Mako (Illustrated)

Story by Skatelian on SoFurry

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Hi everybody!!!! This here is my little summer brainchild. Or part of it, at least. Expect this little miniseries to go up to maybe 4 stories ^^

Illustrations by awesome tygurstar

As usual, enjoy and don't view this adult natured work if it's not legal in your area or age!!!


"...the night shift, huh?" The young leopard girl said as her tail twitched about.

"Yup!! I know I knowwwww... But..." Mishka said, grooming the fur on her belly.

"I'm not saying anything... But if I were to say something, I'd say you worked wayyyy too hard to end up in the graveyard shift" Anna said as she looked at the young sea otter.

"I know..." Mishka sighed softly, then looked up at her roommate. "But it's the aquarium! And... And... I get to help with the feedings!" She said excited as she kept on fidgeting with the soft plushy fur on her white belly.

"But you wanted noon shifts as a diver! Surely they... Stop grooming yourself, you've been at it for hours now" she said, playfully bopping the otter on the head as she noticed Mishka was not paying any attention.

"Eeeey, you try and live with a million hairs per square inch. Gotta keep it clean, or I get cold!" The otter said, bopping back.

"Puff puff rudderbutt!" Anna said playfully.

"Shush up, you know I hate that nickname" she replied, moving to another grooming spot.

"Awwww... But it sounds so cute... Just like... You..." The snow leopard said, leaning towards her and giving her a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Kitten..." Mishka said softly as she felt the kiss and returned it ever so gently, shivering. She knew where this was headed and she didn't like it.

"P-please... Mishy?" The snow leopard whined, gently rubbing the fur on her belly. Mishka squirmed uncomfortably as the feline's paw went south and south, aiming for the panties she was wearing...

"S-stop... K-kitten, please... I don't want to..." The otter said, squirming out of her grasp. A somber atmosphere permeated the room, and Anna sighed.

"I know... I know... You need-" she began.

"-more time" the otter said as she looked away.

"It's just... It's been a year, Mishy... You have to move on" the feline said, slowly scooting closer to her mustelid friend.

"It's easier said than done" was the reply. The otter stiffened as she felt two arms wrapped around her belly, but sighed softly and relaxed as she noticed they had no naughty intentions.

"I'm here for you... Every step of the way. You know that... Right?" The feline girl said softly, looking deep into Mishka's eyes.

"Right" the otter replied softly before leaning in and giving the snow leopard a little kiss. She loved her, she really really did. But...

"I know exactly what you need though..." The feline said before running off into the bedroom. Some noises came from within, but the otter waited patiently with a small idea as to what the other girl was doing.

"Come look!" Anna said from within the bedroom.

"Coming" Mishka replied and went in. Anna had arranged the bed with all the covers on top to make a little nest, and there was ice cream and a laptop in front.

"Nothing gets my Mishy better than a pillow nest and a Netflix binge session" the feline said as she went into the bundle of covers.

"I love you..." The otter said with a smile as she crept up and crawled inside the nest too, snuggling in.

"I love you too, puff puff rudderbutt..." The feline whispered as they both snuggled in, and cuddled their way into a long movie marathon.

"Aaaaand these are the keys to the back room, where the equipment is. I think that covers it... Any questions?" The doberman asked, handing the otter the keys.

"Nope, I think you pretty much went over all of it" Mishka said excited. She was eager to start.

"Well then... Oh, one last thing. Sometimes, you'll hear staff say the night shift is haunted or something like that. Pay no attention to that, it's just something they do to frighten newbies every now and then. I can assure you it's perfectly non-supernatural in here" the friendly staff member said, closing the main gates before shaking her paw and saying goodbye.

"Phew... Finally. Let's go do some work then" the otter girl said softly. She pulled up her crumpled to do list and scanned it quickly.

"Feed the Dolphins, check on the octopus, change the filter valve on the shark tank... Fairly straightforward. I have six hours here... I might as well get acquainted with the place first" she mumbled to herself before going in. The aquarium had been built a long time ago and expanded as it went, which meant lots of small corridors lined with tanks and the occasional big exhibit. She walked happily, gazing at the animals to her heart's content. Most of these behaved in completely different ways during the night, and she stopped a little longer to look at them. The octopus was the first one that caught her attention.

"Hey, Ink!" She called out to him. He obviously didn't reply. He seemed focused on prying a little rock off the edge of the exhibit, and just generally wandering around.

"Most people don't know his name" a voice came from right behind her.

"GAH!!!!!!" The otter said, dropping her little clipboard and turning around frantically. She expected to find a ghoulish specter or a nightmarish apparition...

But all she found was a mouse. A pink furred, teenaged mouse girl.

"G-g-ghost! N-naked ghost! Eeeeek!" Came another little scream.

"I am not...! Well... Not FULLY naked... I'm no ghost either!" Said the mouse girl.

"W-what are you... Who... Why... Wah?" The otter stumbled. Her back pressed against the octopus' tank, who had scrambled for cover in the ruckus.

"One question at a time, relax... You'll have a heart attack" she replied as she sat down. Her demeanor, and the fact that she seemed extremely non-threatening, seemed to calm the otter down a little bit, at least enough to fully articulate a sentence.

"I'm sorry, you just scared the shit out of me... W-who are you?" She asked.

"No worries... I'm... My name's a bit hard to pronounce, just call me Mouse. Everyone does" she said with a smile.

"O-okay... W-what are you doing in here?" She asked.

"Same as you! I make sure everything runs smooth. They didn't tell you about me?" She said, tilting her head.

"N-no... They didn't. I thought I'd be alone here tonight... B-but... Why are you..." The otter said, pointing at the mouse. Indeed, the young pink-furred rodent was wearing nothing but blue panties and a small bra.

"Oh, right. Well... You aren't the only one who thought they'd be alone here tonight. It's nice and toasty here because of the tanks, and the animals don't mind... I can cover up if you do, though..." The mouse girl said. However, it was clear that she wasn't exactly ashamed of her own partial nudity. Mishka blinked and then shook her head a little. She was cute, and she probably knew more about the aquarium than her, so she wanted to make a good first impression.

"And you are... Mishka, correct?" The mouse girl asked.

"H-how did you know my name?" She replied, curious.

