Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 10

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#28 of Enochian

The Drakkaren grunted quietly as he lay back on the workout bench, slowly drawing a bar loaded with more than ten metric tons of weight before pushing it high above his head, sweat rolling down his scales as he grit his teeth... not so much in effort as in frustration, however, before he snarled and leapt up to his feet, easily holding the bar in one hand and roaring as he flung it across the room like it was a small barbell instead of a massive, rune-covered alloy pole with two gargantuan, rune-covered stone weights on either end.

It crashed through the cement wall of his house to thud heavily to the ground outside with several large pieces of stone, and the reptile snarled as he clenched his hands into fists, his eyes burning with rage before it turned quickly to humiliation as a portal opened beside him, and Sin stepped through, looking pale and concerned: "Lord Zerrex, what happened?"

"Nothing..." Zerrex looked away, closing his eyes and picking up his towel, wiping off his muscular body and his hair, before he murmured quietly: "The weight's not enough anymore, Sin. I need you to increase the weight enchantment on it."

"Oh... I'm sorry, Lord Zerrex..." Sin hesitated, then walked around him, knitting her fingers and gazing up at him with concern, her eyes filling tears. "Stop... stop pushing yourself so hard like this... please..."

Zerrex closed his eyes and slumped, nodding a bit and rubbing a hand over his muzzle slowly; he couldn't bear to see her in pain. She looked like his mother and reminded him in some ways of Mary, the cat who had died so many years ago to prove to him he could change, that he wasn't just a heartless beast... and then he sighed softly and tossed the towel away, reaching up and squeezing Sin's shoulders before leaning down and kissing her forehead silently. "I'm sorry. Please don't cry, Sin... I'll fix this all up myself, okay? Go on back to whatever you were doing."

"Okay..." Sin nodded a bit, still looking at him worriedly... and then she shakily touched his chest before flushing deeply and running back through the portal that was still open, and Zerrex half-reached after her before closing his hand slowly into a fist and letting it drop to his side, hanging his head and now feeling even more dejected. She's so scared of me... and I'm kind of scared of her, too. But she doesn't feel cold anymore... and at least we're touching one another now, even though it's taken... what, more than a millennia?

Zerrex had now been in Hell for almost two thousand years: for two thousand years he had suffered, but for two thousand years he had trained, pushing himself harder and harder... and not changing in the slightest. He was still just a simple Initiate, no matter how strong he became physically or what he learned of magic, no matter what he ate or did or whether or not he gave into his emotions... and the reptile sighed as he walked over to the hole in the wall and leapt out, landing easily in the field a floor below and making a face at the slight vertigo he felt upon looking back at his home.

A few centuries back â€" Gods, I hate that, talking about so many years like last week â€" Sin had helped him fortify and add another floor to the cabin, which she'd then increased the size of using some spacial spell the reptile would direly like to learn... but he had just made it into advanced level magic in that ridiculous Basic Principles book that had haunted him almost from the start of his penance here in Hell, and he would likely still be stuck on even after he became a demon. Life sucks.

Now the log cabin had a strange square of cement piled on top of it, with a tiny hole the reptile had apparently just leapt through... a hole that grew bigger when you drew closer to it, and smaller when you stepped away. Zerrex made a face at this, and then he carefully began to gather up the larger chunks of concrete under one arm before picking up the ten tons â€" Ten. Goddamn. Tons. â€" of weight and hefted that up over his other shoulder, grumbling to himself as he headed for the door, which Sin promptly opened without him getting a chance to ask.

He nodded his thanks to her, and he headed for a small staircase he'd built himself out of plain timbers and strengthened with magic, and the Drakkaren maneuvered the huge, weighted bar carefully around so he didn't bump into anything before stepping into his workout room and sighing a bit, dropping the concrete pieces by the enormous gap in the wall and placing the weights back on the bar, looking down at it miserably. "Why is this happening to me? Why couldn't I just be like every other normal demon here?"

He sat down on the bench, then held up his hand as he muttered an incantation, shifting his attention to concentrate on the wall more than his own odd plight. Slowly, the chunks of concrete shuddered and locked themselves back into place, and the cracks and damaged material repaired itself bit-by-bit, but Zerrex felt his energy rapidly draining before he let out a grunt and a sigh, his head pulsing with pain as he grabbed at it. Goddammit... material-affecting magic is just not my thing...

A moment later, however, he blinked as Sin sat down beside him and silently rubbed a hand down his back, looking at him with concern as she held her other hand out... and without a word or murmur, the wall instantly restored itself, several other large pieces of broken concrete flying into place from outside and locking themselves in as the cracks filled up and smoothed out. It was a show of power made more impressive when you considered the fact even Selena couldn't fix larger things, despite all her training and prowess in magic.

"You need to stop worrying yourself so much, please..." she murmured, and then she quietly slid away, looking down with embarrassment. "I... you're just different, Lord Zerrex. The same rules and laws that apply to most demonic development don't seem to apply to you... for whatever reason. You've grown incredibly strong over the last two thousand years... and... and I... I..." she swallowed, then forced out in a meek voice: "I know how much you miss your family."

The reptile looked over at her for a few moments... and then he nodded a bit and murmured quietly: "Yeah. I really do... but I know I can't give up or give in, and I'm trying my hardest to keep going. It's just... so hard, Sin. I have too many conflicting emotions, and sometimes it feels like the Princess is trying to get in my way, or that she's working to make things as miserable as possible for me."

"Whatever the Princess is doing, she does it with the intent of making you as strong as you can be..." Sin murmured quietly, but even she didn't sound very convinced by her own words, glancing away and rubbing her hands together slowly. "I... I don't think the Princess means for you to always suffer..."

Zerrex nodded and grunted a bit, but he couldn't help but remember a thousand years ago now, when nine hundred and ninety-nine years became a full millennium he'd spent in Hell. He remembered sitting quietly at a huge feast set up for him by Queen Feldspar, the Princess, and Sin at the head, most of the Goth Legion, Carmen and Amiglion making the middle, and Zerrex, Selena, and Lily making up the foot of the table. It had been awkward and silent for the most part, Amazons and Royal Guards patrolling quietly around the corridors as they sat in a far-too-large dining room in Carmen's Palace in the Circle of Lust... and then the Princess had risen her glass and stood up, the rest of the table slowly standing as well as she said clearly: "To Lord Zerrex, and the many friends and enemies he has made in Hell, and almost all of either side of great strength and grave importance in our little world."

That had sent a chill down Zerrex's spine as he exchanged a look with Lily, who had flushed a bit â€" likely because of her own royal heritage. They never spoke of it, but he knew she was someone of great importance, since even Queen Feldspar bowed to her... and he had learned that Queen Feldspar was second only to the Princess, and that Lily was from another Province entirely... but was in the South to avoid the war ravaging the other Provinces. It was why she was always under constant guard... and Zerrex truly felt sad for her and sympathized with her plight, and perhaps that was why they got along so well.

The Princess looked back and forth, nodding and motioning for everyone to be seated... and then she had held her glass out towards Zerrex, saying softly: "You have truly lived up to my expectations, Lord Zerrex... you have overcome every obstacle thrown into your path, and fought for and won supremacy from every demon to cross your shadow. You have battled everything from worms to gods, slaves to Inquisitors, half-demons to monarchs... and you have come out victorious again and again. You have proven yourself stronger in Hell than in life.

"I mean no offense by any of this of course... and here I wish to feast in your honor. Many souls do not survive or persevere as you have over even a thousand years of Hell, and break down, give up, and die... or become lesser demons like the Plasmids." The Princess added, and he hated the way her voice smiled, despite the fact he knew she was hearing every angry thought he had, the reptile looking stiffly across at her as Lily gently took one of his hands under the table and held it tight, Selena grasping the Drakkaren's other bicep firmly and wincing a bit at how tense he was. "You, however, are on your way to becoming the greatest of demons, despite how little corruption you show..."

Dinner had not gone well, especially after that, Lily and Selena both warning him that everything was last with powerful dark essence, that every drink was alcohol except for the drinks that were demonic blood extracted from Gigataurs or other specially-corrupted creatures, that some of the food he was eating was chopped-up demons of all manner, that the plates had magical runes on them that was tainting the food... and yet by this point, the Drakkaren didn't care. He ate a bit of everything and had large servings of whatever he liked, he was rude and refused conversation, and eventually Feldspar left the table in fury: not at him, but at the Princess, after a very short mental argument seemed to erupt between them when their eyes locked for only a few moments. After Feldspar left, Ghost and Silverfish quickly made their escape as well... leaving Bondage and Blake. Vampire seemed to have been purposefully-skipped over... but then again, he had also been demoted and was serving a very long, very painful punishment guarding the Royal Stables and taking care of the demonic mounts of the Royal Knights.

It took forever, but finally they reached the last course of the meal, as Sin excused herself for ‘personal reasons' and Bondage and Blake left to continue their own duties in Hell. Amiglion looked like he wanted to stick around to the very end... but at a glance from the Princess to the two Wentaku behind her â€" the three-eyed demons with the wolf and croc features, which Selena said with a grimace were the far-more civilized cousins of the Wendigo â€" they asked everyone in civilized but cold voices to leave the room, except for Lord Zerrex. Even Carmen was almost forcibly removed by her own Amazon guard and jerked to her feet when she asked to stay, and one of the Wentaku said softly things would be much smoother if she would just cooperate and leave.

