
Story by Armaya Blackheart on SoFurry

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Chapter 1

My story begins in a small town called Fallen, I am a cat girl; but a different kind of cat girl. Normal cat girls would have flesh, but I have very thin fur on my body; it's smooth and silky but it's not fluffy. Let's just say from far away it looks like I have grey and white striped skin, my eyes are the color of liquid silver and my hair is black.

The town I grew up in was like a village, but I was as they say a black sheep, everybody in the village was human; even my mother was human. I don't remember my father, but I don't doubt that he wasn't human either; when I was 10 a horrible sickness befell our village. At first I wasn't too worried, because the sickness hadn't came on so fast, it struck one person at a time every few weeks.

I didn't get to see what it looked like, the symptoms anyway, that is until it struck my mother. The first day of her sickness she was very pale, then a few days later she had grown sores on her flesh, it worried me so. And then finally a week later, I noticed just under her skin was red.

I went to touch her flesh but she took hold of my wrist and looked into my eyes. I could see the fear in her eyes; I could feel how cold her flesh was against my fur. She was in pain, I could sense she was, I wished there was something I could do but there was not.

She spoke to me ever so softly her voice like an angel's, "Please don't be afraid my little one" I could not help but weep, that night she slipped away into a coma. I stayed by her side the whole night, and when I awoke I noticed that her flesh was covered in a thin film of blood, I brought her head up and rested it upon my lap; I spoke to her softly "Mother?" she did not speak or shift in any way. I grew worried, so I began to scream out to her "MOTHER" the tears flowed harder from my eyes, it was then I knew she was gone, never again would I hear her soft voice, never again would I be able to feel her heart beat or her warmth. Death had taken her from me so cruelly.

Slowly I stood up and looked down upon my mother's body, I backed away toward the door of our home, and I wondered if I should leave. If I should just leave the village behind, what difference would it make if I stayed? I felt my own pain, it ran through my body so deeply, I made my choice and I left the village. I ran away and left them behind; I kept running until I reached a small city called Scully. This place had so many humans in it; they were up and about walking around.

I found myself in front of a fish market, "Mm" I said smelling the seafood that was there, and while I was doing this I felt a tug at my tail. I perked my ears up a bit and looked down, only to see a little girl playing with my tail and giggling "Kitty!!" she yelled happily. I blinked and looked at the child, until I heard a male voice.

"What is your name cat?" I lowered my ears as I looked to the man speaking to me, "its Paige." The man looked at me, "Well Paige, welcome to Scully." I nodded slowly noting the little girl still had my tail, "and what's your name" the man stopped and looked back to me; "that's Maya, and I'm Soto"

I nodded slowly, the little girl let go of my tail, I set off and explored this little city, I saw a castle; it caught my eyes so quickly. I wanted to go inside, but I didn't know what kind of beings lived there. I moved away from the castle and went back to the fish place, I stopped in front of the door, and Soto looked at me, "Back already? Why don't you go home Cat." I narrowed my eyes "I don't have a place to live" Soto frowned "well you better find a place before the vampires come out to hunt" My eyes widened to the words 'vampire and hunt' I felt my heart stop for a moment, I had always read about them but I always thought that they were myths. Now that I knew that they were real, I needed a place to dwell until I could find a place to stay or defend myself, Soto looked at me. "Come stay with us little one" I nodded softly and smiled "thank you Sir."

I wasn't about to turn down an offer like that, but how could I repay their kindness? I don't know but I would sometime, unfortunately I wouldn't get that chance to. Of course I did stay with them until I was 13, but the night of my 13th birthday when someone came to the door. The little girl answered the door; I was standing on the stairs when I saw this man, he had long black hair, down past his shoulders. His eyes were a form of blue, and his skin was pale, he spoke softly to the little girl. "Well hello there, may I come in?" the little girl nodded and let him in, then I saw what he was, he looked at me and smirked.