"I used my supernatural naked ghost powers to learn it" the mouse girl said somberly, before laughing a little and pointing to Mishka's shirt, and the name tag attached.

"Oh..." The otter said with a little blush.

"Well... Now that the awkward introductions are out of the way... Want to tour the place?" The mouse asked playfully as she got up and held out her hand.

"Ummm... Sure" the otter said, mentally noting the girl's extremely cute and cheerful behavior. It was kind of contagious.

"Onwards then!" She replied, taking the confused otter's hand as if she'd been a lifelong friend.

"Our first stop is the octopus! Ink! You know, not many people know that that's it's name. They think he's boring, but it's only because they come during the day, and he's sleeping" she began. Ink was, indeed, back out trying to pry a rock free. This time he succeeded, and was treated to a small crab that tried to run away, but was turned into a midnight snack faster than Mishka could gasp.

"Yay! He found it! He's been looking for it for hours" the mouse said with a giggle.

"Oh my..." The otter said, mesmerized. As a sea dweller herself, she felt nothing but utter fascination for these animals.

"Moving on! Heeeeeere is... The shark tank!" The little squeaky mouse said, pointing at the massive glass structure. Inside, five massive sharks swam around.

"Oh boy, these guys are HUGE" said the otter. She'd seen sharks before, but not this size.

"These gals, you mean. Only one of them is a boy" she said with a smile, looking at the Sharks.

"How can you tell?" Mishka asked.

"See, if you look underneath, you'll see claspers on the male. Did you know that male sharks have two penises? I think that's crazy weird" she said with a giggle, making the otter blush a little as she came closer to the glass.

"So, that small girl on the bottom is a nurse shark, and her name is nurse Betty. To the side, that small black-tip reef shark is called Natasha. Aaaaand here is a small bull shark we call nibbles. She's adorably curious. The other two are a bit more confusing" she said, while the otter took in all the information.

"How so?" She asked.

"See that one there? That's Mako. She's a sandbank shark. And the one swimming towards us? That's Bryce, and he is a mako shark. He's the only male" she said as the shark swam right by the glass, and Mishka shivered a little. It was almost as if the shark had been... Staring at her...

"Wait, lemme get this straight. Mako is not a mako because the mako is Bryce? Who thought of that mess?" Mishka said playfully.

"Oh, one of the interns. Anyways, we've never actually wanted to change the names." The mouse girl said.

"How do you keep Bryce from mating with the other ones?" She asked curious.

"We don't. We've actually tried to encourage him to, but he just doesn't seem interested in them. And we don't know why. Poor thing hasn't gotten laid in the five years he's been around..." She said, sighing softly as if she shared the shark's frustration.

"Weird... I always imagined sharks to have big libidos" Mishka said.

"Oh, they do, trust me. Natasha has the habit of rubbing herself against Bryce to try and entice him, and the other girls are certainly receptive. We had another male for a while on a loan from the coast city aquarium, and it just mated with anything that moved. But not our Bryce..." She said softly. Then she turned around and kept walking, the otter in tow.

"Ah! The dolphin tank! There's two Dolphins here. We have a boy named salt and a girl named pepper. They're sleeping right now" she said as she pointed at the two swimming Dolphins.

"Sleeping? But... They're swimming..." Mishka said.

"Indeed. Look closely. They have one eye open and one eye closed. They have to sleep with half their brain at a time, so the other half can do the swimming and breathing" she said, looking into the large tank.

"Oh! That's cool!" The otter said.

"Yep... Why don't you take off your clothes?" She asked the girl, completely out of the blue.

"I... Wait, what?" She replied, taking a couple seconds to process the question.

"Yeah! Trust me, it's the most liberating feeling ever. The animals don't mind, and I certainly don't either" she said with a silly smile.

"Errrrrr... I... Guess if no one is around..." She said with a huge blush in her cheeks. She took off the polo shirt that identified her as a member of the aquarium, and then slid off her jeans. Her body was slender and toned, but not muscled, and it was reminiscent of a teenager who kept good care of herself.

"Ooooh, you're a cute one!" The mouse girl said with the most innocent of looks, making Mishka blush even more.

"Oh... Not nearly as much as you, I'm not that pretty..." She said softly, looking at the mouse girl.

"Nonsense! You're extremely cute. You should be a bit more confident in yourself" she told the otter with a playful wink as she grabbed her paw once more and dragged her off to see the rest of the aquarium.

"Easier said than done" Mishka mumbled a little. However, she was forced to admit to herself that her tour guide was right. Being in her underwear felt... Liberating. Not to mention comfortable.

"So, what do you think?" The mouse girl asked Mishka.

"I love it. I've been here since I was a little girl, but to be honest with you I had never been able to explore it so... Calmly. It has a very soothing atmosphere without all the crying kids and selfie takers." She said with a smile, her rudder tail swaying a little.

"Goodie! Now, as much as we'd love to daydream about these guys, there's work to do. I'm assuming you've got a list?" The pink rodent asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah, here..." Mishka said as she grabbed her crumpled pants from the floor and pulled out an even more crumpled note.

"Dolphin feeding, check on Ink the octopus, and change the filter on the shark tank" she said to herself. The mouse girl grinned and quickly took her by the arm, pulling her towards the octopus' tank almost comically.

"Ink-y first!" She said as she pressed her face to the glass. She looked like an overexcited 4-year-old on her first visit.

"It says to check on him... What am I checking for?" Mishka asked.

"Basic stuff. Is he still there? Is he healthy and swimming? He gets fed at weird intervals by the staff so don't worry about feeding him unless they tell you to" the mouse girl said with glee.

"Check!" Said the otter, checking off the little box next to it on her list and folding the paper before putting it on the waist of her panties for safekeeping.

"Alrighty. Let's go feed the Dolphins. They're probably awake now, and they get noisy when hungry" she said. Almost as if on cue, high pitched clicks and squeaks began to come in through the hallways.

"Yep. Like clockwork" the mouse girl added before again grabbing Mishy's arm and dragging her towards the tank.

"Whelp!" She made as she was rushed off. Where this girl got all her energy, she didn't know. But it was getting very contagious and enticing, and soon enough she too began to run and giggle with the mouse. As they got to the dolphin enclosure, she opened a small door hidden masterfully within the wall, giving them access to the maintenance area of the tank.

