't hold it any more.  I

gotta let her rip.""Great, give me five seconds to enjoy myself in there and then blow it out!" James said as his

head disappeared into the giant's rectum.Jake started groaning at the wonderful sensation of the boy crawling

around inside his rectum.  He'd never tried anything like this and

it felt amazing.  He tried to hold the fart as long as possible to

enjoy the feeling of James exploring his tunnel, but the gas was

building to explosive levels and he could hold it no longer.  He

grunted and pushed hard.James,

having been so well coated and lubricated by the giant's sweat, cum, and the strawberry flavored lube, shot out

of the sphincter at an amazing speed and arced out over the water in

the pool, accompanied by an earth shattering explosion of gas that

sounded like a long and violent train wreck from two freight trains

colliding head on at full speed.He was grinning and whooping

and screaming "yeeeee haaaawww" at the top of his lungs.  He


his arms held firmly against his sides and was flying through the air

like a bullet.  He came down at a shallow angle and skipped


twice and a third time across the surface of the water before he

finally splashed into it.The other boys and the giant stallion erupted

into gales of laughter.  They could not believe what they'd


seen.  James broke the water's surface sputtering and laughing


then he swam back to the edge of the pool to be picked up by Jake

and placed back down on the blanket.  Once again, the other


had to have a turn and the procedure was repeated twice more. 

Finally, they had to stop."Sorry guys," said the giant horse, still chuckling, "I'm totally out of gas."The boys climbed back up onto the beautiful chestnut stallion as he lay on his back again and

they settled onto his belly right up near his chest once more."This has been the best day of my life," said James with conviction.The other boys agreed.Jake relaxed with his hands locked together into the thick mane behind

his horse-shaped head, long ears swiveled forward, and watched with a


as the boys began to play with the drying cum on his belly some more.

 He could see that they were starting to get aroused again. 

It never really takes much time for a


boy to reload, but the giant stallion himself wasn't quite ready to go

again yet."Man, I'm horny all over again," said James."Yeah,

me too," said Nick and then he looked at the giant and said, "Jake, I

sure wish you were a normal size so I could suck your huge dick for real.""Yup,

I'd give anything to be able to have a good go at that awesome pucker

of yours again with you a normal size.  I never thought I'd be

turned on by the idea of lifting up a stallion's tail and getting my

tongue right in there to lick his butthole clean," Kevin said, "but now it's about the best thing I can think of to do.""Can I ask you guys something?" the giant stallion queried.The boys nodded."I've

watched you a lot down there.  You're always

horny.  Why

the hell have you not fucked each other or sucked each other's dicks or licked each other's assholes?"The boys looked stunned for a moment and then looked at each other."I never really thought of that, I'm not gay," said James."Me neither," said Kevin, "but it does sound like a good idea.""I have

thought of it, I was just afraid to ask.  I thought you'd kick

me out of the group or something," said Nick.The boys looked at each other for a while, not sure how to proceed."You don't have to be gay to explore sex with another dude.  You

just have to be horny and curious.  You need to stop putting rules

around sex about who you should do it with or what gender they should

be or how exactly it should be done.  You'll be much happier in life if you try everything that you

can in every way you can think of.  You'll never have regrets that way.  You

guys had no problem letting go when it came to exploring me. 


don't you just let go and explore each other now?  Do whatever


feel like.  If the other guy doesn't like something you're


he'll let you know and you can try something else.  No harm

done.  There's no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed,


here is a willing participant," explained the stallion.Nick

suddenly got on his hands and knees and crawled over to James, who was

sitting down with his legs stretched out, leaning back on his

hands.  As Nick approached James moved his legs apart so Nick


crawl up between them."I've wanted to do this for ages," Nick

said, and without any further delay he moved his head down and sucked in

the full length of James's cock.  James immediately started to


at the incredible sensation.  Nick pulled his head off his friend's


and went to work licking and sucking at his balls and licking up the

sweat and cum all over his pubes.  He then licked up the

length of

James's rock hard cock and slurped it in again hungrily.  Nick

began moaning as he forced more and more of James's cock down the back

of his throat.Kevin was hugely turned on by the sight and

decided to try out his new found hobby once again.  He moved


behind Nick and spread the boy's ass cheeks and he moved his face in and began

to tongue Nick's tight, sweaty, pink pucker.  The taste was

incredible and he began to get worked up into a frenzy.  He


thought he'd be attracted to another guy's asshole but right now it was about

the most amazing thing he'd ever played with and he only wanted

more.  He put his hand down to the giant stallion's chest and scooped

up a

bit of the remaining cum and began to rub it on his cock."Nick," he said, "would it be OK if I used your hole?  I'd

really like to fuck you."Nick stopped what he was doing and looked back at Kevin and saw the

desire there."Yeah,

of course you can.  That's another thing I've been wanting to


for ages.  Just go slow, OK?  I've played with myself


there but nobody has ever fucked me.""Just let me know if I hurt you and I'll stop," said Kevin.Nick turned back to continue working on James's throbbing dick.Kevin

