Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 14

Story by Montrosity on SoFurry

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#15 of Confessions of a Dragon: My Memiors of My Time on Earth

Author's note: Finally! Took me forever to punch this chapter out. I have a problem with a lack of motivation due to the abysmal lack of feedback (hint hint). Even begging doesn't help.

Well, here it is despite being a bit late. Once again I had to split the chapter. I am reasonably sure the next one will be the last of this story arc. Then I take that break I need before embarking on the next, much more brutal chapters. Going to be a wild ride I assure you, the few that is left reading my stuff.

I have the RTF version here,

Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 14

No Rest For the Wicked:

I take a well deserve shower. Well, a towel bath really as the flowing water would have messed with my bandages. I suffered the various wounds with the hands of Officer Talget, the serial killer's last act before disappearing from the world. He now lies in my belly, digesting deep within me. I try not to dwell too much on the situation. A dragon that ate a human is something one can not help but be disturbed about, even if that dragon is me. I didn't mean to do it but he, well, forced me into it. With all the wounds he gave me, I had to stopped him. Yes, I could have snapped his neck so easy but I was so enraged with all brutal murders he has done... and would continue do if I didn't intervened then.

So here I sit in my room, a bellyfull of the former serial murderer. I'll be a day or so to finally get rid of him. But for now we are stuck with each other. I give my tummy a pat, "Well, I know you can't hear me, but I'll let you out sometime tomorrow night... most of you anyway."

I must be crazy talking to a dead man, but I did ate him alive at the time. An hour he simmered in my tummy, but that was last night. Right now I need to take a quick nap. My doctor Sally wants another examination in a few hours so I better take advantage of the downtime. Thankfully I have a nice and soft dragonsize bed made custom for me. And just as I get some good shuteye, the door buzzer rings.

Must be Pete here to escort me as per Jim's orders. I got lucky that Jim didn't punished me further than he had. I was sure he would throw the book at me. But he gave me a long talk, almost empathizing with my deed. We exchanged war stories and gave me a warning about the dark path I am walking down if I am not careful. I feel I already set in motions things I won't be able to control.

"Just a Minute", I announce to my escort through the intercom. I slide myself off the bed, not really getting much sleep but I take what I can get. After lifting myself on all fours, I give myself a shake like a dog to try to get more awake. It seems to work enough.

I pad on over and answer the door. "Hello Pete, I'm ready to see the doctor."

"I hope you rested well." Pete can't help to stare at my still bloated belly, tearing away his gaze with some effort. I decide not to tease him with it, at least not today. When he finally looks away with a deep blush, Pete motions me to follow. "Right this way, Sir. Mustn't keep the doc waiting."

I think his haste has more to do with me (and my internal friend) than the doctor. Peter doesn't even make eye contact much less talk much except small talk like the weather and such. I guess the realization of all that happened starting to really sink in his mind. We make good time to Dr. Bentli's office.

Doctor Checkup:

"I'll be in the waiting room." Peter turns and goes off to wait till the examination ends.

Before I could even ring the buzzer, Sally swings open the door. "Hello Alex, I got everything ready." She points to that padded examining table. I head for it quietly and sit on the foot of it. "Well, did you experience any undue pain or discomfort since we last met?"

I reply, "No, nothing really painful nor out of the ordinary considering I just had bullets removed from me and sown up. You did excellent work by the way."

"You don't have to flatter me you know." She starts to peel off the various bandages to inspect the wound.

"I'm serious. You do better work than those back at my home world." I point out all the fines knots the good doctor preformed.

Sally chuckles while shaking her head side to side before going back to unrolling the rest of the bandages. "Now I know you are flattering me."

"No, it's is true. I been patched up before many times. You're the best. I am not trying to butter you up or anything." I watch her remove the last of the bandage.

"If you say so." She looks over the numerous wounds and whistles. "Oh my, not only they are healing well, but quite rapidly too. I say at least fifty percent faster than if a human suffered comparable injures. And it doesn't like you have any infections setting in as well."

I nod. "Yeah, dragons are known for our strong immune system and quick recovery. Very useful as you can see.

"Well, time to take the x-rays to see the status of the deeper trauma. I suspect it will be in good shape but I want to be sure. Plus I want to check if, um, you have any obstructions in your gut." She turns and takes a few steps away before returning the cart containing the fancy x-ray machine and sets up the sensor on me. She already had it warmed up so that flicking a switch, the monitor instantly blinks on with the image of my midsection. The doctor first focuses on the injuries, looking for any irregularities. After seeing now, she shifts the view over my stomach.

A view to a kill:

I look on the screen and sees Talget form still quite distinct. His bone structures clearly outlined though the surrounding flesh begins to degrade a lot. A good deal of which hangs in large chunks, tattered considerably and frayed at the edges. The chest cavity almost devoid of the organs, just the shivered up heart is the most prominent feature there. The lungs almost invisible as most of the tissue had already dissolved. Due to the lack of material, the rib cage itself collapsed almost all the way down with it beginning to fold along the spine. "Wow, so that is what is looks like to digest a human. Freaky I must say."