The Princess gazed after Carmen as she left with the others, snarling furiously and casting a worried look over to Zerrex... and then all but the two Wentaku and the handful of concubines the Princess had brought with her left the room. She smiled and pushed her mask up ever-so-slightly as she slowly poured herself a glass of wine, and then she took a slow sip before asking softly: "Do you really think you can ever escape here, Lord Zerrex? You haven't even begun to grasp the concept of Hell yet, even though you're living it... no one does, not for the first million years or so. Even those who become demons don't realize how unescapable Hell is, how everything here is tied together by strings of destiny weaved by the Four Monarchs, the Scholars and the Scribes... and how we all have the power to change everything as we see fit.

"For example..." The Princess shattered her wineglass in her hand, then she simply glanced at it and the shards of glass instantly flew back into place and the spilled wine rolled back into the glass in a flow of velvet liquid, and the Princess smiled before taking a slow drink, saying gently: "See? I've seen many people like you, Lord Zerrex, but they are but pale imitations, badly-made cartoons drawn in your distinct, surreal image..."

"Get to the point." Zerrex snarled, narrowing his eyes and feeling a cold shiver run through his body nonetheless at her power. He had been in Hell long enough to know the difference between someone's magic and someone's natural abilities... and what she did seemed to just... not just alter time, but reverse it. She didn't mend the glass... she didn't alter its materials... she restored it. Even with something tiny like that, the abilities you'd need...

"You are scared." The Princess said softly, and Zerrex knew it was pointless to lie... and then she pushed her mask down over her face, but her eyes were glowing solid green as she added in a quiet, cold voice: "And so you should be, Lord Zerrex.

"You don't seem to fully grasp the concept of what exactly is going on around here... nor do you understand what you should be doing with yourself, hence why I'll take the time to illustrate it here." The Princess added in her gentle voice, and with an idle sweeping motion, everything from the tablecloth to the food and the silverware vanished, leaving only the candles that lined the table slowly burning as the flames turned blue. "First off, let's start with a history lesson... have you noticed, for instance, that most of what you see in Hell are reptiles?"

The Drakkaren nodded, then said softly: "It's because Drakkai have demonic origins... they're originally like the minotaurs or one of the other soldier-races, as they're called. Anything with even the most diluted demon blood tends to survive Hell and become a demon, losing their spiritual body and taking on a brand new form... everything else becomes one of the lesser or minion demons, like the Plasmids or the Craven."

"Good... you've been studying." The Princess seemed entertained by this, her green eyes sparkling as they returned to normal. "And yet you are the son of the Red Beast, meaning your blood is not diluted... you are a halfbreed of Dragokkaren and Drakkaren, but the demonic blood coursing through your veins is far-purer, and you should be working on doing all you can to accelerate your own demonic growth... after all, as you are now, you cannot hope to win against any of the High Monarchs... myself and Prince Az'Iriel included."

Zerrex snarled a bit, glancing away and trying to shove her out of his mind... but when he couldn't even get a feel for where she was hiding in his head, it made it incredibly difficult to find her mental fingers and stab them. "After all, I believe it's been made clear to you that even the strongest demon is exponentially weaker when on the physical plane... runes tend not to work very well, magic doesn't always have the same effect, and our strength is... diminished." The Princess paused, leaning back in her chair and saying softly: "And you will never find me on that world... meaning if you want to kill me, Lord Zerrex, you need to become strong enough to kill all the Scribes and Scholars, too, and then still break through the Divine Protection I enjoy as the High Princess of Hell... and you need more than simple brute force to do that, I fear.

"I truly am trying to help you, don't get me wrong on that... but the sooner you give into your drives, the sooner you'll become a demon." The Princess added softly, and then she stood slowly, half-bowing to Zerrex with her hands clasped in front of herself. "It's just some advice, Lord Zerrex. Think about it... and don't be afraid of what happens. I know that I, for one, am looking forwards to it..."

The Princess looked at him, and the Drakkaren sensed a smile... and then she slowly turned away and left through a large door behind her, leaving Zerrex to stare in frustration at the table in front of him... a frustration that had been with him over the past thousand years. Even Selena had told him that while killing a High Monarch wasn't impossible, it required a massive amount of magical and physical power, and for war to be declared on them by another High Monarch so that the Scholars wouldn't use their powers to interfere with any soldiers or mages that might be powerful enough to make their way to the Prince â€" or in this case, the Princess.

It had all led up to where he was now, constantly training his body and exposing himself to high levels of corruption, while at the same time fortifying himself against the Inquisitors who were still bent on torturing him. Bones seemed to take great glee in offering up every temptation he could think of to the pissed-off reptile, and Orphus was being just as disgusting as ever... but Terronius seemed to be at a complete loss to find anything left he could try and scare Zerrex with and the Bloody King seemed to be getting bored of him... some days the last wouldn't even show up, and other days he'd wander in but spend the entire time trying to decide between different implements of torture.

Of course, despite his prodigious strength, the reptile hadn't abandoned his other trainings: he had muddled his way through several different techniques he remembered Requiem trying to teach him as a child, and come up with a few of his own to deal with the ever-increasing tortures and strains of everyday life in the Lust Circle. But admittedly, he also felt himself starting to spiral out of control... indulging in too much sex, hurting too many people, and worst of all, letting even the smallest of inconveniences get to him and cause him to do something extremely stupid in a fit of rage, which just made him feel even worse.

Sin was always here to help him clean up, no matter what he did... she seemed to have a spell for every situation, including when he'd accidently killed a succubus during a particularly-rough session of sex... on the other hand, when she'd been revived by a power Zerrex didn't even know existed, she didn't seem exactly upset about any of it and had even begged Sin to stay around, ‘just in case something else happened.' But Zerrex had sent her home after that, making a bit of a face and wondering how much more screwed up things could get around here.

And now here he sat with Sin, the two side-by-side and not looking at one-another, both of them tired and sore and admittedly a bit miserable as Zerrex let out a long, quiet sigh... and Sin looked away, trying to find the right words. They both knew things were bad, and they both knew that whatever else, the Masters and Inquisitors and the Princess were all pushing as hard as they could... and even worse, Queen Feldspar was due for a visit tomorrow, hence the reason he hadn't been tortured or forced to go to work today or yesterday. But honestly? I'd prefer her to shove her special authorization up her narrow ass and leave me the hell alone...

The war in Hell hadn't changed too much: the Princess had moved forwards several mage units that had successfully reclaimed a large portion of their territory and were currently holding the others at bay, but Amiglion, Selena, and even Queen Carmen had all been dispatched to different battlefields... and from what the reptile heard, it would be a long time until they all got back home. Feldspar, on the other hand, had finished her current obligations to the Princess and currently on a long extended leave for perhaps a hundred years, and she'd already stopped in to make Zerrex miserable several times.

He stood up slowly, and Sin looked up at him with quiet worry for a few moments before he shook his head a bit and rose a hand, murmuring softly: "Don't worry, Sin, I'm fine, I'll be fine... I think I just need to... go down to the clubs or something, I dunno."

"You should stick around the house... I... I know how much you hate people." Sin replied quietly, looking up at him with silent worry, and the Drakkaren heard the request under the request: to not hurt anyone or cause any trouble. Since the reptile had been thinking of grabbing a few succubi off the street and doing nasty things to them for his entertainment, he decided it might be a better idea to stay around the house like she'd suggested... maybe I'll jerk off. I know I don't need to, but whatever. It puts my mind on something else.

You could always force yourself on Sin... whispered another voice, and Zerrex made a bit of a face as he glanced up towards the ceiling. It wasn't Ravenlight... Ravenlight was an egotistical son of a bitch, but he was cunning enough to recognize what would cause harm to Zerrex in the end... and Sin most definitely could cause harm to him. You could finally find out what she's hiding with enough twisting... those long dresses, fuck ‘em, I want to see her body, her tits, her cunt...

"Zerrex?" Sin asked quietly, looking up at him with concern... and he blinked and shook his head slowly, glancing at her as she reached up a trembling hand... then closed it and glanced away with a deep flush. The Drakkaren blushed as well, since it seemed like she somehow knew what he'd been thinking from the expression on her face... and them she carefully stood up and bowed her head towards him respectfully and quietly. "Lord Zerrex... I... I live to serve."

The reptile stared at her... and then he nodded a bit and slowly took her face into his hands, stepping close and looking into her eyes as she gazed back up at him... and then he murmured softly: "Why is it that everyone who's been assigned to watch me here in Hell is either female or gay?"

"The Princess instructed us all to serve you as we would serve her... and to love you as we would love her, and do all we could to understand you, despite however repugnant we might find you or your morals." Sin said quietly, trembling a bit as she gazed up into Zerrex's eyes meekly, and the reptile blinked a few times before she lowered her head and stepped backwards, murmuring softly and looking down: "I'm sorry... but all of us honestly have found you compelling, so long as we've gotten through your layers of self-defense to see what's on the inside of that big body of yours..." She halted and glanced up at him, tilting his head quietly. "Haven't you always been loved?"

