Alluring Nights: Prologue

Story by Midnights_Dreamer on SoFurry

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#2 of Alluring Nights

Disclaimer:: Okay usual blather about containing sexual content/violent issues. If you don't like, don't read. sorry to all who have waited for this, I had actually forgotten about it don't hurt me too badly now...

Alluring Nights: Prologue

Nicolae stifled a yawn of boredom, and stared listlessly at the mug of coffee before him. He was thankful that he could still consume any liquid, even if he couldn't gain any nourishment from it. All he could do was savor the flavor. Unfortunately coffee was the last thing he really wanted right now. He stood and walked to his office window.

He stared out at downtown Pittsburgh, the streets below full of it's normal hustle and bustle, regardless of the hour. The moon was just rising above the city's skyline, it's light reflecting in the waters of the Allegany River. The Monongahela River could only be seen if he pressed against the window and looked far to the right, to see the two rivers join as one.

Nick turned back to his desk, and grabbed the mug, only to pour the hot liquid down the drain. With an exasperated sigh, he set the mug down and returned to his desk. With a resigned air he returned to his papers. The files scattered across the desk was his work... the monotonous replay of his day to day... or rather in his case, night to night life.

"Same shit, different night..." He growled. He had at first enjoyed being a private detective, but when cases became a continual bought with reiteration he found he was quickly growing tired of it. Not that it was unusual for such boredom for his kind. To the casual observer, Nick Baklav was quite the handsome man. Standing at just over six feet tall, with an average muscular build. His long dark hair was a little pretentious for many of the gentlemen of the city, but many of his female clients absolutely adored it. His eyes were a bright arresting blue, a tribute to his Russian heritage.

He moved with a fluid grace that only martial artists seemed to lay claim to, though he strived to avoid any conflict he could. He detested the modern day business attire, and chose to remain casual about his work... not that he had much to do as of late... most of his open-shut cases were subpoena rulings and other oddities such as foreclosures and repossessions.

Finally he reached the bottom of the pile and his eyes widened at contents he read. According to the claim, it was a plea for an investigation that the police were ruling as a Missing Persons' file. He scanned through it and realized it was a claim from one of his friends... Dr. Corrine Lewis. His eyes narrowed as he read through the claim, wondering why she would have turned to him. Then feeling the fool, he figured why not, she knew him, and figured he'd take the case...

Cory paced, she had agreed for Nick Baklav to meet her in her apartment. Her boyfriend, well... now ex-boyfriend had gone missing after their break up, and she was worried. She may not love him as she thought she did, but she didn't want to see him harmed. And with all the sudden rumors of a serial killer, the thought of what may have happened to Eric made her shiver. She had gotten herself so worked up, that when the expected knock sounded against her door, she jumped and nearly screamed.

She opened the door with a shaking hand to see her friend, Nick standing there, casual as ever in jeans and a polo shirt, his jacket slung over his shoulder. "Hey there, Corrine... May I come in?" He asked congenially.

For a moment, Cory felt herself held and snared by his eyes, and numbly she nodded, then blinking she smiled. "Yes, yes of course, please, come in." She stammered, opening the door further to allow him inside. Nick slipped past her, and she closed the door in his wake.

"So... shall we start?" He asked and Corrine nodded, suddenly on the verge of tears. Nick looked up and saw the bright tears in her eyes, tears she was stubbornly refusing to allow to fall.

"Cory? Are you all right?" He asked, suddenly concerned. Cory shook her head and sat down hard on the couch. Abruptly moved by her tears, he reached out and dropped the detective act, and resumed being her friend.

"What happened Cory?" He asked as he drew her into his arms.

"It's Eric... we had a bad fight, and I told him to leave and never come back... But today I found that he hasn't been to work for three days, nor has his building sup seen him. Missing for three days and the Cops won't do anything. It's not like Eric to just disappear like that."

