Broken Pine Part 2

Story by DreyBeast on SoFurry

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#2 of Broken Pine

Ok, so here's part 2. this time we focus more on the emotional. was still a lot of fun to write. starting to build a back story and focusing much more on character development and bringing on some other characters.

I'm sure i'll have more up shortly.

I woke with a start. My heart was racing and my hands slick with sweat. Marcus was lounging on his bed, the low glow of his phone displaying his worry clearly as he turned on the bedside light to see me better.

It had been an interesting couple of weeks since getting here. Marcus had become something of a special friend for me. After taking my virginity on the first night it was no real surprise that I had attached myself to him.

At times I still wondered if coming to Broken Pine had been a good idea. Since arriving my whole world had been flipped upside down and my outlook was completely different. The school itself was normal enough. Standard classes came and went, but there was one element that this school had that was hidden away from prying eyes and that was the Pup's Club.

Still, none of that really mattered right now. Especially not when my earlier phone call to my Dad still played heavily on my mind. The second I had said 'Hi' to him he had known that something about me was different. He was a paranoid and powerful Leopard, and he was someone you didn't want to worry. He treated parenting like a business deal. If things went well the payout was huge. For example, he actually acted like I was more than just the heir to his empire. But if the deal went south, it went south big time.

"Are you alright?" Marcus asked putting his phone aside.

"Y-yeah, just a nightmare." I knew by Marcus's flat expression that my excuse wasn't going to cut it. That made two nights of bad dreams in a row. Any idiot could tell that something had to be upsetting me, but I had chosen to keep my Dad's influence a secret at school, only Ms. Carter the Principal new. If others found out about his pull, and bank account, they would likely only want to get close to me to get to him. So far everyone had liked me for being me and that was how I wanted it to say. Not that a quick search online wouldn't change all that. If someone looked me up they would see straight away that I hadn't come from humble beginnings.

"Whatever." He grumbled snatching up his phone and going back to his spot on his bed. I hated when he did this to me. Every time I didn't tell him the truth, or even if I only gave him a half-truth, he would block me out. Sometimes for hours at a time. A time which I spent desperately trying to make amends for what I had done. But how could I explain this one too him without telling him that my Dad was threatening to destroy the school if I didn't 'watch myself'.

"If you don't want to tell me what's wrong then fine. Don't fucking bother me." Like a bullet through my chest. His words tore me apart. I sat up hugging my pillow tight to my chest and watched him. He hadn't turned off the light or buried himself in his bed like he had done the night before. Was it that obvious that I was beginning to crack?

"Can I sleep with you?" I asked burying my face in my pillow.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head "How about what happened in you dream." I didn't respond, he wasn't even looking in my direction.

"Please." I begged tears in my eyes. I had wished for him to ruin me and he had. In one short day I had lost every one of my defenses. I felt weak and pathetic when he was upset with me, but as big as a mountain when he smiled. It was sheer torture, never knowing what to expect. Our personalities clashed constantly, leaving me broken and unsure of what would happen next.

Marcus set down his phone "Fine Jacob." I went to get up but he put a hand out stopping me "On one condition. You have to do the thing." I blushed and buried my face back into my pillow. He truly did have me wrapped around his little finger. This canine slob owned me on the very first night I became his roommate, and I wasn't sure if that would ever change.

"Do I have to?"


"B-But..." he was smiling now. My heart lifted and I let out a sigh. The stupid wolf sat on his bed in nothing but a singlet. When I looked at him like this I would do anything he asked. Well, just about anything. Some things were still off limits.

"Do it." He commanded "Or I'll make you do it with a collar." Was he serious? I wasn't even sure he owned a collar, but it was degrading enough without wearing a collar.

"Fine." I grumbled standing up and pushing off my briefs. Marcus watched intently as I crouched onto my bed lifting my tail so that he could see my hole. I blushed hard, letting out a little whimper. This was all my fault. I had done it as a joke once, I had just wanted to tease him, but now it was a punishment.

"Say the line." He said getting to his feet. I looked back to see him peel off his singlet.

"Wait. You never..." I dropped my tail covering myself.

"Don't you dare move unless you're going to tell me what's wrong?" I went quiet and put my head down.

"Don't make me do this." I mumbled.

"Say it and make it look good." I felt my face burn hard, this was so degrading. Regardless, l lifted my tail high and did as I was told.

