Across the Rift 6

Story by Takonar on SoFurry

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#3 of Across the Rift

Chapter 6


With a groan Sean once again awakened to a burning pain, this time on his forearm for some nice variety, and a pounding headache as usual. Sitting upright Sean glanced around and saw Arutha lying on the ground a few feet away. Beyond him were the two Nachi accompanying them on their voyage, the slow rise and fall of their chests showing them to be unconscious but still alive.

Assured that his companions were still alive Sean stumbled over to the pack sitting a few feet away. Digging through ammo and explosives Sean came up with the small battlefield medical kit. Although Sean had not been a medic he had received extensive cross training in most fields he would be expected to have to carry out on the battlefield.

Quickly unzipping his combat armor down to his waist he wiggled his arms out of his sleeves. He opened the unit one bag and looked inside. Packed full of equipment and weighing nearly 30 pounds Sean had at first debated leaving it behind but now he was glad he hadn't.

Looking at the three parallel gashes running almost from his elbow to his wrist. one was merely a scratch and another could be ignored for now. However the center had gone deep and only the material in his combat armor had prevented it from going any deeper and possible causing severe damage.

Still the gash was nearly half an inch deep and was going to require immediate attention. Clenching his fist and wincing at the pain it seemed to him that the muscles had not been badly damaged at least. Quickly swabbing the wound and cleaning, hissing at the sting that somehow managed to actually hurt more than the wound itself Sean applied a local anesthesia agent to the area.

Digging around in the pack Sean withdrew the necessary tools for stitching. After several minutes of intense concentration he was done. Wrapping the arm in a combat bandage to prevent infection Sean zipped his armor and stood.

Now that Sean had seen to his own needs he could begin to address those of his companions. He quickly hurried over to Arutha and checked him over, Seeing four shallow scratches on his chest he quickly applied a bandage to the area. What concerned him more was a large purpling bruise that dominated one half of Arutha's face, visible even through the short golden fur covering him. Since Arutha was breathing easily and no damage was visible to the neck Sean simply decided that he was at worst concussed.

Sean next went to check on the two Nachi and was relieved to discover both of them without any serious injuries, though they were still unconscious. Seeing as there was nothing left to do here Sean moved on to other tasks.

Moving around the battlefield Sean began picking up weapons and equipment scattered during the fight. First moving to his USAS-12 Sean picked it up and immediately reloaded it with another 20 round box magazine as it proved to be the most effective weapon he had against their strange attackers last night. Quickly gathering up anything useful Sean decided to check for any undetonated claymores. Sean found four out of the twelve claymores he had planted last night still in position. Retrieving them and safely storing them away he sat down to await the awakening of the Meechan.

Sean did not have to wait long, and the first to awaken was the Nachi Tara. She stumbled to her feet with a loud groan and Sean quickly walked over to assist her.

"What...what happened here?" She asked thickly staring around in confusion at the scorched ground and the dead bodies everywhere.

"We were attacked, by these." Sean said and kicked one of the nearby bodies for emphasis.

"Ive never seen anything like these before." Tara said haltingly. Sean was stopped from any further interrogation by Arutha coming to.

"My head feels broken." Were Arutha's first words, said with a groan as he staggered to his feet and stood swaying.

"Lie down for a few minutes until the nausea passes." Sean said sternly, all too familiar with the feeling.

They spent the next several minutes discussing the raid and Arutha also had no knowledge of these strange scaled creatures.

After a while Syphis wakened and Sean sent Arutha and Syphis down to the river to clean themselves up, as they were covered in dirt from lying on the ground for several hours and it had become embedded in their fur. As they tramped off together Sean turned to Tara, he had questions he wanted answers to and he intended to get them.

"You know of these things?" Sean asked sharply. Suddenly it seemed Tara wasn't so groggy or addled.

"I will tell you of this but you must tell no one else." She said suddenly. Sean merely nodded his head.

"I had a vision not long ago before you arrived, a Savior, dressed exactly like you was fighting these...things."

"At first they had been pillaging unchecked sweeping across the lands like a plagues, but then you arrived and they were pushed back." Sean sat in silence for a few moments digesting this, then suddenly spoke.

"You have told no one else of this?"

"No, no one I wouldn't even have mention it until I spoke to their leaders of Nachhome."

"Good." Was all Sean said for a while. Then suddenly he stood.

"I'm going to scout the area, make sure its secure and there's no more of these things, wait here."

Meanwhile at the river...

Arutha and Syphis pressed close against each other, running their hands through their fur trying to cleanse it of the dirt.

"It has been hard to find the time to be together, alone." Arutha said after a few seconds. He leaned down and began gently kissing down Syphis's neck as she slowly moaned her assent. Moving as one they slowly waded out of the river and gently lowered themselves down on the bank.

Arutha began to feel himself hardening as he slowly kissed up and down Syphis's body, his hands moving in concert stroking her flesh and sending Goosebumps up her arms, her moans and groans music to his ears.

Syphis began stroking her fingers up and down his spines as he covered he sweating body with kisses. Then reaching below her fingers found what they had been searching for and grabbed hold. Arutha suddenly stiffened as he felt her take hold of his throbbing member.

Slowly guiding it towards her slippery wetness and let out a low moan of satisfaction as she felt his head part her nether lips. Softly rocking forward he buried his 11 inches of hot flesh halfway into her. With a loud groan accompanied by her moans and cries he slowly began rocking forward and back.

Her womanhood gripped his hard member like a glove and he moved in and out of her silky depths. First moving with slowly steady strokes almost completely leaving her before plunging back in. He slowly began increasing his pace and her cries matched with it.

Finally she could stand it no longer and with a shuddering contraction of her muscles reached her climax. Leaning forward she locked her lips with Arutha's their tongues intertwining as she screamed her orgasm.

With such Stimulation Arutha couldn't hold back for long and he too came only seconds later. His warm seed shooting up into her. His softening member throbbing in time with his heart rate.

They stayed connected like this for several seconds before Arutha rolled off of Syphis, looking at her with a smile.

"Looks like we really need to clean off now." He said with a weak grin, Syphis looking at her own sweat soaked body was forced to agree. Together they rose and waded back into the water.

Sean slowly stalked through the forest, his eyes fixed on the tracks he was following, boots, military boots, and what's more they were several sizes larger than Sean's. Sean had encountered them almost a hundred yards beyond where they had made camp.

It had rained two nights before and the prints were no more than a day old. Following them Sean tried to keep down a rising feeling of elation, there might be others, he might be able to get home.

Sean followed them for nearly 75 yards, then remembering his companions he checked the locators he had given to them. They hadn't moved so Sean decided to continue tracking.

Sean slowly began following the tracks again, then seeing something strange he leaned down to get a better look. Sean heard a snapping sound off to his right, like someone snapping a branch that they stepped on.

Sean whirled around as he heard another sound he knew too well, the hammer being cocked back on a M1911 service pistol.

Sean froze one hand reaching for his Five-Seven as he got his good look at the person who had got the drop on him. Still half crouched Sean looked up.

A large black man wearing combat boots and some local looking clothing covered by an interceptor vest stood standing with a cocked and loaded pistol pointed straight at Sean's head, the head he had once again forgotten to bring his helmet to protect.