Noil a kcuf ot woH

Story by darkmaster03 on SoFurry

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An orgasmic tale, of pure, lustful pleasure. ;P

Noil a kcuf ot woHBy darkmaster03 Dream Mar-24-2014 8:42a The enormous lion came up and plopped himself on the side of

my bed. He had an eager face on him, an excited face. I finally had this

opportunity to be intimate with him. "I

want to try something. Stand up and place your left foot on my chest" I

said. The lion eyed me hesitatingly at first, but then proceeded

to stand up, he raised his thick and powerful leg. That large gorgeous paw came

and hovered over me, it was massive. From my vantage point lying flat on my

bed, it seemed to extend all the way down to my calves. If you've ever seen a

cat's legs rise up and tuck under its body as it walks along, that's exactly

what Lions paw looked like. The space between his toes and his center pad was a

lot more than a house cats though, probably due to different skeletal structure

to allow him to walk upright. The large feline lowered it slowly down on top of me, his

large center pad coming down onto my stomach and chest, toes touching the base

of my chin. Even though this creature was digitigrade, he lowered the arch of

his massive foot down as well. I felt his soft furry heel, right behind that

thick pad with which he walked, coming down onto my crotch. Although I felt the

bed strain a bit, Lion was extra careful not to fully step down, he managed

very well due to his natural agility accompanied by extreme strength.  Wrapping my arms and legs around that massive furry lion

foot, squeezing as tight as I could, I used my chest along with my fingers to

rub its entirety. "I'm not hurting you am

I?" I asked with a concerned voice as I saw his ears lowered, eyes closed

and teeth bared. Lifting his entire foot, along with me attached, up off of the

bed without so much as a hint of strain, his furry head lowered next to me,

Lion's enormous face came into view beside me. He shook his head left and

right, with an open smile on his maw, clearly indicating how much he was

enjoying the ordeal. "Okay then, let's continue." I said, having my arms and

legs wrapped around, holding on tightly to his gargantuan paw, seven feet up in

the air above my carpeted floor. Gently lowering his foot back onto my bed. My back touching

the linen surface, "rub your foot up and

down across my bed, but go slow at first." I said. An enormous hand pressed

against my bedside wall for balance. The massive paw started to gently move me

forward and backward, dragging me across the sheets. As I loosened my grip, the

furred part of Lion's enormous digitigrade paw, in which my crotch was buried

was being massaged with his gentle yet incredible power, the sensation made me

dizzy, as the feline scrunched his toes the pressure on my body started to

increase. The lion made sure not to scrunch his foot too much, otherwise I

would be ripped to pieces as his claws emerged, especially since his toes were

touching the base of my neck, one wrong flinch would have impaled me. The large feline was getting the paw rub of a lifetime. I

saw his face, as I squeezed on his left paw as tight as I could, he

effortlessly uncurled his giant, thick furry toes flexing his paw back.

Straining even harder, as he curled those giant appendages once more, I began

to squeeze using every ounce of strength I had. Hearing him roar as he uncurled

his massive toes, this time pressing onto me even harder. I was done, I didn't

want to expend all my energy on this one activity. Releasing my grip and going

limp, the lion continued to rub up and down over me. "Okay, let's do something else now." I said with an exhausted voice.

He was in a state of sheer bliss, unable to hear a word, the rubbing continued.

As I felt my ribs along with my crotch, being crushed under tons of lion paw,

hearing another roar, as I wrapped my arms and legs around again, this time

squeezing as hard as I was able to, my cheek pressing up against those

beautiful black toe pads. Lion opened his eye in surprise, and lifted his paw

up with the same strength as he did before. I let go, falling heavily onto my

bed. "That was intense!" I exclaimed

with an aching voice, my chest hurting from that final squeeze. "I have wanted to do that since you came into

my room, the first time." I said weakly smiling, seeing his joyful face

looking down to return the compliment. Getting up from my bed after a couple minutes recuperating, the

big feline sitting beside me, looking intently to what I was about to do. I

placed my hands on Lions chest, "lie down

on my bed, now it's my turn to sit on top of you," I said smiling, as I saw

the lions wide eyed expression. He lowered himself down, and I climbed on top

of him, straddling his midsection, with my back facing toward him. Pressing my

soft hands against his sheath, I felt how immensely firm and soft it was, not

to mention, its ginormous size. Pushing softly at first, doing nothing more than kneading my