Nick frowned, worried as well, Eric was a friend, even if he was a hot-head. "I'm not surprised really about the police, they've been awful busy lately. The river-dogs found another body yesterday. Alright Corrine, I'll do my best to find him."

Cory struggled to stifle her tears, with no result. She flung her arms around Nick's shoulders and sobbed. Nick blinked in surprise, and in an automatic response, wrapped his arms around her. She was so upset, he could do no less. Yet he struggled not to do more. He could feel her heart beating frantically against his chest, and he swallowed hard.

Cory could feel him tense under her hands, and gradually her sobs subsided. Gingerly Nick cupped her chin in his hands, forcing her to look up at him. Instantly she felt lost in his deep blue eyes. She felt as if she could die alone in those depths and she would forever be happy.

"I'll find Eric. Consider it a favor, no payment required." He stood. "I should be going though... get as much information as possible before the night is over. I'll start with his building sup." He turned as Cory moved up behind him, her arm reaching out to open the door and Nick caught her hand.

She looked up at him and blinked as he drew her near, his lips brushing her own in a feathery kiss. "Get some sleep Corrine... I'll do everything in my power to find him." With that, he released her arm and was out the door before she could respond.

Nick walked out of the apartment building, and cast his gaze up towards Cory's apartment window, finishing his previously unspoken sentence. "And my power is considerable."

An hour later he was knocking rather insistently on the buildings' sups' door. Finally, an overweight, balding man threw the door open. "What do ya want??" He snarled.

Nick couldn't help but wrinkle his nose in distaste, for the man reeked of alcohol. His lips set in a firm line, Nicolae pulled his badge out of the inside pocket of his jacket. "Nick Baklav, Private Investigator. I'm here on behalf of Corinne Manchester, in the disappearance of Eric Bangor."

"I don know nuttin." the burly man growled, keeping his stance at the door. "I haven't seen him in three days... and he's a week late in rent."

"I'm sorry to hear that...Will you allow me into his apartment so I can check a few things?" Nick asked, adding a small persuasive push to his tone.

The man blinked and nodded. "sure why not. Been meaning to look around myself, if he don come back, I'll have to litigate to pay what he owes."

The man opened his door and stepped out, leading Nick up a flight of stairs to the apartment that Eric called home.

And was instantly greeted with a total mess. Once the door had been opened, and the sup motioned him to follow, Nick took assessment of the disaster. It looked as though the place had been ransacked, but whether it was by an intruder or Eric himself remained to be seen.

"what a mess." the Sup grumbled.

"Indeed. I think I've seen all I need at the moment. Can I call upon you again if I need to?"

"yea...whatever..." The Sup grumbled again as Nick turned and left the apartment and the building.

Nick paused outside of the building, now unsure on which direction to turn, when a familiar scent wafted on the breeze towards him. He looked up and then to his left, and saw someone he hadn't expected. Laureen. The woman had dark hair and green eyes. Her pale skin shone in the gas lamplight, her lips dark red.


"Nicolae..." She nodded her head in acquiescence, running her slender fingers though her hair.

Immediately Nick's mind was flooded with images that were centuries old. All of this sensuous woman. A woman who was just as he was... a nightwalker, nosferatu, a Vampire. An instant later, Nick's eyes narrowed and he crossed the distance between them in a flash, his hand closing over her throat.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed.

She made no move to defend herself and only a sharp intake of breath betrayed her fear and pain. The sharp scent of her blood made him feel ill, as his nails dug into her flesh.

"I came to give a warning only. Dimitri is here, and he sends his 'love'" She gasped.

With a snarl, his eyes nearly glowing with fury, he released her, practically throwing her to the ground. "He can go to hell, as you well know Laureen."

"You're weak Nicolae, you have no hope in fighting him."

"You have no right sticking your nose were it isn't wanted." He growled, hands clenched into fists.

"Will you hit me? Beat me?" She practically purred, walking up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, one hand splayed across the bulge in his jeans.

