Red and Gold

Story by FBtH on SoFurry

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While navigating the caves of Mt. Silver, Gold stumbles upon Red and his Charizard and discovers something about them that no other trainer knows about.

Red and Gold~ This was written as a tribute of sorts to my favourite adult Pokemon works artist.~

Disclaimers: I do NOT own Pokemon, its characters, its locations or

anything associated with it. It all belongs to Nintendo.           ~ Warnings: Pokephilia, bestiality, graphic descriptions of adult material  "Should be around here," Gold muttered to himself. The young

trainer had been clambering and stumbling his way through the cavernous

labyrinths of Mt. Silver for the past three days in search of a supposedly gifted

and incredible Pokémon trainer who had isolated himself atop this mountain from

the rest of the world to train, according to rumours.With his fiercely competitive but humble nature, Gold became

an easy universal favourite among trainers and fans for clearing the Elite Four

in no time at all with his endearing character combination and he had not

disappointed the enchanted masses of Johto. It didn't hurt either that his

appearance of youthful innocence and naivety attributed to his age had

unsurprisingly secured him a zealous fanbase of female trainers that adored

him. A month or two after the Elite Four, Gold became restless.

His popularity had soared to even higher levels than before. In a single night,

he had become a household name; the underdog that triumphed, and the media

frenzy that came with it had kept him busy during that time but after it all

eventually died down, he found himself feeling empty and directionless. It was

as if before the Elite Four he had something to achieve, a goal to work toward

but now he had actually got there, there was nothing left for him on the

distant horizon. Hungry for a new challenge and not the type to sit idly by

doing nothing, he searched for new and interesting things to do and try as a

trainer so naturally, when he caught wind of the rumour he made quick

preparations and took off at once in order to seek out the source of this

legend, fired up for a match which he anticipated to be the Holy Grail of his

Pokémon training career.And now, toward the end of his third day navigating

endlessly twisting, dark tunnels and Golbat-infested caverns as large as entire

towns that contained icy pools of opaque black water, he could finally tell

that he was getting close from a new vein of rocky passageways he discovered.Gold made his way carefully along the unexplored tunnel

which stretched and snaked, his sight piercing far as it could through the

enveloping curtain of gloom. After around an hour of walking, he felt the path

begin to gradually slope downwards. The further he descended, the sharper the

incline got. He knew that he was getting close to the heart of the mountain.Finally, his eyes detected the darkness thinning

substantially as details such as faint shadows and the bumpy surfaces of the

walls came into focus rather than just vague outlines. The source of the

newfound light seemed to come from the end of the tunnel which Gold now knew

was not far ahead.As he drew closer to the origin of the faint glow, he noticed

that it was not consistent; sporadically dimming in brightness and frequently

shifting so that the shadows it threw danced and shivered. Gold also started to

hear movement up ahead, faint sounds of something heavy dragging across the

stony ground and the soft murmuring of an indistinguishable voice.Gold crept the last few steps silently without even knowing

why he was keeping quiet and with baited breath he came out into an airy

chamber resemblant of the rest of the cave system except this one was

dome-shaped and had a ceiling that reached so high that it looked like an endless

void.Immediately in front of Gold was an enormous column of rock

protruding out of the ground. Stepping up onto a low, jutting ledge he climbed

halfway up the block toward a spot where a tall chunk of the formation had

crumbled away to leave a gap just enough to look over and survey the area

beyond without being seen.Peering cautiously through the gap, Gold saw the whole

chamber with ease and the first thing his eyes fell on was the towering

Charizard whose ignited tail tip was the source of the light he had followed

here. The second thing he noticed, and it confused him, was that a boy appeared

to be sitting in the Charizard's lap, face to face with the Pokémon. But since

the Charizard was so much bigger than him, the person was rather facing its rotund

belly instead.  Gold looked more closely, trying to figure out what he was

seeing. If that person was sitting with the Charizard, then the Charizard was

probably not wild and that meant that the guy was probably its trainer. If that

was the case, Gold realized that he must also be the incredibly powerful

trainer who lived and trained alone on Mt. Silver that the rumours had

described, the one he had heard some call "Red".  Gold was surprised to see that Red was still of a quite