fingers along his feline sheath, slowly I increased the pressure, pushing

evermore firmly. Before I even began, I had this mental image in my head of how

easy this was going to be. Massage him until he's erect, then insert my penis

inside and begin humping. Sounds easy right. No this was so much harder than it

seemed, this creature was one tier below impenetrable, try as I might, pushing

as hard as I could, my weak arms and body just couldn't manage to budge this

godly lump of feline male hood. After what seemed like an hour of hard work, I

was nowhere with my efforts. Without any progress, looking back I saw Lions

eyes were closed, his face immensely relaxed. Trying for a couple minutes more,

I sighed in utter defeat. "Are you even feeling anything, or is it futile for

me to even try anymore?" I said with a disappointed sound in my voice. Hearing Lion chuckle, I saw his large right hand-paw come

down in front of me over his sheath. Seeing his fingers pressing down onto his

male hood. Watching in awe as he was effortlessly gliding his huge thick

fingers across the large mass of fur. The amount pressure required to get a

reaction was far more than I was able to provide. "Stop for a moment" I said,

watching the immense paw halting it's up and down motion. "You can paw off

anytime, I'm here to help" I stated. Wanting to be in the middle of the feline's

large paw, gripping his immense sheath, I wanted to feel how much power really

went into getting this big immensely strong creature aroused.  Turning around I placed my body on top of the furry lump of

flesh, from which I saw just a peek of his black cat-like penis emerging.

Looking up into his gorgeous face, I said "I'm ready, continue." As his large

paw-like hand rose back up, and came down heavily onto my back. Unprepared for

such a weight, I wheezed out as the air was pressed from my lungs. Pinned down,

and unable to push up with my hands, the weight was incredible, but I wasn't

going to give up, nor say loosen your grip, I'm too fragile, I wanted to be in

the middle of whatever it took to make his organ grow. With the immense weight

of the paw on my back, I managed to regain a comfortable breathing pattern,

pushing my face into his furry sheath, unable to lift up for fresh air, I

inhaled deep. Still remembering his smell after all this time, it smelled like

some type of fresh cut salad, unable to point my finger on exactly what it was,

I had a sense of familiarity, as if I has done this many times before. Even more pressure was applied, albeit very carefully.

Raising my head, looking at that kind face, he had my trust, as the massive

pressure being applied onto my back slowly started moving, forward and

backward, toward his face, and away, the rhythm was very relaxing after some

time. The feeling was amazing, I never wanted to leave this embrace, turning my

head, my cheek pressed onto his furry belly as I was enveloped by soft fur all

around. Suddenly the pressure increased even more, I raised my head, seeing

Lions eyes closed, lips parted, breathing through his teeth. Warm breath hit me

as my head was pushed against his matted fur, hearing low rumbling roars from

deep within his throat arise as his heartbeat quickened. After a few minutes, I felt it. It was the feeling of his

immense black penis, head dotted all around with spines, rising up out from

under me. A sensation which will stay with me for my entire life, it felt sort

of like when your sliding down an ice covered hill, on one of those plastic

circular sleds. Now imagine you're on your belly, but before going down the

hill you have a large backpack filled with heavy books on your back, and as

you're sliding down, you hit a patch of icy bumps in the ground. That's what

Lions penis felt like as it rose up from his sheath, once is nothing, but

imagine going back up and down again, over and over, it's utterly indescribable

in any more words. After almost an hour total of this brutal treatment, the

Lion's utterly flabbergastingly immense penis was resting on his belly. Having

been released from his tight grip, his hand placed back at his side, I crawled

over top of it and collapsed, I was positively spent from the task, though lion

looked like he hadn't even started. Needing to rest for at least a few minutes,

eager to get started, though lacking any more energy, I desperately needed to

recuperate. Spending about five or ten minutes, hugging that black

protruding organ, catching my breath in the process, I got up, looking at Lions

face I smiled as I made my way to the tip. Turning my back, facing at the large

opening which hadn't even started to ooze yet, using my thumbs to part the

slit, it felt like a vice. "Oh no," I thought. Starting to tremble at the

thought of my penis getting clamped so tight into his opening, caused me to

hesitate in making the move. But I so desperately wanted to try this, I threw

caution to the wind, and while holding his opening apart with both my thumbs, I

pressed forward managing to get inside. Letting loose the black flesh I held

apart, the pressure squeezed my feeble tiny organ together very tightly.

