Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Fifty-eigth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#59 of Pathfinding-CYOA

As our party sets off into the wilderness, eager to reach their latest destination, the secret city of the besieged Valkyries, Skaeth's wicked plans begin to be put into motion. Meanwhile, Midge, Flit, and Deo have some fun with Spark with their latest invention. Spark, always ready to serve the needs of Science!, happily participates. Also, we meet some trolls and their lunch (and no, these trolls don't turn to stone in the sun).

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Fifty-eighth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

1) Yes/No: 11/12 - Very close, but Loshada goes with Kabula


A - 3

B - 8 - Skaeth hatches his wicked plot!

C - 5 - Second bonus winner, Spark and the Steampunk Trio

D - 4

E - 3

F - 1

Alternate Vote: Warlord scene - 3

Additional Votes

* Shara gangbanged (all-female and all-male both suggested) - 8

* Give Kyte to the Valkyries for taming - 1

* Rufus bottoms to Windtooth (his father, the Blue Feather alpha male) - 9

* More F/F scenes - 1

* More M/F scenes - 3

* More non-consensual scenes - 3

* Bring back Goro, the panda heavy - 2

* More smooth-skinned males - 2

* More Kyte scenes - 1

* Kyte/Rufus - 5

* Kyte/Skaeth - 4

* Pairing between Urtan and Jonna (long-term) - 2

* More Hanaro sex scenes (Rufus and Urtan primarily) - 8

* Imogen develops a spanking fetish - 3

* Fix Urtan's throat, let him talk - 11

* Reveal the Warlord's name - 2

* Don't reveal the Warlord's name (perhaps only if the Warlord is defeated) - 1

* Brief genderflipping for Rufus and/or Rael - 6

* Introduce a female character who's not into Rufus - 3

* NC scene for Rael (Rufus seeking revenge afterward likely) - 1

* Gryphon encounter - 1

* Warlord throws slaves to her feral pets - 1

* Romance scenes (Rufus/Adel most likely) - 2

* Bring the succubus imp back (she's in the summoning orb right now) - 2

* Skaeth/Jonna epic sex - 2

* Find a dragon and get it on our side - 1

* Have Rufus magically lose his knowledge of sex, and need retraining - 1

* Spark gets to rape someone (Wicker a candidate) - 1

* Scene back at the Blue Feather camp - 1

* Incestuous foursome with Windtooth, Wauken, Rufus, and Erlend - 1

Vote Options in Progress

* Urta/Rael/Adel/Rufus scene; family dynamics in action

* Shara and Padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal skills (sex quite likely)

* Rufus/Urtan scene, where they finally go at it

* Share Calanon and Durion with the Valkyries (will take place at the Valkyrie city)

* Spark becoming a size queen/interested in Horse

* Lesage's gradual sexual corruption

* Challenge Jutta to a contest of strength, and the loser submits to the winner

* Get the Valkyries to join the Blue Feather camp (may tie with the vote above)

Author Notes

After some serious thought and consideration, I've decided to start using the "three hazards" way of rolling percentage chances of success (I think I'm the one who just made it up - if I'm not, I didn't know about others who did before I thought of it). The three hazards system is, simply put, three strikes and you're out. It will also give me a basis upon which to describe how difficult a particular action was, based on how many failures occurred before a success. Having introduced this idea, I am also going to start ramping up the overall difficulty of each check that follows, at least by a little bit. Checks after the first one might also decrease in difficulty, but carry penalties for failure, such as casualties. This is all experimental, but we'll see what happens. If it works well, I might use it in future projects of this nature.

Also, before anyone makes any accusations, yes, I did steal some of the dialogue from today's entry from a certain old Rankin-Bass cartoon. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you owe it to yourself to find out.

Pathfinding Fifty-eighth Entry

While it wasn't exactly customary, it also wasn't really taboo, and so it only raised some eyebrows when, as Rufus met with Wauken to bid the Great Prince farewell, he pulled the handsome deerfolk into a powerful embrace, and then kissed the other male full on the lips. Wauken, being a somewhat conservative male despite his sexual proclivities, struggled feebly at first, obviously uncertain of the propriety of such an act. These struggles stopped rather quickly, however, and before they parted, Wauken was kissing Rufus back, their muscular bodies, shaggy-furred and smooth, pressed tightly together.

"We'll seal our alliance with your people soon," Wauken assured Rufus and Adel, standing next to her big wolfen mate, as he stepped back, his cheeks quite deeply flushed, the red showing through his fur.

"As will my people," chimed in Kabula, resting her hand on Loshada's slender shoulders, rubbing them affectionately. "I'm very sure that my daughter will be more than happy to assist me in sealing our new alliance with your father, Windtooth, dear Rufus."