young age appearing to be around only seventeen or eighteen, just a few years

older than himself.  Gold also noticed

that as per his namesake, he was wearing a red trainer's cap bordered with

white edges and emblazoned with an abstractly vague Poké Ball design. In

addition, he was sporting a matching jacket which was draped loosely over his

shoulders and bulging significantly at the back while the armless sleeves

dangled limply at his side. Red's hat and jacket happened to be his only

articles of clothing leaving him otherwise perfectly unclad. Gold continued to observe the huddled outlines of Red and

his Charizard, still perplexed by what he was seeing. The vast Pokémon's horned

head was drooping and Red had his back to him so that Gold could not see either

of their faces, but they seemed to be fidgeting; doing something that was

unclear to him.  And then, Red's loose

jacket slipped off his back onto the ground and what Gold saw made his jaw

drop. A tall slab of rich and dark fleshy red something was wedged

against Red's back and Gold now knew why his jacket had been bulging

mysteriously. It had been covering this thing,

which Gold could not stop staring at. With a thick and stocky base comprising approximately

the bottom half of the slab, or what Gold could see of the base at least as it

appeared to prolapse from a slat's breadth opening located near the base of the

Charizard's body, it narrowed into a thinner upper half that was roofed by a

stubby tip like a blunt arrowhead. The alien flesh arched into Red's figure,

nudging into his spine. Okay, so Red's Charizard was male, Gold thought to

himself. Definitely male. With a low, rumbling growl, the Charizard's folded wings

fluttered marginally and its lower body boiled upwards, raising its trainer

into the air so that the peak of its slab dragged, tracing down Red's back.

Gold didn't have trouble spotting the miniscule slit that was recessed into its

blunt tip sporadically gape to spew out sploshes of some natural prelubricant

that went flushing down Red's back, the drenching trails glimmering faintly in

the red and gold warm light cast by the Charizard's tail.        By this point, Gold was torn between fascination and

embarrassment. Was this some secret training method that Red had developed? He

had never even thought about Pokémon before in the way that he was witnessing

now let alone training them like this, but being confronted with it so suddenly

and vividly, he found that he was inexplicably curious to know more, to see

more, and was unable to look away. It was bizarre, but for a Pokemon's cock it simply

looked a lot like an enormous, slimy human tongue poking out of its vent to

Gold. But then again, he didn't really know what he had been expecting or why

he thought that a Pokémon's anatomy would be so different from a human's.  Gold glanced down at himself in confusion. He hadn't even

realized that his body was reacting to what he was seeing, the feeling of his

hard cock braced tightly against his black shorts triggering the unsettling

epiphany. Could he actually be enjoying this on a level more than innocent

curiosity?As quietly as he could, Gold undid his black shorts with trembling

fingers so that the flaps fell open and his heated length popped free, poking

out into the cool cave air. Placing one hand against the rock and leaning on

it, he wended the other between his legs to soothe himself with caressing

fingers.Peeking over the rock again, he saw that in the same design

the Charizard was still grinding itself staunchly against Red, who reached up

to interlock his arms around its stooping neck as his own Pokémon used him to

quench its instinctual needs, its wings blossoming with excitement. Red softly murmured something to his Charizard and patted it

lightly on the chest. It paused its actions in response so that its trainer

could unsteadily stand, balancing carefully on the coarse mandarin hide of its

encapsulating thighs that were as thick as timber logs. The Charizard shifted its legs, drawing them in closer to

its body until its imposing shaft was poised directly underneath Red. A

wide-eyed Gold watched in disbelief as Red gingerly seated his sinuous,

buttermilk rear onto the awaiting slab of draconic meat that was disgorging

waves of eager prelude that surged down the shaft in a torrential flood like a

scarlet volcano.Red grimaced in soreness, dipping slowly as he forced his

rear to digest what it could of the juicily weeping piece of raw, virile

Pokémon into his body, gradually housing more and more of it within his own

flesh. Gold noticed the lock of flame crowning the Charizard's tail shiver at

the contact and burn fleetingly as strongly and brightly as a bonfire. Growling again, Red's Charizard seized him around his waist