"No... I haven't." Zerrex said quietly, turning away and walking slowly over to a window to stare out at Hell, then he closed his eyes and dropped his head against the cool glass, remembering his father, Ifret Narrius... and his mother, Celestial. "I grew up with my mother, but I spent most of the holidays and other times with my father, at the Narrius mansion... and there, I was not really ‘loved.' I had servants, and I was treated like royalty, but my father thought of me as a sniveling, cowardly brat and Requiem was only permitted to train me, not to ever talk with me or get to know me... but he... he was like my real father.

"My parents weren't divorced or even separated... they lived apart because my mother wanted me to grow up knowing the simple life she had known... and my father worked as Commander of the Enforcer Unit in Valise. Sometimes they were together... but rarely. And one day... he killed her." Zerrex looked down, closing his eyes and remembering sex tapes and violence, his mother naked and dying on the floor with her throat torn out and Narrius tossing both him and Requiem around like bowling pins. "It wasn't really all that nice.

"And it was the same in the military, too... I got known to have a penchant for being in the same places where a big buff male wearing a military uniform had just raped someone... but what were they going to do? The Irenic Military wouldn't give me up and I took the sex I wanted. I got so bold that I started raping other military, guys and girls... and so no one liked me there, but I didn't want to be liked... I didn't want or need anyone, I thought. Not until Cherry and... and Allie."

The Drakkaren sighed quietly, misting the glass before he pulled away and strode across the room, not really wanting to continue... but he hesitated at the doorway and turned around, sighing as he looked over at Sin quietly. "Most of the following years, until I reached Baskin's Grove, I just wandered from place-to-place, living off my share of the Narrius fortune and the massive amount of shut-up money from the Irenic Government that I had. It wasn't half as fun as it sounded, despite my... the things I did here and there. Rapes, violence... other things."

Zerrex quieted, then he glanced down as Sin walked over to him and looked up after a moment, asking softly: "Would... you like to know more?"

"Please, Lord Zerrex." Sin bowed quietly to him and then sat down on the bench, gazing at him with sympathy, and the Drakkaren nodded a bit before crossing his arms and resting back against the wall, closing his eyes thoughtfully.

"After I had been discharged... I remember how angry I was..." Zerrex laughed quietly and shook his head slowly, murmuring softly: "I remember leaving first, and taking my motorcycle and just beginning to drive..."

This Zerrex is young, and has no scars, his hair ragged and hanging down past his shoulders and in his eyes, casting a shadow over features that are unhandsome and cruel: but there is no age in them, only a youthful vitality that helps draw his victims in, like a delicate bird mesmerized by the eyes of a snake. His muscles flex and his body is powerful and hard, and he has no tattoo around his bicep... only his plain scale pattern, his burning emerald eyes, and his unkempt white hair.

The reptile roars down the highway, no helmet on his head and no goggles over his eyes, pushing the motorcycle as hard as it will go as his military jacket flies out behind him. His clothes are standard issue black, with the golden symbol of Ire on either sleeve, and his boots are the same polished plain medium-high style he'll wear for the next two millennium. Holstered on the custom-built slots on either side of his motorcycle is a plain straight katana... and from the burning rage and hatred in the reptile's emerald eyes, and the young lizard is looking for a reason to use them on some unfortunate victim.

He snorts as the gas light blinks on, releasing a shrill beep, and he's half-tempted to punch the gauge in... but this motorcycle is one of the only material things he cares about, so he restrains himself. One of the only things... and I certainly don't give a shit about any people, not anyone else... he tells himself silently, and he will bury himself in sex and violence over the following years just to try and prove this point to himself.

A pause, and he slows the motorcycle down to a more-reasonable speed as he cuts around a transport truck, then guides himself into the narrow space between two cars and roars ahead of them, the drivers and their passengers looking stunned at the huge reptile that managed to slip betwixt them on the modified military motorcycle. The Drakkaren mutters under his breath words he can't even make out over the whipping wind, and then he pauses as he notes a rest stop, and he jerks the brakes on his motorcycle, both cars skidding past him and almost running into him as one of the cars howls to a stop, the other one continuing shakily onwards.

Zerrex smiles with cold entertainment as the transport roars by, the horn howling... but he ignores it in favor of pulling into the rest station and bringing his bike to a halt in a handicap space in front of the doors despite the other free spaces just as close, and he pulls the keys from his ignition. He bounces them in his hand as he strolls towards the doors, eyes flicking back and forth in the dulling light of sunset for anyone to challenge... but then he gives a snort and heads inside, shoving his keys idly into his pocket.

He strides past the counter, ignoring the stares from the two working clerks and rudely shoving a bear in overalls out of his way as he strides down an aisle full of candies and chocolate bars, and the reptile pauses to pick one up. He makes a face at the name â€" Fudge!. What sort of fucking ridiculous name is Fudge! anyway? â€" and then tears it open and takes a bite. It isn't half bad... and he shrugs a bit as he strides to the back, grabbing a porn magazine from the top shelf of the magazine rack and flipping it open, before grunting in disgust at the amount of text versus bad pictures. What shit.

He tosses it on the floor, then makes his way over to the video collection, glancing through all the tapes lined up on the wall... and finally, he grabs two movies that look relatively interesting, and decides that's enough from here. I'll stop at a fast food place for a meal... I remember where I am now, there's a station and a hamburger joint not too far from here.

The reptile strides over to the counter and throws the tapes down as he takes another bite of the chocolate bar, his eyes roving over an older vixen with a perm and a tall beaver, who seems too terrified to speak as Zerrex's eyes rove dangerously over them. They're both wearing stupid little uniforms... and then he takes another bite of the chocolate bar and grunts: "If you got any porn, too, that'd be great. I want movies. If you don't have them, then hurry the hell up, I don't have all day."

"S-Sir, is... is that one... did you take that chocolate bar? I... I have to..." The beaver stutters to a halt under a glare from Zerrex, and he shrinks backwards slowly before whispering: "Why don't you just take it all?"

"I do like to take what I want." Zerrex pauses, then reaches over and grabs the vixen by the strap of her uniform and jerking her half-over the counter. She lets out a loud shriek as he grins at her, putting the rest of the chocolate bar into his muzzle and holding it like a cigarette between his teeth as he shoves her head down with his other hand, glancing over her clothed form. "Your face is crap but the rest of you looks okay, providing you aren't all flab... yeah..." Zerrex teasingly lets go of the strap of the apron, only to immediately lock one hand in a vice-grip around her breast, the vixen shrieking in pain and humiliation as she grabs his strong arm. "You ain't bad."

"Let her go!" squeals the beaver, looking horrified... and Zerrex grabs him by the back of the head before smashing his face down against the counter hard enough to shatter the plastic top, before he shoves him firmly back into the cigarettes. The Drakkaren laughs, then twists viciously with his other hand to make the vixen scream louder, and finally he shoves her backwards as well, grinning widely and grabbing up the two tapes.

"Thanks, pal." he says almost playfully, and then he pauses as he notes the bear from earlier half-hiding behind a county sheriff, and his amusement vanishes in an instant as he throws the tapes away and snarls, the chocolate bar falling out of his muzzle as he glances down at the plain .32 revolver the trembling deer is pointing at him. "You better shoot now, asshole, because you won't get another chance..."

The deer only stares, swallowing and trying to say something, trying to summon whatever they pass off as cop-instinct this far out in the country... and Zerrex steps forwards and simply swats the gun out of his hand before reaching up and seizing the deer's antlers, and a moment later there's a terrible crack before the deer is on the ground, screaming in agony and holding the side of his head where the reptile tore off part of his skull with the antler, blood spilling down the side of his face... and Zerrex kicks him firmly in the muzzle, knocking him out before stabbing the jagged, broken antler down into the side of the bear's neck with a snort of disgust.

The bear begins to gargle immediately, joining the deer on the floor... and the Drakkaren strides for the exit, jerking the door open and looking moodily back and forth before making a face at the group of teens standing around his motorcycle in the parking lot. They look almost like a gang of greasers, with their slicked-back hair and mangy fur, most of them wearing leather jackets and only one of them female, but all of them some kind of canid... and then he steps slowly forwards as he notes one of the timberwolves is actually touching his motorcycle, stroking along the seat and handlebars with his dirty hands... "Hey, dude, is this yours?"

"Yeah, it is, dude." Zerrex says softly, but his voice is filled with a venom only one or two of these lunkheads get, his eyes cold as he flicks them to the side to look at the mangy mutt who had spoken. "I take it you like it?"

"It could use an overhaul, maybe..." says the one who was touching the bike, straightening and running a hand through the fur between his ears: he has no long hair like some of the others, only fur he's spiked as if he did and then dyed gold, his eyes stupid and his grin portraying a tough-guy image. "Me and my boys could... you know, fix it right up for you, but you'd have to leave it with us. Call it a welcome greeting from the Reesie gang. We run this little stretch of highway, see..."

"Boss, maybe this ain't such a good idea..." begins one of the other members, and Zerrex can see another member of the gang of five dogs and wolves circling around him in the corner of his eye... and the reptile's hand snaps out lighting fast, seizing the small lupine by the skull.

