Tom the deer - exploring the naughty side

Story by Blackraven2 on SoFurry

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#4 of Tom the deer

Tom has recently turned into a deer.

She was petting this creature at a petting zoo, when lightning struck. When she opened her eyes she was in the body of the deer, and her own ... was fried crisp on the ground.

This part covers the developments after her first school day, when she and her new found boyfriend explore each others kinkiness.

Tom burped, then started idly chewing on some cud. The first few days, chewing her meals again had bothered her, but now it just came natural. It also made it quite obvious which foods were good for her to eat and which weren't. Some stuff just tasted horrible when it came back up. Right now however, the feral deer's mind was not on the lunch remains in her mouth, but on the scribbly lines on a sheet of paper in front of her. She had a pen stuck between the two toes of her front hoof and tried to write words. Words that she mostly made up, after all she couldn't really write in her homework essay what had really happened this morning.

She was cheating a bit of course, instead of standing on all fours as she had done in school, she was laying on the bed, and her notebook was stuck to the wall with sticky tape. With that trick, her writing was not necessarily more readable than this morning, but it was a lot more comfy.

Right now she wrote about her experience with how writing was difficult. That was true, and easy to admit, as well as obvious from the very lines that wrote those words. But after one more sentence she pulled the pen out of her front hoof with her lips and sighed, her mind dwell on the other events of the morning. Her sigh sounded like a bleat, which made her chuckle.

Mark had gone home to eat with his parents, after she had turned him beet-red by asking her long time childhood friend if he wanted to be her boyfriend. The thing was, she was such a tomboy, he likely hadn't even considered her girlfriend material until she had become a deer, and he had somehow been fascinated by her naturally exposed doe bits. He had been scared and overwhelmed, confused between not knowing what she really meant with the question, and his bulging throbbing pants.

But he had said yes! And he had promised to come by later again, after lunch Tom was looking forward to that with excitement. An excitement that made her pleasantly aware of her sex. A warm sensation. She could tell her nether lips were slightly puffed up and craved for touch. The issue was, the only way she could touch them was with her tongue...

But before she could go on to pleasure herself feral style, the doorbell rang.

"I'm coming!" she bleated, then rolled of the bed and landed on her four legs. By the time she had reached the bottom of the stairs, Mark had stepped in already. After all he knew where the key was hidden, so he had only rang to tell her that he was there.

"Hi"... Tom greeted him, smiling.

Mark blushed. "Hi. ... Ehm, your parents aren't here, right?" She shook her head. "You know, about us being together, that's gonna have to stay our secret." he was coming straight to the point, barely out of his shoes.

Tom had to smile. Of course rumors of that would be bad enough at school and could get them into troubles even if she was still human, but knowing his family, she knew he had things to be more worried about. If they found out, they might not let them see each other anymore. They were a bit conservative. Then again Tom also didn't really look forward to discussing that topic with her parents either. Keeping it their secret was surely best for everyone.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Wanna come up with me?"

He left his stuff on the hanger next to the door and followed her eagerly. She lead the way to her room and slumped her feral body back on her bedsheets.

Mark spotted the 'homework' Tom had been assigned. Without thinking twice he helped her gather the papers together and placed it on the table. Tom thanked him by placing her head in his lap and rubbing her cheeks against his thighs affectionately. "Thanks" she said smiling. Gathering stuff together with her lips meant everything got wet, and it was time consuming since she had to do it one piece of a time. She was proud that she could do almost anything she used to be able to do with hands, but she was still grateful when her friend made it so much quicker.

He smiled back at her and placed his hands on her neck and head and started petting. Much like he would have done with a dog or another pet animal. He did so without thinking, only when he realized that he was petting his formerly human friend, Tom, it suddenly made him feel awkward. The way she looked at him, though, smiling and with half closed eyes, she certainly didn't seem to mind.

"Is this OK? Do you like that?" he asked, still unsure whether to stop or to continue.

Tom giggled. She knew Mark for years, but she hadn't realized he was that cute when he was unsure of himself. "Just keep going." she told him reassuringly. "I don't know for sure what I'm going to like and what not, we have to find out. You know, this body is still new to me. But I really liked it when mom brushed me all over in the shower, if you want, we could shower together at some point. Not today though, mom's gonna ask questions when my fur is all damp when she gets home. She knows I can't do that myself."

"Sure, I'd gladly help you shower." Mark offered eagerly, and let his hands wander down Tom's neck towards her chest. She smiled and closed her eyes, twisting a bit so he could reach between her front legs. He made gentle strokes along her fur, then switched to carefully squeezing her fur on her chest and belly. "That tickles a bit." Tom giggled.

"Your belly is really soft." Mark commented as he kept gently squeezed the warm and soft fur just below her rib cage. Tom sighed. She enjoyed the sensation and relaxed more, then rolled over onto her back. Her hind legs were spread, exposing her most sensitive lower belly.

Mark's eyes focused on the little teats on Tom's udder. They weren't large, but fully developed. For a fertile deer who hadn't had a fawn yet, they were just the right size.