"P-Please my Wolfy Woof. Make me yours." I said in a playful voice wiggling my tail invitingly. Marcus grinned grabbing my hips and pressing his hips hard against my ass. I let out a sharp yelp and looked back. His expression was playful so I calmed. He wasn't going to force me.

Since arriving we had only fooled around a couple of times. Each time we did something new. The last time Marcus had said I should try anal. I had rambled off a dozen bad excuses before racing out the door. I had literally run half way across the campus before stopping long enough to ask myself why I had run at all. The answer had been simple. In my head everything else, even fucking him, seemed like good fun, but if I let him do that then I felt like we were going to a whole new level that I was far from ready for. Hell, we weren't even partners. He wasn't my boyfriend. He had made it clear that he hadn't wanted that yet and I understood that. But I would never let someone do that to me unless they offered me something more then what we had.

"Relax Kitty." He whispered "You're always so tense. You know there's nothing to be afraid of." Marcus touched his tip to my hole and I went rigid. He wouldn't force me, he had promised. Still, feeling his hard dick poised to take me made me doubt myself.

He pushed lightly and I gasped trying to pull away "Stop it." He said pinning me down.

"But you said!" I cried.

"I won't make you. Just let me feel." He leant over me dropping his weight onto my back. He let out a tiny moan and nuzzled into my neck. His hand ran down my chest and stomach, finally coming to a stop when he had my Dick firmly in his grasp.

I wanted him off. This wasn't safe. If he pressured me at all in that moment I wasn't sure if I would have been able to say no. My heart was racing and my body trembled with anticipation. I had often wondered how it would feel. Sometimes I sat daydreaming about it in class. Just imagining Marcus grabbing me and pinning me down was enough to want to make me get off.

"I think that's enough." He put both arms around my middle and hoisted me up, carrying me over to his bed. Stupid wolf. All I had wanted was a cuddle. Now I felt as if I needed cum, and bad.

Marcus snuggled in tight behind me, rubbing his hard dick against my ass. He reached down to grab my dick, but I stopped him. I may not have been able to answer his question, but one burnt bright in my own mind.

"Marcus?" I whispered. He sat up a little so he could see my face "How do you feel about me?" his expression. It wasn't cruel, just full of doubt. I understood. I doubted we would work together either. Still, it didn't stop me from longing for it.

"Forget I asked. It was stupid." I turned back to the wall. Marcus stopped grinding up against me and had lost interest in my dick. Instead he just held me in silence. After a while he rolled over letting me go.

"It wasn't stupid." He mumbled. I turned to watch him. His eyes seemed distant, locked onto some faraway place in time that I wasn't privy too.

"You don't have to explain to me." I offered seeing that he was a bit hurt.

"Yes I do. I force you to tell me everything and I'm not even your boyfriend. It isn't fair for me to do that to you." I began to panic. Was he going to end this? My mind blurred through every way this could all end and this scenario came out on top.

"Please stop. I just want to be close to someone." I pleaded.

"And I'm afraid to be." He shot me down.

I sat up angry "If you say this has to stop I'm going to fucking kill you." I swore slamming my clawed hand down on his chest. He gasped and looked at me like I was crazy, or stupid, or emotional. No, I was all three at once.

"As if!" he lifted my hand "Your dicks to awesome to give up. I'd go crazy knowing it was only a few feet away and I couldn't have it." He wasn't the only one. I was sure I would rape him in his sleep if I had to give him up. Not that it didn't sound like an interesting idea on its own. I wondered how he would take to waking up to me bearing down on him.

"So then what's your damn problem?" I surprised myself. I was angry and firm and demanding. It was everything that I had failed to be around him so far. I had surrendered myself to him, and so far I had accepted it. But right now I couldn't control myself. I was angry at myself and at him and I wanted answers.

Time for a low shot "Aren't I good enough for you?" I asked, looking aside doing my best to look miserable. It wasn't hard to do.

Marcus sat up with a start. He turned my face to his. He looked angry, crazy angry "Don't you ever think that. Not for one fucking damn second! I'm not good enough, not you."

"Don't touch me." I shoved his hand aside "You push me around and force me to do stupid things for you. I'm nothing but a toy to you and I'm sick of it." I went to get up. He grabbed me. I wanted to stop, but the situation was too far gone already.

