Lessons in love

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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#3 of Bunny Tales or is it Tails?

Alright, alright, you've all been bugging me to finish a second with the tiger and his MILF, well here it is! Hope it was worth the wait! ;)

It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in sight. Out by the pool the landlord's son was cutting the grass and doing other menial tasks. The tall tiger was shirtless in the heat, his back and shoulder muscles rippling as he moved the lawn mower back and forth across the small patch of grass. She stood in the glass patio door watching him for a while a soft smile on her lips. Her husband had headed off to work about two hours ago and she'd been doing house work, dusting and the like until she'd caught sight of the young man.

Memories from the week before flitted through her mind, the way he looked naked, how hard his body felt under her hands, the way his cock had throbbed so deep inside her. She slipped her hand up to her chest and toyed with one of her hard nipples remembering how eagerly his mouth had attacked them. He was so eager to please her and he learned so quickly what she wanted. Her eyes tracked his movement as he turned around and started pushing the mower the other direction. God that ass was beautiful. The black shorts he was wearing emphasized his striping, making the orange seem almost on fire as the sun glinted off it. Her right hand slide down over her belly without her really thinking about what she was doing.

He was almost finished with the small patch of lawn, and it was hot maybe she could offer him a nice cold drink? Let him come in for a short break from the heat of the summer day? The thought was the deed, her left hand slid the glass door open and she called out, "Looks like you could use a break," just after the lawn mower turned off.

He lifted his head and looked around, brightening noticeably when he spotted her, then blushing so cutely, his ears perking up. She posed for him, leaning against the door frame in her bikini top and tight cut off shorts. She had a bit of a tummy but that never stopped her from flaunting what the good lord gave her. The top barely contained her ripe breasts, holding them securely against her chest but obviously straining to do so. The shorts covered barely more then a pair of underwear or bikini bottom would, hugging her lush ass and making the place her legs joined stand out more clearly than her fur allowed for.

She was pleased with his reaction, first his eyes lit up and then he had to adjust his shorts, his hand straying down to pull the fabric away from his groin as if it was suddenly too tight. "I've got some nice cold iced tea if you'd like it." She ran her bare right foot up her left leg slowly, angling her hip so that her knee pointed out to the side instead of forward. His eyes dropped to her groin, taking in the shift in her position that showed him the tight fit of her shorts to better effect.

He swallowed hard and looked around to see if anyone was about, then nodded slightly, "That actually sounds really good right now Miss." He carefully moved the lawn mower back into the little shed that housed it and closed the door firmly. "You sure you don't mind a big sweaty guy in your apartment?" His large fingers manipulated the combination lock quickly before he turned to face her once more.

She'd shifted position while he was putting his tools away, turning to face the frame so her backside was visible to him now, the fullness of her ass peeking at him under the edge of her shorts. She had both her hands over her head reaching as high as she could and stretching her back out so that her butt was prominently presented. Her husband said it was one of the more erotic poses he'd seen her in and always had a smile for her when she did it. God how she wished it would get a rise out of him these days then she wouldn't feel so much like she was burning up from the inside out, so desperate to feel a cock inside her that she was once again planning to seduce a much younger male.

She glanced over her shoulder at her target and smiled to herself to see him staring to walk rather stiffly toward the patio. Turning so her back was too him she gave her tail a little flick and headed for the kitchen leading him further into the apartment. "Close the door? I don't want to loose any of the cool air." When she reached the fridge she purposefully bent over at the waist to push her backside out as she "searched" for the iced tea she'd promised him. "I hope you like sweet."

She felt more then heard him moving up behind her and wasn't in the least surprised when she stood up with the pitcher of sweet tea to find him only a few inches behind her. She smiled over her shoulder once more moving away from him to reach for a glass. She opened the cupboard and stood on her toes to reach for one of the large glasses only to find him right behind her again reaching up to get it for her, his bulk so close to her back that she could feel the heat radiating off of him. "Here Miss let me get that for you!" Her nose twitched as she smelled success.

Staying right where she was she slid her hand down his arm from the elbow to where he was holding the glass. "Oh thank you, I was afraid I might drop it." She let her body brush against the front of his as she settled the glass and poured the cold tea into it.