in the talons of both its immense claws and roughly yanked him, squashing its

trainer down to sink even lower onto its cock. Red uttered a hoarse, sultry

rasp as another several inches of his Charizard's prime cut were compressed deep

inside him.  Even from where he stood hidden, with their hollowed,

cavernous surroundings Gold plainly heard the loud, wet suction that kept Red

firmly gummed onto his Pokemon's brute of a cock as the reclusive trainer

struggled to slide himself up and down the stout, rubied object that was practically

melded to him. The noise was so blatantly sexual and repugnant in its

implication and yet Gold found that it did not put him off but actually made

him harder still.The Charizard's massive loins snapped up to shovel what

remained of its burly loaf into Red, elevating the conjoined trainer high up

toward the empty ceiling again in the process while its tail flared sharply with

incandescent light again. A timidly whimpering Red clung to his Charizard's neck like

a fragile Hoppip while the bipedal Fire-Type beast thoroughly and furiously

bred him in a chain of brisk and forceful jabs, clutching him around his waist as

it hissed and snarled, ejecting angry jets of steam from its flaring nostrils

with each heavy snort.Unconsciously, Gold ramped up his own pace with theirs, his

wrist whisking away at the parting of his unclasped shorts. His dark, flamboyant

cowlick teetered down over an eye, partially obscuring his view and he shook it

out of his face with an impatient flick of his head. Even though he was being very careful about staying

undetected, Gold managed to not miss a single thing. He could see the effect

the sweltering heat that was radiating from the Fire Type Pokémon was having on

Red; the Champion looked as if he were bathing in his own sweat, every inch of his

bare skin soaked and scintillating by flickering firelight as soft as a lamp's

glow. Clear pearls of moisture rained in abundance down Red's back

from the scorching inferno, weaving down the hills and valleys of tightly knit muscles

there in glistening tracks, melting through all the glutinous, inhuman

lubrication his Charizard had embellished him with. Although Red still had his back to him so that Gold could

see neither his front nor his waist, at one point he spotted a splotch of something

that was unclear to him spring up from that area onto the Charizard's belly. It

was so quick that Gold could not catch what it was but it instantly happened

several more times, collectively pittering all across the Charizard's stomach.The Charizard was belting out roars of primal yearning that ricocheted

deafeningly off the cavern walls; a veritable living locomotive bearing Red,

who was suffering the battering of a lifetime and who could only clutch the

Pokémon's neck as he rode it out on the large saurian cock that chugged

relentlessly in and out of him like a tireless piston for whole, long minutes

before the Charizard began to wind down. Emitting a thundering bellow, its wings unfurled, stretching

wide and erecting to their fullest extent, and its tail suddenly blazed to a

contrast of blinding intensity, flashbanging the entire cavern with white hot

light. The brilliant luminance gradually faded from Gold's vision

to reveal the Charizard still and quiet at last, cradling its trainer while it's

thick, bony skull butted affectionately with Red's which was framed by his cap,

under from which clumps of mussed and matted coffee locks haphazardly sprouted

out over his forehead. The Fire Type lifted Red up, tearing the suction that had

kept them glued together with a dull splutch

and as it did so, something seeped out of the trainer's freshly unsealed rear. Observing

droplets and round patches of it fizzling and spitting as it blotted the cave

floor, Gold saw that the Charizard's semen was a feebly thin but sticky fluid that

was marbled with a denser, swirling white substance that wafted curling wisps

of hot steam into the air. With a subdued tenderness that was almost reverent, the

Charizard placed Red gently down beside it, resting the worn and naked Champion

onto the ground. Red appreciatively laid a hand on his Pokémon's sturdy arm. His mind churning with profane images of the Charizard snarling

and roaring in the throes of a primordial and conflagrating passion it had

heaped on its trainer, Gold buried his face into the nook of his propped arm,

biting his sleeve as he unraveled a few splurts of his own turbid boyhood

against the rocky wall his arm was resting on. His pronounced wing of charcoal hair had fallen over his

face again, tickling his cheek. Closing his eyes and letting out a shuddering

breath, he swiped it out of the way and slumped forward against the stone while

musing whether he should give Red's secret training technique a shot and try it

with his own Pokémon.