The gangster-wannabe flails a bit, whining loudly and then squealing as Zerrex lifts him into the air by his head... and then he looks coldly over at their ‘Boss' as he simply squeezes as hard as he can, and the gangster screams like a girl before his skull cracks loudly, and he goes limp, blood spilling slowly out of his ears and his eyes, drooling first saliva... and then more of the red liquid as the other gang members tremble and stare in horror as Zerrex discards the body. He doesn't care if he's crushed his brain, made him a moron, or just knocked him out for the moment... all he cares about is teaching these worthless punks their place.

The reptile grabs the chick next before she can run or scream, and he grins widely as he tears off her bra and the fishnet shirt covering it, but lets out a theatrical sigh at the balls of paper that comes tumbling out, revealing her D cups are far-less impressive Bs. "What a surprise..." a pause as the girl squirms, and he wraps an arm around her neck before giving a quick jerk, squeeze and twist, and she falls to the ground... and this one, he knows he's killed.

The others are staring in horror, and one turns and flees... and from under his jacket, Zerrex produces one of his twin .52 handguns and fires three shots at the retreating wolf's back with a grin, sending him down in a spray of blood and gore as his lungs and spine are obliterated, the lupine gargling and managing a last staggering step before he crumples backwards in a heap, unable to even scream. It leaves only two of them left, and Zerrex slowly turns towards the dog on the other side of the ‘Boss' and fires a single round into his skull, splattering his brains everywhere before the Drakkaren ejects the clip, letting it patter to the ground as he points the huge handgun at the last standing, asking softly: "How much do you know about guns?"

"A... a lot..." The wolf is shivering violently, his hands out at his sides before he turns and tries to run, and Zerrex fires a shot into his lower leg, blowing up the area just under his knee and sending fragments of bone spraying over the ground with blood, the wolf screaming as he falls to the ground and claws at it weakly, his eyes bulging as he stares over his shoulder at Zerrex. "Oh God... oh... help! Help me, help me... help me!"

"After every shot is fired, a new round is chambered in a gun like this..." Zerrex smiles coldly, then points the gun and pulls the trigger, dry-firing the weapon as he shouts: "Bang-bang!"

The wolf screams and curls up, covering his head as he pisses himself... and Zerrex laughs at the smell and the spreading wetness over the wolf's jeans as he spins the gun easily around his finger before holstering it back under his jacket, looking terribly entertained. "What, I thought you knew a lot about guns?" He pauses, then strides over to the motorcycle, drawing one of his straight-bladed katanas free and unsheathing it, the wolf shaking his head rapidly and then trying to crawl away, screaming still for a moment before the Drakkaren stabs downwards, plunging the blade through his spine and heart as he murmurs softly: "I guess not."

He pauses and closes his eyes at the moment of silence that follows... and then he straightens and draws the sword free, idly cleaning it against the lupine's leather jacket before spinning it once and sheathing it in an easy movement, making a face as he adds a hard kick to the side of the wolf's corpse out of irritation. "You were no fun."

The Drakkaren mounts his back after a moment more of distaste, and then he shoves the sword back into its metal sheath before starting up the bike and driving onwards with a sigh of distaste. The gas light is still blinking, but it only takes him a few minutes to reach the gas station beyond... and he turns the engine off as he glances across the street, looking mildly at the rhino currently on duty at the pumps and saying calmly: "Wheel my bike over to the side of the station when you're done, and don't scratch it or I'll kill you. I'm going to go and get a hamburger. If, when I come back, I see that you've done what I've asked, there's a twenty or a fifty in it for you, depending on my mood."

"Sir, it's... it'd be a pleasure, sir." The rhinoceros nods quickly, taking off his hat, and Zerrex smiles coldly as he slips off his bike, then he strolls across the street as the rhino trembles a bit, slumping behind the reptile and only feeling lucky to be alive. But Zerrex knows not how the rhino acts: he's only concentrating on getting some food in his stomach... not because he's particularly hungry, but simply because he wants something to take his mind off today. Of course, the reptile would never admit it... to him, this is only a necessary refueling of both his motorcycle and his body.

He glances up at the sign and looks disgusted. "‘Happy Burger.' That's right up there with Fudge! on my list of favorite names." A pause as a small child walks by, and Zerrex thinks about kicking it into the plated glass window to see whether or not he could break it â€" the window, not the kid, he knows the kid will end up as a splattermark either way â€" but something compels him not to and almost scolds him for such violent thoughts... and he puts it down to military training. Of course it is... I mean... I'm not going to get good service if I make myself out as a hostile, after all.

He shakes his head a bit as he walks for the doors, and he pushes inside through the side door, looking distastefully around at the large crowd despite the fact its getting dark outside. He figures it must be some special kid's day or something, so he waits patiently in line as he decides on what to get and feels for his wallet in his other pocket, before making a face as he realizes he forgot the two videos. Well, I did get excited...

The reptile steps up to the counter after another minute of waiting in line as the teller stares at him, and then he says mildly: "I'll have combo two, to go, with a plain Frost cola." A pause as the teller continues to stare, and then he adds coldly to the chubby squirrel: "You want a fucking autograph?"

"Please don't use that kind of language, sir. This is a children's restaurant." The squirrel says meekly, blushing and looking defensive almost immediately, as if she could somehow stand up to the Drakkaren should he decide to pick up the register and bludgeon her to death with it... and I'm getting very close to doing that. "I don't want to have you removed from the store."

"Then don't stare. I don't stare at you, despite the fact I find you more repulsive than the unevolved animals at the zoo." Zerrex retorts, and then he rolls his eyes as the squirrel steps away from the register, looking horrified and calling for the manager. It attracts the attention of customers and fast-food employees alike, and a nearby coyote slaps his forehead with a groan of displeasure, as if this happens often. "Oh, that's very helpful. Thank you for your service with a smile."

The squirrel huffs angrily at the reptile's sardonic tone, then says furiously: "You big mean military people can't just come in here and shove us around however you like! Why, I can call the police and-"

Zerrex reaches out and bats the register off the counter like a toy, then slams a fist hard enough down into the stone countertop to shatter it, cracks spiraling out in all directions before part of it crumbles away, and then the Drakkaren slowly strolls around the divider towards the squirrel, who is trembling but still looking up at him angrily, like she can resist his terrible strength. "I can do whatever I want."

"You can't! I'll... I'll get the police, and phone my lawyer if you lay a finger on me, and you can't do anything to me because bad things will happen to you, you bastard!" she says shrilly, then attempts to shove past him, but the Drakkaren only grins, his body a wall of muscle in her way before she moves to try and bulldoze past his other side, her head lowered as she shouts: "Get out of my way!"

"No." Zerrex reaches out and grabs her by the throat, and she releases out a grunt of surprise before he reaches down and grasps her lower jaw with his other hand when she tries to speak, saying in a disgusted voice: "I'm sick of listening to you."

Parents cover their children's faces and let out yells of horror as Zerrex simply twists off the squirrel's lower jaw, her screams filling the air for a moment before Zerrex begins to throttle her, looking down at her with anger and disgust. "People like you are the reason there's no justice in the world... it's not the fault of the monsters or evil people like myself, you see... it's because a million other fat, self-righteous, and weak maggots like you constantly clog up the justice system, enabling people like me... to do whatever we want. You think your problems are so vast and serious..."

He pauses, tossing her jawbone aside and then slowly wiping his hand against her body, making a face of disgust at the flabby feel of her breasts. "Disgusting. You're weak and disgusting, and you make me want to vomit at just touching your body. But here, you want to have a serious problem?" The Drakkaren glances down the open kitchen in the back before dragging her easily behind him to the deep-fryer, and he smiles as she looks up at him with horror, watching as the Drakkaren pulls out the baskets full of fries and sets them aside, saying in an almost-kind voice: "Here you go."

He shoves her face down into the deep-fryer, and people scream as the smell of burning flesh and fur fill the air, her huge tail snapping back and forth for a moment before Zerrex snarls and forces more of her tubby body into the boiling grease with one hand, the other seizing her tail and snapping it off. After less than a minute, her body ceases to twitch... and Zerrex lets go of her before he barks angrily: "Where's my goddamn food?"

Immediately, the other workers shove the mess of ready-to-be-served meals at him, and Zerrex grabs one of the paper bags and throws a few burgers and two extra large boxes of fries into this, and a few moments later he leaves, swiping an extra-large drink before pausing as he looks down at the small, meek sixteen year old who handed him the cup of cola, and he leans over her petite form, sizing up her slender body and breasts. He presses forwards against her, and he is excited by the crowd of people watching as she leans back, trembling hard... and his breath washes over her face as he says softly: "I need a straw, too."

The trembling lizard â€" she is not a Drakkai, but some other reptile â€" reaches behind her for the straws, and knocks over the box of them before grabbing a handful and holding them up, leaning backwards as Zerrex leans forwards, moaning as his crotch grinds down against her, hearing the growl building in Zerrex's throat and not realizing she has just been claimed as his... and then he smiles coldly as he takes one of the straws, and he says softly: "Thank you..." A glance down at her nametag. "Daria."

"You're welcome..." she whispers weakly, and she does not know what is going to happen to her... but Zerrex already does as he turns and leaves, a hunger for something else growing in his body, something else he plans on having a lot of tonight. He leaves through the back door, and ten minutes later he's sitting at the side of the gas station after absently throwing a few twenties at the rhino, slowly eating his food and keeping his eyes on the building across from him as the police cars begin to pull into the lot.

