Slave 5C

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Slave 5C - M/M/M, Caressing/Oral, D&S Themes/Language, Human/Lion/Tiger - January 09, 2009

By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing

(cl) The Gay Furry Association

I owe someone a Lion cameo

Gerrty groaned. He was bent over the counter, waiting for the coffee to make and Master was kneeling on the floor, biting his ass. His fingers curled, wanting to dig furrows in the fake wood, hips lazily moving in circles as lips followed teeth leaving shallow marks in his skin, Tail coiled along his back. Gods, he shivered as fingers rubbed his aching nutsack. He'd had his butt chewed on before, but Nothing compared to this. Shivered as something warm slid across his pucker - It was Clean. It should be, having had Master's cock hilted in it most of the night, And recently in the shower. And if Master stood up, would be again... At least until the sun got higher in the sky. He no longer needed the Coffee-and-Toast ritual to wake up - Not when, *Godssss* When a tongue teased his anal-ring open Just enough to make him arch up on his toes.

"Ma... Master... Ow!" He rubbed his rump where the hand had cracked against it. At least it got the torturer away from his butt - Except when the hand was moved so lips could kiss the spot, a tongue worming through the fur to touch skin. The long furred appendage that rode his rump fell across the firm shoulders, getting stroked as well.

"Loverrrrr..." Got another kiss and a much gentler pat. He turned to pull the male up and kiss him, squeezing the firm ass. 3 months... Well, Almost. Close enough as to make no difference - Mmmmmmmmmm. He had seen an ad in a local kink paper. Being between Masters, Lovers and damn near everything else, he went ahead and showed up. Now... Melted as strong fingers ran over his striped butt, squeezing and stroking the mounds, running up his sides to tweak his nipples softly.

"Coffee's ready." How The Hell... All the tiger wanted was to grab the human up and Run to the PlayRoom. The smell of male rut making his cock bounce and his balls swell. Sighed, squeezed the naked ass again. He would just take it with him - The only time he got to drink a whole cup was on the weekends.

"I am going to sell the condo." Gerrty had wanted to get rid of it for a while, and now he had a reason... 'Close to Town.' More like in the Middle of. 'Terrace.' Big enough to step onto - Barely. 'Scenic view.' If you liked looking at dozens of the same buildings. You could look down and see the single tree struggling to grow in the postage-stamp of dirt they planted it in. The feline looked at the floor.

"That is if you will have me... Eeeeeeeeeeeow!" He was on his back on the table, a hand between his legs jerking him hard and fast and rough until he screamed and came like a fountain. Lay de-boned as lips pressed to his, stealing what breath he could manage. He grabbed his lover's rump, pulling the man on top of him. The table creaked, but he knew it would hold - He had been splayed over it and fucked hard enough times to know it was sturdy. His tail made lazy circles in the air, a hand caressing it, making it's owner shiver.

"You have to get dressed..." A kiss on his pink nose had the tiger moaning and ready to pop again, Despite having spewed a week's worth of cum over the past 24 hours. Yes, he had to get dressed. Get to Work and yawn through yet another boring meeting. Listen to some young exec try and sell a re-hash of whatever idea was 'In' at the time. Two things kept him going - It was half-an hour's commute to the city via Speed-Train. So he was never far from the 'Charming' Farmhouse sitting on 15 acres he had grown to love. Retirement was a ways off but a nest-egg could expand the house into a very nice place indeed - Besides, there was some 'Furniture' he wanted installed.

Stood up with help and washed his front off at the sink, getting a quick cup of 'Wake-up'. Not a single inch of the place had not been 'Christened' by his moans - PlayRoom was Every Room when you had a horny male with an imagination. The second reason to get going was Kolin. Friend, Rival, Fuck-Buddy... They even frequented the same Rough-Bars back when.

* * * *

The lion had stopped by at lunch grinning. "You found somebody - Don't try to lie... You sit like your balls hurt. You glow and you act like you want to cram that salad in your muzzle Whole because it is taking too much time to eat."

Gerrty laughed and nodded.

"Is he Good? Then you had better Keep him, My Friend."

The tiger snarled softly, "Again?" Sighed as the fellow feline nodded.

