Chapter 4 - A Mysterious Assassin

Story by Scarwing on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales of a Shaman

Zach shook, twitching a bit. He then groaned and pushed himself up. His body was soaked with sweat. Zach got to his knees. "Need some help?"

Zach looked up, Daichi was standing over him, offering a paw. The wolf took it, pulling and standing shakily. Eventually he gained his balance. He coughed and sniffed, leaning back and cracking his back. He yawned and stretched. Then

blinked a few times. "What happened?" He asked.

Daichi shrugged. "I don't remember any of it...I remember everything going purple, then there was a rumble, and I passed out. Sobek is still passed out. The monks came back, found us asleep on the floor. They've been really nice, fed me.

Never had so much to eat." The dragon murred. Zach laughed. His stomach then rumbled, and he rubbed it. "I could use some food too..."

After some food and discussion. Both dragon's seem to not remember anything past when the statue came to life. Zach had told them about how he had been told to go to the temple of Shun, and that they had been given something. What he

didn't know.

"What? We have to go to ALL ELEVEN?..." Sobek complained. "That's all over the entire planet! How do you plan on getting to all of these?"

Zach shrugged, munching on a bowl of wheat cereal. "I dunno, boat? Maybe we could get a ride in a caravan? I have nothing else to do with my life. I have my abilities, and no home town. Daichi and I were just gonna wander anyways, at least

this way we have a purpose."

Sobek groaned and rubbed the back of his head. "I guess I said I wanted to travel, and I got more than I bargained for....I told Brute I'd go visit him, and I guess this means some day I'll end up there...I guess I'm in..." He laid his head on the

table, putting his paws over his eyes. "But stillll...."

Daichi was eating again, happily eating down half a deer. "Don't'll be fine. Plus, monks give free food!" He laughed and continued eating.

Sobek rubbed his chin, "Yea....why are they giving us free food?"

Zach shrugged. "I dunno...maybe because we've been chosen by the gods to go on a quest? Monks are devoted like that..." He smiled.

Sobek stuck his tongue out at him. "Sarcasm is not needed..."

The three male's now were leaving the temple. Zach thanked them for their hospitality, and Daichi for all the food. Zach was enjoying his newly washed robes, they smelled of pine needles. He spoke. "So, we go the temple of Shun. I

was told we will be told what to do from there..."

Sobek stretched. "Well...that temple isn't too far...a day or two from here...." He smiled. "And the fresh air is good."

Zach nodded. "Yes, it is fun to travel. And we're re-stocked on food. So we should be good..."

The trio walked for hours. The sun was now right over head. Daichi and Zach got hot, and Sobek just murred and swayed his tail as they walked, enjoying the heat. Zach stared at him. He had small beads of sweat falling down his white scales.

His hardened muscle tone was apparent. The wolf never noticed his form, without a close look he looked almost limp and frail. The dragon was deceiving really. He also had an erection from the heat. He had taken off the loincloth he wore,

draping it over his shoulder. His black cock hard and glistening with sweat. The wolf couldn't help but blush, getting his own erection from the male's nice body. Though it was hidden under his robes, which he now wanted to take off as his

body was getting really hot. Suddenly the heavy, brown dragon leaned on his wolf, nuzzling at his face with a chuckle. Zach surprisingly held his weight. "I see your eyes are curious..."

Zach coughed as he had not noticed how entranced he had been. ""

Daichi laughed softly. "You are so much more adventurous when you're's hard to believe you're the same wolf when you sober up." His arms holding him as they walked.

Zach gave a nervous laugh in return. "My night life is much's the moon really...Nayoko plays tricks on my personality..."

"Well maybe you should take this robe off...this thing must make you hot as hell." He tugged at his robe, pulling up.

Zach shivered, nodding. "'s really warm...but....but I have a problem going on down there..."

Daichi gave a wide grin. "Really now?" He tugged up on his robe, pulling it up off his body. Zack gasped as now he was nude besides his loincloth. Hot, drooling wolf cock pushing aside the light covering. The open heat making it throb gently.