I saw his fangs, they looked real sharp, he spoke to me looking straight into my eyes I saw I vision of myself in his eyes, he was feeding on me, raping me. "Mm a cat girl, how sweet" he said this in the coldest way possible. He began walking to the little girl, slowly he took her into his arms, and I grew nervous when I saw him kiss her neck. I grew even more nervous when I heard her whimper, I covered my mouth, and he looked into my eyes as he drained the little one. Then I saw him drop the girl onto the couch as he licked his lips, "I'm still hungry" he said as he looked at me, and then I looked past him and at Soto, the man looked at Soto then back to me and smirked. Right when I thought I was going to be ok, he snapped his neck; I gasped and ran down the stairs. He began to approach me; I didn't give him a chance to touch me I ran so quickly and out the door.

I ran down the street and entered a tavern, I moved to the bar, and leaned against him, my back facing the bartender, then I saw him enter. He came toward me smirking, "there you are, this time you wont escape." He pressed his body against mine, pinning me to the bar, I could feel he was aroused when he did this.

For a cat girl I was already sexually mature, he leaned in closely and spoke into my ear "Oh I could do so much to you" I quivered as he grabbed my ass and pulled me into his hard member. I whimpered to its feel, in a way I wanted to be taken, but also I was frightened. He leaned to my neck and kissed it multiple times "ooh yes, I haven't tasted a cat girl in so long." He licked my neck softly "I want your body, I shall have It." he grinded himself against me, I couldn't help but whimper. "I would take you right here and now if allowed, but I feel it is not appropriate to do so here" I looked up at him and nodded slowly, he picked me up and carried me outside and to the castle, when we got inside it was almost instantly I found myself on a large bed.

He crawled into the bed and hovered over me, removing my clothes roughly, finally he would lie on top of me and lean in to kiss my lips deeply yet roughly, and then I felt his member pressed into my innocent puss. I whimpered loudly, he broke the kiss and spoke softly, "I'm going to rape you so hard" I felt him drive his member into my puss hard and roughly, he began pumping in and out of me so quickly I moaned and whimpered, only to hear his chuckling, he would then bite into my neck harshly.

I could feel his rough drinking, I whimpered even more to his feeding and pumping. I could feel his vibrations running through me, I couldn't help myself I had an orgasm, he did too shortly after but he kept feeding upon me. I didn't think he would stop, nor did I think I would live; he withdrew his fangs from my neck and sat up. "You shall stay with me for however long you live" I breathed quickly shaking my head, "no..." I said softly, I knew this was going to happen to me all the time, I didn't wish it too. I went to get out of bed but he grabbed me by the throat and put me up against the wall.

"Oh you will stay or it will be the last time you see sunlight." He said coldly, I whimpered and looked at him, he let me go, and I fell and landed on the floor. I looked up at him, my eyes filled with fear and pain, my body quivering. He looked down at my quivering being, his eyes were so cold, "You are mine, I own you now... be grateful I didn't kill you like I did with that little girl." His face remained emotionless; with each word he said his voice got colder. He turned and walked off; I remained on the floor curled up in a small ball weeping. The daylight came and I saw myself still on the floor.

I looked to the bed, it was still empty, and I decided to take advantage of this. I quickly moved and jumped into the bed curling up I fell asleep again, this time I slept all day, I sat up to get a better look around.

I got out of bed to look around the castle, I was still nude, but I didn't mind...I looked around wondering if it was safe. I walked into a random room and looked around, I saw that man lying down on the bed, and he was on his back, his hands on his chest. I became scared, but still I approached him, I mewed softly and walked to the edge of his bed.

His legs crossed at his ankles, I slowly and carefully crawled on to the bed, I noticed that his feet would hit against my stomach if I were to go any further. Then he may wake up, or maybe he wasn't really sleeping, I could only imagine what he could do to me. Now I couldn't move, I wondered what I should do; I backed up and ran out of his room. I didn't want to be killed or harmed, but then I heard his voice call out to me. "Paige... Come back here" he said coldly and firmly, he patted the spot beside himself.