"Well at least one part of you is happy to see me." She laughed.

"Bitch." He growled, and turned towards her, allowing the animal instinct that ran so strongly in him take over. He grasped her jaw in one hand and tilted her head back, feeling her tremble in his grasp. The soft moan that met his ears spurred him on, as his tongue lapped at the blood that ran free from the half-moon wounds on her throat.

Carefully they moved deeper into the shadows, till nothing but darkness surrounded them in the deep alley. His fury at Dimitri and other circumstances spurred him onward, as he pushed Laureen against the wall, one arm holding her captive across her chest, while the other clawed at her clothing, baring a breast to be roughly fondled.

Laureen gasped in both pleasure and pain as Nicolae roughly used her. Just as she was meant to be, as it had been all those years ago. It didn't take him long to realize that she wore nothing under the skirt she wore, and he hiked it above her hips.

Keeping a painful grip on one wrist, Nicolae dropped to one knee, his free hand delved into the nest of hair there, and brushed it away. Using a finger to separate the folds, he leaned forward and lathered the area with his tongue. Laureen gasped and her breathing sped up, her free hand entangling itself into his hair as he continued.

Before too long she was panting and longing for release when he stopped. The pleading sound of the moan she uttered only made him smile as he removed his jeans, and forced her to her knees. All too willing she knew what he wanted and took him into her mouth. He could feel her fangs against either side of him as she drew him in deep.

"Watch the teeth," he warned with a growl, his hand pulling her head back painfully by her hair. With a smile she nodded and resumed. For several minutes he allowed her to lick and suck on him till he could bear it no longer, and forced her down on all fours, as he entered her from behind, dominating her as was his nature. Using the wall to prop himself up he rode her high, every stroke making him want to release. However he wanted her to receive her pleasure. And as Dimitri had conditioned her, it was through pain that she derived it.

He slammed into her as hard as he could take it, feeling her grow more tense as she neared her climax, her gasps of pain and pleasure only made him move faster, harder.

Finally he reached forward, and while still slamming into her, he bared her throat and bit deep, feeling her tense and release with her climax as he tasted her blood. Almost instantaneously, he climaxed, spilling his seed into her, as she shuddered and gasped in pleasure in his grasp.

Using his tongue to seal the wounds, he slowly disentangled himself from her, and she lay on the concrete, spent and content.

"Dimitri has him...." She murmured, her eyes half closed, as a cat. Pulling his jeans back on he turned towards her, his eyes narrowed dangerously. He could threaten to hurt her, but he knew it would do no good.

"Who?" He growled.

"Eric... it's too late Nicolae... he's got him good now." She laughed.

"Damn!!" Nick snarled, as he spun on his heel and snagged his jacket before he disappeared from the alley.

Laureen only smiled as she finally pulled herself to her feet, feeling deliciously used.

Nick raced towards Point Park, knowing all too well that it was probably too late, just as Laureen had said. But he had to find Dimitri, knowing that the bastard had a soft spot for the huge fountain in the center, and the rivers that convened in front of it.

Sure enough, two figures could be seen at the apex of the point park, gazing over the water of the three rivers.

Cory ran, the note clutched in her hand. As she moved through the darkened streets that led to the Point Park she could feel panic swell in her chest as she re-read the note in her mind.


I'm at point park if you want to see me again... if you ever want to see me again.


She wanted to call the police, she wanted to scream, she wanted to kill him for scaring her like this....most of all she wanted to see him, alive and well...

Nick approached the fountain and stopped on the southern side of the fountain, facing the Ohio river, with the Monongahela and the Allegany running south west and east. The current swift and the only sounds were the few cars still moving across the bridges, even though it was nearing three in the morning.

"Good to see you could make it, Nicolae." The soft voice and liquid Russian accent could only be one person.