"This is how you get to the backstage, as we call it. Maintenance, feeding and other things are done here, away from the public." She said as she walked to the edge of the massive dolphin tank. Salt and pepper were both there, clicking and whistling madly for food, heads peeking out of the water.

"Heyyyyyyy you two!" The mouse girl said affectionately as she leaned down and rubbed both of them on the melon, smiling.

"Whoa..." Mishka said as she saw how well acquainted the girl and the Dolphins were.

"Yep! We've been friends for a loooooong time. This is one of the cutest couples around. It's too bad pepper is infertile; we'd have so many cute little Dolphins by now..." She said as she moved up and walked towards a big refrigerator.

"How can you tell?" The curious otter asked.

"It's quite funny. Salt, the boy, has one dark patch right by the blowhole. Pepper, on the other hand, has three. Someone noticed they kind of looked like salt and pepper shakers, and it stuck." She said with a gleeful chirp.

"Oh, that's cool! But I meant... How do you know pepper is... Infertile?" She asked.

"Ohhhhh that's what you meant. These two have sex ALL the time. I mean it. Ten, fifteen times a day. Anything that has so much sex and doesn't get knocked up has to have a problem with the plumbing" she said, almost as if it was common knowledge.

"But maybe Salt is the one with the issue" Mishka said, to which the mouse girl gave a little shake of her head.

"We thought so, but then they did a sperm count on him. It seemed fine, plenty of strong swimmers in there" She explained. Convinced, Mishka shrugged and looked at the refrigerator that her companion was standing in front of.

"What's 'ere?" She asked. Again, the mouse flashed a huge grin.

"Food! More specifically..." She said before opening it up. Immediately a smell of raw fish permeated the air like a dense fog.

"CHUM-SICKLES!!!!" She finished her sentence as she tossed the girl a ball of unknown stuff.

"Eeeek!!!!" She shrieked out, grabbing it out of instinct but letting go once she realized that that slimy ball was made of frozen fish. It slipped and rolled right into the tank, and both Dolphins immediately dove after it.

"Teehee, I'm sorryyyyyy, I couldn't resist" the mouse girl said, offering a lighthearted apology.

"What the hell was that???" Mishka asked.

"It's their food! It's a chum-sickle. Frozen fish in a little ball. These two are very playful, and they'll play with it for a while till it melts, and eat fish as they fall off. They seem to enjoy it" she said as she dipped her hands into the tank to clean them, and the otter promptly did the same.

"Well, your scared the crap out of me. Again. You enjoy that, don't you?" She asked the mouse, to which she replied with a playful stick of the tongue.

"You're fun to startle. Alrighty... Filter change time. To the shark tank!!!" She said playfully, and both girls made their way out into the aquarium's main hallway.

"This is terrifying" Mishka said as she stared at the shark tank from the maintenance area. Watching the animals through the thick glass was one thing, but watching them from the edge of the tank, with nothing besides the water separating her from the massive predators, was an entirely different ballgame.

"Nonsense. They're harmless. Mostly." The mouse girl said as she walked down the top of the tank, and went to a big set of machinery.

"Is that the filter system?" The otter asked.

"Yup! So, to change the filter, all you do it close this valve here... Pop open this hatch here... And then switch them out before undoing the process" she said as she showed her how to do it.

"That's it?" Mishka asked, smiling.

"Yup! Quick n' dirty!" The mouse girl said as she sat down on the edge of the tank. The Sharks swam underneath, oblivious to the two beings just outside.

"Well, that's all there is to do then... 5 more hours till my shift is done" she said with a soft sigh.

"How abouuuuuut... How about we take a nap? I always do that here" the mouse girl suggested.

"Really? Are we allowed to nap?" Mishka asked.

"Well... I won't tell them if you don't" the mouse replied with a little smirk.

"Hmmm... Alrighty" the otter replied as she walked with the mouse towards the back of the room. The tank was kept nice and cozy, and the slightly warm and humid air was helping sleepiness to grab ahold of the walnut furred girl. That, and the fact that she was not used to night shifts had her sleep schedule all confused. She closed her eyes, relaxing for a second...

"Hey, what's that? That's pretty!" The mouse girl said as she pointed at Mishka's neck. There, a small necklace glimmered in the dim lights.

"Oh, that... It was a gift... From someone" she said as she laid down on the floor. It felt cool and welcoming.

"Oooooh. A boyfriend maybe? A Mr. Otter?" The mouse girl inquired further with a childlike playfulness.

"I... He, uh... Not really, but kinda... My current... Partner doesn't like it, but I keep it. It's the last thing I have left from him" Mishy said as she dropped her cookie shaped ears a little, and the mouse girl knew she'd hit a sore nerve.

"Sorry... Do y-you wanna talk about it maybe?" She asked the otter. Her eyes were all pretty and attentive, and she seemed to be so eager to help out...

"He... His name was jack. He was the captain of the school's football team... He looked so dreamy back then, everyone wanted to be his. Even some of the most... 'Progressive' boys." Mishka began, her fingers fidgeting with the little heart shaped necklace.

"I see..." She said softly, encouraging the otter to continue.

"It was during the senior prom. Somebody spiked the punch, and I drank a little too much... And I went to him and confessed I loved him" she said as her voice began to shake. The mouse girl scooted over and laid a gentle hand on her knee.

"H-he made the music stop. He... He told everybody, and... And he made it seem like... " she continued, her sniffles now breaking her sentences.

"I couldn't stop him... I don't think I wanted to at that time... He... He laid me down on one of the tables... And then he... He..." She began to break down at this point, tears pouring down her cheeks.

"Oh no..." The mouse girl gasped softly.

"In f-f-front of everybody... I... I can still hear them cheering..." She said, bawling.

"I'm sorry... That... That's just not how it's supposed to go... Oh..." The mouse girl said as she hugged the otter close. She felt the chocolate furred girl shake and pull back from her contact for a little, before relaxing in her arms.

"T-that's not the worst part though... It was... He... And... When..." She said, the crying making it impossible for her to speak.

"Shhh... Take your time... Let it all out..." The mouse encouraged with a reassuring paw to the back, holding the otter close and making her feel all protected.

"I... I..." Mishka said, calming down, and took a couple breaths. "It was the expression on his face... The way he behaved... It was as if... As if he just didn't care... As if he was just doing it to show his friends... As if he was doing me a favor" the otter girl said with the saddest possible look on her face.