"Mooo-ther!" protested the sandy filly, flushing only slightly less deeply than Wauken, though her pubescent objection lacked quite the conviction that it might otherwise have had. She swiftly grew silent, biting her lower lip, as the chestnut-furred mare reached back, running one long-fingered hand over her daughter's well-formed flanks.

"It was very good to meet all of you," said Adel, ever the proper little diplomat. "With your help, I'm sure that we can win this conflict."

In all the press of well-wishing, nobody really noticed Skaeth as he slipped quietly to the edge of the camp and pulled out a small metal orb, no bigger than a robin's egg. Holding it close to his muzzle, he whispered several words into the orb, then tossed it up into the air. Almost immediately, the tiny orb clicked open, transforming into a tiny mechanical pterodactyl. Wings snapping outward, the mechanical flying lizard shot off into the woods, whizzing with expert skill between the trees, and was soon gone from sight.

A few final farewells were made after the last words with Wauken and Kabula, and Rufus' party was laden with sufficient provisions for a comfortable journey into the east, toward the waiting Valkyrie city. That they were heading toward a place thought by most in the Northwoods as a mythical site from a fairy story did not escape the thoughts of many in the party, nor did the reality that they were about to recruit the supposedly mythical inhabitants of that city to their cause.

"For being mythical," Rufus growled to himself, "those Valkyries are pretty hot stuff."

"Yeah," agreed Urtan with a toothy grin, mirrored by her brother. Adel didn't say anything to this statement, but she did blush quite deeply, her thoughts obviously mirroring Rufus'.


Urgh, what a day. Spark slowly opened his eyes, feeling the aches and pains from all of the prior day's activities. It was hard work getting an army ready for battle! To some, Spark's job might not have looked like much, wandering around the whole camp, digging into his quite extensive repertoire of songs, and occasionally using one of the instruments he'd picked up from different parts of the camp as an accompaniment. Despite appearances, however, it was hard work! Besides the mental difficulty of shifting his performances to match his audiences, which varied quite a bit from one end of the camp, where the elves were stationed, to the middle, where the wolves had their mainstay, to the bearfolk at the opposite end, Spark also had to endure the rather trying physical rigors of continuing to sing, play, and sometimes dance to keep up the spirits of every one of the workers for hours on end.

"And I thought being a bard meant I could avoid work," Spark grumbled to himself, his body and mind still half-asleep as he started to stir, expecting that he'd have to get up soon and get back to doing what he could to help out. Except, when Spark opened his eyes, instead of seeing the dawning sun peeking over the trees through the flaps of his tent, he saw the glare of bright magical lights whining down on his sleek fur. Those lights were familiar. In fact, there was only one part of the camp that used them: the work area of Midge, Flit, and Deo. His mental faculties starting to come back to him, Spark began to get up...only to discover that he couldn't. Something was holding him down to the hard surface on which he was resting.

"Poor Spark," said a sympathetic voice, and Spark realized that he was naked (not unusual, really, since he generally slept in the buff anyway) as a gentle hand rubbed his lower back soothingly. "You really do work hard to keep everybody happy, don't you?"

It was Flit, the orange-furred fox who was a part of the Steampunk Trio, and he was sitting on one side of the metal table to which Spark now discovered his wrists and ankles were strapped, his goggles firmly in place, making his bright eyes appear larger than they actually were. In this position, the best Spark could do was rise to all-fours, and suddenly, as a part of the metal table shifted under him, thrusting upward to support his white-furred tummy, Spark found that this was now the only position he _could_take, whether he wanted it or not. Looking around, Spark now saw Deo, the quiet blue rabbit boy, sitting on his other side, gently massaging the fur and flesh of his back - actually, the boys' efforts would have been quite nice, if only Spark wasn't kind of nervous about what was going to happen to him.

"Don't be afraid," said Flit, leaning in to nuzzle Spark's cheek reassuringly. "We just want you to feel good. We even went and got Windtooth's permission for you to have the day off. Well...when it's actually day, that is," he added with a cute little smile, glancing around at the visible darkness outside of the large worktent.

"If our calculations are correct," said the voice of Midge, drawing Spark's attention over to where the little gnome was standing behind a big metal box with a panel of levers, dials, and buttons on its slanted top, "then we should be able to maximize your pleasure while minimizing your discomfort with a few adjustments for your individual body type." The goggle-wearing gnome looked at Spark with a studious expression. "While this may appear to be a sex machine, Spark, I can assure you it's also quite a bit more. For instance, by perfecting our readings of your biorhythms, we should be able to do the same with machines made to heal the sick and injured, or to detect the lies of prisoners being interrogated."