She turned around, managing to brush her chest against his body as she did so the hard little points of her nipples left trails in his fur. "Here you go something to cool you off a little." Her eyes met his briefly before he looked down to take the glass from her hand. He lifted it to his lips and tilted his head back; she watched the muscles in his throat contract as he took big swallows of the cold drink. Unable to help herself she let her hands slide up over his broad chest, reveling in the feel of those strong young muscles moving under her fingertips. He finished the glass and set it on the counter behind her, looking down into her face with a longing that she was in no mood to deny. Her head tilted up slightly as her fingers found his shoulders, pulling him down so that he could meet her lips with his own.

He seemed to have remembered her brief lesson in kissing from the laundry room. He didn't immediately shove his tongue into her mouth but instead let her play her lips over his, gently kissing and even nibbling at his lower lip. Those large hands of his slid around her waist, fingers nearly touching in the small of her back while his thumbs were curved over her hips. She lifted up slightly on her toes, playing her tongue over his lips then gently pressing between them to taste the sweet tea on his tongue. He let out a soft moan and tightened his hands on her hips a moment before he simply lifted her up and put her ass on the counter, shoving the tea pitcher back with little care if it spilled or not.

Being on the counter meant that she could slip her arms around his neck and pull him more firmly in against her body so he could feel the hardness of her nipples against his chest. He was still too hesitant to push her legs apart which made her smile into the kiss, even as she shifted her legs and pulled him in with the firm muscles of her calves pressing into that gorgeous ass. As soon as she had him positioned he pulled her forward so she could feel the press of his hard-on against the heat of her groin. For a while she just kissed him, tilting her head to the side and teasing him with her tongue, teeth and lips. It was a great pleasure to show him that kissing could be just as much fun as straight up fucking was. He kept making the sweetest little moans and whimpering sounds as she teased his teeth with the tip of her tongue, all the while holding his trapped cock against her groin with her legs.

When she finally pulled back his eyes were slightly glazed and his cock wouldn't stop throbbing against her. It was such a rush to know she affected him that way, that just kissing and pressing against her was enough to muddle his mind and make him desperate for her. The sense of power went straight to her groin, making everything tighten for a moment and she couldn't help the soft chuckle that slipped out of her. "Ready for another lesson my sweet boy?" Her voice had that husky edge to it that it only got when she was really turned on, not that he'd know that yet.

He swallowed hard, nodding even before his lips parted and he whispered, "Yes please Miss." Leaving her little doubt that he would do anything she asked of him.

Her hands slid down along the curve of his biceps and lower till she was able to lift his wrists, pulling his hands up to settle on the fullness of her breasts. "First you need to get this undone. There is a tie at the back of my neck under my hair. Be careful you don't pull, that wouldn't be pleasant." He nodded, his eyes focusing a little more as he realized she was going to make him uncover what he wanted to play with today. He leaned in against her a little more craning his neck to see over her shoulder. Her hair was a tumbled mass of curls but he figured out quickly that he could lift it with one hand and still reach the ties for her top. It took him a little longer to figure out the catch in the middle of her back, he had to push her hair over her shoulder to get both hands on it. She didn't help him much either, kissing his neck and sliding her hands up and down his back to enjoy the feeling of his young body.

The look of triumph on his face made her giggle a little, when he finally had the top off and in his hands. It took him a moment of fumbling with it before he realized he didn't really need it in his hands and let it fall to the kitchen floor. His warm hands found her bust once more gently squeezing then shifting so she felt him rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She left off kissing his throat and shoulders to lean back and give him a little more room to play. He took the move for the invitation that it was and lowered his muzzle to suckle on one of her ripe nipples. She let out a soft moan as she felt the roughness of his tongue flicking over the tip of her hard bud. Her mind raced ahead to other things she'd like to feel that rough tongue on and she slipped her hand into his hair pulling his head back so he couldn't distract her while she spoke to him in that husky voice. "How would you like to bury your nose in my crotch and learn how to please a woman without your cock?"

He winced slightly when she pulled his hair but as soon as her words sunk in, he nodded against the feel of her hand on his head. "Oh would I!" He lifted his hands from her body and slowly stood up as her fingers loosened from his hair. "I love watching that!" He blushed furiously looking down at her shorts and what they hid within them.

She frowned slightly then giggled. "Oh you mean porn." She shoved on his chest making him back up a little so she could slide off the counter. "Come on lets move to the living room." She grabbed her top from the floor and sauntered into the living room with an added sway to her hips and a little flick of her fluffy tail. She paused beside the couch. "Sit."