When Mark noticed that Tom was aware what he was staring at, he blushed. She just smiled, and kept the pose, until Mark let his hand gently stroke over her udder. Her skin was warm and he could feel a slight shiver run through her.

"You like that?" he asked.

"Mmmmhmmm" Tom answered. She could feel the moisture on her throbbing nether lips, just a bit below. "You can go further if you like."

"Did you actually like it when I stuck my fingers in you earlier? What did that feel like?" Mark blushed as he asked. His hands were but inches away from her sex, but they seemed to hesitate to go further.

Tom smirked, but she had to think for an answer. "Not much different from when I was still human, I guess. But..." she realized he didn't have the anatomy to compare. "I guess its a bit like sticking things in your butt. Except, its a bit nicer and less disgusting. Have you ever stuck something in your butt?"

Mark blushed even deeper, but he avoided the answer. "So you played with yourself when you were still a human girl?"

"Sure I did." Tom answered. "You can't tell me you never played with your... your dick before, did you? I guess its the same thing."

Mark was beet red. "So you liked to stick things in?" He touched her sex and Tom could feel his fingers probe between her swollen lips.

A gasp escaped her lips and she twitched, which made Mark halt his motion.

"Not so much..." she answered. She felt blushed herself, although she didn't think Mark could tell from her face, with her fur and all, but she could feel her heart beat faster and felt warm.

"I used to usually just rub my fingers over my cunny. And in between. But I had to be careful when sticking things deeper because it'd hurt. I didn't want to break my hymen you know."

Mark started sliding his finger back and forth over Tom's sex. She relaxed visibly, and everything suddenly got slippery and moist. "I like that! That's really nice!" she encouraged him, enjoyed the warm tingling of horniness that spread through her.

Mark had noticed that her back legs hooves had started to twitch a tiny bit every time he slid over the tiny nub on the front end of her vagina. His thoughts dwelled on her words though and he stopped his motions when he suddenly realized something.

"Say, I didn't hurt you when I put things in you earlier, did I? I didn't think about that."

Tom shook her head and smiled. "It didn't hurt at all. I don't think deer even have a hymen. Do they?"

Mark pulled Tom's nethers apart a bit to have a closer look. "I dunno. Doesn't look as if anything's ripped or missing. What does a hymen look like exactly?"

The deer giggled. "It's some skin that covers parts of the opening. A bit like the skin between the fingers, just even thinner. I can't show you, they buried my old body, you were there."

Mark giggled. "I think I'd have gotten in trouble if I had tried to have a closer look between your corpse' legs"

Tom had to laugh. "Yuck, nah, but I could have shown you when I ... before it happened."

"You did, remember? But I didn't really know what I was looking at yet. So this feels the same as, before?"

Tom nodded. "Mostly, its not much different. My udder is weirder, I don't think boobs would have felt like that."

Mark enjoyed playing with and examining her between her legs. She could tell, she could feel the throbbing sensation through his pants and see the bulge in it. There was also his scent that her sensitive nose picked up. Blushing she hesitated a second, then asked boldly:

"Can I see your dick?"

Mark blushed, highly aware of his arousal. "Ehm. Are you sure?"

"It's only fair." She answered and lifted herself of his lap so he could reach better. Her eyes didn't move from his pants one second, as she watched him unzip his fly.

"It got a lot bigger since last time." she commented at the throbbing rod. Although likely far from the size of her dad's, or any other adult. The last time she had seen her friend's privates was when they had shown each other when they were around eight. Mark hadn't believed her when she said she was a girl, considering the tomboy she had always been. But of course back then it hadn't been more than innocent curiosity. Now she was a deer, and older, and these bits of him were a lot more exciting than they had been.

"I wish I could touch it." she said, then suddenly blushed. She had meant with the hands that she no longer had, but...

"You aren't gonna take it in your mouth are you?" Mark had a hunch about what she had in mind, and he wasn't sure if he should be excited or horrified by the idea.

"Of course not!" she answered, but then paused, biting her lips. "But, I sort of want to. Maybe if you went to the bathroom first and washed it really, really clean?"

"No way, you'd really take me in your mouth?"

Tom smirked, then confessed. "Since I don't have hands anymore, I kinda licked myself down there a few times, too. I know it sounds gross, but it feels really really nice, and you kinda get used to the taste, too."

She left it at that and jumped up and lead the way. Mark had little choice but to follow his cervine friend. By the time he got to the bathroom, too, she had already opened the door with her snout and was obviously not willing to miss what he was doing.

He was still blushed as he stood at the sink, turned the water to warm and started to wash his prick with soap, as clean as he could. Much to Tom's delight it remained hard and erect throughout the entire process.

"Is that clean enough?" He asked, just to make sure.

Tom leaned as close as her flexible neck allowed and took a sniff. There was still a slightly musky scent, but it smelled clean now. She extended her tongue and gave Mark's tip a lick. She watched him tense as he sucked in air. Apparently that had felt interesting. Tom thought it felt surprisingly smooth and kinda nice to the touch. "Yep, clean enough!"

"I don't believe we are doing this." Mark mumbled, blushed on the way back. But there was no real hesitation in his voice, he was grinning mischievously instead.