"You're doing this for science, Spark!" exclaimed Flit excitedly, before giving the red-furred foxboy a happy lick on the cheek. "We think you'll like helping us out, too."

"That's a major goal, yes," agreed Midge as she began operating the levers and dials on her panel of instruments. "You two, get over here, please: I need your help to work the machine."

"Sure, Midge!" Flit called out brightly, followed close behind by Deo, who gave Spark a shy smile before he went and joined his two friends behind the panel. "What should we do to start?"

"A little light stimulation, I think," answered Midge, and Deo promptly adjusted a few switches. Immediately, Spark saw a variety of long, hinged metal arms extend from out of the sides of the table on which he was resting, all of them hovering over him with a variety of strange implements at their tips. He started to open his mouth to ask questions about what the three geniuses intended to do to him, but the moment he parted his lips, a firm rubber phallus on the tip of one of the arms popped itself into the foxboy's muzzle.

"Activate aphrodisiac feed," Midge called out, and Deo started twisting a dial. Spark's eyes widened as he tasted a slick, sweet substance trickling into his muzzle. Finding that he liked it, the foxy bard started to suckle on the phallic-shaped rubber tube. With some experimentation, he quickly discovered that the more he sucked on the tube as though it were a real male's cock, the more copiously the tasty liquid dripped out. Mmm, good. he was horny.

"Don't squirm so much, Spark," Flit called out as he started touching buttons on his part of the panel. "It'll make it harder for us to get the machine parts to touch you in the right places."

Machine parts? Now that his curiosity was piqued, Spark did indeed hold still, doing his best to ignore the way his penis throbbed, standing at full erection from his sheath. Deo flipped a lever, and suddenly Spark was able to see himself from multiple angles as a set of mirrors lifted before his eyes, angled for the best view of the action. Heh, actually, he looked kind of sexy there, sucking on that big rubber dildo, his pink penis already starting to drip precum. And if he made just the right, now that expression was so cute, he wished he could suck another one of himself off, just so he could watch his own face while hard at work. No wonder people kept trying to rape him! Heck, seeing himself in this position, Spark had to admit that he'd try to rape himself too. Cute, wiggly foxbutt...

Woah! Frowning in some concentration as she flipped a few switches first, Midge then pulled a lever, and Spark was able to watch through the mirrors as a long box detached itself from the table right beneath his groin with a soft whirring of gears, and then lifted up, until an opening on one side was facing right down the barrel of Spark's penis. Holding still even as he held his breath, Spark watched the box thrust forward with a soft click, revealing a circular section between its two boxlike halves, and then engulf his rigid shaft. For a moment, Spark didn't really feel anything. Then the cylinder joining the two half-boxes started to rotate with a soft buzzing sound, and Spark's eyes widened as he felt something soft, warm, and slick gradually engulf his erect member. Mmm, interesting; not a bad feeling, but not really all that great either...

"A little more pressure, I think," murmured Midge as she looked over the readings on the panel, then made a few slight adjustments. Instantly, Spark winced around his muzzleful of rubber dildo, which was starting to squeeze him just right, feeling like the insides of an especially tight female. "Now the flexation," Midge continued, and Deo cracked his knuckles before flipping several switches, and promptly Spark was moaning around his tasty mouthful, while the inner walls of the false vagina engulfing his shaft started to pulse and milk him, just as though he were squeezed to the hilt inside a female. "Now the piston," Midge finished, and Flit grabbed a lever, pulling it down hard, and just like that, Spark's hips were working as far as they were able, while the faux-pussy started to pump up and down his pulsing penis. It felt so real!

"Now the visual stimulation," said Flit eagerly as he looked at Midge for approval. Giving a happy "yiff" as the redheaded gnomeling gave an affirmative nod, Flit started pressing buttons rapidly, then pulled another lever. Spark's eyes widened as, before his gaze, images started to form, projected from a prism that rose out of the front of the metal table, near Spark's head, the images so realistic, it was hard not to believe they were really there, and not simply illusions. There were flashes of several males and females from around the camp, long, lingering glances of them in various poses, most of them naked. Spark's eyes flicked from one image to the next, until he noticed images of little Midge amongst all the others. As his eyes focused on one of those images, it expanded before his view, until it took up all of his vision. The image was of Midge bent over, working on something, completely oblivious to his lusty gaze as he ran his eyes along her smooth, pert bottom with its obvious tan lines where her overalls normally covered her now-naked body. Drooling copiously, Spark discovered the dildo in his muzzle was shifting shape, pulling back, hollowing out. Giving an experimental lick, he discovered it tasted gnome! Girl gnome! It had the same flavor he knew Midge would have, tasting just like she smelled, kind of sugary, with a bit of girlish musk as well. Sweet virgin gnome...mmm...

