Sabhira's Daughter #25
#28 of Tails of the Khajiit
Deus ex Machina to the rescue!
(I'm trying to improve my writing - really I am. It's actually HARD to write well! Who knew? :) I'm not there yet, but I am trying.
| Kitty looked at the Argonian's outfit as if looking at it for the first time. "I always thought your bikini seemed somehow different than the costumes that most of the girls wear!" she observed.
"Oh yes, this isn't something H provided. I brought it with me into the Chateau. And I could never part with it. I once had it examined by an alchemist who claimed that it is, in fact, some odd form of flexible gold," Muz-Ra explained while performing a proud pirouette. |
| "GOLD? You're wearing pure gold?!" Kitty asked excitedly, her tail twitching.
"Oh calm down Kitty, you look like a cat that just heard the can opener! Besides, that doesn't explain ANYTHING about what happened at Helgen," Udaran said, turning to Muz-Ra with her hands on her hips.
"I'm getting to that..." Muz-Ra said. |
| "Up until Helgen, it had never shown the slightest sign of having any sort of magical attribute, but now I know better. When that Mage burned me, I was nearly killed outright. I'm sure Ubergard got to him as quickly as she could, but my body had already been severely burned and my eyes were useless. I knew I was about to die, but the pain was so unbearable I welcomed the end. Then suddenly my outfit came to life somehow and swept me away from that place." |
| "Blessedly, the pain was instantly erased and I seemed to dream, or at least that's the best I can describe of what it was like. At times I felt like I lay in a molten sea, at others the feeling was a blessed coldness as if I lay on the peak of a windswept mountain. Yet again sometimes it felt I was bathed in an ocean. But my eyes were sealed shut." |
| "Some time later, I've no idea how long, I heard the Master's voice and the Mistress as well. Though I could not see anything, he told me to relax and not be afraid. He said he had used the outfit to recall me to his realm before my death was irreversible, as a way of paying me back for my service all those years ago. Even the Mistress was kind to me and I felt my body become whole again as she did SOMETHING to it. I can't say if she applied some ointment or cast some spell, all I know is I felt myself return to normal physically, and I know it was her that did it." |
| "I remained with them for what felt like weeks, but my eyes were never able to open and I could not stand. I feared I'd gone permanently blind, but the Master assured me that it was only temporary. Finally, the Master told me that it was time for me to return and I felt him once again carry me with strong arms up the tower. Though I couldn't see it, I FELT him lay me down again onto that strange blue lens. He also told me he had informed my friends about my return and I would not awake alone. Further, that he was sending me back to the Guardian Stones, a place where his power to transport was particularly adept. He assured me he had returned my possessions ahead of me." |
| "That must have been my dream," said Kitty, recalling the odd way the vision she had the night before seemed distorted, as if seen through a long distance lens.
Muz-Ra agreed, "I assume so too. The next thing I knew, I was laying between the Stones where you were sleeping. And that's it, that's all I know. |
| "Solid gold bra and panties huh? Must be nice!" Kitty said, admiring the material.
"And no, you can't try them on for size Kitty," Muz-Ra smiled.
"I know they wouldn't fit! But still, flexible gold." Kitty said, her fingers involuntarily reaching out as if to touch the magical cloth.
| "Naughty Kitty. Go ahead, you may touch the Golden Body."
"Ooooo! It's smooth! And surprisingly warm," Kitty said as she slid her paws over the smooth surface with it's slightly indented runes. |
| "Well thank you Kitty. But if you don't mind, you're turning me on and I'm SUPPOSED to be hetero," the Argonian warned with a gleam in her eye.
"OH! Sorry," Kitty apologized as she yanked back her hands. |
| Udaran sighed and cleared her throat, "Well, if you two are done groping each other, can we get moving again?" |