Sabhira's Daughter #22 (1 of 2)

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#24 of Tails of the Khajiit

Falkreath and Muz-Ra's Eulogy

| "Dammit Udie, we shouldn't have done it," Kitty mourned.

"Believe me Kitty, if I'd really known we would lose Red, I wouldn't have led us there. But there was Atahbah too," sympathized Udaran. | | | "Yeah. I know. We all knew the danger. And I guess the world's a better place with those bandits dead."

"Maybe," Udaran considered, "but I'd trade them all for Red back."

"Me too," said Kitty. | | | "A round for the house, Bartender," Ubergard called loudly, suprising Udaran and Kitty. "In memory of Red!"

"Ubergard?" both Kitty and Udaran exclaimed.

"Sure! It's a traditional warrior's eulogy. And Muz-Ra was definitely a warrior," Ubergard smiled. | | | "Then let's drink and dance - to Red!" Kitty agreed.

"To Red!" Ubergard said, raising her mug.

"To Red!" Udaran joined in. | | | Kitty and Udaran began to dance while Udaran and the other patrons sang along and applauded them. | | | Later, when the alcohol had begun it's work and the pain of Muz-Ra's loss had faded somewhat...

"Maybe we'd better turn in early. We're just going to get drunk on our asses if we stay out here," Udaran suggested.

"That's my plan!" Ubergard smiled, stumbling slightly.

"Kitty?" asked Udaran

"I'm with you Udie. Ubergard, drink em all under the table!" Kitty said as she followed Udaran to the room they had hired. | | | A while later Kitty looked at Udaran seriously.

"I want her back Udie. Really badly," Kitty said, knowing it would do no good to keep thinking about Muz-Ra.

"Me too Kitty, me too," Udaran said. | | | "Hold me?" Kitty asked.

"Sure Kitty," whispered Udaran. and with that, Kitty snuggled up to Udaran and they both fell into a deep sleep. | |