This was the first time she'd given him an order that wasn't phrased as a request and she smiled to herself as he obediently followed it. He was sitting with his legs slightly parted, hands loosely resting on his thighs as he watched her with wide eyes. "That's good. Now unfasten my shorts, we need to get rid of them so you can see what you're doing." She pushed her knees against the front of the couch between his and rested her hands on his shoulders so she was in easy reach of his longer arms. His big hands fumbled a little with the button trembling with the excitement of what he was doing, but eventually he got the button loose and followed that with the zipper.

When her shorts didn't immediately fall off her body he looked up at her curiously. "Well push them down, women have hips and that makes it harder to just drop our clothes." His hands moved to her hips and shoved the jean shorts down, he had to shift his grip a few times to get the tight material down off her ass but then it simply fell to the floor leaving him with the sight of her, barely covered by skimpy panties.

He reached for them as well only to pause when her hands caught his wrists and look up at her. She smiled sweetly, guiding his left hand around to grip her ass while she moved his right down between her thighs and used his fingers to cup her heated sex through the panties. He let out a pleased sounding moan his eyes jumping to where his hand was holding her. "You're so warm!" He took the initiative to wriggle his fingers a little, pressing against her curiously. With the cloth between his hand and her sex he couldn't do more then stimulate her labia this way but it was enough to let him feel the dampness that had seeped into her panties from the little bit of foreplay in the kitchen. "And wet!" his eyes widened again as he looked up into her face, "and you smell so good!" The last came out as a soft moan that sent shivers through her body and settled into a warm feeling low in her groin.

His other hand tightened on her backside pulling her just a little closer so her knees were bent and she was leaning into his shoulders. His head came up and he brushed his lips over one of her erect nipples, sending a new tingle through her body that joined with the growing sensations. Unfortunately he was only able to focus on one thing at a time and that meant he was concentrating on her nipple when she wanted him to be stroking her labia. Her hand slide into that fine blonde hair and she pulled his head forcefully away from her breast making him gasp and whine as he looked up at her. "You've played with those before, now it's time for something new." She stood up, pushing away from his shoulders and moving out of his grip. Her thumbs hooked in the sides of her panties and she hauled them down in a single quick motion, bending at the waist to do so. When she stood up she kicked both her panties and shorts out of the way and moved back in against the couch between his legs.

He just stared at her for a long moment, his eyes on the small patch of darker coarser fur between her legs. She chuckled softly, running her fingers through his silky hair again, more gently this time. "Would you like to touch it?" She was enjoying the look on his face, the way his eyes widened and his nostrils flared. It was quite a rush, knowing that he was speechless just from looking at her. It also didn't hurt that his shorts were straining to contain his mounting arousal.

He managed a slight nod in answer to her question and lifted his right hand toward her body. Slowly his fingers ran over that coarse fur, shifting it and tickling her a little. He even ran his fingers down the crease where her mons joined her thighs pulling a soft gasp from her and making her tighten her fingers in his hair momentarily. She let him play with her for a while, enjoying the way he explored the coarse hair as well as the bare skin like he was fascinated with every bit of her. Eventually she slid her finger under his chin and tilted his head up slowly. "Let go for a moment." She waited till his hands moved away from her body and twisted away from him. While he kept watching her she slid onto the couch settling one leg up against the back bent at the knee and her other foot on the floor so she was wide open to him.

He let out a soft gasp and started to purr, his eyes riveted on her now bare and inviting sex. "You look... different then I expected." His eyes lifted to her face, then rolled back down her body taking in her breasts and hips before they settled again on her sex.

She smiled a little and nodded when he looked at her face then giggled as his eyes fell back down her body. "Not all women look the same. You're used to porn stars who have everything all tucked inside neatly. What you're seeing is my inner labia." She ran her hand down her body and lightly started to touch herself as she named the parts for him. "Outer labia, where the coarse fur grows, they are there to protect the rest." Her fingers stroked up and down along them for a moment until she was sure he understood what she was talking about. "Then the inner labia," her fingers touched the bare skin of her protruding inner labia making her shiver just a little. "Again to protect the rest of the sex but these are more sensitive, and on most porn stars much smaller then mine." She slid her other hand down and with two fingers gently parted herself. She hid a smile when he moaned loudly leaning down to better examine what she'd just uncovered.