The blond man turned, and fixed Nicolae with an icy stare. To his right was Eric, his gaze seemed unfocused, as though in a dream, and knowing Dimitri, it was a drug- induced one.

"You monster." Nicolae snarled as he began to make his way around the fountain.

"Name calling is quite unnecessary Nicolae..." Dimitri purred, his icy blue eyes narrowed in distaste.

"Why? Why Eric?"

"Why else? The Cliché to get to you. You were just foolish enough to fall for it, as I knew you would. Too Romantic really for my tastes, but if it... how is it said? 'rows your boat'?" Dimitri laughed and stepped back, giving Eric a little shove, and the man seemed to come out of his stupor.

"There, Eric, your target. Kill him if you can." With an echo of laughter, Dimitri vanished, too quick and agile for Nicolae to track, and he had other problems at the moment, as Eric came at him, a blade of what could have only been silver gleaming in his hand as he attacked.

"Snap out of it Eric! Think of Cory, what she meant to you!"

"Fool. She meant nothing , means nothing! Just another woman to wile away the hours."

A soft gasp made them both freeze, and Nicolae looked over his shoulder. To feel his heart hit his stomach wasn't a pleasant feeling as he saw Cory there, her eyes wide with fear, and betrayal.

"Corrine RUN!! Get out of here NOW! Don't turn back no matter what you hear! Get out of here!" Nicolae shouted, and tried to run towards her when Eric leapt forward, moonlight flashing on the blade that Nick dodged with only a hairsbreadth to spare.

Not bothering to see if she had run, Nick turned his attention on Eric, trying to ascertain if Dimitri had turned him or not, he certainly had the time... The dagger Eric held was wrapped in leather on the hilt, so there was no telling there, he would have to get close, to check his throat, or his eyes. Reaching into his boot, he pulled out a high-intensity penlight flashlight. And shone it into Eric's eyes.

A sickening feeling filled his stomach as he was rewarded with the expected eye shine of a vampire as the light struck Eric's eyes. Cory wasn't going to take this well. With a growl as his only warning, Nicolae attacked, with a deadly ferocity. He had centuries of experience behind him, and Eric had only moments to orient himself with his newfound power.

Only once did one of his strikes connect with Nick, a shallow cut along his cheekbone, under his right eye. And it was that strike that ended it all for Eric, as Nick's nails slashed across Eric's throat, a fatal blow for one so young.

Eric screamed as he collapsed, loosing the lifeblood between his fingers as he tried to staunch the flow with futile efforts.

It was Corrine's scream that jolted Nick out of his reverie and he glanced in her direction, alarmed. But no one was attacking, instead she stared at him in horror.

"What have you done??" she screamed, rushing over to Eric, trying to revive him. Eric wasn't dead yet, and he reached for his former girlfriend, not to plead for help or to say goodbye, but to try to replenish the lifeblood that he was loosing with each beat of his heart.

Nick pulled her away, and this time finished the job, driving the same dagger that Eric had tired to kill him with into the dying man's heart. The effect was instantaneous. The skin darkened and began to fall apart, drying into dust before their eyes.

"Why did you kill him? What kind of monster are you??" She gasped, trying to pull out of Nick's grasp.

"Why didn't you run?? Why did you stay? You are in serious danger Cory!" He cried, and she gasped at the ethereal quality to his eyes, and the fangs that were bared in his frustration with her.

"Will you kill me now too?" She murmured, trembling.

"Get out...Get out of here... If Dimitri finds you here, you'll be killed." he let her go, and she stumbled forward a few paces, then turned back towards him, her heart fill with fear, both for him and of him. He rummaged in Eric's pockets carefully. Once satisfied he had no identification that could possibly survive a fire, he called upon the only bit of magic he knew, and the body burst into flame. The flame was intense and didn't last long, till all that was left was a bit of ash that was already being blown away by the wind.

Cory hadn't moved, and Nicolae turned on her, a fire burning deep in his eyes that made her take a step backward.