I walked toward him and crawled into the bed lying beside him. He grabbed me and smiled down at me wickedly, his fangs began to extend with each word he spoke "Mm this is nice... seeing a little cat girl like you in my bed" he came down on me pressing his lips to my neck he bit into my neck and began drinking of my blood, his arm was around my body and under me, I was on my side and he was half way on top of me. I whimpered lightly to the way his fangs felt when they drove themselves into my neck, he did drink long.

But I could tell he was hungry just not for blood, he sat up and removed his shirt and turned me on my back, and he moved and laid upon me. "I never even got your name..." he spoke back to me; he began to grind me hard and fast. I couldn't help moan out "Ohh Goddd..." I said as he smirked he sat up and removed the rest of his clothing, bringing himself down on me again... I felt the head of his cock against my slit. I whimpered loudly when I felt this, he only chuckled and pushed in further, he spoke to me once more. "you don't need to worry about my name, my little pet..." he said to me, I could feel him come all the way into my body, I moaned out loudly and began whimpering...he started to thrust in out of my puss, faster and faster he moved, the harder he became.. I screamed and cried out louder each time his cock pounded the walls of my puss.

He spoke to me in between moans and pants "Ohhh goddd you feel good..." he thrusted into me even harder now... raping me roughly. He pushed his chest against mine and pinned me down as he continued to fuck me, I whimpered and cried out even more so. "Oh yes, you scream and whimper all you want..." he said as he kept fucking and pounding me. I whimpered loudly as I bit my lip. He released into my puss, he finally stopped, and I thought it would never end. I had to escape... I needed to get out; I couldn't be his pleasure pet forever... it would kill me. But I was too weak to take on a vampire, and then it occurred to me, I could leave during the daylight hours. I would leave tomorrow. He let me up and looked at me deeply in the eyes, and then he allowed me to leave, I took my leave and climbed into my bed.

I went to sleep and waited for the day to come; when I woke up I had seen the sun rise...I quickly readied myself, and ran out of my room. But my run was cut short, he caught me. I mewed and whimpered backing away... "Please don't..." he looked down at me and growled deeply, I could see his fangs. He lifted me up by both hands and held me in the air by my arms he dug his nails into my flesh; I saw his eyes turn red, I looked deeply into them.

I was frightened, very frightened; I felt tears flow down my cheeks. He may kill me and there was nothing I could do about it, I saw something in him change. He dropped me, but he was still glaring down at me "RUN!" he yelled at me. My ears lowered delicately, his fangs extended more "GO now before I change my mind." He snarled I did not hesitate this time, I ran but he yelled out "Paige!" I turned and looked back to him he spoke again. "My name is Draven" I blinked and shook my head.

I ran out the door, and I kept running I didn't know where I was going; pretty soon I hit the woods.

Chapter 2

When I entered the Woods I took a good look around, I looked behind me and saw nothing but woods, then to the sides and forward. Still I saw nothing but woods. I moved forward, I would take what the road was ahead of me. Maybe it was my bad luck, but it seemed like I was running into a vampire everywhere I went. I was beginning to think when I came out of the woods; I landed myself in a city of vampires, it was after sundown now. And now I was vulnerable to them, as I was walking I sensed someone behind me.

But I didn't look back, I probably should have ran, because I was grabbed around my waist and chest, I knew it was a male because of the way this person felt against me. I felt him breathing down my neck as well, "oh...no" I blinked and struggled in this mans arms. Something in me snapped I went insane and began to flail around; I brought my arms up and put my nails in his flesh dragging them down his face scratching him deeply. I heard a growl come from; he threw me to the ground "Wench" I laid there on the ground, watching him, he reached for his sword and took it from its sheath. I looked at this man, his blonde hair dangled over his face; his green eyes stared into mine.