She settled her shoulders against the arm of the couch a little more firmly and took up her lesson again. "See here where the labia meet at the top?" He nodded wide eyed as he watched her finger caressing that spot. "That's called the hood, so named because it hides the clitoris." Her deft fingers pressed down just above the join and bared that tender morsel to his sight. "Do you see the little bump of flesh there?" Again he nodded, closer to her body now, so close she could feel his elevated breathing washing against her hot skin. "That is the clitoris, or clit for short. It's a bundle of nerves that feels really good when stimulated." She demonstrated for him by running the tip of her finger over the hard little button and letting out a pleased moan. His purring ratcheted up a few notches and he swallowed hard, his eyes still wide enough that she was sure he wasn't even blinking.

She was starting to want his tongue on her but she wanted to make sure she'd finished the anatomy course first. Her fingers let the hood go so her clit disappeared under that little roll of skin. He whined in disappointment, which made her laugh softly. "There's more to learn pretty Tiger." She moved her hands lower, parting her inner labia so that the opening of her vagina was now visible and he inhaled sharply. "Yep, that's what you were inside." She dipped her forefinger into herself up to the first knuckle and swirled it around for a moment before withdrawing it. She displayed the moisture that was now clinging to her digit and explained, "This is the natural moisture that women have, it starts being produced when we get aroused and eventually coats us inside before it starts seeping out." She gave her finger a little flick up her inner labia shivering when it passed over her clit before popping out at the top. "Think you've got it now?"

His enthusiastic nod was accompanied by a soft moan that let his breath wash over her bare labia and made her shiver. Large trembling fingers stroked her outer labia and he breathed out, "Outer labia." A moment later he was stroking the protruding flesh and whispered, "Inner labia." His big trembling finger found the join at the top of her slit, "Hood." It took him a few moments to find the little bud since his fingertip was much larger than hers and he didn't have the experience of knowing right where it was. However, when he did find it her body jumped, hips bucking up against that warm finger, "Ahhh... There it is! Clit!" He grinned up at her and slide his finger down slowly between the sensitive inner labia until he found her opening, then he pressed his finger firmly forward until he had it buried inside her and breathed out, "Heaven..." He spent a few moments sliding his finger in and out of her twisting it around to see what he could feel inside her. Each of his shifts had her letting out another soft moan and her hips lifted to angle toward his hand for a deeper penetration. She let him go on like that for a few moments enjoying the feel of is his thick finger inside her passage. Before too long she reached down and pulled his hand away.

"Very good. You learn quickly." She took a few breaths to calm herself down a little then let his wrist go. "Now let's see how well you can use your tongue." She adjusted her position slightly, giving her hips a better angle. "Start in the order that you learned the parts in, lick slowly at first and build up to as fast as you can but do it slowly you don't want to over stimulate that will hurt." She hooked the leg that was leaned against the couch over his shoulder pressing his face down into her moist sex.

To his credit he followed her directions to the letter, licking at her outer labia from the base all the way to where the join was. The roughness of his tongue caught at the coarse fur pulling slightly but not in a painful way. Each tug of his tongue had her letting out a soft moan and lifting slightly toward his face. Eventually he had her fur all groomed in the same direction and his tongue slide over her like silk. It was then he switched his attention to the protruding inner labia, working his tongue along the more sensitive flesh. She groaned softly at the first touch, loving the way that rough tongue felt against her moist skin. He was diligent in his task, stroking her from base to join over and over in slow movements that pressed his nose up along her in advance of that wonderful tongue.

The more he worked at her the more she felt her hips lifting in response to his tongue. "Good boy, Oh... right there!" Her hands fell to his soft rounded ears and held on to keep his muzzle right where it was so that he was licking repeatedly over her inner labia in just the right place. She couldn't hold back the little vocalizations even if she wanted to at this point, her soft moans and gasps sounding abnormally loud to her ears.

He focused on the spot he'd been licking when she grabbed his ears and that was pure heaven, as his rough tongue passed over that same spot again and again she felt the sensations inside her building to a head. Then almost by accident he found her clit! The jolt of pleasure that shot through her ripped a cry from her throat and had her arching her back and jerking her hips against his face as she came hard. She must have caught him by surprise, his eyes widened and he let go of her pulling back just in time to have his face covered in the rush of fluid that came with her orgasm.