"Don't." I snapped "If you don't want me then don't touch me." That did it. He rounded on me pinning me down to his bed hard, a loud growl and bared teeth only inches from me. I looked up at him a little panicked.

"You fucking idiot. I fucking love you." He went silent and pulled away from me in a panic. There it was. I may have made him angry to make him admit it, but he had said what I had wished he would for fourteen days now. But why was he panicking?

"I-I-I... no I mean... I... but." I sat up at him and looked him unsure. Maybe I had gone too far. He looked back at me with worried eyes and covered his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry I yelled at you." I offered. It fell on deaf ears.

"I have to go." He shot out of bed and reached for his pants. I got there first.

"Stop it. You were angry. I know you didn't mean it." His expression said otherwise. He had meant it. So why was he running?

"I just need a minute. I promise I'll come back." I handed him his pants. He yanked them on and suddenly I was alone wondering how everything had fallen apart so quickly.

Marcus didn't come back. I sat alone the whole night praying he would come back, but he just didn't. I began to pace, worry snapping at my heels. What had I done? I didn't know anything about Marcus's past. It wasn't fair to presume that he had no reason not to say those words to me. What if he had been hurt before? I didn't know anything, and now he was out there somewhere, maybe hurt, maybe upset. I had to find him.

I got dressed and darted out the door and straight into the back of a very muscular Tiger. Tony turned around and looked at me like I had been hit by a tiny insect. It wasn't until after my first week that I had found out just how powerful this muscle bound tiger was and not all his strength came from his muscles.

I looked up at him worried and scrambled back to my feet. I went to dart past him but Tony snatched me up and shoved me back into my room "Please get out of my way." I tried to push past him, but he just pushed me back again with ease.

"Jacob stop." He instructed in his normal gruff voice.

"I have to find him!" I cried and started pacing again. There was no way scrawny little me was going to able to push past Tony, but there had to be some way to get around him.

"Marcus is fine." I stopped and lunged at Tony without thinking, grabbing him by the collar in a frenzy. He didn't even flinch. He knew where Marcus was.

"Were is he!" I demanded. Tony took my hand, pulling it free.

"Tell me what happened." I couldn't. What we had been doing was a secret.

"Please tell me where he is." I begged trying a different approach. Tony shook his head in disbelief.

"You really do love him don't you." I backed up a few steps but found myself nodding. Tony looked thoughtful and then gestured for me to sit down. I did so voicelessly. He knew, but how?

"It's no secret that you and Jacob are fucking. Everyone at the Pup Club knows about it." The Pup Club was just what the more popular boys called there little gang. The usually hung out behind the dorms in the old unused garden shed. There was nothing very secretive about the group. A few times Jacob had even taken me down to meet everyone. They had all been super nice and inviting.

There group consisted of every possible type of person imaginable. From musicians to sports captains and even writers and dancers. They took in just about anyone who had a talent to offer.

"After the first day he came to us excited and told us all about what had happened. We were happy for him" I sat stunned. He had told them, but they had never said a word to me about it... and that meant that the first time I went to the Pup Club with Marcus they already knew. The all knew and none of them had said a thing.

"None of you ever said anything." I mumbled.

"Not our business, we were just happy to see Marcus happy. He's pretty screwed up you know. That boy has some really messy baggage... more messy even then his side of the room." Tony said noting the clear divide between disarray and organization in the room. The truth was I didn't know anything about his baggage. I knew nothing and had pushed him for my own selfish reasons.

"What if he hurts himself?" I asked.

"He won't do that while he has someone that cares about him and you do care about his right?" I nodded slowly still unsure if I should really be talking to Tony about what I felt for him.

"Then why'd he leave?" I asked still desperate for answers.

"Simple, he's terrified." Tony explained "Last guy that Marcus said that he loved hurt him... real badly." Tony's eyes narrowed. Just thinking about it made Tony, the level headed giant, angry. Whatever had happened must have been bad. It made me want to know, but at the same time I wasn't sure I wanted too. It must have been really bad for Tony to act the way he did.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I asked.

"Did you ever ask?" I shook my head "Would you tell others about something that really hurt if they never asked, especially the guy you're falling for?" I shook my head again. I hadn't even tried to get to know more about him. I had been too caught up in the present to worry about the past. By not wanting to screw anything up I had gone and screwed everything up.