"Why do Masters have to be such Assholes? And don't even say it... I like being used, But I also like snugs and caresses and Not being Told what to do Sometimes. You know - What happens, happens..."

Gerrty nodded again...

"So, What's he like - Hung to his knees, leather harness and chaps kind of Dom?"

The tiger choked back a laugh - Master in chaps! Actually... "More Gentleman Farmer - With the belly and muscle to show it." He got up, closed the door and in a low voice described a lazy afternoon standing with a vibrator up his ass and a bucket in front of him while Master cleaned the house. Every time the male went by, he ratcheted the speed up by a notch - Which was every 20 minutes or so. Worse, the only thing holding him in place was a Bet he made. The 'Rack' had a Quick-Release a finger's-width away... Gerrty was Much more careful about what he said when he was allowed to remove the vibrator - And of course had it replaced by Master's cock... Which took the rest of the day up.

The lion snorted. "You mean he doesn't make you sit in stocks or cuffs all night? Releases... Hell, Why can't I meet someone like him?"

The feline's green eyes danced. "Wellllll - You doing anything this weekend? I would like to catch up on old times. Show you some wild-life that has nothing to do with Studded crotch pouches."

Kolin chuckled and nodded. "Meet you here at Day-End? Gotta go - Another 'Important Meeting' to attend."

* * * *

Gods - The Time! Jump into his clothes, grab his case... Stopped by a deep, Loving kiss that made his moan.

"Lover." whispered in his ear, with a nip on the semi-pointed ridge, made him want to tell Work to shove it up their ass! But the cart started with a button-push and the Train was still there when he parked it. Sat and sighed, wincing... Put his head down at the usual grins from others. 'If you Only Knew...' Hell, Most of them probably did. He noticed a couple of males that had slunk out the door during Master's 'Interview'. Rested, sipping his coffee. Almost spewed it out again as he read the morning paper - Today? Today was LastDay. Sighed, and rubbed an ear ruefully... Well - Maybe he would call in to Work FirstDay.

'Won't be in... Nothing serious, Just sprained my dick trying to keep up with Master and his new FuckToy. My ass is so red and sore I can't sit down either. Probably be this way all week.' Everybody else wondered why the tiger was having a fit in the car... But he got over it. With just a case of the Giggles every time he thought of the Secretary's face telling his Boss he wouldn't be in because he had been Butt-Fucked too much.

Would the day Never End? Yak, Yak, Yak... Eat Lunch. Yak, Yak, Yak... Gods, It was the same presentation he gave when He was a Junior Exec! Finally... Met Kolin, who had a duffel-bag. "You still carrying 'Toys' around?'

The lion laughed. "Just some clothes, I Assume you have enough Lube..."

Gerrty snorted. "The only thing You are going to be wearing is your fur - and a Grimace as your balls scream at you... In a good way."

They chatted as the train flew past the scenery, held paws on the Trolley. "I am selling the Condo," made the lion jerk his head up.

"Really? Damn... So, When do I come to the Wedding and will it be clothing Optional?" Ducked a swat, slapping the feline's striped ass. They got in the cart, and putted on down the road to the House.

"Lover... I am back. Strange, he is usually... Hell." Stripped, and led the puzzled male out the back, and down a grass-strewn path to a garden plot. There, a human sat on a wagon, molesting tomato's.

"How many times have I told you, I like the canned ones just as much." That got a snort so loud, Birds jumped on the fencing.

"You bring a guest home and then expect Me to open a Can? Get, Before I take an opener to Your sexy ass..." The head came up and the blue eyes sparkled. "Might be fun - One hair at a time."

The feline *Blushed* Wondering how many ways a can could be used as a sextoy - Cool metal on hot skin. Prodding his tail-hole (Of course it wouldn't fit, but the thrill that it Might get stuffed in anyway made him shiver), tapping his nuts, mashing his nipples... He pulled the lion back down the path and into the house, opening a bottle of wine.

"Alright Red-Face... What did I not get?" Gerrty poured 2 glasses and motioned for the male to undress, picking up his clothes. "Master keeps threatening to shave my ass... Says he shouldn't be the only one with a naked butt. But he is making me wait until vacation. And don't give him any ideas about cans - he is kinky enough already!"