Moments later Mark sat again on Tom's bed, and the deer stood in front of him and took his cock in her mouth. He wasn't circumcised. When it was limp, its sleek tip would have all been covered by that wrinkly foreskin, but now it was tightly pulled back, stretched tight around his swollen rod, as if it wanted to burst out of its own skin. She wondered how that would feel to a guy. Maybe it was a bit like her swollen puffy pussy lips? But those were never that tight, this looked almost painful.

She heard Mark moan as she carefully wrapped her lips around his shaft and played her tongue around his cock. She didn't exactly know how to pleasure a boy like that. Of course she knew that for a blow job you took 'it' in your mouth. That was part of the naughty gossip at school when younger kids listened fascinated to the explanations of older ones who had gotten their hands on porn magazines and sometimes, secretly showed them around. Right now she wished she had actually seen that naughty magazine, but by the time she had found out about it, some teacher had already confiscated the contraband.

What she could do was glance at Mark's face and see his reaction. The tip seemed to be really sensitive, if she pulled her tongue across that in a quick lick, it seemed almost too much for him. He winced and made a grimace, although he was way too embarrassed to say anything. A lick on the underside however it made him shiver and close his eyes with lips trembling. Even more so as she gently squeezed her lips together and pushed them down his shaft.

"T... Tom,... c... careful, I'm gonna. I think I'm gonna squirt!!!" Mark warned her, trembling.

Tom let go and looked at the throbbing, now glistening tip. She tasted a drop of something slimy and salty on her lips, and another clear drop of that thick liquid accumulated just on his tip. Was that his 'cum' ? It wasn't unlike her girl juice, but tasted and smelled different. Oh damn, she was so wet back there she almost could smell her own juices over his.

Mark tried to calm his breath, while glancing in her amazed. "That feels so awesome!" he commented.

"Can I see you squirt?" she asked.

"I don't wanna get your bed messy. Do you have some tissue papers?"

Tom nodded and opened a drawer with her lips. Mark's eyes fell on her exposed rear.

"You ... you are dripping..." Mark stated as he saw Tom's wet pussy oozing a tantalizing drop of girl juice. "Want me to ... wipe you?"

Tom would have liked anything right now, as long as it just touched her there. She flicked up her tail and waited for the sensation of the dry paper soaking up her plentiful juices. When it came, a shiver went through her, not unlike the one she had caused Mark. But it was Mark who suddenly moaned. His other hand went to his throbbing shaft and clenched around it, squeezing, and then suddenly, with a jolt, a squirt of liquid - this time it was white - shot out of his tip and over his hand. Then another, weaker one, which oozed out of his tip, like from a spring well, and then dripped down his dick. Shuddering, he brought the tissue, soaked now in Tom's juices and started wiping. The boy was blushed deeply.

"Cool!" Tom remarked, watching him clean up with her eyes locked on his crotch without even blinking. Her pussy lips tingled from his brief touch, which made her get even more wet. Just touching her apparently had made him cum, drove him over the edge, somehow that made her quite proud. But she also wasn't done there. When he placed the stained tissue on her night table, she stepped backwards, nearly shoving her pussy in his face. "I wanna feel that too, do you wanna continue?"

Mark smiled, happy to divert her attention away from his embarrassing body parts. He placed one hand under her tits, as if to gently lift her needy rear into position. Her tail was lifted so high it almost cramped, and then she briefly felt the thumb of his other hand brush against her nethers before it finally squeezed right in between her lips and into her. A moan escaped her lips, and she pushed back, her hip twisted into his grasp so his thumb pushed in as deep as it could until his palm squeezed against her.

Mark seemed surprised that she would do that so forcefully.

"Are you OK? isn't that too much?" he asked concerned. Tom however wanted him to do more. "It's fine, squeeze me, push me, I want more!" she encouraged him, then closed her eyes as he finally obliged and started thrusting his thumb in and out and clenched it to squeeze her clit into his palm from the inside. She could feel herself shiver and tremble. She felt so close, just a little bit more.

And then Mark pulled his hand away, his thumb plopping out from her nethers, leaving her lips agitated and slightly gaping. As good as the sensation felt, it left her empty, needy for more. A whimper escaped her, feeling neglected, betrayed so close.

But then she felt the most wonderful sensation. Mark's own lips wrapped around her sex. At first she didn't realize what he was doing until she felt his tongue slide over her clit, probed between her lips and slid through in between. It was like an explosion going off in her head as her body tensed up. She saw little flickers of light through her closed eyelids, and she didn't even realize that it was herself, arching and squeezing back against him, that caused his teeth to dig ever so gently into her agitated swollen sex. A long feral bleat escaped her, and she didn't even recognize it as her own voice until after she was done. It felt so good, so overwhelming, it drowned out all thinking.

When, after so many shudders and twitches, it was finally over, she realized it had been way better even than when she had licked herself. Partly because he kept licking when she reached a point where she wouldn't have been able to keep going on her own, but partly just from the fact that it was someone else doing this to her.

"Was it good?" Mark asked her, grinning sheepishly, still licking her juices from his lips.