"Will he come back?" I asked.

"Shortly, he said he had to do something in town a bit earlier. He'll be back before you know it." It didn't do anything to quell my worry, but it did give me something to hold onto.

"I can't just sit around and wait." I mumbled "I need to see him." Tony nodded slowly.

"Then come down to the club. I'm sure everyone can help you focus on something else for now." I looked up at Tony and gave a little nod. At least I would be around Marcus's friends. Being that close to others that cared for him was exactly what I needed while I waited.

The clubhouse itself looked a bit grungy. The old gardeners shed was surrounded by bushes that completely hid it from view, if you hadn't none it was there you never would have found it. No one seemed surprised when I walked in after tony. They almost looked as if they had been expecting it.

Tony led me inside "Listen up!" Tony bellowed walking in. Everyone snapped to attention, after all, Tony was in charge as one of the founding members of the little club.

"Jacob here had a bad night and needs to keep his mind off it. That's our responsibility." He grinned broadly "Let's see if Marcus has something we can use." I stood awkwardly as everyone watched me. What had he meant by something we could use? After being with Marcus my mind instantly went to the filthiest place it possibly could. I only prayed no one else thought like I did.

"Where do we start?" asked a Doberman down the back. I thought his name was Kyle, but wasn't too sure.

"He's all yours, figure it out." Tony walked away, retreating to his throne, an old worn out couch, and sitting down to watch. I felt naked standing in front of the fifteen or so boys from the dorm. The looked me up and down, a few making comments to one another.

"Can you play any instruments?" one of them asked. I shook my head. Marcus had tried to show me how to play his guitar, my claw had cut one of his strings leaving him distraught until he had got a replacement.

They all stood there thinking again "How about dancing or acting?" I shook my heads. Dad had made me take classes, saying it was an important form of expression. So I could dance a little, just not very well.

"Sports?" another asked.

"No." I grumbled quickly realizing that I didn't really have a talent. The more I thought about it the worse it made me feel. Everyone in the Pup Club were skilled, while I was not. I searched my mind trying to find even a hobby that might be classed as a skill. The group began to break up, moving off to think of other things I might be able to do, that was when it hit me. I did have one skill, not that I knew if it would be exactly useful... actually, I had two skills.

I stretched out a bit, touching my toes, stretching from side to side. It had been a while since I had done this and I had only learnt too because it freaked out Dad every time I did it. I bent back a little before doing a front flip that moved into a cartwheel and ending in the splits. There was a moment of silence.

"You do gymnastics?" Tony asked.

"No, I can just do some flips and stuff like that."

"It's a good start, is there anything else you can think of that may be useful to us?" Tony asked. I wondered if I should tell them of my other talent. I hesitated and Tony saw that hesitation. He raised an eye brow and crossed his arms impatiently.

"... I... can sing." I mumbled. Tony perked up and moved forward in his seat.

"Now that's interesting." He mused rubbing his chin "Would you sing for us?" he asked. I had never sung in front of anyone before. I knew I sounded good. It was another thing Dad had made me do, except this was something I had stuck too. Unlike everything else he had tried to make me do singing had been fun. Watching my singing teachers eyes light up as I aced some crazy complex Spanish song or nailing something simple had made my day for years.

"Umm." I glanced around the room and spotted Marcus's guitar and a few other instruments in the corner.

"Can you sing, I don't know." Tony put a hand to his head trying to think of a song "Got it, wherever you will go by The Calling? That's what you've been practicing right Travis?" a Fox sitting a few feet away lit up.

"Just nailed it actually." He looked rather proud of himself. It wasn't really that big of an achievement, it had some strong vocals, but a simple enough melody and tempo. It was actually a good simple song and one that would show that I could at least sing adequately.

Travis raced over to a keyboard, while a couple of others found other things to play. Before I knew it there was something akin to garage band set up in front of me. A drummer, keyboardist, bass player and even a double bass player. It was an odd assortment, but something had told me that they had worked something out together.

A microphone was forced into my hand and I was dragged into place in front of the others "Usually we would have a guitarist as well, but we'll make it work anyway." Travis said. So Marcus was a part of this motley group. That made sense, he was always practicing some song or another.

"Ready?" Travis asked. I gave a nod and they began to play. To my surprise they sounded really good. They blended their sounds well creating an energy that not even some professional bands could match. The whole room seemed to come alive with their sound.