They're MPs, so he knows the procedure they'll take: first get all the witnesses safely to the police station, then compile everything they say and make a description... but once they find out who they're looking for, they'll haze everything over. Zerrex is secure in his invulnerability inside the military, because all the MPs in a hundred mile radius are terrified of him and the rumors about Project Scarecrow that have filtered down through the ranks over the years.

The Drakkaren waits for the MPs to all leave... and then he follows them down to the station. Knowing the laziness and perverseness of the Irenic Military, he only hopes they don't knock around his newest toy too much before he gets a chance to play with her... but the most-likely scenario is that they'll interview her, call her parents... and then send her home and promptly lose the case file.

Zerrex enjoys this sort of game of cat and mouse, as he backtracks down the highway he'd come, glancing absently at the police tape wrapped all around the parking lot and convenience store he'd had some fun at earlier... and then he turns down a side road and carefully turns off onto a narrow dirt path, slowly driving along it until he reaches a high ridge overlooking the parking lot of a small military facility below used to monitor information, interview witnesses, and lock up dangerous criminals until they could be transferred to an appropriate detention facility. In all likelihood, this was where they had taken Daria... and now the Drakkaren turned off his motorcycle, before dismounting and gently laying the bike on its side to avoid any spark of light bouncing off the metal plating from below.

Bright lights turned on in ten minutes, illuminating the parking lot perfectly for him... and the Drakkaren spends another forty simply laying in wait, keeping himself still and quiet until finally he saw a pair of lizards entering the military complex by the back door from a plain blue car... and twenty minutes later, they came out with little Daria and her smooth black and navy scales, still wearing her uniform and crying loudly enough that he could hear her from where he lay.

He licks his muzzle slowly, and as he hoped, they talk in the parking lot, and he can hear angry voices but not make out the words before the family makes their fatal mistake: they head back inside. Zerrex knows this gives him at least ten minutes unless the family changes their minds, and he quickly rights his bike before moving it to the edge of the cliff and letting himself coast down the steep embankment, leaning backwards and keeping his legs out to keep his balance as he grunts and winces, before twisting as he reaches the parking lot to avoid hitting a parked police car, small rocks and dirt tumbling down the ridge after him.

The Drakkaren brushes himself off absently, then sits and waits silently until he hears the family come back outside, Daria still crying... and five minutes later, he hears a car pulling out, and the Drakkaren gives them a quick count to fifty before driving after them, watching as they turn to the left and drive towards Dawson City. The Drakkaren immediately grins at this, his eyes lighting up: the city isn't big, but it's tightly-packed, like a rat maze... and he knows that it will be a fun game indeed to follow these people.

He's disgusted to find they live just outside of the city, however, ruining his game as he parks on the shoulder of the road roughly a hundred feet away, watching as the family piles out of the car and keeping his body low to avoid setting off any alarms... and he marks their home with his eyes, noting every small difference from the houses around it... except he enjoys the fact that out here, all the homes are at least twenty feet apart, with spacious lawns and fences here and there... and the Drakkaren turns his motorcycle around, flicking the headlight on in the darkness that has long set and deciding to be extra cautious and take another route into the city.

Half an hour later, Zerrex is driving idly through the streets, feeling bored and looking for something to do... and then a neon sign above what looks like a ramp leading down into the underground catches his attention, and the Drakkaren murmurs softly: "‘Los Angeles Nightclub... come and visit the City of Angels.' What a retarded name... but maybe I can kill some time and squeeze a quick one out..."

The Drakkaren grins a bit at the idea, turning and driving idly down the ramp and into an underground parking lot, eying the two huge bouncers at a plain steel door with another neon sign above it and smiling slightly... and he'll never know that only a minute later, Cherry would drive by on her own motorcycle, fighting the memories of Zerrex and looking for a moment at the nightclub sign, thinking absently about going in just for sex... but she feels useless and mediocre, broken and weak... and something inside of her is howling for her Master and her lover. For a moment, she is indecisive... and then she drives off with a roar that Zerrex glances up at curiously before shaking his head a bit as he continues his approach to the nightclub doors.

The bouncers don't challenge him... in fact, the bulldog opens the door for him and invites him to go in, an invitation Zerrex accepts with a cold smile before the two look at each other with a wince. They've seen one or two in their day like Zerrex... and they know not to mess with him, no matter what sort of mess he may or may not cause inside. It works in the Drakkaren's favor: he doesn't have to go inside any dirtier than he already is.

He glances back and forth, watching the neon lights strobe across the dance floor as people move and jive together, but it all just looks like grinding and flailing to him... and the reptile looks distasteful before turning and heading for the bar, sitting down at one of the stools and putting his back to the bar to look over the club's inhabitants as he orders coldly: "One straight whisky, and leave the bottle."

"Why not tequila, big boy?" asks a voice next to him, and Zerrex gives a slight smile as his eyes rove slowly over a beautiful and young Drakkaren in a sparkly and very-short dress, and he sees a flash of panties as she slides to the stool next to him before she crosses her legs and leans back against the bar, asking teasingly: "Or are you not tough enough?"

"Then you better make it a bottle of both." Zerrex says mildly over his shoulder, and the bartender nods and trembles a bit, pouring a glass of whisky and one of tequila, then leaving the bottles as requested: usually something forbidden by management policy, but he doesn't want to die tonight. The Drakkaren picks up one of the bottles and his glass of whisky as he says mildly: "Come on, you pretty thing. Let's go grab a table."

They stroll over to one of the bench seats near the back of the room, a good few meters away from the dance floor... and Zerrex catches the Drakkaren winking and jerking her head at some other pretty girl currently sweet-talking a huge, dumb-looking stallion, and she extracts herself from him with a giggle before heading quickly over: another Drakkaren, he sees. Species play and slutty dress... and they're obviously young and stupid if she thinks this is subtle. "Oh look, it's Janie, my friend! I hope you don't mind her... joining us. We like to share everything..."

She winks and gazes at him seductively as she plays slowly with her pearl necklace, her sparkling red dress with the faux black fur around the neck and bottom sliding up a bit as she slides into the bench seat... but Janie is a bit more adventurous, sliding up next to the Drakkaren and putting her arm around him, pretty obviously already in the bag. She's not as good-looking, but her breasts are larger, and she's wearing a blouse that reveals a slender, taunt stomach and a miniskirt that's low enough on her hips for the Drakkaren to be able to see the string of her G-string... and she leans against him, alcohol on her breath as she says hungrily: "You are a big fella, aren't you?"

Zerrex grunts a bit as he puts the bottle and glass down, and he flexes his arm against her, making her giggle and blush deeply as he says teasingly: "You have no idea, girl... but now what would a pair of beautiful ladies like yourself want with me?"

They laugh and smile, as the other Drakkaren â€" he learns her name is Melinda â€" pours herself a glass of tequila... and twenty-five minutes later, the Drakkaren is sitting in the bathroom on the sink, and the two girls are bent down and fighting over who gets to suck his massive cock. They're only sixteen and seventeen years old, but he doesn't care: he also recognizes they're both sluts hungry for dick and alcohol, and he's provided them with plenty of both for his own amusement.

They work their mouths against him, and they aren't very good, and finally he gets sick of their squabbling and orders Janie to get back and wait her turn, letting Melinda work on him as she pouts a bit and drinks from the bottle they brought in... but once its her turn, she goes to work hungrily and Melinda is a bit better behaved. The top of her dress is shoved down to reveal her bosom, and he enjoys watching her play with her breasts... but neither of them wants to get fully undressed, despite the fact both are otherwise willing to do whatever he wants.

He gets them both working on his cock... but then Melinda seems to get bored, says she wants to feel it inside her... and she starts to complain loudly enough that eventually it gets on Zerrex's nerves, and they both stare in horror as he slaps her. She looks horrified, then takes in a deep breath to scream... and Zerrex punches her hard enough to dislocate her jaw before kicking her in the stomach, his huge cock a throbbing pillar of power as he glares down at her unconscious body... and when Janie tries to run, he grabs her and throws her into the wall, then jumps forwards and forces his cock into her throat and the back of her head against the wall, thrusting violently and choking her on his massive erection. She bites, and he punches her hard enough to crack her skull, and she begins to cry but sucks as best she can until she pukes around his penis... and, disgusted, he draws back and watches her vomit alcohol and appetizers all over the floor. Before she can get up from all fours, he grabs the back of her head and shoves his penis back down her throat, snarling: "Clean that mess up, bitch!"

She chokes to death around his huge member, and he doesn't even notice as he uses her until he orgasms... then he drops her lifeless body with distaste before shrugging and stripping off her clothes. His eyes take in her naked, dead form, and he leans down and touches it, strokes over it, licks at one of her breasts playfully... and then he slowly bites it, tasting still-warm blood and her flesh before drawing slowly back and licking his muzzle slowly as his eyes rove over to unconscious Janie.