She just wanted to hug him, embrace him. But she didn't have the arms to do so, instead she just turned round and jumped him, so he was forced on his back on the bed with her on top. She snuggled her cheeks against his and licked his ears. "Oh yes, thank you so much. That was awesome! I wouldn't have dared ask you to lick me there, I thought you'd find it gross."

She felt a throbbing sensation against her soft lower belly. It was his penis, it was still hard. Or hard again?

"I dunno, it felt only fair since you did it to me. And since you said you licked yourself, I thought it can't be that bad."

"Did you like it then?" Tom asked.

"I'm not sure, it was a bit weird at first, but then I didn't mind. And you were enjoying it so much. How about you, was it bad?"

Tom giggled. "A bit salty. But I'd do it again if you like."

She felt a poking sensation on her belly. At least one part of him was certainly excited about that.

Mark smiled, but suddenly a concerned expression covered his face.

"Say, I wouldn't accidently get you pregnant, would I?"

Pregnant? Tom was confused, they had only licked and played with each other, didn't you need to have actual sex to get pregnant? "Nah, I think, even if, since I'm a deer now. I think you needed antlers and hooves to make me a fawn. And I don't think I'm in rut or anything, that's not supposed to start until November, why?"

Then she suddenly got it. Of course his dick poked her belly just above her udder. What if he stuck it actually in her. "Would you ... wanna try and have sex with me?"

Mark almost didn't dare to answer. "I didn't mean... I mean, would you really wanna do that?" he asked, again blushed deeply. She could almost feel the heat radiating from his cheeks, and she could feel his heartbeat. He was excited. Definitely excited, but whether from arousal, anticipation or fear she couldn't tell. She wasn't sure about herself either.

Still, she lifted herself off him and made a step back, looking at his face. "We said we aren't gonna tell anyone, right?"

She just had to make sure. This was forbidden territory in a way. Mark nodded sincerely. "Never! Of course not!" Then after a while, he added. "How would we do that?"

He had a point. If she was laying on her back, like a human girl would, her legs would get in the way. Maybe like feral deer? Of course! hHw silly not to think of that.

Tom got completely off the bed, then turned around, looked back over herself at Mark who was now sitting up again.

"I think if you stand up and then kinda lean over me, you are just the right height." she suggested smiling, excited about what they were about to do.

Mark got out of his pants and undies completely, then stood up behind her. He gently placed his hands on her rump, and she pulled her tail up.

"Are you really sure about this? I'm about stick it in!" Mark asked, one more time. His dick was rock hard again. His legs were slightly tanned, with almost no hair. Only his pubic region showed an arrangement of a few single hairs above his penis. They could have been counted on one hand, if Tom had had one to count with, but It was more than what she had had when she had still been a girl only two weeks earlier. Single digits or not, it still somehow made him look manly. In a way. "Why? Are you chickening out?" she taunted with a smirk.

He rose an eyebrow and smiled back, then took his dick into two fingers to aim its tip right for her nether lips. Like his finger earlier it felt a bit rough in the first moment until her plentiful moisture had covered it enough. His tip was gentler though, smoother, and it filled her deeper as well as she pressed her hip gently back against his. She felt him thrust forward just at the same time. The best however was when their hips connected and he pushed against her bottom gently.

Tom moaned, almost in unison with his gasp. She felt herself squeeze gently around his member, and he seemed to like it. Then he started to hump her. Slowly at first. Each thrust sent a wave of pleasure through her that ran up her spine and had her gasp open mouthed as she met his rhythm and pushed her hip slightly backwards to meet his. She heard him moan and grunt in bliss and he suddenly sped up, faster and stronger than she thought that the boy would have been capable. Moaning, he clenched his hands on her flanks and held on almost desperately, squeezed her in his excitement, so it almost hurt but also made everything even more better. Little bleats escaped her throats with each of his thrusts, and then...

Then her sensitive ears picked up the sound of the door key being turned downstairs. Mark missed it. The same moment she froze in mid motion, his hip collided with her rear in one forceful thrust and she felt a weird sensation in her nethers as his loins pumped his fresh seed through his member into her, constricted but not blocked by her tight opening.

The sensation caused her body to respond, even though her mind tried to focus on the sounds downstairs. She came. She felt herself clench as jolts of pleasure raced through her with each of his squirts, emphasized by her own contractions, milking him of every drop. She would have bleated loud and blissfully, but instead she tried to stay silent and only gasped for air in between every shiver that ran through her, only quick panting noises escaped her throat.

Not so Mark. He moaned and grunted, still fully into it as he hadn't heard the noise. That only changed when a voice sounded from downstairs.

"Tomoko, are you there? Everything alright?"

It was the voice of Tom's mother. Mark froze in mid motion and he held his breath in silence, although his hands still clenched into Tom's flanks as if holding on for dear life.

Tom now took a deep breath. She had to wait for one more shudder to ebb down. It felt so nice, but this pleasure was really kinda inconvenient right now. She tried to think fast. Mom had to be distracted to give them time to cover this up a bit. She'd already have seen Mark's shoes and coat, so...