"That's horrible... I'm so sorry..." The mouse girl said as she hugged the otter girl yet again. She was sincere, and her face reflected the fact that she sympathized with the brown furred girl and shared her pain.

"I don't remember what happened afterwards too well. I know he came on my face... And I'm kind of glad he did, I don't know what I would've done if I'd gotten pregnant... Then they left me there. Someone somewhere else had lit up some weed and they all flocked to get a taste... And he left me there. Naked and still bleeding from down there... It had been my first and he hadn't been gentle at all... and cum and tears on my cheeks." She said. She was slowly composing herself, the tears no longer flowing but a sad expression still stuck on her face.

"W-why did no one stop him? That sounds so mean!!" The mouse girl said, sounding infuriated.

"Well... I had no friends then... I was a geek loner, and he was popular... I couldn't move, he had shredded my dress just to fuck me... I was cold... Then I saw her." Mishka said with a melancholic expression.

"Her?" The mouse asked.

"Anna. She was the only one that had stayed. She took a tablecloth from the back room and covered me in it. She drove me home and stayed there the entire night with me... Listening to me. She... She wanted me to go to the police. I didn't" she said softly as she cleaned her cheeks with the fur on her arms.

"W-why didn't you? He clearly raped you!" The mouse asked.

"I tried to. The next day. He found me before I could. Started apologizing, said he had had too much to drink... He bought me this" she said as she fidgeted with the necklace again.

"I wanted so bad to believe him... I was young and stupid and in love, or so I thought... And I had no self esteem. Not after that prom night anyways. So I didn't say anything. I kept quiet that day, waiting for him to come back the next day. Maybe something could be salvaged from that mess... He never returned. He crashed his car against a pole that night after being out drinking. Didn't even make it to the ambulance" she said with a sniffle.

"Oh no..." The mouse girl said, whimpering a little.

"It's okay. Turns out he wasn't alone in the car. His girl, or one of them at least, was in the front seat. And they found his dick inside her mouth. The impact made her bite it off." The otter said softly.

"Oh boy..." The mouse girl added, flinching a little. Just hearing that was painful.

"I didn't really register that though. I was a complete mess. I cried day and night, and stopped eating. I used to be chubbier than this, and I lost several pounds in few weeks. But Anna stayed with me every day. She visited and brought cookies and food and listened to me say the same things over and over again. She brought my homework, made sure I didn't fall behind on my courses..."

"Wow... It seems you have a really good friend." The mouse added, rubbing the otter behind the ears affectionately.

"More than just a friend... That was a year ago. And about six months ago... Things got kinda... Intimate. It didn't happen at once, just tighter hugs and softer caresses... Then we started kissing... showering together... We moved in together... But..."

"But?" The mouse girl asked.

"She wants to have sex with me. And... I think I want to have sex with her too. B-but... I just... It just flashes back every time she..." Mishka said softly.

"Oh... I see..."

"It's totally not a problem... Well... Not yet, anyways... She understands, and she doesn't mind..." Mishka finished up, sighing. "I'm sorry I dumped all that on you, I don't know why I did that..."

"Oh hey, don't worry about it... It's completely understandable what you're going through. One day you'll gain that courage, and you'll find yourself." The mouse girl said before getting up, offering a paw to the otter girl so she'd stand up too.

"I don't know about that..." Mishka said softly, as the mouse girl lifted her up.

"Oh no... Trust me." She said before pulling on her really hard. With a scared yelp, the sea otter stumbled towards the edge of the shark tank.

Her feet left the surface, she felt the very first splashes of water on her hands.

"You will" she heard the mouse say just before water closed over her, and she found herself submerged in the aquarium's shark exhibit.

Mishka felt herself go into full panic mode. She knew very well she was now swimming in a tank with several apex predators, each of which was perfectly capable of chomping her down in a second (with the exception of nurse Betty, the docile, toothless nurse shark).

Her head popped out the surface, and she frantically looked for stairs or an exit. She could see a couple, collapsed on the top and way out of reach. Before she could scan the entire edge though, a menacing fin popped out the surface and started making a beeline for her. She gasped and swam away, but even the agile sea otter was no match for the shark. She felt something tug on her leg and yelped as she was dragged below the surface again. Her scrambling hands touched the cold glass, and she realized she was against the main viewing window. She could see the empty, dark hall of the aquarium's visitor viewing area, and she tried to punch the glass before realizing there was no way she could break the foot-thick display.

"Oh gods... I'm dead... I'm going to die..." She thought, turning around and expecting to see teeth. Instead, however, she was met with a kiss.

"Mmmmmph!" She said, bubbles blowing out her mouth as she resisted at first. Then, something really weird happened.

The shark embraced her.

"W-wha..." She thought to herself. She might not have been a biologist, but she was pretty sure sharks were not supposed to have arms.

And yet, here she was, being embraced by these leathery arms. She shivered as she opened her eyes, now aware that whatever was happening, she was not in control. She dared to open her eyes, and saw the most peculiar sight. She was in the firm arms of a humanoid figure, complete with arms and legs. Behind this figure's legs she could clearly see a shark's tail, swishing back and forth. She squirmed, her lungs burning with need for air, as she bolted for the surface. She was surprised to see that the shark had let her go. Perhaps it knew she couldn't get away.

As her face broke the surface of the warm and salty water, she allowed her burning lungs to fill up with much needed oxygen. She took a couple deep breaths, preparing to be pulled back down by the predator. But it never came. She looked down into the water, and saw a scene straight out of a fantasy.

All the Sharks inside the tank had changed. They looked... Different. They all had legs and arms, and their heads looked much more anthropomorphic than she had imagined. She could still distinguish them. Nurse Betty was lying down on one of the edges, resting peacefully and completely oblivious to anything else going on. Nibbles was swimming in circles around the tank, and Mishka could tell that she was looking at her. Under her feet, she saw Mako looking away, seemingly uninterested.

"T-that's three... B-but where..." She thought for herself, turning around to find a rather interesting scene: Bryce, the male, was on his back against the glass. Pinning him down was Natasha, who had his arms immobilized against the glass. Soon enough, Nibbles joined in, helping Natasha pin the male to the glass. Mishka looked as the female spread her legs, and began to lewdly grind her sex on Bryce's leg. Natasha began to do the same with the opposite leg, both trying to entice the big male. The otter looked, half dazed, as the male struggled against them. She could easily tell he didn't want to mate those females, although the why eluded her.

