Sabhira's Daughter #23

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#26 of Tails of the Khajiit

Muz-Ra pulls a Gandalf.

| The sun had risen and it was well into mid-morning by the time they arrived back at the Guardian stones, where all were disappointed to find nothing waiting for them there.

"No, it's ok Kitty. I know you believed in your dream. I'd do the same if I was as sure," Udaran said, to reassure Kitty.

"But dammit, it wasn't a dream. It was something else. I can't describe it, but it was like I was looking through a lens right at her. And she was HERE!" Kitty cried.

"No trace that I can find," said Ubergard, returning from a search of the area. | |

| "Should we go back to Falkreath?" Udaran asked Ubergard.

"No. From here there's a trail that skirts the southern end of the lake. We can just follow that. But there's no more towns on the way." Ubergard suggested.

"I don't know about you, but I'm tired. Let's nap here and get caught up on some sleep. Sound OK?" Udaran asked them both.

"Please! I'm a bit hungover too I'm afraid," Ubergard admitted, "and sleepy."

Kitty apologised to them both, "Yeah. Look, I'm sorry you guys. I feel so stupid." | |

| "I was so SURE, Udie. Dammit, it's like losing her all over again."

"Just rest a while Kitty. You'll feel better when you've slept a bit."

"I'll try. Thanks Udaran. For everything. I've been naive and stupid as a kitten and I know it."

"Shhh. It'll be ok. Sleep." - Udaran | |

| An hour or so later...

"Kitty?" whispered Muz-Ra. | |

| "Mrph... what?" Kitty asked her friend.

"Wake up Kitty, I need to talk to you," insisted Muz-Ra

"Ok! I'm getting up. What do you need?" asked an uncomprehending Kitty.

"What day is it?" the Argonian asked. | |

| "RED!!!!!" Kitty cried, suddenly understanding who she was looking at, and she buried her head in her friend's shoulder unable to say more. | |

| Udaran awoke at Kitty's cry, startled to see her assumed dead friend. "Red! What!?" How did you get here? Where have you been?!"

"Long story Udie. I'll tell it in good time though. But first, mind if you tell ME what happened to YOU guys? I have no idea how long ago I... left," Muz-Ra explained.

"Sure Red!" Kitty said, finally releasing her friend, "Well, the last we saw of you was yesterday when that Mage was casting Flame at you. I couldn't see at the time but I heard you. Red, I heard you screaming. Oh Red! How are you OK?"

"Yesterday? Oh! That's good anyway. And you all got away?" asked Muz-Ra. | |

| "Well, Kitty pushed Hasskir off and he apparently broke his neck. At least we think it was Hasskir who was shooting from the walls. A Khajiit anyway. Then Ubergard got rid of the Mage, and the others ran off," Udaran explained.

"She split him clean in half Red! It was... awesome AND gruesome!" Kitty continued.

"And the others behind the wall?" asked Muz-Ra.

"There weren't any. Uber thinks the mage was making his voice come from behind the wall. Or maybe they ran off too. Either way, the battle ended just after you disappeared. We thought the worst I'm afraid," said Udaran.

"We had a party for you in Falkreath last night Red," Kitty added, "You'd have loved it!" | |

| "I see. So, what are your plans now?" Muz-Ra smiled.

"Well, Udaran thinks that mage may have been telling the truth when he said Hasskir sold his daughter in Markarth. So we were heading there," Kitty concluded.

"Yeah, that makes sense. Ok, I'll tell you everything that happened to me. For me it seems like it's been a lot longer than that though. But before I start, can you help me find my clothes? They'll be nearby somewhere," asked Muz-Ra. | |

| A few minutes later...

"There! NOW I feel back to normal! Ok, I'll tell you what happened, but I actually need to finish my earlier story first. It will all make more sense to you then. Well, at least as much as it CAN make sense."

"So you WEREN'T making it all up?" asked Kitty.

"Well, maybe I used a little artistic license. You may not believe it, but I've been known to exaggerate a bit. And perhaps add a bit of... spice," Muz-Ra explained

"No! I'd never have believed it!" Udaran commented sarcastically. "Oh, I'm sorry Red. Force of habit. Red, I'm just DAMNED glad to have you back!" Udaran confessed.

"And me too Red. I'm sorry I don't express myself well, but I am... very happy," Ubergard admitted.

"Oh god, not you TOO Uber?! I don't even HAVE tear ducts and I still want to cry. Thanks guys." | |