He's still hard and erect, and he has a lot of time before he wants to go and see Daria... so he rips off her dress and makes it into a gag he ties into her muzzle, and then he shoves viciously into her sex. She wakes up immediately, her eyes bulging in agony as he rams in and out of her body, and she screams uselessly against the gag as she flails a bit... but the Drakkaren is too strong, too big, too dominating, his hands seizing her breasts as he looms over her, but he grows frustrated with her continued attempts to crawl away... and not wanting to kill her or damage her more than he already has, he jerks her around and shoves her down onto her back so she's forced to look up at him, and he draws one of his .52s out as he buries to the hilt in her, his penis throbbing and his gun pointed at her face as she pales and trembles violently, and he whispers softly: "If you don't stop... I'll kill you."

He keeps the gun on her as he begins to thrust hard and fast in and out of her body, and it gives him entertainment, but not the same sense of power he experiences when using his body: he wants to put it away because it feels so shallow and easy, like it takes away all the fun, but he knows she'll scream... so instead he decides to at least entertain himself, tearing the gag out of her muzzle and letting her moan for a little while before he shoves the gun barrel into her maw and orders coldly: "Suck."

He thrusts the gun as he thrusts in and out of her sex, and she squeals and moans, but sucks back against the barrel as he grins in dark entertainment, eyes burning with lust... and finally, he lets out a long groan as he releases inside of her body, filling her with seed and half tempted to pull the trigger... but instead he only pulls out and slowly grinds his huge cock against her body, then her face and mouth, pushing finally into her maw and forcing her to suck away the excess seed not smeared over her scales as he points the gun at her face, saying quietly: "You're mine now. And you will always be mine, just my property... I want you to remember this. I've spared your life to leave you as my toy, that I may one day return to and use as I will... and even when you die, one day I'll come for you."

She moans weakly as he draws out of her maw... and a month later she would commit suicide, plagued by a smell that simply wouldn't leave her body. She would meet Janie in Hell, and now the two wander, searching for Zerrex... but that is a story for another day that the Drakkaren does not yet know.

Afterwards, he holsters his gun, gives Melinda a last kick to knock her out again, and then leaves the bathroom and wipes his hands idly off. On the way out, a grinning dolphin accosts him, and he's intrigued by the exotic species... and so he brings her outside and offers her a ride on his motorcycle, and they drive out to an empty lot, where they kiss hungrily and passionately, and she grinds against him and makes the mistake of trying to pick his pocket... and he snarls and punches her hard in the face.

She staggers backwards and trips over a rock, whacking her head off a fallen metal girder, knocked senseless for the moment... and then Zerrex stabs one of his katanas through her hand. She screams in agony, looking horrified and trying to move, grabbing at it with her other hand... but Zerrex kicks her arm out and then steps on her wrist as he stands over her with his other katana.

Slowly, so slowly, he drags the tip gently up her stomach, applying just enough pressure to leave a thin cut while slicing easily through her clothes... and she winces as the blade slips between her breasts and cuts apart her bra, and it falls loose around one, tears rolling down her face as Zerrex gazes down at her with distaste. He doesn't speak as he gently nudges her clothes aside, then he presses the point of his blade lightly down into her nipple, and she mewls in pain, gazing up at him and whispering: "Please... I... I'm sorry, please don't... have mercy..."

"Oh, don't worry, I won't kill you..." Zerrex says mildly... and then he snarls and slashes firmly downwards, twisting his blade at the same time and cleaving off most of one of her breasts, sending it flying across the construction site in a spray of blood and gore as she arches her back and screams in agony, before he chops viciously downwards again and cuts off most of the next, tearing a chunk of her torso out with this one as blood splatters over his pants leg and the ground, flowing down her body in a river as he adds in a snarl: "The bleeding will take care of that problem."

He draws his other katana out of the ground and she howls in pain and looks up at him in horror, trembling violently... and then the Drakkaren stabs both swords firmly down into her vagina, and she inadvertently bucks, ripping the cut in her groin deeper as her eyes bulge in horror before he flicks both blades out to the side, and he watches her die in agony with disgust, shaking his head slowly as lights flick on in buildings all around him, and people begin yelling and howling as the Drakkaren slowly cleans his swords against the dolphin's pant legs, murmuring softly: "I guess it's a pet peeve of mine... I don't like it when people steal, but especially when they treat me like an idiot... and what kind of moron tries to screw someone metaphorically and literally without a backup plan or guard in wait?"

The Drakkaren sheathes both his blades, then puts them back into his motorcycle's holders before he mounted the bike and drove onto the street. The reptile turns in the opposite direction of the sound of sirens, closing his eyes and bowing his head even as he drives down the empty, dirty street. By the time anyone got around to being interviewed, he'd be long gone... and yet it all simply bored him. What he was looking for was good prey... and yet he knew out of instinct that it was not yet time to pick up his new toy.

The reptile turns off his headlight as he drives out of the city after a short but easy side trip to avoid the police, and he slowly rolls down the road where Daria lives before pulling quietly into a dark house without any cars in the parking lot. He could finally check the time here and get an idea of what was going on... and the reptile carefully wedges his motorcycle between the house and the fence, pushing it out of sight before he simply strides up to the front door and knocks twice, putting an innocent, embarrassed expression on his features.

He is first greeted with high-pitched barks, which makes him frown a bit, and then a moment later a child of perhaps twelve or thirteen opens the door, the sulky-looking, glasses-wearing rabbit looking up at him as Zerrex says dumbly: "Hi... my uh, car broke down and I was wondering if..."

The door slams in his face, and Zerrex wrinkles his muzzle in distaste before he stares through the window beside the door at a small, fluffy unevolved dog that was currently barking through the glass at him and staring up with big dark eyes. A moment later it was picked up and carried away from the door, however, and Zerrex grits his teeth and represses a shudder. That's just... so strange. Why would you ever want to have an unevolved animal loose in the house?

The Drakkaren shakes his head slowly, then he straightens and cracks his knuckles, grunting under his breath: "Fine, you want to play it that way..." A pause, and then he strides carefully along the side of the house, glancing back and forth before he looks up and notes a faint light in the windows above. He smiles slightly, then sets his eyes on a window much closer to the ground dead ahead.

He easily pushes it open, and a moment later he's inside, closing the door behind him as a voice whines: "Shut up, Benji!" A pause, and then the Drakkaren hears a loud yelp as the boy's voice says angrily: "And I'll do it again, too! Now shut up and stop barking!"

He hears whimpering and a few more barks, and then a desolate, muffled whine as a door slams upstairs and the boy lets out another groan, muttering loud enough for the reptile to hear: "Mom and Dad better get home soon... this is really stupid... Phil, Phil, I know you can hear me! I want something to eat!"

"You just have to wait another twenty minutes... and what the hell did you do with the dog?" An irritated voice comes back, and Zerrex can hear whining, but this time he's pretty sure it's the boy as he makes his way carefully through the small den he's snuck into and through a kitchen. He notes a stairway in the next room through the archway leading into the room where the boy had ‘greeted' him from, and then Phil says angrily: "Come on, Matthew, stop being a prat! Why wouldn't you just let the dude in to use the phone or something? You're such a little prick."

"I'm telling!" Matthew shouts in a loud voice, and Zerrex hears a short scuffle and then a door slam as something falls over, and Phil lets out a yell of anger from above before grunting something and making his way downstairs, and Zerrex immediately hides behind the archway, closing his eyes and simply listening. He hears Phil reach the bottom step, then the thud of feet crossing the floor... and a moment later Zerrex spins out and lashes out with a fist in a hard rising punch that smashes into Phil's gut, and the tall rabbit's eyes bulge as he grabs uselessly at Zerrex's arm, trying to grasp for breath even as the reptile settles his hands around his neck before snapping it easily.

The reptile throws Phil's limp and gangly body over his shoulder and walks quietly and carefully towards the stairs, climbing them slowly as he hears the little dog barking again... but it comes barely audible as loud, punk music comes on, and Zerrex gives a twisted little smile: it was all falling into place so simply. The Drakkaren glances at the open door leading into what he guesses is Phil's room, and there's some nice things in here: he figures he'll plunder his way through the house after he takes care of everyone.

He throws Phil down on his bed and covers him with a blanket, and he looks almost as if he's sleeping, other than the expression of horror... and Zerrex makes a face at this and brushes the rabbit's eyes closed before opening and closing his muzzle a few times, carefully smoothing out his face before he cracks his fingers and mutters: "I'm going to enjoy this."

The lizard strides out into the hall, then down it towards the door clearly marked: ‘MaTtHeW's RoOm! KEEP OUT!' in black marker, with several badly-drawn skulls on it... and the reptile leans forwards, grinning playfully and knocking hard twice, and the rabbit inside yells angrily, in a whiny-defiant voice: "Go away, Phil! You aren't allowed in my room, just go away!"

"Children these days think they're entitled to so much..." Zerrex murmurs softly, and he stroked quietly along the frame of the door before grasping the handle and turning it slowly, and he hears the rabbit run across the room inside and grab the handle, jerking it to the side and yanking the door open... and then he goes pale at the sight of Zerrex before he glares, sticks out his tongue and slams the door.

Zerrex, however, throws a hand out and easily stops it this time, his eyes filled with contempt as he gazes down at the rabbit child with contempt, over his baggy pants and black shirt and glasses... and the rabbit whines loudly: "You aren't allowed to be in here, even if Phil said you could come in! Go away, you're stupid!"