Feeling the loss of blood flow, I persisted in pushing forward. My feeble body was lying across the ripped, muscled stomach

of this wonderful creature. Legs straddled, humping into him madly, trying to

get myself aroused enough to make the crushing pain go away, never managing to

disappear completely, I did manage to work myself up to orgasm. As I came into

him, he roared. Releasing his first glob of pre, enveloping my organ in the

slick fluid, and pushing me out with the force. Hearing a grand chuckle, he

raised his left arm and pulled me back onto his enormous chest, pinning me down

in his embrace. I felt extremely happy at the meager achievement, I didn't care

that I never got him off, our love for each other went beyond mere pleasure. I

felt happy that he took my failure with such carefree stride. As I was laying on top of Lion, his thick palm still heavily

on my chest. Raising my head to tell him "don't worry, I have been inside you

before." The large hand moved off from on top of me, as I twisted my body. Now

laying chest to chest, staring into those beautiful eyes. The feeling of each

breath as it filled his powerful lungs, making me rise up and forward, then all

at once exhaling. His sweet smelling hot breath blowing onto me was divine. I

continued, staring into that curious large face, "that night before, when we

slept together, I had a dream of you. You were chasing a bunch of tiny humans

into a grassy sports arena." Seeing that large face, callously smile at my

remark, "Did that really happen somewhere or was it all really just a dream?" The large feline effortlessly propped himself up, I slid

down in-between his stiff organ and muscular stomach. The lion twisted his

lower half off my bed and placed his paws heavily onto the floor, standing up,

with my legs now dangling, I wrapped my arms around him to keep from falling

off the left or right side. Looking up at the underside of his maw, as Lion

made his way over to my computer monitor, I saw him remove some device from the

upper left-side of his back. He lowered it on his palm, it looked amazing like

a square of play dough. Using a very gentle touch, Lions large finger pressed

it flat against my LCD screen. Looking in amazement as images, more

specifically stills, of images taken as if by a helicopter camera, flashed onto

the screen. Images of people running, crushed vehicles, and one which brought

back all the memories from that dream. An image containing the up turned faces

of hundreds of people, being looked down upon from very high up, two furry

walls surrounding them from each side, ending with the enormous paws of the

lion who I was currently straddling. With my head turned, staring at the image, as Lion lowered

himself along with me down toward the monitor. "There, right there. That's me."

I said, pointing at a strangers upturned face, which looked nothing like the

actual me. As images were displayed of how the lion saw people willingly

stepping into his urethra, I couldn't help but keep an eye on myself, that man

who I was in my dream. Seeing him struggle to free himself, as other humans were

forcing him to walk along with them, into Lion's depths. "Did you enjoy the feeling of all those people massaging

deep inside you?" I asked out of curiosity. Seeing Lion lower his head, hearing

a low excited roar, he nodded profusely. I hugged him tightly, "I wish I could

have felt as you came, with every ounce of force. I wouldn't change a thing

otherwise, I enjoyed every moment as much as you did." I said, placing my cheek

against his rock hard abs. Feeling his hand coming down and pressing onto my

back, gently rubbing up and down, in a comforting embrace. "I even rubbed, as I

urged the other survivors in your depths to do the same." I mentioned with a

smiling face, as the paw massaging my back stopped its wonderful backwards and

forwards rhythm.  I felt Lion's fingers wrap around me, and lift me towards

his face, his massive lips touched my mouth as I puckered in a long kiss. Opening

his large mouth, sharp teeth fully visible, out emerged a long, powerful tongue

which pressed against my groin. My meek penis touching the rough surface, the

sensation felt oddly pleasant, as he merely held it there. Looking into his

eyes, I began stroking his muzzle, gently along the grain of his fur, I noticed

he was enjoying it, since his eyes began to close. "Seeing that those event's

truly happened, knowing what it will take," saying out loud to myself as I

continued, feeling the soft fur between my fingers, his tongue retracted. Setting me back down into the

wedge created by his massive organ, this time with my back against his abs, I

wrapped my arms around that black erect penis which stood as firm as a wall.