Kolin growled appreciatively. Stood, naked, as the male returned with a basket of stuff. Chuckled as the tiger came up on his toes as his rear got pinched.

The blue eyes took his frame in, looking at his sheath and sack with a hunger that made his mouth go dry. "You must be Kolin."

"Sir." He extended his hand... Got pulled into a deep kiss that curled his toes, a callused palm working his butt over - Squeezing a cheek, caressing it, sliding fingers through his fur, Teasing his pucker with a thumb, stroking his shuddering tail. When the male let him up for air, he was stiff and dripping.

"Be careful what you Say Sexy... Nit didn't say 'Stop' in time and look where he is - Speaking of Nit, Guess what came in Today."

The tiger jumped up and almost Ran out to the bedroom. Returned with a box, looking somewhat disappointed. "It's just a collar."

The man winked at the Lion. Pulled something from under the counter. The feline trembled as he opened it...

"I... It's... Kinda Small."

The man snorted again. "It would be if it was for your Balls - And I don't think it will fit on your cock either... So - I guess you will just have to wear it on your Big paw. See if it fits, Nit..."

The feline damn near ripped the box in half getting the ring out, to slip it on his Second or 'Friendship' finger. It was too small! Then he jerked his head up. The Bastard Didn't... Hadn't... Fingers slid it off his nerveless hand, placing it on the Third finger.

"It has to be your Right Hand I am afraid..." Gerrty sat down, Hard. "I can Fuck his ass. Put a bit in his muzzle, Jump on his back and ride him up the Road, Naked... But Marry Him? Hell, I can't even legally Adopt him. But you Are in my will - So when I kick the bucket, This is All Yours, may you stub your toes on the roots."

The tiger stared at the Ring, doing his best not to cry. "Kolin, Will you Please help this lump into the shower? I have to get dinner on - Much as I like chewing on his Ass, it's not very filling... And I am not sure there is enough for both of us... Big as it is."

That got a Snorted laugh, Followed by an "OW!" as the feline held his nose...

"You know... It Might fit there too... Umph!"

Gerrty Hugged his Lover. Kissed his Lover. Cried on his Lover until he was led away, trying to laugh and cry at the same time. Yeowled as Kolin dug his claws into the striped butt.

"You lose Him, and I swear I will Rip those stripes Off!"

Yeowled himself as the tiger shoved him into the shower, squeezing the tawny rump. "IF I Lose him? You know what I got for my 3-month anniversary from my Last Master - A kick in the balls and me on my butt outside his apartment. Gods, Kolin... I don't know if I can -"

Human lips kissed his shoulder and Gerrty Melted... "Can What? Blush any harder? I swear, you Cats..." Squeezed the purring feline's butt. "And I left the collar untouched in case your sexy friend wanted to try it on..." Winked at the lion. "And if he enjoys being between us, I can always get another one. I know you didn't invite him over to show me, Or this old place off..."

Ran a finger along the lion's erection, making him shudder and pant. "Two felines with big cocks, Hot asses and cute nipples... I Have to get a VidCamera. Dinner will be ready in a bit, in case you 2 want to catch-up - Or something."

Teased both of them, Rubbing their frilled cock-heads. Put a bottle of lube on a shelf, Then walked off, licking his palms.

The lion gasped, "Did he say, 'Between Us'?" Grinned and growling, grabbed the tiger, mashing their muzzles together as he ground his hard feline-meat against his friend's. Somehow got the shower going, washing the tiger off, getting hands stroking through His fur as well. Several grunted moans later they both came on the wall, each trying to make the other blast harder. They kissed, squeezing each other's semi-erect dicks, eyes closed.

"Damn - You kiss better than I remember. His influence?"

Gerrty chuckled and turned the water off, reaching for the dryer and combs.

* * * *

Dinner was uneventful, Both felines telling stories of their wilder days, Stuffing themselves on pasta and roasted veggies. One bottle of wine drained, they opened another, Toasting the cook. After the dishes were done, all three of them sat on the couch, naked and patting full bellies. The tiger nuzzled his Lover, tying to get the nerve up to ask something... A collar, a ring and an old lover all in the same day was a bit - Overwhelming!

