Ch 11

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#11 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey Guys I'm back with Chapter 11! I will TRY to post another Chapter tomorrow so be prepared for some more action! Now then let's get back to the story, shall we?

PS: I would like to apologize for not posting for a couple of weeks, I have been busy with school and family matters, no let's move on and I swear ill post every day.

I Do Not Own Pokémon

I was on my knees sobbing for what seemed like hours. I got up and looked over at the monster that had intentionally ruined my life. I roared and ran towards him screaming,

"I KILL YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH! WATER PULSE!" I roared as I shot a massive orb of water at him with all the strength I could muster.

"Ha, you think that will hold me back!" he roared with laughter as the massive ball of water was hurtling at him, "Agility!" he said and in a second he was gone. The ball of water exploded where he stood and slowly drained away.

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" I screamed, with tears welling up in my eyes, "WHERE ARE YOU SICK BASTARD!?"

"Behind you"he said with an evil laugh. He jumped out from the darkness and swept me out under from my feet. I hit the ground and screamed. I turned around to see him moving back into the shadows with a cackling laugh.

"What do you want from me..." I said sobbing on the ground and trailed off, "Tell me...."

"Well Jay," he said, "I want to as you say coexist with you inside your body as you could say. You see Jay I was born in darkness, I was created by darkness. I am a more deadly and powerful you. Kind of like an evolution as you could say. You and I could go to great heights in this world Jay. We can do great things Jay, don't worry about Ellie, after all, aren't you building your own harem at the school. She's just one girl out of what, a hundred, two hundred, maybe even more."

"Shut Up!" I screamed, "You bastard, I loved her! I loved her from the moment I saw her, and I still love her! I am creating this harem to find the same love I had for her. And now.....IT'S GONE BECAUSE OF YOU!" I said now bawling, my cries into the darkness. Scott ran over to help me up, putting one of my arms around his shoulder. He dragged me over to the throne and sat me down in it. I put my face in my hands and bent over. I let out a deep sigh and stood up saying, "Where did you receive all that power? I'm not even that close to being that strong myself. I'm impressed; I'll give you that, but that power....was close to legendary status. You could have killed Jackson!"

"Ah But I didn't did I?" he said with a cackling laugh that again filled the dark void around us. "This power is a result of constant training and work throughout my entire life. Whenever I saw you training, I trained with you, and when you stopped, I just kept going. I kept going, till I started to learn moves that weren't even possible to learn for our type and body. I eventually gained longer claws, and sharper teeth. I'm just as powerful as you Jay, you just haven't fully mastered your Aura yet." And he smiled a toothy grin as he stepped out of the shadows revealing himself. "I have mastered Aura myself and I use that to put all my focus into my moves, making them deadlier, and more powerful. I'm practically like Arceus Jay, I'm just as powerful as any legendary. But now that this event has happened, you can call upon me and my power whenever you want. I am indebted to you for giving me life Jay, without you I would still be a boring old dual personality, but I'm not your little Bitch that you can just call upon to do everything. after all I am a living being inside of you. So at least treat me with some respect!" he spat at Scott and I.

"Alright fine." I said, "But some ground rules, first, you can't look when Scott and I are doing our thing, if you know what I mean. Secondly, you will not come out under any circumstances unless I say so or unleash my Aura. I trust you with this. And lastly, do not use my body for your personal gain." I gave him a stern look and growled at him.

"Alright fine, I never had any interest in most of that anyway. And besides who would want to see you having sex with some girl that you will just add into the harem? You do your thing outside and I'll do my thing in here. As long I'm treated with respect I don't care what you do, but also...don't do anything stupid." He said with a deep voice and a loud growl. The red in his eyes glowed even darker than they were before and made my heart stop in fear. I froze and he glided toward me gracefully laughing an evil laugh that shook my bones to the core. Scott stood up and asked the creature,

"We never asked you but what is your name?" Scott asked with a puzzled look.

"Now that you mention it, I've never really given myself a name." He said

"Well then, how about....." as Scott thought for a minute, "Jason, it's perfect to call you Jason since we have Jay who is the positive one and Jason who is the negative one!" he exclaimed

"Well.....I love it!" Jason said, "For now on I will be known as Jason!"

"Wow, I didn't know you were capable of love." I said smartly. I looked up at the dark face and said, "How are our bodies doing in the outside world?"

"Well let's check, shall we?" he said with a toothy grin. He snapped his fingers and a bright light appeared to show the massive monitor that follows us around. We were shown a live feed of our bodies from the outside. Both Scott and I were both on the ground unconscious, and I was beaten badly. It was dark outside now and only the light from the moon was shown upon our bodies. Scott was bleeding from the side and mouth and was starting to turn pale. I was on the ground with bruises all over my body. Blood was coming out of my mouth and legs, and the fingertips of my left hand were bleeding profusely.

"What the Fuck!" I shouted, "Can this really get any worse than it already is!?"

"Well, it could but that's for another day. Now if you don't hurry both of you two could bleed out and die right on the battle field, so if I were you I would hurry up, because I don't want to die as well." We looked up at the screen and saw movement. Two bodies ran over to us and were wrapping us up in bandages, and both were girls! "So until you need me, or something of the other sort, I will see you later....old friend" He said with one last cackling laugh and snapped his fingers and Scott and I both crumpled to the ground and saw nothing but darkness.

Well Guys that was Chapter 11! I'm SO SORRY I HAVE NOT BEEN POSTING! I have been playing a lot of Pokémon and watching the show as well trying to catch up. I have also been playing a lot of Diablo III as well. But again I am sorry for not posting and I will for now on type and post on a regular basis. But again thank you for all the support you guys have been giving me, I hope you all HAD a great Christmas with your families or friends. And I wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! I will officially post Chapter 12 TOMORROW! So till then guys PEACE!