I started to sing. The lyrics started slow, but instantly I could tell that I had found my talent. As the song picked up so did my tempo. I shifted my sound a little to blend with the sound of the band behind me. It didn't take much before we sounded as if we had been working together since we had been little. The song hit its peak and so did we, then it softened. It felt as if our sounds were dancing through the room. I could only have imagined how much better it would have sounded with Marcus here. Despite how good we all sounded, we still would have sounded better with him here. Everything seemed better with Marcus here.

"Well I'm impressed." Tony said leaning back. Why did I feel like I had just done an audition? I looked around the room and everyone seemed just impressed as Tony. In the reality of things my singing voice was good, but it wasn't amazing.

"So what would you say to joining the Pup Club? I hear they have a vacancy for a singer." I looked around the clubhouse, everyone watched my expectantly. I looked over to Tony who caught a glimpse of my insecurity and flagged me over to him. I gave Travis back his microphone and went over to Tony, he offered me a spot beside him, which I took.

"Not unless Marcus gives you permission right?" he asked. I looked up at Tony in awe. He had picked apart the whole issue without having to ask a single question. Either I was an open book, or Tony was really good at this sort of thing.

"You should become a therapist." I mumbled.

"That's my goal." I looked at the Tiger unsure if he was joking. I saw no humor in his eyes. So this muscle bound hulk wanted to be a therapist. Despite his physical appearance the idea of having Tony as a therapist was a comforting one. That level headed nature of his seemed to force you to calm down and talk. That just proved that some books shouldn't be judged by their cover.

Tony eyed me for a moment longer "Fine, we'll leave the final decision up to Marcus if that's what you would like. It doesn't bother me since I know what his answer will be." I wasn't so confident. After what had happened earlier I didn't know up from down, let alone how Marcus would react when he got back.

"I promise not to go looking for him, can I go back to my room?" I asked. Tony watched me, probably trying to discern whether I was telling the truth or not. Finally Tony gave a nod of approval. I got up to leave, but Tony caught my tail.

"You should get some rest. You look tired" I left the Pup Club feeling a bit better. My head was level and I wasn't panicking. Sure I was worried, but I wasn't panicked.

I got back to my room and suddenly realized just how tired I was. After Marcus had left I hadn't been able to sleep. I looked at my bed. It looked cold and unwelcoming. I then looked to Marcus's bed. I swore his sheets smelled perpetually of sweat, but that was his smell and one I had come to enjoy. It was embarrassing to admit, but when wasn't around I would steal his pillow and lay on it just for the smell. Without him here that was what I chose to do.

Pulling off my shirt I crawled into Marcus's bed. His smell enveloped me as I snuggled into his pillow. If he came back and if this all somehow worked out for the best I would have to ask him if I could sleep in his bed more often. Despite the thinner mattress and flatter pillow it was way more comfortable then my own bed. So comfortable actually that I found sleep effortless. Yawning once more and stretching for good measure I snuggled deep into his pillow and shutting my eyes, letting my dreams whisk me off to a world where everything had worked out much better.

A gentle hand wrapping around me finally woke me from my dreams. Marcus pulled in tight behind me. I looked back over my shoulder at the solemn looking wolf. He met my gaze and his expression softened into a kind smile. He seemed beaten down and looked tired.

"Hey Kitty." He whispered still smiling. I rolled over to face him, unsure whether to hold him or not. We laid there for a short while in silence. I doubted either of us knew what to say. Right now it just seemed easier to be quiet, but that wasn't going to get us anywhere.

"Tony told me someone hurt you, will you tell me about it." Marcus returned to solemn and nodded a bit. I stayed quiet and waited as he gathered his thoughts. Finally he shut his eyes tight, gritted his teeth and buried himself into my chest with tears pouring down his face. I hugged him tightly as he whimpered in my arms. This is why I love you. I thought to myself as I kissed him gently on the head. It wasn't because he was strong or brave or even because of his smile, it was because of the huge, beaten up heart that his smile reflected.

After a few minutes Marcus composed himself a little, but kept hugging into my chest as he began "His name was Ryan, we had been friends for years. Sometimes we were enemies, but most of the time we were really close. Last year I came out and told Ryan that I liked him a bit more than a friend. He didn't talk to me for a while after that. I got it. Some people don't like it. Ryan came from a good Christian family.