He finally managed a "Ummmmm... Lover? Kolin is kinda..."

Shivered as his balls were squeezed, legs sliding apart so the human could grip them more firmly. "Sexy Lion is between Masters/Lovers/Friends and would like to stay with an old buddy for a while..." The other feline, arched up as his own fuzzy sack was gripped, Squeezed, caressed. "I Give him a Ring, Tell him I want him to be with me for as long as we live - And he Still can't say my name. Thomas - Thom's Ass, Nit." Leaned over and kissed the tiger Long and Hard and Lovingly until he was a puddle on the couch, erection waving and dripping and begging to be touched.

"See? I swear..." The man leaned over and did the same to the Lion, who fared no better, moaning as His cock was stroked and his muzzle Burned with the intensity of the lip-press. They both Yowled as he toyed with their spined tips, stroking and squeezing and torturing the males until cum flew out to splatter on the towels laid out on the floor, the heaving bellies... The firm hand coaxing just one more splurt, one more moan from them.

"I Have to get a VidCamera... No one will believe me if I told them how easily cats cum otherwise. Enough fun - Time for bed. I will let you 2 decide who gets the Middle spot for now - We can rotate it when you guys wish... And should someone's aching nuts need to be rubbed or kissed or..." Hands dove between furred legs. "No? Ah well then. And Love - Tomorrow is Cleaning Day... That means Your toe-nails get trimmed."

The tiger mewled, shivering... Gods, his Balls were going to fall off! "Maybe Kitty can help me - Kolin... What kinds of things Do you go for? Long Deep Kisses, having your balls teased... Anything to do with feet or legs - Or that sexy, floofy tail-end? Bet he howls when you..." A big furred hand ended all conversation as the male kissed his lover to shut him up. The lion grinned, and thought this was going to be a Fun place to stay... He had a Room of his own if he wanted not to be bothered, and the felines had already discussed what 'additions' needed to be put in. Shivered as he stood, rubbing his dick against the smooth rump, Tail twinging with it's striped counterpart. Got led to bedroom, lying on the sheets.

"Kolin... The rules are:

1) Safewords Always Apply. I don't care if we are doing Nothing or in the Roughest 'Scene' your imagination can dream up.

2) If it makes you happy, I will try it. If it makes me Sick, it won't be repeated. If you want to be beaten bloody and fucked raw, then I am Not the guy for you. I don't Need a whip to make you scream for Mercy - A Paintbrush will do, Won't it Sexy?"

The tiger moaned and shivered, Nodding as he squeezed the hand holding his.

"3) You don't 'Have' to do Anything... Sucking my dick because you are bored is one thing - Sucking my dick Until you are bored is another. You want to discuss something, Talk. Remove my hand from your cock and hold it and Talk... Why hold it? Because I am Weak, and would prefer to hear you moan instead of yap."

The lion laughed and snugged the human.

"The last one is Simple... On is ok, In is Not. It's not a 'Dom' thing... I don't care to have things In my butt - And I have Tried. It's just not for me. Sound ok?" The feline turned the man and Kissed him Deeply... Then sputtered as his friend whispered, "You-Could-Be-Next..." Rubbing the ring against his rump. Way back they had each promised to Shoot the other if they ever got Trapped in marriage. Now... Now a human was teasing his erection, making it Burn.

"Do you know Why I love Submissives so Much? When you do a Bottom for hours, he says 'Ouch! Hey... Will you hurry up already? I got things to do.' When you do a Sub for hours, Not only does he Thank you for making his ass raw and sore, he wants to know how soon you can do it Again. They don't Expect to be kissed or caressed after sex. Or Thanked... I sometimes forget to remind my Tiger how wonderful he is in bed, Or to caress him after a long session of Pounding his ass. And he doesn't pout or sulk... He may growl when he doesn't get his Snuggles, But I hope he forgives an old fart forgetting sometimes."

Kolin could Feel the love passing between the two males, Washing over him as well. He wanted to stay awake... To Feel both cocks invade him. But the day had been long as the wine good. He moaned as fingers teased his balls, his butt, as fingers slid over his and he held both their hands, Mostly to keep them off Him!

Not - The End