"Yeah, we're up here. Mark's helping me with ... my homework." she bleated back, trying to make her voice sound bored and normal. Then she made a step forward, which caused Mark to slip out with a wet, oozing sensation. She also felt the sensation of all those liquids that now started oozing out of her. She wasn't dripping yet, they were too thick, but the liquid accumulated and would drip soon, torturing her as it did.. Again a shudder ran through her rump, but she tried to ignore the sensation and turned round.

Mark's penis was sort-of half limp, and covered in their mixed juices. The smell of sex was overpowering, her own nose would have picked that up all throughout the house, but she knew that human noses wouldn't. There was no time for Mark to go to the bathroom - carefully and slow so as he would have to to not to drip all over the place. But if he pulled his pants up over this mess, even her mother would likely pick up the scent.

Without a second thought, she took Mark's thing into her mouth and slurped the mess of it. He was too surprised to say anything, he just stared in disbelief, then a slight shiver ran through him and he pressed his lips together not to moan out loud. Even his ball sack was covered in ooze, but Tom's cervine tongue had no problems slurping most of that up as quickly as she could.

The taste was overpowering. The scent of her own sex mixed with this salty stuff. The gooey texture. It was a bit much to take all at once and nearly made her gag, although it was weirdly arousing as well. She just gulped it down as fast as she could to get rid of it, then let Mark free.

"What are you doing?" he whispered. He couldn't believe she just licked all the spooge of him just like that.

"Get you clean you dumbass. Quick, get your pants on and stall my mother, I need to clean up here before she comes up!" she hissed back.

Mark nodded and grabbed his undies. They were inside out, but he didn't notice. Then he pulled up his pants over them and tried to close his fly. Of course the zipper got stuck and it took several seconds and a grunt from him to close it. Tom could hear her mother's steps downstairs, she was likely heading for the stairs.

Finally Mark was done and a very urgent glance from Tom sent him out of her room. The door closed, a few seconds later, Tom heard his voice as he greeted her mother politely. Tom took a deep breath, dropped to the floor and curled around to inspect her rump.

It was a mess. Wet, goopy, tingly, hot, sensitive, and covered in spooge which oozed out of her pussy lips and covered the fur all around up to the underside of her tail. Effectively she would need a shower, but there was no time for that. She could hear Mark outside, he got the talk to the day at school and what they had been doing in class. He was a natural, she had to admit smiling. If this didn't hold up her mother, nothing would.

Tom started to clean herself, licking. She was ticklish and over sensitive, after the sex, and every lick sent a shiver through her that made it hard to continue. At the same time the scent and taste was too strong and too much. She clenched her leg muscles and forced herself to continue despite the ticklish sensation. Grimacing, she bit into her nether lips, just to make the tickling stop. It was supposed to be impossible to tickle oneself, she had heard. But apparently that didn't count for your privates after sex...

"Sex", yes she actually had had sex with her friend. The thought was thrilling, and in a way it made cleaning herself up an arousing exciting thing too. But it also still tickled. It was confusing, overwhelming, a self torture, and she had to finish it quickly.

A few licks around and under her tail got most of her fur cleaned up, although now it was of course damp with her spit. More spooge oozed out from between her nether lips though. Just how much had Mark squirted into her? She tried to force it out by clenching her belly, then wrapped her lips around her nethers and suckled, licked as deep as she could. She had the faint suspicion that these sensations would in the long run only create more liquids, as her lips, just as they got less over-sensitive, became puffed and excited again from her licking. She had to stop and get up, in the hope there wouldn't be more. The cleaning just had to be enough as it wast.

The bed was in disarray, but it had been like that before Mark came. Just in case she shoved pencil and notebook back between the sheets where she had written earlier. Now for the scent in the air, she'd have to open the window. She hasted to get that done, and it was barely open when she heard steps on the top of the stairs. Apparently Mark's magic now had ran out.

The moment the door opened, Tom's eyes fell on the tissue paper on her night table, full of Mark's and her spooge from earlier, although by now it had likely dried in a bit. She quickly glanced up at her mother's eyes as if she hadn't noticed, so mom wouldn't follow her guilty gaze.

"Hi mom, how was work? You're home early." she said, smiling. With window and door open, a gust of wind blew through the room. It carried her mother's perfume. Which meant, it also blew all the naughty-scents away from her and out the window. Good!

"Oh, we had an easy day today, so I could leave early. Mark just told me about your school day. I'm really glad you're helping each other. I was a bit worried how you'd be doing. Are you having fun?"

"Oh yeah, it's really nice to be back. Everyone's trying to be nice to me." Tom answered in a reassuring voice. She had to lure her mother out of her room before she glanced behind the door. "Say, could Mark stay for dinner with us? We planned to play some videogames after homework and we just finished. I got some writing to do, you know, to practice."

Video games sounded plausible, that was what they 'used' to do when they hung out together. Although if she played against Mark now, she'd likely suck ass. He'd cheat her by using opposable thumbs and kick her ass in every single game ... maybe except mortal combat.

"Oh sure, I was planning to try out a new pesto recipe, I'm sure you'd both like it. Just make sure your parents know where you are." Mom answered and turned to Mark, who nodded smiling. When Tom's mother didn't look, he gave Tom a relieved thumbs up sign. They had almost made it.