He yelped, then gave a quick shudder from the sensation of the warm sun on his needy cock.

"DAICHI! WHAT THE HELL!" He covered himself with his paws, blushing furiously.

Sobek stopped, blinking and looking back. "Hrmm? What's wrong Zach?"

The wolf gave a furious growl, bending over to grab his robe. Daichi whistled. He blushed and grabbed onto the fabric, but went wide eyed and jumped backwards, tossing up his robe. He landed on his foot paws a few feet away, one paw on the

ground, a fierce snarl on his maw. The three looked on as the torn fabric settled. A tiger stood, longsword forwards from the slash. His toe claws dug into the ground.

"You're faster than I thought you'd be..." He said.

"Who are you?" Zach returned, "Answer me!"

The tiger laughed mockingly. "That's not a factor Zach, what's important is that I have your head..." He jumped, but a short bit, then leaped again. He seemingly vanished. Sobek fell to the ground, hit hard to the back of his head and rendered

unconscious. Zach drew his claws and let them crackle with electricity, and lunged forwards, taking a slash at the tiger. He yawned and quickly jumped to the side, throwing his sword. It spun quickly, taking a painful cut to Daichi's chest. The

dragon knelt, wounded. The assassin's paws met ground once more, catching his thrown blade. "Do not get in my way lizard, stand aside and you will be not harmed any more. Your wolf friend however, must die." His stance was re obtained,

and he lunged forwards to Zach, he gulped and jumped aside, trying desperately to dodge. He regrew his footing, and panted, it was close, he felt the hairs fall from his chest. Daichi growled, and gripped the ground. It rumbled but soon

ceased as his paw was turned to solid rock. He ran forwards, trying to punch the tiger in the back. But he flipped over him, paw grabbing onto one of his horns and giving him a swift, painful kick the the spine.

"AUGH! FUCK!" Daichi yelled and fell to the ground, stunned. The tiger yawned and stretched, stepping on Daichi's back.

"Damn...this is easier than I expected. Why did Ziff send me to take care of these idiots? I haven't even been hit, let alone had to try. Why" He spun, kicking the charging Zach in the stomach, sending him flying into a nearby bolder. He

smacked it hard, leaving an indent, then fell to the ground in pain. "Even bother wasting my time? Maybe because it was so important. But why" He paced over to Zach, lifting him by the scruff of his neck. Blood leaked from his muzzle, which

he coughed up. "Is this mutt so important to be killed? I mean Rain could kill him...I wouldn't even think Ziff would know such a nobody exists. Maybe he had important parents or something. But I should just finish him off time to

stall. But he took FOREVER to just is such a bitch this is all my effort leads to. Nothing but a rag doll." He sighed, rubbing his eyes and cracking his paw, he tossed Zach into the air, drawing his sword to attack. "Hehheh...time to" The lion fell to the ground. Daichi stood over him, growling. He cracked his stone fist.

"Never stall when you aren't sure your enemies are dead..." He said in a low voice, catching his mate with his other arm as he fell from the sky. He held him close, kissing him softly on his blood stained lips. He then walked to the other

dragon, still unconscious from the hilt to the back of the head. draping him over his right shoulder, Zach held by his two arms. He then walked off, as quickly as he could move with the two, knowing even his strong rock fist to the back of his

head probably wouldn't keep him out long, seeing how on a normal tiger, that should have caved in his skull.

Daichi and Sobek entered the town, the badly injured Zach still in Daichi's arms. His chest healed over but not properly treated or dressed. His brown scales stained with a red trail down his front. Daichi stopped a tom cat with his tail.

" there a place to stay and get my wolf here healed here in town."

He blinked, confused by the sight but nodded. "Just keep going straight, on you left should be 'The Hook and Cloth', it's a modest place..."

"Thank you..." He said blatantly, walking on. Sobek followed in a low tone. The dragon had never seen his friend so serious. Daichi seemed the fun loving type, but since he had awoken, the dragon seemed nothing but dedicated. He gulped.