"I'm dreaming; this has to be a dream... This is obviously a dream... But then... why can't I wake up?" The otter thought. As she took another breath, she looked down to see what was going on.

Natasha seemed to need more stimulation, and she instinctively let go of Bryce's arm so she could grab his leg and press it harder against her needy sex. This proved to be a big mistake, as Bryce quickly used his arm to shake Nibbles off his other arm. Before they could react, both female sharks were being held firmly by their throats, the male gazing into their eyes. The tables had turned, and the two females knew it. As he released them, both swam away to the other corner of the aquarium tank, and stayed there, looking. Their eyes spoke for them... They were defeated.

Mishka gasped a couple bubbles as she noticed that the male's attention was now focused on her. His deep blue eyes pierced her soul and stripped her emotions bare. As inexperienced as she was in love, she immediately realized what that look meant.

He wanted her. He needed her.

She instinctively crossed her legs and prepared to be dragged to the bottom and raped. Her dream, already scary, had turned into a nightmare.

The shark swam at her, and she closed her eyes. She just hoped she could wake up soon.

Then, a gentle water current in front of her, and nothing more. A second passed. Then another. Once she finally managed to open her eyes, she saw Bryce, a foot away from her. He was looking at her, but with different eyes. He was... Asking. Begging. His hand was extended, close to her, with its palm up. He was asking for her permission.

"Uh... No buddy, I'm sorry but... I... I don't... I don't want to... I... Don't... Right?" Her thoughts raced while her body betrayed her. Her hand reached out for his, as she scrambled to find a reason not to. As she felt her soft fur graze his rough and leathery skin, she finally broke.

"It's just a dream... R-right?"

She took one last big gasp of air before he pulled her underwater again. She had the feeling she'd need every bubble.

Her heart raced as the powerful predator dragged her under. She was still trying to find a reason to say no, to squirm away... But something inside her had changed. Anytime she thought about Jack and that prom night, all she could see were the shark's eyes. Soft and determined, filled with need and desire... She couldn't remember the last time she had been looked at like that.

A soft gasp escaped her lips as she felt his powerful hands pin her to the aquarium glass. Her underwear, wet and thin, revealing everything in its transparency as she blushed dark. She could just imagine how she looked, from the visitor's area... Spread and all but naked against the exhibit glass.

Soon, however, a different feeling took priority. Contrasting sharply with the cold glass on her belly, she now felt the unmistakable heat of a male's need pressing on her back.

"Oh god... He's huge..." She thought as she felt him rub against her. It was almost as if he was transmitting his need into her, the young otter helpless as she became more and more aroused. She let out a couple of bubbles as she felt his tip graze her sex, only to leave again. He was teasing her; it was as clear as the water surrounding the unlikely lovers. She felt his hand, the one that wasn't pinning her against the glass, grab her bra and remove it forcefully, exposing her chest. Even when protected by her thick fur, her nipples grew rock hard with the cool water around them, and the gropes of the male who was attempting to claim her. The shark's hands roamed her belly and chest, groping and grabbing and feeling and squeezing anything in their path.

Mishka felt the fire in her insides grow, stoked further by the constant little prods that his tip gave her soaked panties. She felt used, in a way, but in a completely different sense than that fateful prom night. For once, she felt needed... Desired... Unique. This shark, the very top of the food web, with two perfectly hot suitors ready to satisfy his every need, had chosen her instead. And the more she thought about it, the more she felt her own need for this creature rising. She whimpered, the action sending some precious air bubbles on their race to the surface.

"Oh gods... I don't know what I want more... Air... Or him inside me..." She thought as she felt that familiar burning in her lungs. Then, however, the decision was made for her. His hand grabbed the panties and yanked them to the side, making the flimsy fabric snap without hurting her. Or maybe it did sting a little, but she was too turned on by this raw display of possessiveness to notice. Then, without much of a warning or even smoothness, he penetrated the sea otter down to the very hilt.

"G-gyah!" She made out, being translated into bubbles as it escaped her mouth. He was throbbing, and he was filling her out so completely she felt like she could pass out right there. His shaft felt warm, very warm, and so soft and yet firm in its core...

He drew back, pushing against the glass as she felt him slide out of her spread sex, being replaced by the cold salty water. Before she could even register this feeling, it was replaced by his warmth pushing the water out of her as he speared her yet again. She felt the strength of his thrust press her nakedness against the aquarium's glass, the female whimpering some bubbles as her body was stretched around the male. She felt herself shiver and clench her fists madly, toes curling as she felt his tip bump the very bottom of her womanhood.

"Gah... At least he doesn't have two... Oh oh..." She thought for herself as she started to feel another penis prodding at her backside. Her mind raced as she thought of the possibilities.

Her suitor used one of its hands to put his shafts together, and both tips began to press against the otter's sex. Her tail lashed about as she felt him plunge both of those things into her womanhood, bubbles escaping her lips in a long moan as she felt her insides tested for stretch capacity. She could feel both of them pulse and throb, but it was too much for the otter. Her head turned, looking at the shark with pleading eyes.

Then, gently, the shark withdrew from her. Her sex relaxed and she felt a rush of endorphins as her sore muscles got some rest. She expected him to push back both of his shafts into her, but he never did. She turned again to look at him, and saw him looking at her with concern.

"Awww sharky... You didn't hurt me; it was just a little too much..." She thought for herself, her thoughts translating into a smile. Her paw, gentle and soft, went down and grasped one of his shafts with a loving embrace. She felt him shiver in her hands, and felt the need pulse through the meat. With a smile, she pressed the tip against her sex and allowed him to push in, her sex taking him easily now and clenching on it lovingly.

"I've never done this before but... If this is a dream, I might as well try it..." She said as she reached down and grabbed the other shaft. She could almost feel the shark's surprise as she pressed the tip against her tail hole. "B-but be gentle..." She thought as she used her paw to hold back his thrusts so he wouldn't hurt her accidentally. It proved unnecessary, however, as the male took his time pushing gently against her walls.

"Moah..." The otter bubbled as she felt him slide through her backside, fighting the natural resistance to hilt himself into her with a rather fulfilling feeling. She felt the shark take his time, using his leverage against the glass to push deeper into the walnut colored tush.