Lion removed the device from my monitor and put it back where he took it from,

behind his left shoulder. The device itself was a very interesting concept,

since all it did was change the millions of pixels on my monitor somehow, I

still found it fascinating how advanced it was, compared to the technology

which I'm surrounded with every day, especially for its capability to be able

to merge with an alien device like my LCD monitor. Losing myself in my

thoughts, I was jolted back to the reality of my arms wrapped around his warm

pulsing flesh, as he began to rise up onto his full, exceedingly tall demeanor. Rising up fully, the felines back hunched over, rubbing against

my ten foot ceiling. The big cat walked over to the far end of my bed. His

claws gripped the end of my mattress and lifted it out of the fragile wooden

frame. Dragging it into the middle of my room, he straddled it, his large organ

hit the soft cushioning with a thud, causing the springs to press down. The

motion tilting me off my comfortable perch, causing me to tumble forward headfirst

as I almost lost my grip. His power was truly incredible, effortlessly carrying

out each motion as if I wasn't even an obstacle to him. Lion started to hump,

feeling the soft caress of my linen underneath, and the warm tiny body which

was clinging around for dear life on top, the motion continued, steadily at

first but increasing in vigor as time went on. This nauseating ride lasted for a good thirty minutes before

I noticed what his barbs were doing to my mattress. So strong was this beast, I

saw my linen along with the top layer of my mattress get torn up, each thrust causing

ever larger gashes in the fabric. The ride came to a halt as I saw Lion's large

face peering down toward me, under his large chiseled abs and chest, I knew he

was making sure, that I was up to the task, and more importantly that I was

still alive. This gave me the opportunity to climb up toward the base, to

reposition myself. "My bed can't take anymore, could you wrap my two blankets

around your penis head? I'll be fine a little further back near the shaft."

Seeing his eyes light up with the announcement of a great new idea. Getting to his knees, he grabbed my feather blanket and

placed it down below him. I climbed off to help him wrap, as his hand grasped

that great pillar, tilting it forward. Unable to help myself, with my soft

tongue I licked a tiny bit of his pre into my mouth. The substance was

extremely viscous, like having a big glob of chewing gum in your mouth all at

once, along with the taste, which was that of salty chicken broth, it tasted

extremely good, but was hard to swallow. With a mouthful of pre, I made a fist

with my hand and slowly thrust it into the oozing cavernous slit. Opening my

fingers, I rubbed the inside firmly for a few seconds until I heard a roar

escape from his giant maw, he enjoyed the feeling immensely, pushing forward

suddenly, my entire arm was sucked in, I was trapped, tugged on by Lion's

strong urethral muscles, gripping me so tightly that I was unable to pull out.

Roaring once more, as his grip tightened on my arm, then released. Pulling out,

now that I had the chance, my entire arm was coated in a thick layer of viscous

mucus. Looking with a relieved face at the smirking feline, who was

still gripping that enormous shaft of his, "WOW! I didn't expect you to be that

strong, I almost had my arm pulled out of my socket." I said looking up with a

face of pure exhilaration. Wiping my arm off with a nearby towel from my

closet, I made my way back. The lion held down the spiny tip with a powerful

paw, as I wrapped one blanked over, followed by another. "This is just to ensure

you make it all the way. When you're ready just pull it off." I instructed him,

watching his large head nod. Getting back into position on that large organ, Lion

continued to hump for a good hour and a half before I felt the volumes of blood

expanding the thick shaft, onto which I was perched, hand wrapped tightly

around. The front half of my body was burning from the immense heat radiating

from the organ, I felt like I was in a sauna. Lion's humping continued for a

while longer, until he sat up, and with a flick of his clawed fingers, tore the

engorged head loose from its wrapping. The spines were fully engorged, it

looked very intimidating as I came off and stood below its risen underside,

before a huge paw gripped on and brought it down to eye level. AMAZING! A grand

spectacle of the feline's impressive power, it was gorgeous and deadly to

someone like me. But think of the pure pleasure it would bring if it were

inside. I couldn't help myself, "Please, can I at least sit on top as you cum?"

Seeing the look of concern come over Lion's face as I announced my willingness

to participate in what could be my own demise. Lion pondered the suggestion for a bit before realizing what

I was asking him. His head shook vehemently at my request, almost scared at the

terrifying outcome, which he couldn't allow under any circumstances. His love

for me was too great to lose me over one orgasm. Measuring the tip of Lion's penis, it was very possible for

at least the first couple of inches, two, maybe three tops, to fit into me. The

extreme tip was about the size of my fist, then slowly got wider where the

spines were engorged. Lion didn't have to hump, all he had to do, all I wanted

from him, was to feel the force of his might as he ejaculated. We should both enjoy the experience. I wanted to endure

whatever pain came along with the pleasure. Standing with my back facing the

large feline. "Spread you hand across my chest," I said with my head turned to

the side. Feeling the lion's immense paw, hold itself over my bare chest, his

fur tickling me. Putting my head in-between his two large fingers, so as to

have them press onto both on my shoulders, line a safety harness in a thrill

ride. I placed my left hand in-between his last finger and middle one, holding

on tightly. My right hand was grasping his thick arm. "There! This feels

perfect, hold me tight against your tip, but go extremely slow please." The

sound of caution apparent in my voice. Holding me firmly against the tip, with his right hand. The

mammoth organ was held aloft merely by the lion's strong inner thigh muscles.