Daichi kicked open the door to the inn and hospital. He walked to the raccoon at the counter. "Excuse me sir, my wolf needs medical attention immediately. He's taken massive trauma and I need you to figure out exactly what's wrong with

him...I'll pay any price..."

The male blinked confused. "Um well...what about that gash on your chest?"

Daichi set Zach gently on the counter, then grabbed the raccoon by his shirt collar, lifting him to eye level and growling. "Don't worry about me...this wolf is in really bad shape...he might even die while you waste time...I don't care if I have to

work for months to pay the debt, please save my mate's life!" He roared, setting him down on the ground and backing off, sighing gently. "Please...I know nothing of medicine or healing...he'll die if he goes much longer like this..." The raccoon

was very, very confused. But he gulped and signaled for a horse in a white robe to carry the wolf off to another room.

"Ummm...well...wait over there in that can stay the'll be a hundred gold for all this and the staying overnight for your two...we might charge you some more tomorrow....if there's tomorrow...."

"Wh....never mind..." Daichi replied and walked off, into the room. He shut the door abruptly. Sobek sighed and took a seat near the door, letting the dragon some time to himself for now. He leaned in the chair.

Sobek yawned, balancing a coin on his tail tip, spinning it by flicking it with a claw. He was in the room now, lying on one of the two beds. Daichi was lying on his bed opposite the other's. His chest wound had been applied with ointment and

wrapped up in bandage. They would have done more, but it was hard enough for them to convince him to get just that. It was unclear if he was asleep, but he hadn't moved a twitch in hours.

"Damn...I can't imagine what he's going through..." Sobek thought. "Zach was in pretty rough shape...I don't know how long he was like that either. Geh...why did I get overcome so easily? I was tossed aside like I was nothing by that guy.

Who was he? I barely noticed he was there before darkness. I wonder what happened after he got me. How did we escape? When I asked Daichi he didn't want to talk about it and to keep moving. Damn it...I hope Zach is OK. They won't let us

in to see him I'm guessing. Daichi left the room and sat outside that door for hours. Listening I guess." The dragon hopped off his bed, flipping his coin and catching it in his paw with a sigh. "I need some air." He mumbled, stumbling up to the

counter where the raccoon stayed. " got any mead here?"

He looked up with a yawn and a stretch. "Yea...we do actually. We got some weak stuff, some mid stuff, and stuff that'll knock you out after a whole bottle."

Sobek dropped ten coins on the counter. "Give me a bottle of your strongest." He said with a lazy lean on the counter.

The male took out two bottles, handing one to the dragon before scooping up his and dropping it in a cash register. He rubbed his eyes and popped the bottle. "Well, bottoms up." And took a chug. Sobek did the same. It tasted like sweet

honey and something else he couldn't quite put his claw on.

"So...what's your name?" He offered a paw, "Mine's Sobek,"

The raccoon shook the paw and smiled. "I'm Brock," Then took another swig of his drink.

Sobek leaned on the counter and smiled too. "So you get much customers in this town? What's it like here?"

Brock shrugged and took a slow drink. "Eh...kinda slow. Gets'cha a living and feeds me. Can't complain I guess."

Sobek looked down in his bottle and took a long, heavy swig. "Mmm...well that's good. Tell me...get many thrills around here? Back where I come from is a real nice time all the time."

Brock laughed and shook his head, leaning back in his stool, spreading his legs to take a real lax sit. "This is a hospital and inn...sure I hear a lot of it but the 'ol coon doesn't do much of anything nowadays."

Sobek eyed over the male quickly. He was wearing nothing visible but a pair of long sack cloth pants. He was kinda chubby, had a furry gut, but nothing too large. His legs were firm, probably did more than just tend the counter. Maybe even a

farmer, but Sobek wasn't sure. But boy did he have a bulge. The dragon could only imagine how big he must be to make such an indent. He then nodded, looking him in the eyes again. "Oh yea...that must get a little stressful," He took a

quick swig, feeling his body tingle now. "But...I bet you get a lot of good lookin' furs around here 'eh?" He said with a lean on the counter, holding his bottle in a paw.

