Sabhira's Daughter #18

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#19 of Tails of the Khajiit

A rude greeting at Helgen, and a new use for an arrow as an anal probe is discovered.

| | | "It was Ri'saad that was foolish, to SEND you alone," Udaran pointed out.

"This one must return in failure, but your success would assuage my shame. Just please be careful."

"We will. I will see you again Atahbah," Udaran assured her.

"May you walk on warm sands, Udaran," Atahbah said, smiling weakly.

"And you, Atahbah," Udaran said, hugging her fiercely. | | | "Let's go," Udaran commanded.

"Absolutely," Muz-Ra agreed, recognizing the time for frivolity was over.

"Do you have a plan Udaran?" Ubergard asked of the leader.

"Not really, but they will regret attacking us. I would not risk lives for gold, but this is no longer about gold, or even Sabhira's memory." | | | "Then what IS it about?" probed Ubergard.

"I cannot abide such barbarianism. I will seek justice for Atahbah. Are you with me?" Udaran looked up at the giant.

"Of course!" responded Muz-Ra and Kitty.

"With pleasure," added Ubergard. | | | "I guess that makes you a Warrior," observed Kitty, "A Social Justice Warrior."

"Yes, I guess it does! Maybe I should have choosen a different Stone?" Udaran contemplated.

The big argonian suggested, "A warrior comes in many forms. As does Justice."

"Red, I'd like to speak with you privately for a minute," Udaran said, taking Muz-Ra aside. | | | "Kitty, I want you to wear your cloak, and I want you to activate it if things turn violent," Udaran said when she'd finished talking to Muz-Ra.

"I'm not a coward Udie. I won't abandon you!" Kitty protested.

Udaran nodded, "I understand that. But you aren't a fighter either. When cloaked, perhaps you can find some other way of assisting."

"...hmm. Ok, that makes sense. But I have to tell you, I won't kill anyone. Its kind of a thing with me."

"I hope you won't have to. But be sure to stay out of our way. We won't be able to see you either."

"Got it." | | | Some time later...

"We are nearing Helgen. Be on your guard. A band that size probably won't have sentries out during the day, but you can never be sure," Ubergard informed them.

"Kitty, you and Muz-Ra stay a few steps behind. Muz-Ra has her bow, and you can activate your cloak and get away from any danger easier."

Muz-Ra and Kitty nodded their assent as Muz-Ra readied her bow, Udaran her sword and Ubergard hefted Virgindrung | | | "STOP!" called the voice of an Orc standing just outside the closed gates of Helgen. "What have we here? A band of nubile females to keep us company?"

"We're looking for Hasskir. We need to speak with him," Udaran called from a safe distance.

"You're out of luck. He exhausted himself on another Khajiit last night. The rest of us aren't into fur. Scales now... that's another thing!" The sentry said, eyeing the Argonians appraisingly.

"We're not here to debate! Bring out Hasskir," Udaran warned.

"Or what? Will you smother us with your tits?" the Orc mocked. | | | At that, Udaran nodded to Muz-Ra who quickly nocked and loosed an arrow. The luckless sentry turned to retreat behind the wall, but the arrow buried itself up his entrails before he could move get to safety.

"How about if we just fuck you with an arrow?" Udaran laughed loudly, then called, "HASSKIR!" | | | The gate was quickly opened and shut as another bandit retrieved the body of the sentry.

"One down. And now?" asked Kitty.

"Now we wait," stated Ubergard, scanning the wall and the surroundings. | |