As his left paw came under me to grip the shaft tip just below, I noticed that

he was guiding me downward, he was applying pressure, ever so slightly

squeezing the area right below me, doing what my fragile body couldn't. I felt

a strong lurching motion downward suddenly, as he swiftly impaled me with one

quick thrust, inserting his entire spiny tip. Hearing a roar behind me as this

occurred. I could hardly react as my lower stomach area suddenly bloated

outward, the feeling of those sharp downward facing spines, as my anus

tightened around them, attempting to squeeze hard. The spines however were much

stronger than my fragile human body could clench, they continued to expand to

their full frightening position locking me onto Lion's tip without so much as a

hint of resistance. Being so grateful for that large right paw keeping me in his

firm grasp. By giving it a few gentle strokes as I adjusted to the agonizing

pain. "I'm good now," I said after only a couple of minutes, as my endorphans

were kicking in, flooding my brain with dizzying sensations. As Lion's left

hand started to stroke the lower part of his shaft, I felt the tip gently

vibrating, the feeling was incredibly good, my entire body started to quiver. Hearing a long moan from the furry feline, he did something

drastically unexpected yet again. Feeling his right hand suddenly grip me more

tightly than ever before, my vision went dark as one swift motion twisted me

around the engorged tip. Screaming out in terrible pain as I felt those spines

twist my insides, yelling out a loud "OOOOHHH!" As the bliss reached my brain,

my penis was about to explode from the stimulation alone. Feeling Lions hot

breath on my body, as his tongue came down out of his mouth. Starting from the

very base of his thick leonine shaft it slowly traveled upwards from my legs,

over my hard penis and up to my chest before retreating back into his large

mouth. With open jaws, he made for my erect shaft, I inhaled in surprise as I

felt the tender caress of his black lips, his tongue working me that little bit

I needed to reach the most intense orgasm, any human has ever had the ability

to reach. My body convulsed on that enormous tip of Lion's penis, as my anus

attempted to squeeze tight around something which would not budge a single

millimeter to the weak human muscles clenched around it. Try as I might, even

in the most desperate of situations his penis held firm. Utterly spent from the act, I was held aloft in the large

strong grasping paw, my head was laying back in the soft cushion of one of his

fingers. We spent an hour like this, it was beautiful, divine and loving. Now it was time for Lion to share the intense feelings we

had for each other. What I was willing to put myself through for him was about

to be proven as he lowered me on my back, down to the floor. His penis still

hard, he began to stroke hard up and down the length of this onyx shaft.

Staring with wide eyes as I saw the lion's face twitching, his most sensitive

area, the spiny tip, was covered. Unable to press onto it with his soft pads

directly, I felt pressure on my stomach as one of his broad pads came around my

waist, pushing with hard force onto my stomach, I screamed in pain. The tip of

that gargantuan phallus inside me was bloating my stomach outward, as the

pressure of that strong weighty feline pad pushed back onto it with such


THAT!" I screamed in unbearable pain, as I felt my insides rub hard against

that monolithic organ wedged up inside my lower half. ROAR! Hearing him roar out loud directly onto me, the sound waves

rippled through the air with deafening volume. The act dazing me out of

consciousness, as I felt the tender caress of Lion's tongue lap over me many

times. I struggled back as I saw an apologetic look of concern, on the immense

felines face. Yet he continued to rub himself, forward and backward with more

and more zeal, faster and faster. I heard another powerful roar blow down toward me, it

sounded muffled. I could barely hear it, my ears were still ringing from the

last one. Feeling an explosion inside of me, I twitched backwards.