"Oh sure, we get lots of adventurers, talking about how their all this, what monsters they've slain, how many quests they've done for royalty. Showin' off their bodies from all the work they've done. One says he's takin' down an adult troll with

nuthin' but his trusty iron sword. Next one boasts he's done the same thing with nuthin' but his iron knife. I'm surprised some fetcher doesn't say how he took one out with nuthin' but his dinner fork!" He laughed and tilted back his head, taking a

deep drink after his chuckle.

Sobek returned the laugh, leaning forwards a bit with a low burp. "Heh heh heh...yea. Lotsa men like to stroke their ego.." He took another low swig. The raccoon now blushed, probably getting drunk. But Sobek wasn't far off himself. "Though

me myself like to stroke other areas..." He said with a wide, toothy grin. The bottle tilted again, sweet mead spilling down his throat. His body getting a bit woozy.

"Really now eh?" Brock said, licking his lips and taking another drink himself. "Well how about ya come over here and show ol' Brock how it's done?" Sobek murred deeply, crawling over the counter and sitting on the raccoon's lap. His lips met

the drunk male's. He responded with a playful grope of his rump and a intrusion of his muzzle with his tongue. Sobek moaned lowly, feeling the giant bulge harden up against his rear. He placed his paws on his shoulder's and returned the

slightly sloppy kiss. His rump grinding against his cock. His loincloth tilting aside as a hard erection grew forth. Brock grabbed it in his big paw, pumping his cock slowly. Sobek groaned, feeling Brock's cock strain on his simple pants. He

pulled back and got to the ground, kneeling. His paw pulled away the raccoon's pants, letting his big, uncut cock bounce forth. Sobek gave a low growl of approval.

"Mmm....such a big boy aren't we?" He said, lapping slowly at his glans with his tongue.

Brock returned with groans, grabbing his bottle and taking another slow, quenching drink. Precum oozed from his cock. "Unhh...yea...big coons love tight muzzles..." Sobek agreed and slowly closed his maw around his cock. It bobbed up and

down slowly, taking as much as he could without getting to his throat. Then he shoved the cock down his throat, then began bobbing on his cock, letting it go until his scaly lips met furry groin. Brock's paw grabbing the back of his head.

"Unhhh...gotta love you lizards and that no gagging thing..." He moaned, thrusting into Sobek's maw a little as he sucked him off. The dragon's paws groped the raccoon's large, furry testicles, bouncing them as he suckled and deep throated

him. He moaned loudly and closed his eyes, taking another deep swig. Sobek's efforts increased, knowing the pent up raccoon wouldn't last much longer. Brock groaned and gripped his stool as well as the male's head. He gave a few more

arches of his back and then a cry of pleasure, twitching and spasming as hot, seedy ropes of cum sprayed down his throat. He contorted about, groaning in pleasure. Sobek's eye's widen, feeling his stomach fill with such a big load. He

groaned, pulling off his dick slowly in the afterglow. The raccoon panted and groaned, his cock slowly softening again. He took another swig. "Unhh...fuck...thanks..."

Sobek smiled. "Don't mention it..." Licking his lips then taking a swig of his own mead.

Daichi gave a grumble and got off the bed. He shuffled out of the back door and into a nearby alley. His paw placed against he wall as he leaned, giving a low sigh. "Damn it Zach...please be OK..." He begged. "Please Enki...keep him safe..."

His cock poked out of his sheath, as he gave lax stance and started relieving his swollen bladder. Giving a hot stream of piss onto the wall; his tail went limp and he closed his eyes as he emptied his full organ. He finished and stood up

straight, yawning heavily and stretching.

Suddenly Daichi heard a voice from the top of the building. "Remember me?"

He looked up startled. "You!"