He moved his arm quickly; bringing that sword down upon my body, I curled up some and put my hands on my head, I waited for that blade to strike me. But it never did, I looked up and saw someone behind him holding his arm where it was, this person was a male as well, this man's hair was snow white, and his eyes were like emeralds. He spoke to the one readying himself to strike me "What are you doing to this poor little thing Dorian?" Dorian looked at the other man "What do you care Mikael?" Mikael looked at me and smiled kindly then looked back to Dorian "what if I said she was my daughter?" Dorian looked down upon me growling lowly, he spoke to me "You be glad he was here, if he hadn't been you would have made me a nice meal." I whimpered lightly, I curled up tightly and quivered, and then mikael spoke again "You have yet to answer my question..." Dorian eased away from me slowly then looked back to Mikael; Mikael only looked at him and crossed his arms, awaiting his answer. Dorian bowed his head and spoke softly "Forgive me M'lord" then walked away from us, Mikael smiled again and approached me, he kneeled down beside me and spoke softly "Why are you here Paige?" I looked at him quizzically "what do you mean?" It did not occur to me that he might have been serious, he reached toward my ear, but I reared away, he pulled his hand back "Why are you not at the village? Why are you so far from home?" my ears lowered, "My...mother is dead" I replied, and then I spoke once more "In fact, the entire village is dead" Mikael took hold of my hand and stood up, this brought me to my feet in the process. Mikael shook his head as he looked down at the ground, he spoke to me "But it wasn't easy for you to get here was it?" he asked me. I shook my head "No sir, it wasn't." Mikael took my hand and spoke to me "do not worry, whatever harmed you outside this city cannot get you now." I slowly nodded and looked at him "alright." I replied softly he began to walk with me, "I shall take you to one of the many coven's I call home, I promise you will be safe." I nodded once again and replied "Alright" we walked for a short time until we reached a large tavern, Mikael led me inside, and I looked up at him "I don't feel good about this..." I said softly Mikael looked down at me and spoke back "do not worry..." he put his hand on my cheek and stroked the fur on it softly with his thumb "Okay" I said to him then looked over the rest of the occupants, but when I turned to look back at him he was already gone.

I whimpered lightly as I watched them all, I was scared and I knew I was the only mortal in the tavern. I spotted a fire and a couch, I moved over there quickly, but on my way there I saw someone drop down in front of me, he landed in a kneeling position then slowly began to stand up. I backed away slowly as I looked at him; this man had long black hair and deep crimson eyes, his flesh was pale, deathly pale. This man stared deeply into my eyes, he seemed to let himself lock with me, and I could do nothing but look back into his eyes.

I panted softly just from the stare, I hadn't noticed his cane, all I could see was his eyes, or at least that is all he allowed me to see. I felt so paralyzed, I couldn't move at all. And then I noticed his hand moving to my chest, he took firm grasp of the place where my heart was, and began to squeeze. I could feel his nails digging into my flesh, but suddenly he stopped and let go, I was still caught in his eyes and I still couldn't move. But then I heard him speak for the first time "Too innocent." He said softly, finally he released me, shortly after he turned and walked off. I felt a weakness in my legs, I fell to my knees from pure fear, and my eyes were dilated.

There was a bar near me; I heard a voice "You got lucky, normally he gets a soul from every stranger that enters here, well... who isn't already dead." I looked at the bartender "He was going to take my soul?" the bartender simply nodded "yes lass." I blinked and stood up shakily a vampire that was behind me caught me before I fell again then put me in the stool and walked away. I looked back to the bartender again "Who is he?" the bartender looked over at me as I spoke "That my dear is one of the most feared vampires here, the coldest, and you were spared. That is Vincent Blackheart." I nodded and searched around the tavern frantically trying to find him, I whimpered lightly, and yes I was frightened. But it was his darkness that attracted me so.

I looked up hearing another voice, it was Vincent, "Come here Girl." he said softly, yet coldly. I stood from the stool and began to approach Vincent, the other vampires seemed glued upon my being, and all their attentions were on me. I didn't look at them just Vincent, he spoke again "That's it, such a good little cat." I blinked and stopped in front of him, Vincent stood as well. He brought his wolf head cane to rest under my chin and used it to lift my head so he could see my eyes.