"G-gentle... Gentle sharky, g-gentle" she moaned softly as she felt him bottom out on her. She could feel both his rods squeezing the flesh within her, making her feel swollen and full. Her cheek pressed against the glass as the predator reached a nice and fast rhythm, pumping both cocks in and out of her at a dizzyingly pleasurable rhythm. As the shark sped up and became erratic, Mishka felt something bubble up within her. A deep, burning feeling all over her body. It was either an impending orgasm of massive proportions, or her body getting ready to aspirate water and drown. But whatever it was, it was going to happen soon. She opened her eyes one last time, seeing the glass and the small benches in front of the tank, where kids usually sat to see the animals. The otter thought for a split second about what a lewd show she'd be putting on if someone was watching, just to notice with her last seconds the silhouette of a mouse, looking at her from outside.

Then, it happened. With a massive thrust the shark burst within her, both shafts sending globs of semen deep into her womb and her tail, five years of pent up shark libido flooding her insides. It felt so hot compared to the water, it was almost a burning sensation. Mishka screamed out a string of bubbles, her very last, as her sex and tush clenched tightly on the intruder, milking him for all he had and more. Shockwaves of pleasure hit her like a train as she experienced a massive climax, sharing her bliss with the anthropomorphic shark that was still pumping its seed into her.

The little otter rode out her climax, feeling every bit of strength left in her leak out of her body, just like the excess cum from her surreal partner. Her arms relaxed and so did the rest of her body, allowing the male to slide free from her in a small cloud of white. She felt herself drift to the bottom, no longer held against the glass, as darkness closed in and took her away.

She opened her mouth... And took a deep breath.


The otter sat up in a panicked state, not unlike the one following a particularly bad nightmare. It took her a second to grasp ahold of her surroundings.

She felt the metal underneath her, and heard the dripping sound of the filter next to her. Light splashes coming from the shark tank finished painting the picture. She took another breath, inhaling the cool salty air. She was still in her underwear; in the exact place she had sat down to nap.

"Mouse?" She called out to her new friend, but there was no one there. Lying by her side she found a small note, handwritten on a piece of paper from the filter replacement log.

"My shift was over so I had to leave, and you seemed to be having a very... Interesting dream so I decided not to wake you up. See you next time!"

Mishka sighed softly as she looked at the paper. She had vague memories of the mouse tossing her into the shark tank... But that was obviously a dream, right? Her mind in a little knot, she got up and looked carefully into the shark tank. Five perfectly normal sharks, without any arms legs or anything like that, swam peacefully. She sighed and stepped back, shaking her head.

"That... Felt so real..." She said under her breath, before wondering what might've tipped the mouse as to her dream's contents. Then, shyly, she gave her panties a gentle rub.

"Oh god... I'm SOAKED..." She said softy as she pulled her finger back, now fully aware of the fact that she'd had a brutal wet dream right next to a coworker.

Just as she was clearing her head, however, she heard a small ring. It was 7, and the employees would be flocking in for their morning shifts soon.

"Oh shit, I'm half naked... Uh... Uh... Clothes... Clooooothes where are you?" She mumbled about in a slight state of panic, before memory struck her.

"The dolphin tank!" She said before running off. She quickly made sure everything was in its proper state as she dashed on her underwear through the entire aquarium, quickly arriving at the mammal exhibit. Salt and pepper were up and about, swimming pleasantly and clicking excitedly.

"Sorry guys, no chum-sickles this time. I need to get dressed." She said as she found the neat little pile of clothes she'd left behind. She quickly got dressed and groomed herself a little, managing to look presentable just as the security guard came back.

"Hey there! I see you've survived the night. Didn't get eaten by the Sharks?" He asked her with a chuckle, in a lighthearted way. The otter blushed nice and deep, and she thanked her thick fur for covering it up.

"Y-yes I mean... N-no, I didn't get eaten... Errr... Everything normal over here!" She said with a little bit of jitter in her voice as she handed him the keys.

"Well, good. I'll see you here again in a week then" he said.

"Sure! Will I be paired with that cute mouse girl again?" She asked.

"I beg your pardon?" The male asked, stuttering a bit and now not looking nearly as fearless as before.

"Yeah! Pink fur, big cookie ears... Didn't give me her name though" Mishka said quirkily.

"Uh... We haven't had a mouse work here in the entire time I've been around" the canine said cautiously. The otter looked at him and laughed a little after a while.

"Ah, I see what you did there... You can't frighten me with your haunted aquarium stories. Hell, you were the one who warned me you all pick on the newbies" Mishka said with a smile, before looking at her watch.

"Golly, I have to go. I'll see you in another week!" She said before bolting off. The male was left there, blinking. A coworker of his, who had overheard the conversation, came closer to him.

"Should we tell her?" He asked, holding a cup of coffee.

"Nah... We can't afford to lose any more night shift workers. Not after what happened to the last one"

"Kitteeeeeeen I'm hooooome" the otter said as she waltzed through the front door.

"In the kitchen!!!" Came the reply. Mishka dropped off her stuff and went into the kitchen, the smell of fresh breakfast immediately hitting her sensitive nose and pulling a grumble from her needy belly.

"Ooooh! Pancakes!" The walnut furred girl chirped happily.

"Your favorite. With artery-blocking amounts of syrup included" the feline said with a warm smile as she set a huge stack of the treats in the breakfast table, which was already set with some orange juice and toast.

"Awww you're too special..." She said softly as she sat down and began to eat off the fluffy and warm pancakes. "I'm starved" she said with her mouth full.

"I know. That's why I woke up early to prepare this" Anna said softly before planting a little kiss in Mishka's forehead. "Now eat up, it'll get cold" she said with a smile as she too sat down and ate some breakfast. The couple spent the meal mostly silent, save for the occasional groan of pleasure from Mishka and the corresponding giggle from her partner. Once all the food had been dutifully nommed down, the kitten got up and took the plates to wash them.

"Thanks for the breakfast Hun... It was perfect" the otter said as she too got up and helped put some plates in the sink.

"Oh, don't mention it... I kinda..." She said as she turned and began to rinse the plates. "I kinda wanted to do it to apologize for last night... I was... I was kind of needy and... I know you need time so I should've known better..." The leopard said as she scrubbed one of the plates.

