Three Mates- Chapter Two

Story by xXDawnShawnTXx on SoFurry

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#1 of Three Mates

Please note that the quotes are from FA notes for Roleplay. All the quotes explains it.

Oh yes indeed. Dane came with the extractor. Now this may pinch a little. Dane pressed the button and a laser beamed to Maria's neck and in a split second, the organ was out. So how do you feel, Maria? I feel fine, I guess, she said. Now anything else you need?, he asked. [/QUOTE] No.*nuzzles her*That's all.*smiles and kisses her*Ready to go now Maria? [/QUOTE]

Yes. Ok you two, take care, Dane said waving his hand. After Maria closed the door, she said, now where were we. Maria and Vinnie went back to the pool. [/QUOTE] *smiles and puts the weight belt back on her*Seeing what your breath time is love.*rubs her cock a bit while sitting on the edge of the deep part of the pool with her*Ready? [/QUOTE]

Yes.. She smiled as her cock begins to erect. Her arms and legs started to harden with vascularity and stiffness, as her pleasure rises. [/QUOTE] *smiles and nuzzles her*Something wrong with your body Maria? [/QUOTE]

I know why. She grabbed Vinnie and kissed him in a continuous way. [/QUOTE] *smiles and nuzzles her*Will you not be able to speak underwater now? [/QUOTE]

I won't speak. But at least I'll have fun with you sweetie. Plus I stiffen my body just for you. To see what I have. Now it is time for the main course. Her penis erected fully as long as a small bicycle. Her cock has veins in a nervous state. Maria now putted 10% strength on her body for her big, strong man. Ready, honey? [/QUOTE] *smiles*Yeah.*gently slides her on to my cock while licking her cock a bit*Gurgle for me to let you know when you start drowning.*kisses the tip of her cock*Okay love? [/QUOTE]

Alright. DO ME! [/QUOTE] *smiles*Okay love.*goes into the water with her and sinks down to the pool floor with her while fucking her* [/QUOTE]

Maria blushes, as her cock hardens with joy. Her big breasts jiggles up and down. [/QUOTE] *smiles and rubs her cock while fucking her*Feels great love? [/QUOTE]

Alright. DO ME! [/QUOTE] *smiles*Okay love.*goes into the water with her and sinks down to the pool floor with her while fucking her* [/QUOTE]

Maria blushes, as her cock hardens with joy. Her big breasts jiggles up and down. [/QUOTE] *smiles and rubs her cock while fucking her*Feels great love? [/QUOTE]

Maria shook her head as a yes note. [/QUOTE] *smiles*I love you.*keeps fucking her*

*smiles*Hey Maria? [/QUOTE

Maria looks at him. [/QUOTE]

*nuzzles her*Suck yourself for me? [/QUOTE]

She picks up her huge pierced and tattooed cock and shoved it into her mouth hole. [/QUOTE] *smiles as she does so and keeps fucking her*


*nuzzles her*Enjoying it Maria? [/QUOTE]

She shook her head as yes. Her cock starts to grow more vascular and veins started to pop everywhere. [/QUOTE] *smiles and keeps fucking her*I love you.*rubs her cock* [/QUOTE]

She starts to cum. [/QUOTE] *smiles and keeps fucking her*How much air do you have left honey? [/QUOTE]

She uses her hand to point right up for air. [/QUOTE] *nuzzles her*When are you going to cum from your vagina?*keeps fucking her* [/QUOTE]

A few seconds after that was a burst of cum coming from both her penis and vagina. She felt extremely pressured as also she is about to run out of air. She tried to tell Vinnie. [/QUOTE] *smiles and cums hard in her*Something wrong Maria?*takes the weight belt off of her while rubbing her back and ass* [/QUOTE]

She quickly said, HONEY! NEED AIR! [/QUOTE] Okay.*nuzzles her*Lets go love.*starts swimming back to the surface with her* [/QUOTE]

Maria catches big breaths. Oh, honey ... That was so ... Intense! Her cock hardens again. But I feel tired. [/QUOTE] *nuzzles her*Did you love it? [/QUOTE]

Yes! [/QUOTE]

*smiles*Want to do it again love? [/QUOTE]

How about in my bedroom? Sounds good for you because I'm tired from that awesome work. (Almost Done.) [/QUOTE] *nuzzles her*Really Maria? [/QUOTE]