moved his hips into position and slowly and carefully inserted the head

of his cum lubed penis into Nick's ass.  The sensation of his

rigid, straining cock sliding into this tight, slippery, warm hole was

incredible.  He suddenly realized that this was something he


never get tired of doing for the rest of his life, using


guy's ass to bring himself pleasure.  He slowly pushed his rod


until it was buried to the hilt and held it for a while to see if Nick

was OK.  Nick was moaning much louder now at the extra


as his head bobbed up and down on James's rigid cock.Kevin

slowly pulled back until the edge of his cock head started to appear

and then pushed back in.  He started to build up a


Faster and faster he went.  It felt so great he knew he would


last long.  He began to fuck harder up against Nick's ass and


could feel the orgasm start to build in his swinging balls and they

began to tighten up.The sight of all this had gotten the

giant stallion's cock more than ready for another go as it rapidly

lengthened and thickened and once again emerged out of his thick sheath

and stretched up until it almost pushed against the rutting boys.

 He took it in hand and

started working it and moaning at the pleasure of watching the boys

truly discover each other for the first time.James had never

had his cock sucked before and he was in heaven.  Nick may not

have ever done it before, but he sure seemed to know what he was

doing so it was clear he'd been spending a lot of time going over it in

his fantasies.  James's hips began to move up into Nick's face in


with Nick's head moving up and down on James's cock.  James


harder and harder against Nick's face, his body instinctively trying to

drive his cock deeper into the other boy's throat.  Before

long he

too began to feel his orgasm start to build.Nick had played

with dildos before but he'd never had a cock slamming into his

ass.  This was 100 times better, a whole two decimal

places to the right! 

Kevin was not going very easy on him but he was happy about


The feeling of his hole being stretched to its limit and the sensation

of the cock sliding against his sensitive anus was amazing. 

Kevin's cock head was bumping against Nick's prostate each time he

thrust into him and it was like a small jolt of electricity shot

through him each time.  He reached down with his right hand


began working his own cock while he sucked James's cock in deeper and

Kevin slammed his ass harder.  He couldn't take anymore and


orgasm plowed into him and he began squirting his seed out onto the

giant horse's chest.The sensation of Nick's anus clamping onto his

cock in rhythm with the pumping of his orgasm sent Kevin over the edge

and he slammed long and hard into Nick's rectum and shot his load deep

into his friend's bowels.  He bucked again and again shooting spurt


spurt of his seed into the other boy.  He'd never had so powerful an


before and he wished it would never end.The sight of Kevin

losing it and shooting his load into Nick's ass caused James's orgasm to

slam into him and he bucked and moaned as he shot ropes of cum into

Nick's hungry mouth.  He came and came, moaning and humping


hips upward hard against Nick's face and reveled in the idea that he

was unloading his spunk right at the back of his best friend's

throat.  He briefly wondered why the hell they had never tried

this stuff with each other before and also realized this was going to

be happening a hell of a lot from now on.The sight of the three

boys losing control again became too much for the giant stallion and it


him over the edge.  He jacked his massive horse cock hard and fast,



the sight of the rutting boys reaching their climax.  His huge

scrotum began to tighten up to squeeze out its load of semen as he


and once again started to shoot hot, thick jets of horse semen that

drenched the boys and coated them from head to toe while they bucked

against each other on the

giant's belly.All of them expended the last of their cum and

finally slowed down.  The boys settled down and held each

other as

they lay in a pile, covered in the stallion's thick, warm cum.Everyone

became sleepy and drifted off into a short nap.  They woke a

little while later and noticed the sun was starting to get


It was early evening already.  The boys climbed down and took


dip in the pool to clean themselves off and then came back and lay down

on the blanket to dry off.Jake said, "I've had an incredible

time with you guys.  I'd really like to hang out with you some

more, but it's starting to get a bit late.  Your moms will


you home for supper.  I guess I should probably send you guys


down, yeah?""Awww, really?  This is the best time I've ever had! 

I don't want to leave so soon.  I'll never get to do

anything like this again!" James complained."What?  I said

before, you can come by whenever you want.  I'll want to play


you guys a lot more," said the giant stallion."Wait, what?  What

about that whole huge setup earlier?  The author went through


whole painfully complicated thing about all the conditions needed to

send that vine up.  How the hell do we recreate all of that


and over again?" James asked.(Yeah, really, what are the odds?)The stallion put up a hand, "Listen,

I need to confess something to you guys.  I told you before


I've been watching your sweet asses through my telescope.  I

really couldn't resist getting a taste.  I called down a while


and had an elevator put in so I could bring you guys up here. 


just seemed more fitting if I had them make it look like a great big

beanstalk.  Get over by the telescope and watch this..."As

the boys gathered around the eyepiece of the telescope the giant horse went

over and picked up his shorts and fumbled in a pocket and finally

pulled out what looked like a remote car starter.  He held it


and pressed the button and it let out a few chirps.  The boys

watched through the telescope as the piece of ground they had ridden up

on earlier once again broke free from the earth and began to rapidly

ascend."You guys can come up here and play with me any time, see?" he said."Awesome! 