Sally doesn't want to look but her professional medical curiosity got the better of her. She sees what is on display and gasps. "Oh my goodness. I never seen or even imagine seeing such a thing. Oh Alex, I would not believe it if I didn't see it with my own two eyes."

"Well, there he is.... or what is left of him." I keep my eyes glued to the monitor, watching the lifeless body churn around in my belly. What was the killer slowly dissolving away. I can see see light arm folded behind his back, twisted with a separated shoulder. All the joints looks they are about to pop loose being so stretched like that. His other arm crossing his chest with the elbow pressing on the collapsing ribcage and it too separated almost to the point of being torn off. The good doctor shifts the view up higher, showing the skull and the lower jaw that snapped in two right at the chin. It hangs low, barely holding on to the sockets. Peering closer, I could still see the brain matter on the screen. The outer lobes already getting blurry as it foams up from my gastric juices attacking it. The deeper core, however, still sharp and clear. It is just a matter of time before it starts to turn mushy too.

I look over to Sally and she says, "Certainly a frightening sight. I don't know why I am looking at this and not totally freaking out. I do admit I am about to." Sally stares with me at the screen, lit up by the soft glow. She adjusts the intensity of the beam to get a cleaner picture but is thwarted by how fuzzy Talget's flesh is getting. "This is the best I can get the picture." She moves the view lower to bring the legs into the scene. They are twisted and folded backwards. What appears to be the right ankle (hard to tell from the jumbled mess) snapped off in a corner. Only a small bit of the tendons is the only thing keeping it attached to the rest of the body. But that too doesn't like it would hold on much longer. The other foot a little better but not by much. The knee higher up not fairly better as it rotated completely around. "I don't see anything obviously wrong... aside that there is a human digesting in your gut."

"Yeah, an unsettling scene I know. I'm sure it must set you so much. Even I not all that comfortable seeing it." I give a big sigh, starting to regret the events. Not for Talget's sake but for Sally's. "You can turn it off now, I don't want to upset you anymore."

"Don't worry about me. I can manage. Besides, we almost done." Sally takes a closer look at the foot nearest to the stomach opening leading to my intestines. "Hmm, that one looks like it will go into your intestine first. I am going to have to keep an eye on that too see if gets stuck or something. That would be bad. I am going to keep you here overnight and do checkups every hour. I'll go tell Pete to go ahead and go back to his room as I will keep you here for further observations."

I nod while replying, "I understand. I assure you that my gut can handle it but if you feel it is necessary, I'll stay you want."

"Thanks sweetie, I'll be back to Inform Pete of the situation." Dr. Bentli pads out of the room and returns in a few minutes. "Okay, I told Pete to come back later. Now, tell me what you meant that you can handle it. You didn't ate a human before, did you?"

I look away before answering. "Well, not exactly. I have swallowed whole prey before like goats and sheep." I see her gasp and I quickly add, "Not alive like Talget mind you. But nearly a human size meals. They all pass with no problems."

She gives me such a look. "No humans then?"

I still look away. "Not on purpose. Now before you ask, I'll tell you the story I gave to Jim." After clearing my throat, I begin the tale about the fighting on that strategic hill, how we defended it against a large force of humans. I tell her about our few dragons and human riders slaughtering the first wave. The next attack, however, was much more intense with many times the numbers of enemy troops. It is where I first tasted human flesh, biting off limbs, heads, even chunks of torsos in the height of battle. I barely survived the following morning. But we won... with a terrible price.

"Wow, that explains the scaring I saw earlier. So what happened after devouring all those flesh?" Sally looks straight at me as her curiosity gets the better of her again.

"I spit out what I could but some of it got forced into my intestines from the sheer volume of what I consumed. They, um, passed out largely intact. Well, the skin shredded somewhat after being chomped off with my jaws and rudely shove down my throat." I shrugs.

"I see. You mean you defecated whole limbs and such?" She tilts her head to one side. "And it didn't get stuck and impacted in your gastrointestinal tract?"

"My GI tract is made for such occurrences. Big chucks of flesh can travel down without much problem. I am quite flexible and handled the limbs fine. The two severed heads is what gave me the most problem. I had to strain pretty hard to shoot them out." I give that tidbit of information while trying not to grin, getting in my silly mood.

"Oh my, that is gross." She baps my shoulder with her hand. "now I have that image stuck in my head."

"I for one didn't expect that in my stool. But it happened regardless. Only

a very few people know my war story and just you and Jim on earth." I give out another sigh.

"I fully understand why you don't spread around such a tale even though you didn't mean it. You did whatever it took to survive that battle I am sure. Things happen in the heat of the moment. Even devouring Talget you didn't plan. I gave it some thought and I think I am coming to terms with it." Sally sets the x-ray machine to standby mode. "Here, rest for a bit before I check on the progress."

"Yeah, I came to grips with it already. I accept the fact of what I did and would probably do it again knowing all that I know now. In fact, I probably do much worse things to that bloody killer." I shook a bit as the memories of what Talget did flashes in my mind. I force myself to relax while laying my back on the soft table, barely wiping the horrible thoughts of the officer's crime scenes from my mind.