"What is wrong?" he asked me, but I couldn't speak back I tried to, but no sounds came from me. Vincent looked at me "Don't worry, just take your time." Finally I spoke up "I am just frightened." I said shakily, my breathing was shuttering "Of?" he asked softly "You" I replied my eyes began to tear up, Vincent's smirk widened, I could see the tips of his fangs.

"Poor thing." He said softly but it was mean, his tone was sarcastic. He spoke again, "I often give off that effect, normally people get to know me, but I don't think you will live that long." I lowered my ears "Normally I wouldn't play with my food, but I think your plenty scared enough." I whimpered lightly.

I started to cry harder and walked forward so I was against him, I grasped his shirt and buried my face into his clothing; I heard his cane hit the floor; he picked me up by the scruff of my neck and shirt collar... "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." He turned and dropped me in the chair where he was standing, then picked up his cane and looked at me, "I may have not taken your soul, but that doesn't mean I care." He said as he walked off, he left me there in that tavern. All alone, I cried softly then looked around with those watery tears; the others frowned but then looked away.

I stood and walked to the door, I went outside and began walking through the city, and I had no idea where to go either. Maybe it was true; maybe he was so cold and dangerous. But why would he spare me? I could have sworn I saw a little warmth in those eyes of his. I remembered what Draven looked like as well as Dorian and Mikael; I hoped I wouldn't see Dorian again. But I wasn't so lucky, because I ran into him again, I tried to hide but he saw me. "Oh no..." my heart was racing; I had a feeling deep within me I was going to die, with each time he took a step forward I backed away. And it kept on like this until I had no where to back away, he was standing directly in front of me, he pressed me against the wall. "What should I do to you?" he put on hand on the wall and leant down over me easing off my body, but I couldn't go anywhere. I whimpered and cried as I looked into Dorian's eyes "Please don't..." I pleaded him "Please don't hurt me..." Dorian laughed at me, I whimpered lightly, but then I saw him, I saw Vincent; he was on the roof behind Dorian. I thought for a moment all of my worries were gone, but would he save me again? Dorian turned to look back to Vincent, Vincent's reaction to that was jumping down from the roof, I wiggled away from Dorian and ran over to Vincent hiding behind him, and Vincent looked back to me then to Dorian and spoke "I'm getting tired of you, damn punk." Dorian looked a little scared but started to walk away "I'll have your blood Cat-girl" Vincent reached for his cane, he spoke again "No you wont" he slowly turned the wolf's head and pulled the top off showing off the shiny blade inside. Dorian stopped in his tracks looking at Vincent; Dorian didn't hesitate to reach for his own sword.

Chapter 3

This was where it would all end, if Vincent didn't win, I would lose. Vincent charged Dorian and struck downward, Dorian didn't have the time to react so he was sliced down his shoulder and chest. But Dorian moved quickly and slashed across Vincent's should and stomach, I blinked and whimpered some I wanted Vince to win. I heard Vincent growl "No more games" he jumped forward and put his sword through Dorian's chest, Vincent let go and let Dorian fall to his knees.

Vincent walked to Dorian, who was barely alive and twisted the sword, I heard Dorian let off a blood curdling scream, but it was cut short once Vincent ripped Dorian's heart from his chest. The blood ran down Vincent's sword, I saw Vincent bite into Dorian's heart. I became scared as I watched him feed on that vampire's heart. I spoke softly "Please let me stay with you" I blinked and looked at Vincent with pleading eyes.

"Why?" he asked, I shook my head slowly and answered him "Because you saved my life, and I love you" he looked at me and walked toward me quickly, I was frightened because it looked hostile. He looked into my eyes, "You love me? Why?" I answered him as I looked back into his eyes "Because I was drawn to you." I blinked and looked at him as I whimpered, my ears lowered some, "please?" I pleaded him. He backed up some and sighed softly, he looked into my eyes kissing me passionately, I purred into his lips and kissed him back. He broke the kiss and smirked "Does that answer your question?" I blinked and jumped into his arms, my ears pricked up as I clung to him, "thank you" my eyes watered up. He picked me up in his arms and carried me to a castle that was towering over the city. We went inside and he took me to his room, I trusted him now, and I loved him. He gently laid me down on the bed.