About a month latter Ryan came into the room really angry with me. He punched me in the face and pinned me down then he..." he didn't need to say it. From the way he trembled it told me exactly what Ryan had done.

"After... when he finished he told me that was how much he loved me. That I was just a filthy whore and that I deserved to die. After that I swore I would never tell anyone I loved them again." He rose his head to look at me.

"He then went around telling everyone that I begged him to fuck me and that he did it out of pity. I wasn't meant to fall in love again." He explained. I nodded slowly trying to let it sink in. I had been right, I was angry, fucking angry. I wanted to find Ryan and cut off his fucking dick and feed it back to him. But that wasn't what Marcus would want.

"Thank you for telling me." I whispered.

"So now you know that I'm just a fucked up rape victim. How do you feel about me now?" he asked. He must have expected me to turn him away. When I had met Marcus I had known he had been with others before me. I had known that after the first time we slept together.

"I want to kill Ryan for hurting you for starters. Can I have his address and a description?" I asked in poor humor. It was the only way I could think to answer. It wasn't perfect, but I didn't want to say that I pitied him.

"Don't be like that." He sat up and rubbed his arm awkwardly looking down at me.

"So where do we go from here?" I asked. Marcus shrugged. Something told me he wanted to ask me something. I sat up beside him, I found a cola can to stare at and waited for him to ask. When he didn't, I thought of something new to ask him.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"Home." Marcus admitted "I actually live here in town. So I went to stay with my Mum." There it was. There was something about the way he said that.

"What is it?" I asked prompting his unasked question. Marcus looked uneasy, as if he wasn't sure how I would react, so he wasn't sure if he should even ask. I turned to face him and brushed away a stray tear that still clung to his fur. That tiny action was enough.

"My Mum asked if she could meet... umm... my... new boyfriend?" I froze. Was he asking me out?

"Boyfriend?" I asked double checking that I was readying him right.

"I uh... forget I said anything." Marcus looked away. That wasn't how he expected me to act.

"Would your boyfriend have to do anything special?" I asked. Marcus perked up and looked up at me. His eyes mapping my face looking desperately for something.

"Ah... he would have to hold my hand and tell her how much he loved me." I took his hand and his breath caught. He entwined our fingers squeezing my hand tight as he began to cry again. I pulled him into a loving embrace.

"How much does your boyfriend love you?" I whispered in his ear.

Marcus looked up at me "Does he love me more then I love my guitar?" stupid wolf.

"He loves his Wolfy Woof more than a silly guitar. Try again." Marcus squeezed his eyes tight and smiled through his tears.

"More than his mess?" he asked. I gave him a flat stare "More than his stupid head?" he offered instead.

"Silly Wolfy. He loves him more than he could ever tell him. Doesn't your stupid head know anything." I teased. That did it. Now it was my turn to cry as well. I had never felt like this before. I had seen people cry from being happy in movies, I had thought it was an act. Now I knew better. This is what it meant to be happy, and until that very moment I had never felt it before.

"So what now?" he finally asked brushing aside his tears. Honestly, I had no fucking idea. I hadn't come to the school to find someone to love, nor had I expected to fall in love with a guy. My Dad would kill me, but for now I was more interested in this present; the one with I and Marcus together.

"I don't know." I admitted "Should we do something, or tell someone. I'm sure Tony would be excited." Marcus nodded then pause. A devious grin filled Marcus's face.

"You told me that I would never be able to fuck you unless I offered you something more..." he left the statement hanging. I choked. Damn, he was right. I had told him that. He wasn't allowed to fuck me without giving me more then what we had, and now he had offered me his heart on a silver platter.

"B-But." He groaned and got up stomping his feet like a two year old.

"You promised!" he complained.

"I-I know. But it'll hurt!" I protested. He crossed his arms and glared down at me.

"You're a lame boyfriend." He grumbled. Right now I couldn't argue with that.

"But you're too big. It'll hurt." He looked down at himself and grumbled something unintelligible.

"Can we at least try, I'll stop if you tell me too." He offered. Now it was my turn to sit awkwardly rubbing my arm. How could I argue with him? He was just too cute and I owed it to him. After all, I had fucked him more than once before without as much as a please or thank you.