Indeed, the miracle happened. Tom's mother did not spot the tissue paper at all. Instead Mark eventually saw it and stuffed it into his pocket in an unnoticed moment, which finally defused the entire situation. Tom's heartbeat slowly went back to normal, and she got a bit bolder. They had just arrived downstairs and were strolling towards the couch. Tom however could however feel the moisture in her rear. Not as much as to drip, but If she sat down on the couch like that she certainly would leave a stain. She exchanged a glance with Mark, to make sure he'd be playing along. He glanced back, unsure how to interpret her smirk.

"I'm kinda sweaty after all that school work. I can't shower alone, would you be OK helping me wash?" she asked. She made sure her mother had heard every word from the other room.

After the initial shock of what Tom had asked, a smirk went over Mark's face. "Sure, I don't mind. Do you use normal shampoo or something special?"

The guy was a genius, it sounded so nicely casual. Tom could have hugged him.

Cervine 360 degree vision was definitely helpful sometimes. Tom could study her mother's reaction without explicitly looking in her direction. Mom seemed to be a bit conflicted.

"Are you sure you wanna do that? I can help as well if you want me to, you don't need to bother" she asked Mark. Tom suppressed a smirk. Adults... instead of saying what was on their mind they tried to politely hint at something. But that didn't work with kids, not even when they weren't scheming, like now.

"Absolutely Miss, its no problem at all. I'd really like helping Tom." Mark answered without hesitation.

Tom sent her mother a reassuring smile. She could tell from her mother's expression that she wasn't convinced, but she likely wouldn't dare mentioning that her objection was because Mark was a boy, and she a girl. Yet, if mom didn't stop them now, she likely wouldn't later either. If she told them in advance, her parents just wouldn't let something go through the first time and and then suddenly forbid it. It was either no, right away, or she had her way. That was unless something bad had happened that justified such a change in rules.

Tom happily lead the way upstairs, hoping the moisture in her nethers wouldn't give her away at last minute. The promise of spending the shower with her friend made her even more excited.

It was Mark who hesitated to get naked before the shower. Mostly because he was embarrassed about his rock hard member.

"You are crazy!" he whispered in a voice that left it open if it was meant as an insult or a compliment. "What if your mom sees me like this? I can't really control it."

"She won't come in here." Tom reassured him, hoping that she was right. "Just keep your voice down and we'll be fine. Worst case I can lick you again, it does go down afterwards, doesn't it?"

For now 'it' only went up further. "You are mean. What if I don't want to?"

"Then you tell my mother and she washes me. But I don't think we'd ever get the chance again if you do that." she answered grinning. She knew he wouldn't do that.

Tom stepped into the shower cabin and pushed the tap to the right heat setting with her nose. She gave Mark another encouraging nod. "You coming?" He sighed, dropped his undies to the floor, and followed, naked as naked could be.

Soon later the water was running and pouring over Tom's fur, nice and warm. Mark smiled a bit sheepishly, as he directed the stream over Tom's back and around her tail unto her rear. It felt nice to have all the stickiness dissolve and wash away, and for a second she just enjoyed the soothing trickling of the water on her girly bits. The stream went a bit stronger and flushed its way in between her nether lips as Mark brought the shower head closer. She placed her hind legs a bit further apart and relaxed, allowing a small part of the stream to squeeze past her entrance and flush her insides gently, washing out all the ooze.

"Have you ever filled yourself with water?" Mark asked out of the blue.

Tom looked at him. He meant into her girl bits, didn't he? "Like how, a few drops? That happens almost every shower. It's part of cleaning, to wash inside."

He smirked. "I meant like, until your belly is all full, I know you can do that with your butt. It's kinda fun."

There was a hint of a blush in his face, well, more than a hint.

"I dunno. I never... wouldn't that hurt?" She knew what would come next, he'd squeeze that tantalizing shower head that streamed it's water against her sex from only an inch away snugly against her nether lips. But then? Wasn't that dangerous?

"Nah, when it gets too much you can squeeze it out faster than it comes in, any time." he convinced her. "I wouldn't hurt you."

Tom took a breath, and placed her hind legs apart a bit wider, standing broad legged but firm. Then she smiled at Mark. She was ready.

Gently, Mark pushed the shower head against her. She giggled, then gasped, as the water was forced to seek a different path the very moment the plastic connected with her skin. For a second it squirted, tickling, through the tight gap and against her legs, then suddenly it found its way inside of her and the constant sound of water droplets dripping to the floor below instantly ceased. For a second or two, only the hissing sound of the shower itself remained, but now it filled her belly instead of going down the drain. It was warm and pleasant, slightly tingling, as the water rushed, squeezed past her lips, tingling almost as if it was an electric current.