He got in the bed and laid upon my small frame, as he ran his hands up my sides gently and softly he kissed me passionately and deeply as he put his hands on my cheeks. Vincent then broke that kiss as quickly as he had started it; he began to kiss down my cheek and neck stopping at my chest. He smirked and chuckled as he gently removed my shirt, he kissed the spot between my breasts as he let his hands move down to my skirt. Vincent removed that as well, he moved his own hands to his pants, and removed them as he laid back down on me. "Are you ready? Or is there a special way you wish to be loved?" I looked toward our bathroom and motioned to it, I spoke softly "no" I said softly as I blinked, he smiled and kissed me again as he let his cock slip into my puss. I moaned into his lips as I put my hands on his sides, he put his hands on my cheeks as he continued to kiss me, he began to thrust in and out of me, slow and soft at first then fast and rough. I moaned and whimpered loudly into his lips, as he made love to me. I moved with his movements, I enjoyed the way his body felt against mine, the way he felt when he was with me like this.

When we made love, I could feel his love and his warmth; I had always known it was there. But I wondered how long it would last, how long he would love me. I felt my orgasm build up, as he continued to make love to me, my body becoming sweaty from the friction and heat we were causing. I whimpered and arched my back some as I let off my orgasm I heard Vincent moan, "Oh god you feel good" Vincent said softly as he continued to fuck me. He moaned and whimpered with me, I was enjoying myself even more now. He pushed me harder, he became slightly rougher my body pinned to the bed "almost there" Vincent said as he resumed his movements, I moaned and whimpered even more.

He smirked and moved faster but remained the same in his thrusting, he didn't get rougher or softer, I had to orgasm again, I whimpered loudly and bit my lip. "There we go." Vincent said softly, he went harder into me and then released deep into my puss.

He smiled and licked my neck "Oh yes, very good." He said as he began to nibble upon my flesh, he smelled my neck, I could hear him take a deep breath of my scent. Vincent spoke softly "I bet your blood is even better..." I mewed and purred softly, I bit my lip he spoke softly "You were raped by a vampire weren't you?" Vincent asked I blinked and looked at Vincent "Yes" I replied, Vincent nodded and spoke into my ear "Don't worry it wont ever happen to you again" I smiled and looked up at Vincent he kissed my lips once more, I kissed him back until he broke it off. "Together now and forever... nothing shall ever break us up..." he said as he moved around upon me and pushed himself inside me again.

I moaned out louder, as I bit my lip. He spoke softly and kissed my neck softly "Mm one more go." Vincent said as he began to thrust in and out of me fast and rough, "this time, ill ravage your body" Vincent said softly, his fangs extending, he leaned in close to my neck and bit softly, his fangs sinking in. I couldn't help but scream and whimper. His thrusts tearing away at my puss, I enjoyed it all the same. It was wonderful the way his cock felt in my puss. The way it moved within me, I had an orgasm; my eyes closed softly letting his vibrations run through my body. "Enjoying yourself?" he asked me as he went faster and harder even more so. I nodded to Vincent and spoke softly "Oh yes" I said as I looked at him, Vincent nodded "Good..." he said as he bit me again sinking his fangs deeper into my flesh, he drank deeply of my blood as he fucked me harder, I had another orgasm, I bit my lip feeling his movements increase and then finally he had his orgasm. He kept feeding for a moment or two as he laid upon me. "Oh yes, very, very good." Vincent said as he withdrew his fangs from my neck. He spoke again "I don't know if I can resist from fucking you again" he said as he sat up, he got off of me and laid beside me. "Mm you taste as good as you look and feel." Vincent said as he kissed me, we fell asleep in each others arms.

To be continued...