"Actually, you're the stupid one here..." Zerrex reaches down and grabs the rabbit's ears, and he jerks hard upwards, the bunny howling in pain, surprise, and humiliation before immediately beginning to flail, and Zerrex snorts in disgust before letting one ear slip loose and simply tearing off the other, Matthew screaming in agony before Zerrex slams a foot forwards towards the rabbit's stomach.

The rabbit is sent flying through the air, crashing into a shelf filled with toys, and several of the larger, heavier ones tumble down upon his head. He begins to cry loudly almost immediately, and Zerrex makes a face before striding over to the rabbit and simply punching him across the face. He has no wish to kill this maggot... he only wishes to make him as miserable as possible.

The Drakkaren pauses, then glances at the computer currently emitting the loud music: it's one of the newer models, and he can see a high-speed modem attached to it as well... and currently up is some weird thing called a ‘blog' that he doesn't really understand. Upon a closer examination, however, he can see it's apparently some sort of space to talk about one's day, like an online journal to share with the world... except Matthew has been using it just to bitch, and currently was in the process of creating a new ‘post' â€" he guessed that was the name of the entries â€" and the reptile read aloud in a murmur, as he hit the power button on the speakers: "‘Today was so-o-o bad, my parents wood not get off my case about school' â€" yeah, I can see why â€" ‘and Phil is being really mean. God I just want to kill my self' â€" you do that, kill ‘your self' â€" ‘life is so horrible. I thought that at least I had my friends but today Mark wouldn't even share his pencils with me. What is he still made' â€" wait, ‘made?' â€" ‘about that whole dumb joke? I didn't think his pet bird would die from it! What a jackass!' Yeah. Enough of that." The reptile pauses, then frowns a bit and mutters: "‘Ugh, this really weird mean guy was just at the door wanting me to help him fix his car, and he was really stupid and ugly. I had to slam the door on him he was being so rude.' What the hell? What a lying little son of a bitch..."

A growl rises in the reptile's throat as he strides over to Matthew, who has begun to stir, and he quickly reaches down and grabs his leg. Matthew blinks and immediately wakes up, but doesn't pull away fast enough, and Zerrex bends his leg in the wrong direction. The rabbit howls in pain, and Zerrex punches him quickly in the face again, knocking him out once more and leaving his leg twisted and broken. "I hope they have to cut it off, you little lying son of a bitch... nothing bothers me more than vermin like you."

For the next half hour, the reptile explores the house, waiting for the parents to get home as he plots what he's going to do to them... but in the end, Zerrex ends up standing just inside the kitchen again and waiting patiently as the two rabbits come in the door, a female voice saying cheerfully they'd picked up dinner... and as her footsteps approach and the male goes up the stairs, Zerrex waits and then grabs her in a sleeper hold, the food falling to the floor as Zerrex chokes her into unconsciousness, then gently lays her down as he quickly makes his way for the stairs.

Upstairs, he hears a toilet flush and a playful voice saying: "What, were you being a bad boy again, Benji? I dunno what it is, but you're always good around me..." A pause as a door opens, and as the male rabbit in the plain suit glances to the side, the last thing he sees is Zerrex leaping towards him before the Drakkaren seizes his skull and crushes him down into the hardwood floor, breaking his skull before slamming his elbow down into his chest to crunch it inwards and make sure.

The reptile snorts, then curses as the dog bites at his muscular ankle with a growl and a series of yipping barks... and immediately Zerrex turns around, drawing his foot back... before he sighs and lightly boots the animal when it leaps at him again with the side of his foot, sending it flying into the bathroom. As it lays inside, stunned, Zerrex closes the door and then walks to the end of the hall.

Inside, Matthew has been restrained, and Zerrex leans in the doorway, staring at the child gagged with a length of cloth and tied up with rope and duct tape, and the lizard says mildly: "Look on the bright side. At least you have a real problem to bitch about now." He pauses, then turns the light off, adding drolly: "Don't bother trying to turn on your computer on or use your phone: both have been permanently disconnected. Try sleeping some or reading a book. I need to go and rape your mother now."

The Drakkaren closes the door with a grin as the child screams... and Zerrex goes downstairs to the middle-aged rabbit laying on the floor, her body spread out and her eyes closed, breathing softly and looking strangely elegant despite the two paper bags filled with what smells to the reptile like friend chicken laying next to her... and then the reptile reaches down and slowly undresses her, before he carries her body into the den and tightly ties her hands behind her back and puts a lash cord around her neck and ties that off to a pair of antlers mounted on a steel frame on the wall.

She awakens just as he finishes putting a ball gag in her mouth: a little something he'd found in Phil's room. The lamp is on, and she is naked, looking back and forth in shock as the Drakkaren sits down on the couch across from her with a smile... and he lowers his muzzle, saying softly: "Hello there. Now... you don't know the state of your family, and I'm not going to tell you about two of them... but your youngest Matthew, is currently upstairs in a lot of pain... and I can put you in just as much agony if I want to.

"Now here's where things get fun." Zerrex pauses, lacing his fingers together as she stared at him with terror, tears already leaking through her fur as he motioned at the pain medication he'd found in the cabinet made out to her husband. "This is some pretty heavy-duty stuff, and I'll go and give some to your son... but you have to entertain me first. I'm not in the mood for sex, but I'm a bit sadistic, and I wouldn't mind engaging in the latter right now... so as you may notice, there's a pleasant fire going in the fireplace, and two firepokers steadily heating up inside."

She glances to the side, towards the fireplace that is merrily crackling, as if laughing at her plight... and Zerrex smiles coldly at her expression, knowing her maternal instinct was warring with her need for self-preservation. It was a sick game, and he knows it, but he wants to play it... simply because of his own twisted family history, so he motions at the whip and the dildo on the table. "These things obviously aren't as painful... but if you go the easy route, I won't help your child, and I'll break both his arms to add to the sizeable pain of his broken leg." He pauses at her expression, at the hate in her eyes as she screams... and it makes him love and hate himself even more as he grins cruelly, a dark thrill rolling through his body. "I know bitch, I'm evil. And I'll take your ball-gag off to let you voice your opinion... but here's another rule of our little game.

"If you piss me off, I'll rip your body apart and then I'll... rape your son." Zerrex says softly, before he opens the fly of his pants and pushes them and his boxers down a bit, letting her see with horror the size of his shaft. "And it will likely kill him... and then I'll come downstairs and make you lick your son's blood off my cock before I rape you to death."

He pauses as she shudders violently, and then he smiles as he does his pants back up, adding in an easy voice: "But if you please me... I'll help your son survive, and I won't kill either of you." The reptile walks around the table, heading over to her and undoing the ball gag, letting it fall to the floor as he gazes down at her and strokes her face gently. "Go ahead. Tell me how generous I am."

For a few moments she only shivers, trying to look away as the tears continue to roll down her face... and then she whispers: "You're very generous... you're... far too kind, when... when you could do whatever you want... please, do anything you want to me, but don't hurt my little boy, please..."

Zerrex smiles at this response, at the same time feeling something murmuring inside him that he's being a coward... but he murmurs inwardly back that it's all part of the torture for her. I want to watch her react... I want to see her protect her child from harm... I want to see if she'll act like how my Mommy would act... "Good... that's a good start... now every time I do something to you, I want you to thank me for it... and try to spice it up and add a little variety here and there, maybe some begging for more... just to keep my attention on you, huh?"

She shivers, but at the look in her eyes, he knows she will... and he starts off slow, listening to her murmur thank you's as he touches her breasts gently first, then harder, before pinching a nipple and twisting viciously... and she moans in pain before she whispers raggedly: "It's so sexy... please, harder..."

"You're strong... I admire that..." Zerrex says softly, and he honestly means it even as he walks over to the fireplace and pulls one of the pokers out, a plain iron one with a small claw at the end of the handle. He turns towards her, and she shudders, almost whispering something but halting herself, and then she nods to him and clenches her eyes shut as he cocks his arm back.

He slaps her right breast once, then twice, in a forehand-backhand motion, knocking the small swell of flesh back and forth with a loud sizzle as she cries out loudly twice, and then hisses in pain, before forcing her tear-filled eyes open, panting and saying raggedly: "G-God... I... thank you... sir... will you please hit me again..."

"Beautiful... simply amazing." Zerrex is enthralled as he gazes at her, this time striking her other breast and causing her to scream, a vein bulging in her neck before he presses the side of the poker down against her nipple, and she shrieks in pain... but when he draws the firepoker back, she thanks him again, and he feels his own eyes want to fill with tears in admiration. "Yes... simply stunning... now spread your legs..."

She starts to protest... then swallows and simply nods before forcing out: "If... it would bring you pleasure... I'll do whatever you want..." And then, as Zerrex leans forwards, his own breath quickening, he watches as she slowly forces her body to sit back and spreads her legs wide, closing her eyes tightly.

Zerrex grins widely and viciously, and then he swings the firepoker hard forwards in a hard underhand arc, and she screams in agony as the claw tears into the soft lips of her sex and the smell of sizzling flesh rises up, her legs spasming and hips bucking violently as her eyes bulged, and Zerrex snarls as he leans into it, forcing more of the poker into her sex, destroying her vagina before he finally tears it backwards and tosses it aside, hearing it sizzling on the ground and watching a slow flow of blood leaking out of the rabbit's vagina as she cries quietly and slumps back against the wall, unable to slide to the floor and instead leaving her mangled vagina visible to the world.