Almost immediately she felt a slight pressure in her belly, that spread and grew. She could feel how her belly expanded in her belly fur and in the sensitive skin of her udder, and it grew heavier. It was exciting and scary at the same time. With a little moan, Tom squeezed hard, and an equally exciting squirt of water shot out of her sex, past the shower head. Once Mark pulled it away, the same gush flushed into the shower curtain. It felt a bit like peeing, except stronger, more forceful. Tom giggled, then took a deep breath and pressed her belly muscles again, forcing even more water out of herself in one, two more squirts, until only a few drops of water oozed from her tingling sex. It was hard to believe there had been so much in her, it felt like it had been half a gallon or so. She shook herself like a wet dog to get rid of the sudden trembling in her thighs.

"Wow." Mark commented at the gush. "Did you like that?"

Tom felt light headed. Her heart thumped, and she was a bit shaky on her legs, but nothing hurt.

"I'm not sure. It feels weird." she answered. Mark was rock hard, he definitely enjoyed doing it to her.

"Wanna try again?" he asked.

"Maybe, but with less water this time, turn it down a notch." she requested.

The water from the shower head reduced to a trickle. Tom bent backwards and watched Mark squeeze it against her sex once more. The sensation was calmer this time, and it took a few seconds of awkward silence, with nothing but the slight hissing of the shower, until she felt, and saw a movement in her belly. Ever so slowly it grew heavier and bulged downwards, pushing her udder and teats out. Mark placed his free hand on her belly and now felt it grow, petting her slowly. "That looks almost like you are starting to get pregnant. Kinda cool."

Tom blushed and shifted her weight a bit. She could feel how all that water inside made her belly feel heavier. She clenched her rear, tried to stop the water from flowing into her. Which, kind of worked. Some of the water squirted out past the shower head, and Mark once again removed it, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. But now she started to leak. That felt weird, as if she had to pee and couldn't hold it in. A small trickle of water escaped, no matter how much she clenched. On the contrary, clenching actually pushed out more.

"I don't wanna be pregnant" she answered, embarrassed, mostly embarrassed because she couldn't hold it in.

Mark saw her dilemma and helped her out. He gently cupped her nether lips in his hand and squeezed his fingers together which stopped the leakage.

Tom had to giggle and squirmed, which promptly squirted another small amount of water past Mark's fingers.

"You can't hold it in, can you?"

Tom shook her head and giggled embarrassed.

"Might have to try your bum another time, that you can clench shut." he said with a smirk and gently squeezed Tom's bloated belly. That promptly made a few more drops leak past his fingers. "You have quite a lot in there. Does that still feel nice?" he asked.

"A bit weird. It doesn't hurt, but it starts getting a bit uncomfortable. Everything's under pressure." She wondered if being preggers would feel like that, too. How could pregnant deer even walk around like that? With much more in them than the water she was carrying now. Granted, a mother's body likely would grow over time to get used to the growing fawn. After all that happened over the course of months.

"I'd kinda really like to stick my thing into you, like that." Mark confessed, biting around on his lower lip. "Can I please?"

Said member throbbed with his heartbeat, rock hard and so stiff it again looked almost painful. Tom smiled, she understood his urgency, although she didn't fully understand why filling her with water turned him on that much. "Be careful please." she asked, and stood in position, making sure he had enough room behind her, in the corner of the shower.

"I'd never hurt you!" he promised once more, and ever so gently fiddled his cock into position. Tom wasn't clenching anymore, so when Mark's hand let loose, a sudden and unexpected gush of water rushed out her sex, only to be plugged once more by Mark's member, as he pushed it right into the stream, then sealed her as he hilted. A needy grunt escaped Mark's throat and she felt him shudder as she clenched instinctively.

"That feels kinda weird." she said, giggling, then she moaned, open mouthed as he started humping her. With every thrust, a little blissful shockwave flushed through her belly that seemed to hit all her spots at the same time, just as the water inside her and with it her entire belly got sloshed around. She relaxed her sex and gave in to the sensations. Every time he pulled back a small amount of water squirted past him, out of her, only to be abruptly stopped when he hilted again.

Mark grunted and suppressed a moan of his own, then reached around her belly and squeezed. That caused her to gush out water all around him, just as he sped up his pace. And then he came, suddenly and violently. Tom smirked as she noticed and she squeezed her rump against him as she felt him tense and shudder. His cock twitched and squirted inside her, once, twice, then a weaker third time. Mark was panting heavily, and she heard his breath tremble as he sucked in air. It must have been good. Really good. It was a nice, happy feeling to see that she could make her friend feel so good. Once again it kinda made her proud.

She had to see. Again, Tom curled, standing, and twisted her flexible neck around to look back at herself and him. She was still a tiny bit bloated. Someone who didn't know her body could have missed it, but she could of course feel the warm water inside her. She stretched further, so she could see her own rear the moment Mark pulled out.

Once his now less stiff dick left her, it was followed by a soft and calm stream of warm water. However, it also carried out a few curious lumps of white gunk, which washed down into the shower basin and then vanished in the drain before the stream ebbed to a trickle. Tom watched that fascinated. It was kinda disgusting, but also weirdly kinky. She squeezed her belly to get the remaining liquid out. A healthy squirt of water shot out of her as her belly muscles contracted, which splashed messily against the side of the shower basin and sprinkled drops over Mark's legs. "Sorry" she said and they both giggled.

