To sleep perchance to dream

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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Lying in bed you stare at the ceiling for a while, hoping that you did the right thing. But there is a nagging doubt in your mind that you should never have let her get to you like that. Kissing her like she was an adult... What were you thinking? How is that going to affect her development as a person? God will she need counseling because her father molested her?

Eventually sleep comes, as it must and claims you.

There is a warmth pressed to your side, and your hand is holding something that's soft and yet firm at the same time. You turn into the warmth rolling onto your side and resting your head against the pillow but something tickles your nose. That scent, the one that has roused you from slumber many times in the past, aroused woman. The warmth begins to take shape, it's a form pressed back tightly to your body, warm and soft. Legs are meshed against the front of your thighs, knees hooked over yours. In response to the primal urges of your body your hand moves to find a hip and hold it tightly as you shift your groin forward. There, just like that you're nestled between the warmth of bare buttocks, but the body in front of you isn't still. There is a shifting back and forth that has you hot-dogging between those furry globes. Soft whimpers and moans come to your ears and you realize that the woman you're holding hasn't waited for you to join her; she's working her own body to release.

Slowly sleep starts to fade from your mind and you do what any red blooded male would when he's holding a woman who seems bent on pleasure. Your hand toys with the breast it's holding, teasing the nipple and stroking over the fullness of that furry globe. The shift of her hips pulls yours into motion and you start to thrust against her backside letting her feel the full hardness of your cock as it slides between her cheeks. Your hand leaves her hip and follows the line of her arm down into the depths between her thighs, fingers stroking over the back of her hand lightly before you press down a bit further and twine your fingers with hers.

You can feel the heat and the dampness, she's been working herself up quite well but there are things you can do to help her along. The vigorous motion of her fingers over her clit is enough to pull a moan out of you as you slip your hand lower, finding that damp opening and teasingly running a fingertip around it. She shudders and pushes her hips toward that caress in a clear invitation. Again you tease her with just the tip of your finger, stroking around the outer lips of those tightening muscles. This time she lets out a whimpered cry and you lower your mouth to her shoulder pressing kisses up the side of her neck.

One more time you tease that opening, gliding your wet fingertip around and lightly up over the quivering folds, poised to plunge into her welcoming depths. Then it happens, she gasps out, "Please Daddy!"

For a moment you're frozen, eyes flying open as sleep is shoved from your brain and the reality of the situation comes crashing down on you. Your cock pulses hard, as everything you're feeling takes on new meaning. A trembling starts in your hands but quickly takes over your whole body as she keeps playing with herself; now making desperate sounding gasps between the pleasured moans. She's close you can smell it, and you've helped her get there with your in advised thrusting against her and your hands stroking and toying with her most intimate places. "Oh god Baby!" you moan into her hair as you feel her tensing up, feel the tightening of ever muscle, feel the jerk as her fingers come to a stop and her body takes over. Your hand is drenched with that sweet smelling fluid as she cums hard in your arms, with your throbbing aching cock pressed between those innocent young buttocks.

How could you have let this happen? You knew your wife was out of town and couldn't be in your bed. What were you thinking letting your hands roam all over her young body? But even as you castigate yourself she's calling out, "Oh Daddy!" as her orgasm subsides and she lies panting against you cuddling back to press herself into your warmth again.

It's not right! But your body has a mind of its own and that last cry of hers pushed it over the edge, with a single thrust against her backside you cum drenching your belly and her back in your illicit pleasure. Lost as you are in the sensations you have no control over the low voiced "Oh Baby!" that slips from your lips, or the way that your hands clutch at her and hold her tightly to your spasming body.

As the pleasure starts to ebb and recede your brain turns back on and you curse yourself for a foolish male. How could you let this happen? She's too young to be experiencing these kind of things, especially with her own father! Oh good god what if your wife finds out? She'll castrate you for sure! The girl in your arms is drifting to sleep now, on that pleasant haze that comes after a good strong orgasm. You know the signs; you've seen them in your wife. Perhaps...

When she's truly asleep you slide out of the bed and hurry to the washroom, taking a cloth you wet it and come back to your sleeping child. Careful so as not to wake her you clean the evidence off her back leaving damp fur but none of your fluids. After a quick wash of your own body you lift her slowly into your arms and carry her back to her own bed. Lying her down and covering her naked body with the blankets. Maybe she'll think it was a dream and it won't damage her too badly? You can only hope as you close the door behind yourself wondering where the hell your sleep shorts got to...