Sabhira's Daughter #5 (Tails of the Khajiit)

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#5 of Tails of the Khajiit

In which Udaran gets a windfall and Kitty gets a magical cloak with a flaw.

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| "WHAT?" exclaimed Udaran, not sure she had understood Blue, "Are you joking?"

Kitty smiled, perhaps a bit envious, "No Udie - she's serious."

"But, why me Blue?" asked Udie, "Why Milahme and I?"

Blue answered, "Well, Sabhira and Arabhi died for that gold in a way. Since they have no relatives anywhere around here, it seems only fair to me that their loved ones should get it." | |

| Udaran pondered this for a minute. "But," she realized, "Sabhira DOES have a relative in Skyrim."

The other three suddenly recalled what Udaran had said last night, "Her daughter!"

"Well, go ahead and give Milahme her half," Udaran said to Blue, "But I've got a quest to complete and now I have the means to do so. I'm going to find her!"

"Not without me!" Muz-Ra interjected.

Blue stammered, looking away shamefully, "I... I'm sorry Udaran, but I can't go with you. I'd like to, but..." | |

| "Oh, Blue. You've done enough!" Udaran responded sympathetically, "The wilds of Skyrim are no place for you."

Muz-Ra considered, "We'll need to take some for traveling money, but the rest should stay here until we return. We'd actually be safer if we don't carry much with us."

"Would you mind if I came too?" Kitty broke in.

"Kitty, why? You practically just got here," said Udaran, puzzled.

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| "Besides, really Kitty, I don't think you understand what it's like out there. There's a pretty good chance you could get KILLED," Muz-Ra cautioned

Kitty protested, "Oh, I know more than you might think Red. Besides, I can help!"

"How?" asked both Muz-Ra and Udaran together.

"HEY! I'm useful! I can run fast. And slinking. I'm VERY good at slinking," boasted the young Khajiit.

"A theif perhaps?" muzed Muz-Ra. | |

| "Well, I don't know about stealing," cautioned Kitty, "You know I think that's just wrong. But, maybe as a scout or something?"

The older Khajiit looked directly at Kitty and asked, "I don't know Kitty. Do you really want to risk your life for someone you don't even know?"

"No," Kitty responded flatly, "but you guys are the only friends I have. Not for her, but for you."

"Hey, I just remembered something!" Muz-Ra interrupted, "Katherine left some clothes she said were... special. Supposed to be some sort of invisibility cloak she said. If you really are stealthy, and if it really works..."

"Oh, I really CAN be when I want to. You don't think I chose these all-black clothes for nothing do you?" | |

| Udaran relented, "OK. I guess, if you really want to, you can come too. Besides I can't exactly say no - you're an adult and responsible for yourself."

"Yes, I am. And I'm going. But I'm intrigued by this outfit. What did she tell you about it Red?"

"I'm sorry, but I forgot the details. I didn't really think much about it at the time. She just said she wouldn't be needing it anymore and left it here. But I seem to recall it had some problem... no, I can't remember what it was," Muz-Ra concluded.

"Mind if I check it out?" asked Kitty.

The Argonian stood up, "Sure! Blue, why don't you go tell Milahme about her gold. If I know her, she'll take the money and run and never look back. Kitty, you come with me. I'm not sure if it will fit, but I think it's pretty stretchy." | |

| A few minutes later Kitty and Muz-Ra were standing near Muz-Ra's locker... "THIS is an invisibility cloak?" Kitty protested, "If I wear this I'll be seen for miles! Bhusaran's white outfit is more stealthy than this!"

Muz-Ra agreed, "That's what I thought actually. I suppose if it's magical, it probably has a soul gem or something though. The clasp maybe?"

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| Kitty tried pressing the clasp. "Nothing." she stated, disappointed.

"Well how should I know? She just GAVE it to me. It's not like invisibility would help when modelling for a men's magazine!" the Argonian bickered. | |

| "I'll try with the hood up..." Kitty said, dubiously.

"Nothing," she repeated.

"Um... Kitty..." Muz-Ra interjected.

"You got any other great ideas?" asked Kitty sarcastically.

"Kitty... I can't see you." - Muz-Ra | |