"You don't have to apologize, kitten..." Mishka said as she snuck behind her and wrapped her arms around her belly, hugging her tight and kissing the back of her neck. The feline immediately began to purr loudly, loving the contact.

"Cute little rudderbutt... You never told me how it went on your first shift" Anna said as she finished rinsing the plates and washed the soap out of her paws.

"It was... Interesting" the otter said, a shiver running up her spine as she remembered her dream. She could still feel the shark inside of her a little... But she could also feel something else. The same burning, itching desire... Aimed at the kitten she was hugging. Her mind and her body clashed. The dream had been that, just a dream... But this was the real deal. Was she ready to commit?

"Oh, come onnnnn that's no fun. Tell me all the itty bitty details!" The kitten said with a little purr.

The otter girl took a deep breath, and made her choice. It had to happen eventually, and she couldn't think of a better moment, or partner.

"Fine then" she said with determination before grabbing her shoulders and spinning her around.

"Well, what did y- mmmmmph!!!" She made as she was kissed deeply and passionately by the otter. The leopard wriggled a little, but soon let go and relaxed into the sensual kiss. It was rare to see her Mishy otter do something so bold, but it wasn't entirely uncommon.

"Mmmm... Rudderbutt..." She said softly out of breath as the kiss ended.

"Shush you..." Replied the otter, surprising the kitten with another kiss. The feline giggled and leaned into it. However, she stifled a gasp as she felt the otter's paw dive down into her pants. She barely had any time to shiver before the walnut furred girl cupped the entirety of her sex with her soft paw.

"Mishka... W-what..." She said as they both gasped for air. She had... Dreamed, fantasized, hoped for this moment for so many endless months... And now, much like a dog who had caught up with the car it was chasing, didn't know what to do with it.

"Kitten... I said shush... Don't make me rethink this... Because I really don't want to" the otter said as her paw began to rub against the kitten's sex. It felt oddly familiar (she had one of those, after all) but so entirely alien...

"Mishy, come here" the kitten said as she pulled out the otter's hand and gave it a soft and loving kiss.

"D-did I do it wrong?" Mishka asked.

"On the contrary... It was marvelous... But... I think that your first time should be in a real comfy bed, not in front of smelly dishes" Anna said with a loving smile, holding her girlfriend's paw.

"B-but this isn't my first..." The otter began, but the kitten immediately put a soft finger on her lips.

"Of course it is your first time, silly" she said. The otter blinked for a second, confused. Then, deep in her eyes, she found an explanation. It was a fresh start. For both of them.

"I love you kitten... I don't think I get to say that as much as I'd like..." The otter whimpered a little, tugging on her arm a little.

"Aww I love you too, puff puff rudderbutt..." She replied before walking to the bedroom with her. Mishka followed, a sense of excitement and anticipation running down her spine.

"Ooh, wait a second." Anna said before dashing back to the kitchen and returning with her cellphone.

"What are you..." The otter began, but stopped as she saw the kitten make a call. The phone rang and rang, and when Anna began to talk she didn't sound like herself at all.

"Hi Marie, how's your morning going?" The kitten said with a nasal voice, sounding horribly congested and sickly. "Oh, mine's going fine... Uh... *cough* listen I... I'm going to be a bit late today, caught the damnedest bug from a friend a couple days' back... Uh huh... Yeah, I'm fine, the fever went down and the shivers stopped so... Yeah... Oh no no, that's alright... Sure, I'll stay at home, if you say so... Goooootcha... Yep, I'll *sniffle* I'll see you in a couple days then. And yes, the presentation is ready and in your inbox... You too, bye!" The kitten said, then hung up.

"You..." The otter said with a look of disbelief.

"Now we have aaaaaaaall day for ourselves..." She replied, faking one last sniffle for good measure before grabbing the otter and dragging her over to the bedroom. Mishka was quite surprised, given that she had expected the girl to go crazy on her. But her paws were still loving on her tummy and her sides, not wanting to rush her.

"Mmm this sounds delightful..." Mishka said as she laid herself on their comfy bed, and whimpered a little as the predatory kitten pounced on her. The feline embraced her, and her lips dove in for a loving and wonderful kiss, still managing to catch the sweet taste of syrup in her mouth.

"Mishy..." She moaned softly as her paw began to slowly grope the otter's breasts. It was a soft, gentle and loving touch, and once Mishka passed her initial aversion she began to appreciate it, chest gently raising up to meet her touch.

"K-kitten..." She replied, her shy paw going up and doing the same for her. The feline's chest was so soft and wonderful, and the way she purred like a little lawnmower resonated delightfully within the otter's own chest.

"Have I ever told you how soft your fur is? Like, really?" Anna said with a smile as her fingers ran over the otter girl's fur, having sneaked up her shirt playfully.

"Nooooo you're always making fun of it... You don't get to say you love it only when you're groping" Mishka said with a chuckle, a hint of nervousness still in her voice.

"Awwww Mishyyyyy you know I only make fun of your fur 'cause I'm jealous" the kitten teased back playfully.

"You shouldn't be..." The otter replied as she took off the feline's shirt, exposing the breasts underneath. Since the kitten had yet to shower and get dressed for work, she had not been wearing a bra, which made the mustelid's gropes even easier. She could feel the kitten's soft flesh underneath her paws, and she would occasionally bump into the girl's nipple, which poked out of her fur in arousal.

"R-rudderbutt..." The kitten went, undoing the girl's shirt and bra in a quick motion, before gently returning the favor. Regardless of how soft the kitten kept her fur, it would never be a match for the otter's crazily smooth coat. Her fingers felt in a cloud as she groped the otter's naked breasts.

Soon enough, however, her paws began to move down and down. The girl's belly got some attention, the otter giggling a little as she saw the kitten she oh so loved take it slow with her. Anna could still feel the girl's nervousness in her touch.

"Umm... Mishy? I... I'd understand it if you don't want to... You know, go all the way right now... We can take it slow..." She said, looking into the otter's eyes.

"T-thanks Kitten... I..." Mishka began, ready to accept her offer and just leave it at foreplay. However, she saw something inside the snow leopard's eyes that she hadn't seen before. Not in her, anyways. It was pure desire, the type that only shows for a fleeting moment when one looks at that one person that makes it all worth it. It was the very same look she'd seen in the shark tank. And at that time, every single bit of doubt evaporated from her mind.