Hearing another muffled roar, I felt my body start to be pushed off before

Lion's paw firmly kept me down in place, without which my body would have been

blown away, my insides spilling out due to the razor sharp spines piercing

through. "Thank you so much." I spoke in a faint voice as I saw that large maw

open for a third time. Closing my eyes tight, feeling the warmth of his breath

rippling through the air, as another powerful blast surged through me, causing

my belly to expand as much as it could, still somehow keeping me together. I fainted, from both the intense pan and the blissful

pleasure, as I was still impaled onto the cat-like tip. I was shown events

after I had blacked out, it had taken three long hours for the shaft to shrink

enough to safely release me. This wonderful, large and powerful creature proceeded

to lift me on top of him, and sleep through the night with me wrapped in his

embrace, I slept on top of him, as he lay with is back on the floor. Wrapped in

his warm fur, while the blankets and mattress were in shambles, completely

unusable. I saw the moment his large black organ, shrank down exiting from my

body, I gasped at the sensation of it finally pulling out, only to disappear

into that large feline. Witnessing in that moment, how much he care for me, how

he caressed my passed out form in his arms. When I saw how he licked my blank

face, as he held me tight, falling asleep with a sad expression, showing how

concerned he was for my wellbeing. I couldn't help but be reminded of how much

I truly loved him. After I awoke, feelings and memories of what had transpired

flooded into me, as I was still laying on top of a now snoring Lion. Thinking

to myself, about how much this event means to me right now, how much our

relationship had grown. As I stared down at my unrecognizable self, filled with

gallons of this tremendously strong creatures sperm. Feeling myself in a

ticklish bliss, as I felt his mass of life, which he inserted into me with such

tremendous force, such a short time ago. The wriggling goo was following the

most basic of instincts, yet for a tremendously powerful creature to have

evolved, required equally tremendous and powerful sperm. By the time I realized

what I had gotten myself into, by having sex with this creature of leonine kin,

it was too late. My body was the permanent home to billions, maybe trillions

upon trillions of super strong wriggling entities, I could feel them inside

pushing, with nowhere to go, but up. Through my intestines and into my stomach. In sheer panic I attempted to push onto my bulbous abdomen,

feeling the mass inside me jiggle around. It tickled my insides so much with a

very weird sensation, I didn't know what was going to happen, whether or not my

body was going to naturally eject something as strong as this. If these

microscopic creatures were truly unaffected by my body's defenses, if they

would even be killed by my weak digestive system, if my stomach acid was any

match at all? "Lion wake up, LION!" I had a face of mortified terror on me as I

shook the giant feline awake. Seeing his eyes open, seeing that I was alive and

well, brought joy into his heart as he smiled and gleefully roared in delight. In seeing my pale frightened face, his expression changed as

I asked with a shaky voice, "Will your seed eventually die off? Am I going to

be alright with millions of your sperm swimming around inside me?" Looking into

his face, as he pondered the question, having no clue of what the implications

would be, as this had never been done before. Lion returned his gaze towards my

bloated abdomen, he pressed a large padded finger against it, with just enough

force to feel the gelatinous texture inside of me, it tickled so very

pleasantly, He cupped my lower back with his other paw, and gently forced the

bulge downward with two of his rough pads pressing onto my stomach. Feeling pleasant at first, tickling slightly. I began to

feel pain as the swimmers fought against the direction which Lion was pressing

them, "it hurts, please you have to do something else, I feel them swimming

upwards against your touch." The large fingers immediately retracted. Clutching

my abdomen with both of my hands, I felt nauseous. "They're too strong for a

human to handle, I can't force them out, and if they make it into my stomach,

who knows what will happen if they survive." Looking into his feline face, as

he thought for a bit, seeing his teeth glinting as he brought his paw up under

me, feeling something sharp glide up into my anus as his claw moved around.

Feeling the urge to use the rest room, the more his claw moved around deep

inside me. All at once the white milky goo began to trickle down, slowly at

first, then suddenly all exiting out of me at once. "OOOOH, WOW! This feels

wonderful" I exclaimed. The sensation was a relief to behold, but at least the

majority was out of my system now. I was confident that I no longer had to

worry about his sperm bombarding up into my stomach en masse and doing who

knows what. Seeing Lion's demeanor become more relaxed, I fell forward

and embraced him in a long soft hug. "I feel a lot better now, thank you so

much." I said, as I felt his paw on my back, pressing lightly onto me. Noticing

he sighed with a deep outward breath blowing warmth along my bare back,

relieved that I wasn't in pain anymore. It took a while for me to expel all of his seed. About five

days for most of the tingling to stop in my lower intestine, yet I still feel

as though some of them are left. The sensation will never leave me entirely,

not that I ever want it to. I did enjoy the feeling of Lion inside of me for

once, as I probably felt inside of him as he was rampaging, those few days ago.