All of it left her sex tingling and a little numb. She also felt a bit light headed again.

"That was kinda fun." she admitted to Mark, who had used the time to clean himself up with the shower head. The air was steamy and she took a deep breath. "But I think I have enough. We should finish up before mom gets suspicious." she added smirking.

Indeed, Tom's mother did check on them shortly later. Of course not without knocking first. But by that time, Mark was already dressed fully and in the process of rubbing Tomoko dry with a large towel. Something she enjoyed with closed eyes, being rubbed all over by her friend felt so nice!

"Are you almost ready? Dinner's done soon." Tom's mother asked them.

"Almost, all this fur takes forever to dry." He managed to answer with a straight face. It was no lie, and Tom's mother was apparently convinced enough that nothing questionable was going on. "We'll be downstairs in a minute."

But the moment, the adult had closed the door and they heard her steps on the stairs, Mark placed the towel right between Tom's hind back legs and started petting and rubbing her wildly and all over. He enjoyed how Tom tried desperately to keep silent, but eventually she could no longer suppress a moan. "Mark, uh.... please don't... I can't..." she whimpered panting, "Mom's gonna hear me!"

Tom did not want him to stop, but she didn't dare let him continue either.

Mark stopped teasing her, and smirked mischievously for a moment. Then, all of a sudden, he took the other end of the large towel in his free hand and wrapped it tightly around Tom's muzzle, so it covered her mouth and nostrils.

She complained, but a "Mhhmmfff!" was the only muffled sound that escaped her covered snout. Her quickening breath made hissing noises as she sucked in air through the towel and blew it back out, right between Mark's clenching fingers. She panicked a bit, unsure what was going on? Mark?!? what are you doing?!? She thought.

That moment he pushed the corner on the other end of the towel right into her sex. His thumb squeezed it in and then he started wriggling it around inside her cunny. His other fingers still clenched around her teats, through the towel.

A long, whimpered, but surprisingly muffled bleat escaped Tom's throat, as she couldn't hold back longer. She squeezed down on the soft but tantalizing towel and Mark's thumb, once, twice, first in rhythm with his wriggles, then suddenly fast and trembling. The orgasm overwhelmed her, and she let it take over and rock her body.

Straining against his hold on both her front and rear end, she flexed and heaved, as wave after wave of pleasure washed through the trapped cervine feral doe. Only when the last wave had ebbed down and she opened her eyes, he gently remove both ends of the towel. The corner in her sex was quite moist and slippery now and slid out easily.

With her nose finally free, Tom took a few deep breaths, then glared at Mark, confused and a bit insulted at the same time. "You could have warned me!" she said, her voice still trembling. She had tried to make it sound harsh and insulted, but her voice came out weak and submissive instead.

Mark grinned. He knew her well enough to know she was not badly angry at him. "I'm sorry, that was kinda spontaneous. Just felt right that moment. Also you wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if you had know what was coming. Would you?"

She didn't answer.

"So, did you like it?" he asked, feeling bolder.

Tom snorted. She didn't give him the satisfaction to admit it loud. It was kinda obvious anyway, it had been one glorious orgasm. "We better wash that towel now." she suggested instead.

"Don't worry, I got that!" he said, smiling, and opened the tab on the sink. "And then let's go down to your mom, shall we? I am kinda hungry." He added while cleaning the towel with clean tap water.

Tom was already on her way and opened the bathroom door with her muzzle. She was caught in her own thoughts on the way down.

She was kinda confused, and kinda angry with herself. How could something so sudden and overwhelming as being forcefully held down and muffled feel so damn good? Mark was right of course, if he had told her before, it wouldn't have been the same. It was the surprise and the sudden helplessness that had made it all exciting. But it also wasn't right to do that to her! She wasn't his pet! He had no right to do that!

Yet at the same time the memory of him manhandling her like that got her horny and excited, even now the thoughts of him doing it again made her flush and tingle. That wasn't fair! She didn't want to like being treated like that by her best friend!

Mark closed the bathroom door behind him, then followed her down the stairs, unaware of her thoughts.

It was just when she reached the bottom of the stairs when her gloomy expression suddenly lit up. Another thought had crossed her mind. Fair! ... Of course, she could just make it fair! Two could play that game! Then it was even!

She only had to find a way she could get him, nicely, well, helpless! And then play with him, let him squirm until he'd suddenly squirt all over the place. Oh yes, if being his helpless pet deer to play around with, was one side of that coin, then clearly the other was the unpredictable feral beast he'd have to fear and respect. She could show him the same thrill of danger and uncertainty mixed with pleasure, if she simply turned the tables. She only had to play mean and get him a bit scared. Tom had a feeling he'd like it in just the same way that you don't-want-to-admit-it that she had just experienced. That thought filled her with gleeful satisfaction. All of a sudden she didn't feel guilty anymore about liking it. She could give him back what he already gave her, and then they would have one more guilty secret that they shared together!

Mark was oblivious to all that, although a slight queasyness overcame him, when he saw the naughty smile that Tom gave him, just as they sat down for dinner. He could tell that she was planning something. He just didn't know what.