Zerrex allows her to cry for a short time, looking down at her with a mix of pity and confusion before he finally picks up the other firepoker, and she gazes up at him miserably, trembling violently at the sight of the long, thin rod â€" not square and bulky like the other, and lacking any sort of claw at the end, only a sharp tip. "What d-do you want... what do you want to do with that..."

"Turn over and face the wall... and bend down as much as you can..." Zerrex says softly, expecting her to cry, argue, freak out... but instead, she only nods silently and turns around... and Zerrex slowly rubs it against one buttock, and then the other: both touches cause her to hiss and moan in pain, before she shrieks and bucks against the wall when he begins to spank her with it, bursting into tears but at the same time managing out inarticulate words he thinks may be either thank-you's or please-more's, and it fills him with a mix of pain, excitement, and sorrow as he snarls and begins to lean into the strikes harder.

Finally, he halts, panting quietly, her buttocks and lower back singed red and black with barely any fur left covering them... and then he stabs it forwards into her tender rosebud, spearing it squarely as she screams and arches her back... and he cries as he pushes it slowly forwards before he shouts: "Tell me you like it! Tell me you like it, and your son survives the night!"

"I like it! I want more of it!" she screams raggedly back... and Zerrex looks shocked before he steps backwards, drawing the fire poker free and tossing it aside as she trembles and spasms, looking over her shoulder as his features go blank and asking in a ragged, pain-filled voice: "Was... did I make a mistake? Please, please save my son... please don't hurt him, do whatever you want to me, but don't hurt him... I'll do... I'll do a-anything... please..."

Her begging dissolves quickly into tears... and Zerrex clenches his hands into fists before he picks up the pain pills and walks over to her, popping several out and shoving them forcefully into her muzzle before he forces her to swallow... and then, without even realizing what he's doing, he drops his head and kisses her hungrily, biting and forcing forwards like an animal as his hand holds tightly onto the back of her skull... and then he draws back, tasting her blood and trembling as he whispers: "Enough. Enough is enough."

He turns away and heads quickly upstairs, leaving her to cry... and when he reaches the child, he finds little Matthew is unconscious and drooling a bit on himself. He throws the pain pills down next to the kid and decides to leave him alone, and instead he leaves and goes downstairs, snarling angrily before he punches a hole in the wall and kicks over an expensive table in fury and confusion. Why? Why? Why would she do that? Why?

He storms uselessly through the house for a few minutes until finally he sits down in the living room at the front of the small home and turns on the television, watching children's cartoons and trying to concentrate on something else until after midnight, a few hours into the morning. By then his calm has returned, and he looks out the dark window at the home... and he is surprised when he sees Daria at the window, leaning out it like a princess leaning out her balcony, looking miserably up at the night sky.

Zerrex doesn't even realize what he's doing until he's doing it, as he walks outside and jerks his bike out from the side of the house, and then he quietly guides it over in front of Daria's home, gazing up at her in her silk nightgown... but he can see she's wearing clothes beneath the flimsy material, and she looks startled to see the Drakkaren as he raises a hand to her and says in a soft-but-carrying voice: "Come with me."

She trembles... but then nods to him, and vanishes from her spot at the window... only to reappear a moment later with her nightgown discarded and a thin rope in her hands, and she drops this out the window before slipping quietly down it and slowly walking across her lawn towards him. It's dewy and cold out, so he offers her his jacket as she steps up to him, and she slips it on, then swallows as she slides on the back of his motorcycle willingly, wrapping her arms around him and pushing her head snugly against his back.

She is almost hugging him... and he feels a strange thrill roll through him as he slowly drives down the highway, and she clings close as she asks in a trembling voice over the growl of the motorcycle's engine: "Is tonight the night that I die?"

"Most likely." Zerrex says softly in return, and the rest of the twenty minute trip is silent, until they pull slowly into an empty field. The Drakkaren drives through this, and he can feels her nestling closer against him as tall grass drags against their cloth-covered legs until Zerrex pulls into a small grove filled with shorter grass, an unevolved family of deer galloping away from the trees they were feeding at as the Drakkaren parks his motorcycle and allows Daria to climb off.

She could run, she could grab his gun, she could do a million things... but she patiently waits as Zerrex rests his bike against a tree, and then stares up at the stars for a few moments before turning to her, looking down into the girl's eyes and at how young and youthful she is, asking in the same gentle voice he didn't know he had: "How old are you, Daria?"

"Fourteen, sir..." she says meekly, and then she adds quietly: "I would've been fifteen in two months. I'm... Mom says I'm a bit overdeveloped and mature for my age, though."

He glances over her body: her breasts are already developing, and her features are older than they should be... and finally, he offers a bit of a smile as he turns on the headlight of his motorcycle and twist the handlebars so it shines over the small clearing inside the clearing, saying softly: "You seem that way... Daria, why did you come with me when you know what I want to do to you?"

Daria shrugged a bit, glancing over him slowly, before she murmurs softly: "Because I've never been happy... because I've hurt people, too... because I killed my little brother, I don't know..." She pauses and looks at the ground as Zerrex looks at her with surprise, and shamelessly, she slips the coat off and pushes it up to her muzzle, inhaling the larger reptile's scent deeply before whispering: "Noel. It was two years ago... he'd be half my age if he was alive today. But we got in a fight... and I pushed him down the stairs. I was just so mad at him, and he broke his neck on the way down... and then I lied about it and said I'd just heard him fall, and Dad got the blame because he was the one who was supposed to be watching him.

"I don't know why I did it... I don't know why I covered it up. And yet I know if I had to do it all over again..." She halts, then shakes her head slowly and murmurs: "I'd do it all over again the same... and I just... do bad things sometimes. I don't know why... but I do know that I want this. I don't want to die... but I want you... I was excited by you... by what you did..."

Zerrex steps towards her, and she looks up at him quietly... and then he slowly takes off his shirt, and she shudders and gazes at him with something like awe. For a few moments, they only gaze over each other... and then she takes off her own shirt, revealing her naked, little breasts as she whispers: "I know I'm not in a position to make requests... but I want you... to eat at least part of me after I die..."

The Drakkaren does a double take, staring at her, and she flushes deeply as she looks down, whispering softly: "I don't know... it's twisted, but I'm excited thinking about it... I... I..."

But there is no more need for words as Zerrex quiets her with a touch to her muzzle, and then he slips behind her and touches her breasts, slowly closing his huge hands around her small bust as he kisses her neck, and she moans and trembles against him... and Zerrex makes her his toy that night as he'd wanted to for the entire day, without ever once raping her.

When he slides his hand into her pants, her can feel her panties soaked with the nectar leaking from her sex... and when he touches her, she is burning hot to the touch. At the single gentle touch he gives her clitoris, she all but explodes with a cry of pleasure, a deep flush suffusing her face as she orgasms, her hips bucking slowly and releasing her fluids in a gush into her panties and jeans... but these are quickly discarded anyway, as Zerrex pushes her down onto her back and leans down between her legs, lapping up the sweet juices between her legs.

She moans as her face turns bright red, gazing down at him with embarrassment as the Drakkaren undoes his belt at the same time, and soon his pants are lost with his combat boots... and once this happens, she becomes eager to please him, but he makes her beg and grovel for his cock, makes her crawl on her hands and knees and lick from his foot all the way up to his groin to taste his flaccid member and make it grow to its full monstrous size...

The darkness is long, but their sex lasts until daybreak, and then Zerrex, standing naked and covered in blood and sexual fluids, pulls out one of his katanas and approaches the broken lizard laying in the red-stained field... but before he kills her, he leans down and shares one last gentle kiss with her... and then he stabs his sword down through her chest, and she lets out a sigh of strange relief as she dies.

She goes limp, and Zerrex feels a strange urge to cry before he pulls the sword free and cleans it on her jeans, sitting naked on his ass and staring at her body. She is beautiful and serene, despite the fact he has stretched her almost to death even before he stabbed her... and from the rips in her scales from the reptile's roughness the night before, he can see she likely would have died in only a few minutes anyway. Yet she looks happy... and he remembers her strange last request...

Slowly, he crawls over to her, putting his sword aside... and he lowers his muzzle to one of her breasts, biting into it as he'd bitten into the other dead' girls the night before... except this time, he bites all the way through and tears back a large chunk of flesh, chewing it slowly and then swallowing it thickly. The flesh tastes strange, nothing like he'd expected â€" or the flesh he'd tasted before with Cherry, on their darkest of nights â€" but it has a strange deliciousness to him... and Zerrex feels a tear slide down his cheek as he takes another bite and chews firmly, feeling a terrible hunger falling over him as he rips hungrily into his body like an animal.

When he gets dressed and leaves, his body is shaky and he feels horrified at what he'd done... but at the same time, sated and satisfied, and the reptile drives quickly off through the field, leaving a mangled, shredded body behind that has been ripped limb-from-limb, missing most of its flesh, bones shattered and only the face left untouched, entrails spread out around the body. Later, when it would be found, they'd declare it the site of some terrifying satanic rite... and none would ever know the truth of young and sad Daria.