"Why didn't you run??" He growled, grasping her shoulders painfully.

"You're hurt..." she whispered, her fingers lightly tracing the shallow cut on his cheek, her fingers wiping away the blood there.

He caught her hand, and stared at the blood on her fingertips. "It's nothing that won't heal itself by tomorrow evening. I've definitely had worse."

Tears brimmed her eyes now, and the air was sharpened by their scent. "If you must kill me, do it, just don't hurt me..." She said tremulously.

"I'm a vampire, it's all I do obviously." He said bitterly, pulling her close.

Her cheeks were crimson as she turned her head, baring her throat. "Then take me as you were hurt on my account, I distracted you.... Take my blood and let me die."

Nicolae stared at her for a long moment, again wishing for the thousandth time that she had left the area when he told her to. He pulled her close and felt her tremble. He bent his head to her throat and gently rested his lips there, and felt her tense. He pulled back and again caught her chin in his hands, staring into her eyes for a long moment before kissing her again.

"I couldn't do that do you...." He whispered as he allowed his hands to roam, gently cupping her breasts as he kissed her jaw line and traced the line of her throat with his tongue. Making her moan and expose her throat for his ministrations.

He unhooked her bra with one deft hand, and then fondled her as it fell free, the pads of his thumbs gently teasing the sensitive peaks. She gasped as he gently pushed her back along the huge fountain's rim, as he eased her underwear off, and began to gently knead the flesh of her thighs, before gently, rhythmically rubbing just above the small sensitive node. She gasped and arched her back as he delved forward and licked the inside of her thighs, his fangs gently nipping at the flesh there. The scent of her arousal was intoxicating to him.

He licked her gently, till he felt her hand reach down to the bulge in his jeans, and he paused, waiting to see just what she would do. Her fingers closed over him once he had eased his jeans over his hips, and she seemed momentarily startled at his size, but once he resumed his ministrations, she didn't seem to care anymore.

As wet as he thought she'd ever be, he leaned back and motioned her to him. Obedient, she stood and walked moved closer. He turned her towards him, and helped her ease herself down atop of him, riding him. Sitting as he was, it allowed him to fondle and increase her pleasure. She gasped as he entered her, feeling bigger than he appeared. Thankfully she wasn't a virgin, and while his size was painfully large, it wasn't quite as bad as it had been when Eric fist took her virginity....

Slowly she began to rock, each motion sending them both towards the edge, his hands on her hips, guiding her as she felt her peak growing ever closer. He had wrapped his arms around her and was nuzzling and licking her neck, heightening the feeling.

"Please... Nick.... You need to as much as I want you..." She moaned, knowing now full well what he needed.

He pulled his head away. "I won't do anything you aren't willing to do. I make that pledge to you now. Are you sure?"

"It's my fault you were hurt, take what you need..." She gasped as she began to move again, her breath coming in panting gasps.

He could feel himself swell inside of her, nearing his release, and felt her desire for release as well. Bringing her close, he pulled her hair away from her bared throat. His kiss was light at first, then built in intensity as she rode him. A white-hot pain lanced her throat as he bit deep, and a heady feeling filled her body as she climaxed, her cries filled with desperation as he slammed into her, finally releasing his seed into her as her blood flowed into him.

She had never felt such, an orgasm as none she had ever felt before in her short life wracked her frame. She could hear Nicolae's gasps as he came violently into her, even as her lifeblood flowed into him. She felt as though she were floating in such pleasure as he released her, healing the potentially fatal wounds on her throat with a swipe of his tongue.

She collapsed against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. "Are you alright?" he asked softly, kissing her head.

"hmmm....Yea... You didn't take that much.. I'll survive."

Unable to contain the sudden laughter, Nicolae hugged her tightly. "If we keep this up, I doubt either of us will survive."

"Probably not... but we should get clothed and back to either my place or yours, before we're both locked up for indecent exposure."