As Spark's tongue started to get more daring, the image of Midge's naked self drew closer, and Spark felt what felt like felt gloves close over his black-furred hands. As soon as the strange gloves were in place, Spark could feel smooth, naked skin under his fingertips. Though silent, the image of Midge started as though he bottom had been grabbed, and she looked back with wide eyes, her mouth forming words. Spark ignored the girl's words, however, and started to lick with his tongue even more vigorously. Midge's image flushed deeply, and started to visibly struggle, but Spark squeezed his hands down tightly, his efforts enough to hold the image still as he enjoyed her taste to the depths. Then the image shifted, and Spark realized it was the view he'd get while mounting tight little Midge, looking straight down at her cute little buns, resting his thumbs on the dimples at the top of her perky buttocks. Undeterred, feeling his hands gripping the smooth skin he was seeing, Spark adjusted the angle of his thrusting hips, pulling back just a little roughly on the squirming gnome-girl's bottom, and was rewarded as the lower half of the image was cut off, obscuring his view of her bottom, but not of her face as he felt his cocktip hit the resistance of a tense virgin anal sphincter...and then squeezed slowly inside. Oh! That was hot! Hot and soooo tight! Midge's expression, wide-eyed, wide-mouthed, flesh-cheeked, was priceless as Spark watched her image before him. From the corner of his eyes, he could see quiet little Deo and adorable, bright-eyed Flit to the side, naked and all tied up, looking at him with the most adorable pleading expressions. Despite their silent begging, Spark noticed that their cocks were nice and hard and dripping precum - their bodies were ready for it, even if their minds might not have quite adjusted to the idea of taking quite so much foxcock all at once. They were going to be his as well - oh yes, they were.

His fantasy images coming to a head as he actually heard Midge moaning in pleasure, Spark's breath suddenly caught in his throat as he felt powerful hands on his upraised rear. It was Horse! He saw the image of the hulking hyenaman behind him, reflected in the mirrors! But was it really Horse, or was it just another illusion? Spark couldn't tell...but oh, that big, blunt cock sure felt real! Squealing loudly into the rubber tube in his muzzle, Spark felt something huge thrust its way with irresistible power into his tailhole, felt his cock lurch as the heavy brute behind him started to thrust, good and slow and steady, each thrust slapping loudly against Spark's snowy white undertail, making his perky bottom bounce. Looking down, Flit saw that Midge had somehow been replaced by Flit, the adorable little foxboy on his back, kicking his little legs desperately as Spark just pounded that tight tailhole all the harder, and getting pounded from behind with an equal savage force. Pushing against the gloves surrounding his hands, feeling Flit's downy soft fur under his fingertips, Spark shoved the smaller foxboy's ankles up to his head, and began plundering the adorable kit sunny side up with a will. Suddenly, Flit's back arched, and Spark could see his bright red cock throbbing and squirting cum all over himself, the sound of the foxboy's orgasmic cries filling Spark's ears. Then, just as suddenly, there was a slight blur, and Spark could feel fur like velvet under his paws, and realized he was now looking down at poor little Deo, the adorable blue bunny looking pleadingly over his shoulder, his cheeks nice and flushed - both the ones on his face, and the ones on his bottom - as Spark pounded the tied up little cutie from behind with all his might. What was even more adorable about sodomizing Deo, however, than either of the others was his soft, whisperlike moans, which Spark's sensitive ears, well-attuned to picking out the most minor variations in a musical number, could just barely pick out.

It was too much! The brutal pace of the cock slamming him from behind matching his own furious rutting of the sweet little rabbit boy hit something right in Spark's center, and with a muffled cry, he went over the edge. Deo's own beautifully sweet, exquisitely quiet cry of simultaneous orgasm in his ears, Spark felt his balls pulsing, his cock being milked to the very last drop.

Suddenly just going limp, Spark shut his eyes, panting heavily for breath as the tube in his mouth withdrew. He opened his eyes just long enough to see in the mirrors as, the illusions of the prism now turned off, the thick, rubber-coated piston that had plowed his backside also withdrew, still dribbling a little of the aphrodisiac it had pumped into his tailhole on "orgasm." The pumping box, which had felt exactly like the insides of the three little geniuses who'd designed the machine, slid back into the table with a soft click, and before too long, so did the raised slab that had been holding Spark up, letting him sink, exhausted, to the metal table.