But all that shit about the freaky conditions, the seeds, the

drops of rain, the electricity, the temperature, the boy spunk in the

perfect sized hole, it all happened!  There was a huge thunder

clap and everything!" said James.The giant stallion shrugged, "Yeah, in

case you haven't figured it out yet, the author is a real long-winded

blow hard and needs to make a big complicated drama out of

everything.  He

loves to go on endlessly in great detail about all this shit that

nobody really cares about."(Watch it, asshole!)"It was all a bunch of crap to flesh out the story, really,"

the asshole stallion continued, "I let you guys sleep for a little while down there so you'd

be rested and ready and then I pressed the button and up you

came.  None of that other shit needed to happen at

all.  Oh,

and the thunder clap was me, sorry.  The burrito I had,

remember?""Holy shit!  I can't believe it!" said James."Yep," said the giant asshole, "you ate bird shit for nothing.""What, no, huh?" said James."Never mind,"

the asshole giant stallion replied, and then he looked up at the

annoying author and rolled his eyes and shook his horse-shaped head,

causing his long, soft mane to swish around adorably, then he looked back at James

and continued, "I'm glad I finally got to show you guys that as

long as you have each other around, you've got someone to


Don't let things get so bad that you have to use a hole in the

ground.  Just use each other's holes, got it?"The boys

smiled and nodded.  They went to get their clothes and pulled


their shirts.  They put their shoes and shorts on over their


feet and asses so the giant stallion could keep their dirty socks and underwear

to enjoy while they were gone.Jake then picked up the boys, again with his right hand at Nick's request, and

walked back to the platform, which took less than ten minutes."Say,

why the fuck did you make us walk all the way over to you earlier

anyhow?" asked Kevin, "It took us over an hour in the humid heat for

Christ's sake!  You could have just stood over by here and


us up as soon as we arrived.""I'm really sorry about that, Kev.

 I did wait for you half way but I guess I should

have come a

bit closer.  I'm a serious perv, see.  I just wanted to be sure you'd be drenched in


from head to toe so I'd get more of a treat when I smelled you," the

giant stallion confessed, "I promise from now on I'll be right here when you

guys show up, OK?  We'll find other ways to get you all

sweaty."The stallion set them down on the platform and just before he could press the

button to send the boys back down to Earth, Kevin shouted, "Wait!  Could I get just

one more quick taste?  For the road?"Jake the giant

stallion smiled, then turned around and squatted so his massive,

muscular butt was right down at Kevin's face and his long, flowing tail

swished from side to side invitingly over the boy's head and his massive balls hung down in front of the him.  Kevin

grinned and reached up with both hands to push the stallion's tail up

higher and moved his face in to lick at the giant horse's sweaty pucker

one last time.  It was something he would never get tired of and

he'd probably be doing it in his mind in the dark in his bed with his

young cock in hand for weeks to come.After letting Kevin get a

good, thorough taste of his asshole, the giant stallion then stood and

turned and waved goodbye to them as he pressed the button and the boys


their rapid descent back down to earth, so Nick could go home and watch

fucking Vampire Diaries.As he watched them start downward Jake

leaned over and shouted down at them, "Don't ever forget boys, you've

got two holes each!  There's plenty to go around. 

Any time

you want to come back up just come to the clearing and give me a

sign.  I'll be watching for you."The

boys waved their acknowledgment up to him and then settled in to enjoy

the ride.  They appeared to speak to each other and came to


agreement and suddenly James took off his filthy sneaker, placed it on

the ground and gave an order to Nick.  Nick then got on his hands

and knees and

planted his face in the smelly shoe breathing in the aroma.  James

moved around behind him and pulled

Nick's shorts down and then his own and he slipped his rigid boner into

Nick's asshole and commenced to fuck him hard.  Kevin took his

shorts right off, stood up, and went around to straddle Nick's head


James and pulled James's head down and pushed his stiff dick into his mouth and started humping away with his hands on the top

of his friend's head.As the giant stallion watched the three boys going at it


they continued to rush downward, getting smaller and smaller, he smiled


nodded to himself.  They had clearly learned the important

lesson well.  He then broke into a run to get back to the

telescope to perv on them and rub one off.Armed

with the exciting new knowledge of the many ways to enjoy each other's bodies,

there was no doubt that these boys finally had all the tools necessary to live

happily ever after.The EndThe

moral of that very brief, concise, and one might even say short-winded

(you asshole stallion) story is, "When desperate for a hole to fuck, you need

look no further than the guy right next to you.  He's got two."Seriously,

everyone reading this just turn your head once to the left, and then to

the right, is there someone there?  No?  Fuck it,

just use

your hand then.  Check again later.  Assuming you

don't have

overwhelming body odor or extreme halitosis or something, at some point there will be someone

sitting right beside you.  Don't be a chicken shit, just ask


nicely if you can use one of his holes.  You might be

surprised at

what happens next.

In the meantime, I wish you all good night.  May you have

pleasant dreams about being shot out the ass of a giant stallion.