"I don't know." I mumbled "I want too. But I..." I looked up at his face. He was smiling gently, his eyes watched me joyfully. I wasn't sure if this thing would last forever, but right now we both had someone to love. Even if it was against school rules.

"If I say stop..." he leapt on top of me knocking me back onto his bed. I looked up with a little whimper as he kissed me gently.

"We'll call it practice. It'll hurt a bit, but please try. Tell me to stop whenever you want." I nodded slowly. He reached down and pushed down my shorts leaving me naked under him. I lay nervously as he undressed above me. I hadn't been this nervous on our first night. But everything felt different now. I wasn't just fucking my roommate. No, now I was about to make love to my boyfriend for the very first time.

"Are you ready?" he asked pulling the lube out of his bedside table. I shook my head quickly looking down at his hard dick. Soon that thing would be pushing into me. Right now it looked more like a monster then it did Marcus's perfect dick. It was utterly suckable, but fuckable? I wasn't so sure.

He pulled me to the edge of the bed before coating his fingers in lube. He sat down at the edge of the bed "Roll over and lift your tail." He instructed. I did as he asked, but as slowly as I possibly could. He didn't rush me. I lifted my tail and he kissed me gently on the thigh before taking his cold slick fingers and rubbing then gently over my hole. I gasped and shuddered. He added more lube and looked up at my worried face.

"I won't try to put it in yet. I don't want to hurt you." I nodded slowly.

"W-What are you going to do?" I stammered.

"Can I start with a finger? It won't hurt, but it might feel weird." I grabbed Marcus's pillow and hugged it. I just had to remember that this was Marcus. I loved him. He was a slob and a jerk but I loved him, and I trusted he would take good care of me.

"I trust you." I whispered, saying it as much to him as myself. Marcus pressed his finger against me and I whimpered, biting down on his pillow as he pushed in just a little. He had been right, it did feel weird. When I fucked Marcus he moaned. He never said it felt weird. Maybe it took some getting use too.

"I'm going to keep going, tell me when to stop." I nodded, not that he could see it. He pressed deeper, slowly going further. I let out a groan of discomfort but didn't tell him to stop. I had to try and bear with it. After all, it wasn't fair to tell my boyfriend that he couldn't do this when I did it too him.

"It's all the way in." I was relieved, though it still felt weird.

"It feels really weird." I grumbled.

"I know Kitty, but I can make it feel better." He rubbed his finger against something inside of me and I gasped biting down as he rubbed the spot over and over again. I shuddered and let out a few sharp moans. He stopped.

"W-what...?" I asked unable to say anymore.

"That's why it feels good. Do you want me to keep going?" he asked. I looked back and nodded through my heavy panting.

"Time to try an extra finger." He added even more lube and started again. It still felt weird, but this time I knew what to expect. I groaned as I felt myself stretch a bit to accommodate the extra finger, but once it was in I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Like before he found that spot and pressed against it, this time moving his fingers in and out. I whimpered and moaned with each action, but quickly adjusted to the odd sensations.

"S-Stop." I finally begged. Marcus pulled his hand out and whipped it clean on a dirty shirt.

"We can try again another time if you want." He offered. That wasn't why I had asked him to stop.

"How much will it hurt?" I asked rolling over still hugging his pillow. He looked surprised.

"If we go slow and give you time to get used to it we should be ok." He told me. I nodded slowly taking it all in. I was still nervous, and a bit fearful. But I wanted him, and if his dick felt anything like his fingers had then I wanted to feel it.

"Do it." I told him. Marcus bit down on his bottom lip and looked down at me with desperate and hungry eyes. He wanted to do this. For a week I had refused him. Most of the time my refusal put an end to everything else as well. Neither of us had got off in a couple of days and maybe that was why I was so willing. Regardless, I felt the same desperate hunger that he did as I looked up at him.

"Fuck I love you." He whispered coating himself in lube. I looked down at his throbbing cock. It dripped with lube, he really did want to try and make this as comfortable as possible.

"Can I face this way?" I asked "I want to see you." He smiled broadly.

"Of course you can my love." He lifted my legs up onto his shoulder and lined himself up. He looked to me for permission. I reached up taking one of his hands. There was only one thing I could say to make this moment perfect.

"Please my Wolfy Woof. Make me yours." I whispered so only we could hear it. He answered me by bending down to kiss me and pushing gently against me. I gasped into his mouth as he pulled back and pushed gently again. It hurt, it hurt a lot. But I just shut my eyes tight and let him take control. He had told me he would go slowly, and I trusted him.