"That," gasped out Midge, her face deeply flushed as she made sure to keep her body fully behind the metal panel, "was a good test run, I believe."

"Oh yeah," agreed Flit, panting hard, with a flush-faced Deo nodding his mutual ascent. Spark could see that the overalls that normally hung from the shoulders of the trio were no longer present, and even with most of his view obscured by the interposing panel, he could easily guess the reason the orgasmic cries of the illusions he'd been shown by the machine had seemed to very real. "I think we need to do some more testing, though, before we can be sure."

"I concur," Midge agreed with a firm nod, a nod that was mirrored by Deo as both gnome and fox glanced at their blue-furred companion. "Back to the testing!"

Spark's eyes opened wide as he saw Midge push a big red button on the panel, and then turned his eyes heavenward. He wasn't sure if he was praying for the torment to stop...or to keep going.


[Rolled a 19 on a 20% chance for a random encounter]

"Trolls," reported Shara, her invisibility spell wearing off as she rejoined the main body of the party. Cassidy, only a few steps behind her, nodded his agreement, and Rufus scowled.

"I hate trolls," he growled, then motioned with his muzzle for the pair to lead him forward.

Following close behind, Rufus dropped to all-fours as he neared a rocky ridge in the woody hills, and crawled up to its top, allowing him to look down at the ghastly scene before him. There, gathered around a large cookfire, were six of the big, hulking brutes, warty-skinned, stoop-shouldered, their limbs at once long and scrawny, and also corded with deceptively powerful muscles. Doing without even the most scant of clothing, the warty, saggy, floppy parts of the grotesque monstrous creatures hung out, more sickening than erotic, and even worse on the four females than the two males.

Between where the trolls crouched was a large net, made of thick rope strands. In that net, nine little halflings, adolescents by the look of them, probably out to do a little adventuring as is typical of their race, especially when young, struggled and sobbed, sobs that grew into high-pitched shrieks when one or another of the trolls would reach over with a claw as large as a butcher knife and poke or pinch at the tender skins of the helpless little dears. They were all quite naked, of course, their clothes gathered in a haphazard pile nearby, and their situation looked quite desperate, especially as Rufus leaned in a little closer, hearing what the trolls were saying to each other.

"Huh, huh," chortled the pot-bellied male, rubbing his broad stomach eagerly. "Let's roast them!"

"Nah!" declared a scrawny-looking female with limp hair like old moss. "Boil 'em, says I!"

"Yah," snarled the grotesquely bloated matron of the trolls, getting the attention of the others, then reaching out her clawed fingers almost daintily, to start untying the neck of the net. "Each to his own! There's plenty for all. I likes mine...raw."

Laughing wickedly, as though their feast were the most hilarious thing in the world, five of the trolls gathered around the net, while the last, the scrawny female, pulled out a big iron pot that looked to be about the right size for two or three little halflings, or one good-sized human, to sit and stew. The young halflings squealed in fright as cruel claws reached into the net, grabbing at their tender, naked skins, intent on gobbling them all up, one by one by one.

Path Choices

Two options on tap for today. The first is what we should do about the trolls? Please select one (and be advised of the three hazards system, mentioned in the author notes):

A) Leave the halflings to their vorarephilic fate.

B) Get 'em! Strength against strength! - 30% / 35% / 40% chances

C) Lure them after us with a tasty morsel (make a suggestion of who acts as bait - hidden bonus or penalty based on this choice) - 25% / 55% / 45% chances

D) Who's been reading classic fantasy novels? Try to trick them from hiding with a combination of magic and cunning - 15% / 20% / 25%

If it influences anyone's decisions, the halflings will not become permanent party members even if they are rescued - their present predicament seems to be all the adventure they'll want for a good, long while.

Now, Skaeth has decided to betray the party - to what or whom has he betrayed us? Note that if we fail against this sneak attack, their goal is to capture as many of the party alive as possible for NC purposes. The party, in turn, might do the same should that be the reader consensus. You are allowed to select more than one - Skaeth could contact more than one possible group:

1) A mixed bag of furcenaries - I'll select a random assortment of horny beastfolk; suggestions welcome.

2) Minotaurs - Skaeth has gotten in contact with some of his cousins from the Underdark.

3) Gnolls - Urta and her gang originally came from a much larger tribe, and now it's caught up with us.

4) Pig-Orcs - I've always had a weakness for these classic porcine rapists.

5) Barbarians - Shaggy Viking-style humans! They're been wanting to get back at us since we beat them at Belthin's tower.

6) Kobolds - We were just settling down for the night when, suddenly, these little menaces were all over us!