More Examinations:

All through the night at the top of every hour, the doctor takes more X-rays. Talget indeed processing nicely. Eventually his ribcage totally collapsed and it folded within itself with most of the rib bones snapped in half or even three to four pieces. The pelvis also folded and twisted free of the spine, which largely jumbled all about. The ex-killer's skull shoved deep into the space the folded ribs left. The cranium caved into itself as the brain matter disintegrated long ago. In fact, all the organs not longer on the screen.

Sally marks the progress, making sure there is no problems. "Well, looks like you are right. Everything seems to flow freely in your intestines. Even the bone passing without hooking up anywhere. You gut is quite flexible indeed, expanding easily over the traveling mass. I think I seen plenty... more than enough actually."

I chuckle lightly. "See, I told you my mighty system of organs can handle that rotten man, more rotten now."

"Alex, you silly dragon you." She leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

Slip and slide, ride and glide on my hide:

I look back at her and give a wink. "That I am, very much so."

She winks back. "And I bet very horny too." Sally plops herself on my soft belly and slides down on my naked form. I swear I could feel the heat coming from between her legs as she glides across my hide. The doctor stops once her groin lays on top of mine.

"Oh my, I say you are horny too", I smile back at her. Sally does something I didn't expect. She lifts her little skirt, revealing that she not wearing any panties. "Hehe, I see you have nothing on, you naughty sly one you."

"You don't sound too disappointed. I thought you find it nice." She smiles back at me.

"Oh, I certainly don't mind. In fact, I love it." I can feel her shifting her weight around, rubbing her hot sex on my silt. My deflated cock stirs within the tight confines of the pocket, beginning to poke out. Sally's cunt lips grinds on my slit, stimulating my cockhead to slide out and probe into her tunnel. I can hear her gasps as my pride and glory expands into her depths. It goes a good ten inches in before forcing her to shift upwards. My penis erects to just over twenty nine inches, most of it staying outside as I already hit her maximum depth... well, the max she can safely handle anyway.

Sally moans, "ooohhh, Alexxxx. I love the way you feel. Soooo deep, sooo tight. I wish we can stay this way forever."

I reach up with my great paws and cup her breasts as she rides my cock. She starts slow, lifting almost all the way off my shaft. All that precum I leak making her bounces nice and smooth as well as very squishy. Her silky tunnel rhythmically bobs up and down, getting faster as the minutes ticks off. "Ohhh, Sally, you are wonderful. If you was a dragon, I'll marry you."

She blushes a deep red... and increases her pace of fucking over my dick. She also hammer down harder. I can feel my own climax building but I hold on as long as I can. Then she screams out in ecstasy, smashing down her vagina with all her weight. The contractions along with all that pressure sets me off. I explode deep withing her, flooding her box in an instant. Some of my thick cum jets into her womb, filling that also with my offering. The rest cascades on out and splatter on my belly, crotch and thighs.

My own roar drowns out her pleasure screams. Good thing the walls are soundproof, otherwise the whole building would know what we just done. My lover flops down on my chest just as I release the last gel part of my ejaculate, slowing the leaking spooge I just gave her.

"Ahhh, I love you." I kiss her on the forehead as she blushes even more. "I find it ironic that we made love over that horrible man, whatever shape he is in."

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself, sweetie." Sally looks up into my eyes, truly a lovely sight.

"That is quite alright. I have to admit that I am horny a lot. Besides, I do find you attractive despite me being a dragon. You're one fine gal." I give her nose a good lick.

"Oh shush. You're just saying that." She looks away.

I reach over with a clawtip and turn her face back to me. "No, really. You have a beautiful appearance but it is your wonderful personality I love most." I place another kiss on her, this time on her lips. I poke in my tonguetip, exploring her mouth. She gently suckles on the tip, slurping on my fleshy tongue. We held our embrace while my cock slowly shrinks. It eventually pops out of her pussy and lands on my belly with a wet thud. Then it gradually snakes back into its slit, leaving the area moist and sticky.

We stayed entangled that way for several minutes at least before Sally sits up. "Looks like we made a mess. Care to clean up?" I recognize that smile of her as I give one of my own.

Cleanup Time:

"I think I have the warm cleanser you need." My cock slips back out of my slit and I start to hose her down. The medical table is waterproof but I have to be careful not to splash too far and get the sensitive instruments wet. They are sealed for things like blood splatter on them but I didn't want to take any chances. Hard to explain how dragon urine got inside to the repairmen.

"Mmmmmm, so warm." The doctor plays in my spray, washing off my congealing cum from her smooth skin. She absolutely basts in my pee, rubbing it all over herself. When the stream finally dies down, she slides down between my legs and latches on the still pissing tip. She suckles as the best she can, drinking the rest of my salty and tangy brine.

"Ahhhh, that should do it." I finish off with a few spurts into her maw. Her cheeks bloats out but she swallows it like a trooper. "Wow, you certain love drinking from me. But we need to properly clean ourselves now."

"I agree. Sit tight and I'll cover up the equipment and get the wash hose." It takes us a good while to clean ourselves off, having a bit of fun here and there doing so. Once we clean up, she talks to Peter over the intercom to announce that we are done (and how) and ready to pick me up.