"My tips in." he moaned running a hand along my chest. I shuddered. Only his tip. Marcus had given me his measurements. He was just shy of seven inches and thicker than average. Looking at him, it didn't seem like it would be this hard, but against my virgin ass he bore a titan.

He worked there for a bit. Not going any further, just thrusting in and out slowly at that point until my face relaxed. Then he pushed again. This time it didn't hurt as much. I let out a moan as I felt myself starching a little easier. Marcus shut his eyes and whimpered.

"You're so tight." He gasped "You feel amazing." It felt weird hearing him say it. I knew how good it felt to do him. The way my dick felt when I was done was without question, the most amazing sensation in the world. I had denied Marcus that same pleasure, so no doubt it felt twice as good to him right now.

"How far?" I whimpered. Marcus looked down.

"I'm almost in." he told me.

"How far?" I asked again.

"Another inch and I'm in." He replied. I was becoming desperate. My dick was harder than it had ever been and my heart was going a hundred beats a second.

"Put it in." I begged moaning. Marcus didn't need to be asked twice. He pushed his weight down and lifted my hips. I felt myself give to him as his dick filled me. His dick touched the spot inside me and kept going. I gasped and moaned loudly. I thought about what the others would say. I was sure they would have heard that, but right now I didn't care.

"So big." I moaned. Marcus bent down and kissed me again. He didn't move for a little while, focusing more on kissing me then fucking me. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and pushed him off my lips.

"Please Wolfy." I begged. He nodded and slowly began to thrust a little. I whimpered, covering my face with his pillow.

"I thought you wanted to see me." He pulled the pillow away leaving me without anything to muffle my moans. He sped up a little watching me twitch and shudder from his gentle movements.

"More." I begged. He did as I asked. I arched my back and rose my hips to meet him. He grunted as he pushed down harder. It hurt a bit, but it was Marcus. He could have done anything right now and I would have accepted it.

"I don't think I'll be able to stop anymore." He warned.

"Don't stop." I ordered. He grinned through a moan of his own before speeding up. I gasped as he went faster and harder, his pace building. His need felt desperate as he put more of his weight on me. It began to hurt, I ignored the pain focusing only on the pleasure. Why I had told him no for so long was beyond me. The feeling was incredible and the more we did it, the less it would hurt.

"I'm close." He warned bracing himself his hips a blur. He panted hard. Tears rolled down my face as he lost himself in the moment as I usually did with him. Finally he pushed in hard. He stopped himself taking up my dick and wanking me hard and fast. I gasped as I quickly caught up. I felt my body tense. Pins and needles flowing through me in waves as Marcus sped up again pushing himself to the edge.

"I'm gonna..." he gasped and pushed down hard with a loud moan as he trembled, filling me up with his thick cum. I moaned at the sensation. What little room was left inside me was quickly flooded by his cum. He stroked me once more and I cried out cumming hard, shooting up my chest. I wasn't sure what to feel through the blur of pain and pleasure. All of it was just too much. I looked up at Marcus, who watched me carefully.

"Are you alright?" he asked. I looked up at him unsure. He looked a little worried.

"It hurts" I whimpered. He pulled out and I gasped loudly.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you." He pulled me up onto my shaky legs and held me tight. I winced at the pain, but could still feel waves of pleasure rolling through me like a distant thunderstorm.

"It gets easier right?" I asked.

"Yeah, after a few weeks it doesn't really hurt." Weeks, and just how many times would it take? At this stage I wasn't sure if I could walk, let alone do that ever again. Not that I didn't want too. It had felt amazing, there was no way I could deny that.

"Thank fuck." I whimpered.

"So does that mean we can try again?" he asked. Silly single minded wolf.

"Yes, just maybe next time we go a bit slower."

"No fucking way." He protested "it was hard enough going slow that time. There's no way we'll go slower. Next time we go fast. Really, really fast." I shuddered at the thought.

"Don't tease me... I think I need a shower."

"Feeling a bit sticky?" he asked. I nodded "Good. Now you know how I felt our first time." That wasn't a fair comparison, he had already known how to handle it.

"Just shut up and take me to the showers." I grumbled. He scooped me up in his arms.

"It would be my pleasure."