Just meat

Today was a nice day, I could tell right away. None of those eerie greenish clouds covered the sky this morning and I woke up to the blueish tint of the sun, shining through the reinforced dome of the city, and further through the clear transparent...

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The darkest truth

Desc (from FA - SF doesn't know this feature): !["thumbnail"](%5C) Isn't this a cool warning thumbnail I made? (Considering my artistic talent is usually near nil, I think I can feel almost proud about that) Ah yes. by the way: This...

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Shortstories - Inside

Ajana was in a good mood. It was late spring, and instead of sharing a ride with someone's car or using the bus, she had decided to hike the 50 or so miles straight as the crow flies and cross country. 50 miles were nothing to her. She could have...

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The snuff theatre

"No! Let me go! Please you can't... Nommmmmph...!!!!" The little, black furred cat struggled and fought, but it was no use. The two canine handlers with their sunglasses and their black garments over their equally black fur gagged her and bound her,...

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Tom the deer - exploring the naughty side

Tom burped, then started idly chewing on some cud. The first few days, chewing her meals again had bothered her, but now it just came natural. It also made it quite obvious which foods were good for her to eat and which weren't. Some stuff just tasted...

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Tom the deer - A doe's first schoolday

Tom was nervous as she walked to school. Maybe even more nervous than on her first school day. In a way once could say it was Tom's first school day. At first Tom had thought she'd never have to go to school anymore ever. What should a deer do in...

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Tom the deer - Being a deer is weird

Being a deer is weird. Especially when you used to be a teenage girl, with hands and fingers, and a playstation to play your favorite video games. It wasn't so much walking on all fours, that had come very natural, almost instinctive to her. It...

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Tom the deer - introduction

This is a story about Tom the deer. Tom's real name was actually Tomoko. She just always had been a bit of a tomboy - even when she had still been human. Her mother had always been a bit concerned that she rather played with toy cars and spaceships...

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