She fell back onto the couch panting as she tried to catch her breath. It surprised her when she felt his tongue again, working over her wet folds, cleaning up the fluid that she'd just expelled in a rush. He didn't stop with just cleaning her up though. His loud purr echoed in the room as his tongue went right back to work on her body, licking and coaxing her back into relaxing. This time he'd kept his right hand from under her backside, so she was only held by his left and at first it annoyed her just enough to keep her from reaching for a second peak. The annoyance simply disappeared as she felt the warm press of his finger sliding into her body.

It was no where near as large as his organ, but that didn't matter right now, what mattered was that he was taking the initiative to find new ways to pleasure her and it was paying off. Her hands found his ears again and she clung to them as he worked her back toward that peak this time thrusting his finger in and out of her still clenching slit. She was almost there when he added a second finger, the added girth shoving her over the edge and pulling another cry from her dry throat as she clenched down hard around those probing fingers. His hand mostly stopped the flow of her fluids when she came this time but that didn't seem to bother him, he just kept thrusting and twisting inside her his tongue lashing at the overly sensitive nub of her clit until she finally had to reach down and pull him away.

He lifted his damp face and peered up her body watching her as he licked his muzzle. She lay there gasping for a bit longer before she looked down at him and smiled. "Head of the class." Her voice sounded harsh to her ears but she didn't think he minded that much since he smiled back at her. "Now give me that monster of yours!" She started pulling at his ear and hand guiding him up her body so she could feel that wonderfully large cock pressing into her once more.

He didn't disappoint her, sliding up over her body and pushing her thighs further apart as his left hand worked the shorts down off his hips to free his throbbing erection. It flopped against her puffy labia and made her moan in pleasure, writhing her hips to press up against it a little more firmly. Something crossed his eyes and before she knew what was happening his hand was pressing that hot head against her folds, hips working to sink the underside of his cock between her labia so that it pressed against her engorged clit.

After two external orgasms she was a little sensitive there but as soon as she felt the heat of his cock pressing against that bundle of nerves she grabbed for his hips and held him there as they both writhed and ground together. She couldn't think anymore, just react to the sensations that were running through her like a tidal wave. Her head fell back over the arm of the couch as he attacked her nipples with his mouth and tongue, all the while rubbing the rough skin of his shaft against her letting the barbs catch and pull at her tender bud. It was more than she could take and with another cry that felt like it was ripped from her throat she gave into the orgasmic rush for a third time.

He was learning fast, as he felt that rush of fluid and her body thrashing under him he backed off, giving her time to catch her breath and recover a little, at least that's what she thought he was doing. Just as she started to be able to think again she felt the press of his head seeking and finding the entrance to her body. A firm press of his hips and he was in her, pushing her wide open as he shoved forward again and again to work himself deep inside her.

Her world narrowed down to the sight of his face, the feel of his body working inside and with her own, every little twitch of his hips, every little shift in his weight bringing with it more of that all encompassing pleasure. She didn't have to pull on his hips to get him to take her this time; he was well past the point where she could have stopped him from rutting her. Her whole body shook with the force of his thrusts, sliding further along the couch until her head was draped over the arm, hair dangling down to brush the floor and still he slammed himself into her. His mouth was hot and hungry on her breast, moving randomly from one of her firm nipples to the other, suckling and even daring to bite the stiffened flesh. She became nothing but a conduit for the pleasure that was rampaging through her, all of her muscles locked down tight so that she was firmly held to his greater bulk as he strove for his own pleasure.

When he peaked, it ripped another cry, almost a scream really, from her lips that was nearly drown in the echoing depths of his roar. His back arched and he came up off her body slamming his hips hard against her and giving jerky little thrusts with each pulse of heat that surged out of his almost too large cock. For several heartbeats they were frozen like that, her body clinging to his while he strained over her. But all good things must come to an end; slowly he collapsed over her holding her pinned under his bulk. As he caught his breath he pulled her toward him so that her head came back to rest on the arm of the couch and he could peer into her face. "Are you alright Miss?" He gasped out between harsh breaths endearing himself to her even more for his concern of her well being.

She started laughing breathily, sliding her hands up his sides to grip his shoulders and press herself tightly to his chest. "Oh yes. Very much more than alright."