"Come here" the otter said all of the sudden before pulling her girlfriend in for a big kiss, in such a way that the slow and cautious paw had no choice but slip and grope at the otter's sex.

"Mmmph!" The feline made into the kiss as she felt this sudden urge of need, and the feeling of a warmth and moist pair of lips under her fingers. She felt the otter tense up for a second, but before she could even think about pulling away her hand, the walnut furred girl was already grinding up against it. Soon, her panties came off, just as the snow leopards' did half a second later.

"Kitten... I..." Mishka began before inhaling sharply. The bold kitten had snuck a finger into her, and she could now feel it probing... Teasing.

"I've... Imagined it so many times... It still feels... Surreal..." The feline said, absorbed on the feeling of her shivery partner's insides. So absorbed, in fact, she barely noticed the fact that Mishka had snuck one of her own paws between the kitten's legs, and was now also probing at her depths with a curious and obviously inexperienced finger.

"Oh gods... Kitten, I... I..." Mishka tried again, but her words failed her. She had entered a realm where her only way of communicating properly with Anna was through hip motions and finger curling.

"Mishy... D-d-don't... St-stop..." She whimpered a little, the otter's inexperienced fingers satiating a hunger that she didn't even know she had.

"Kitten, I love you so much... You've been... You've been perfect to me..." The otter said between whines and little moans. She couldn't help but notice that the feline's movements were way more specific and expert than her own.

"Rudderbutt, you just stole the words right out of my mouth" she replied, grunting a little and whining. By now, the single digit inside her just felt like... More teasing. She wanted more.

"M-Mishy? C-can I... Can I have another finger? P-please?" She begged cutely. The otter girl stopped and looked at her with playful eyes.

"I think the world's best girlfriend deserves even more" she said as she began to slide down the kitten's belly, her target obvious. As she finally got down to her girlfriend's sex, she gasped softly. She'd seen it before, but definitely not like this. She looked red and needy, and the smell of arousal was assaulting her nostrils and making her feel all dizzy. She took a second and looked up at the feline, who looked down with a curious and hopeful look.

"I uh... I've never actually done this so... I-if you wouldn't mind..." The otter began to say, prompting the feline girl to raise an eyebrow.

"W-whaddaya mean?" She asked, causing the otter girl to blush. She tried to say it, but a cute coyness stopped her from doing so. Instead, she reached up and grabbed one of the feline girl's hands. Gently, she dragged that hand down and placed her on the back of her head, before her tongue went out and took a gentle and exploratory lick at her.

"M-moah... S-silly otter..." Anna said as she noticed that her partner wanted her to use her hand to guide her. With gentle pulls, she directed the otter's little exploratory licks towards her clit, shuddering with each and every one and arching her back in pleasure.

Mishka moaned softly too, as she tasted her kitten for the very first time. It was such a refined scent, and for some reason she tasted exactly like the otter had expected her to. With a little whine she began to lick at the kitten girl's love button, while the gentle pulls from the back of her head encouraged more and praised her aim.

"M-m-Mishy? F-f-fingers pwease?" The kitten asked, remarking about the lovely digits that had somehow left her sex. With a giggle at how innocent and cute she sounded, Mishka gently slid two loving digits into her lover, feeling the fleshy walls contract and squeeze around them, inviting them deeper and trying to maximize contact with them.

"Like that?" The young otter asked, taking a gentle break from eating her out. The kitten was by now a writhing mess, a small puddle of love juices forming under her tush and her arms just trying to grab at anything they could, a couple rips now appearing on the sheets. Noticing that this wasn't the time to verify her performance, Mishka returned to lick frantically at the leopard's sex while pumping her fingers in and out of her.

"Oh gods... Otter... R-rudderbutt... M-Mishka please don't stop!!!!" The feline girl said in a tone that quickly turned into a squeal, the hand on the back of the otter's head tensing and keeping her still and right on target while another hand went down and made sure the otter's fingers stayed nice and deep inside her as the girl curled up her toes and arched her back, silently crashing through one of the most powerful orgasms she had ever experienced. Her body seemed to want to do everything at once: shiver, curl up, stretch out, tense, relax, squeeze, push... And for a good 20 seconds, she was reduced to an orgasmic mess, unable to think straight.

"G-gaaaah... Haaaah... Aaaaah... Wah... Oh gods... Mishka... That was..." The kitten panted. The playful sea otter looked up, her muzzle all stained in the other girl's arousal, and sensually licked her lips a couple times. Then, just to drive the point home, she pulled out the fingers that the leopard still held clenched within her and gave them a nice suckling, leaving them squeaky clean.

"Oh you... You're just asking for it. Come here" the leopard girl said before pouncing the unsuspecting otter.

"Meep!!" The otter made as she was tossed down and pinned by the predator, her blue eyes sparkling with lovey desire and anxious expectation for the eventual returning of the favor.

"Yeah, you better meep you cute little thing..." The leopard teased playfully before she wrapped her arms around the otter's thighs, and she pushed her muzzle into the otter's deepest intimacy.

"Kitten, you big silly th-eeeeee! Oh gods!!" She made as the first licks from that rough cat tongue went across her puffy and needy otter sex. This cat definitely didn't need any sort of explanation as to how cunnilingus worked, and the otter quickly found herself merciless against a sexual onslaught of licks, kisses, the occasional nibble and, eventually, the filling sensation of two fingers spreading her insides.

"Kitty... Kitty... Kittyomygods please... Please... P-p-plea...." She made out, as the feline took her on a roller coaster of sensations. A veritable orchestra of little meeps and moans and groans and whines floated lazily out of her mouth, as she skyrocketed towards what could very well be her first real orgasm.

"Shush, rudderbutt. Just cum for me..." The kitten said in a very seductive and loving voice.

And almost on command, the otter climaxed. Her breathing became a short series of gasps for air, her body wriggling and trying to grab on to something as her mind went along for the ride, fireworks flashing all over her eyes as she released quite some sexual desire on her mate, the otter's sweet and tangy scent coating the feline's mouth and leaving a puddle on the bed. She tried to squeeze her legs together out of instinct, but only succeeding in pressing the feline harder against her sex.

"F-fuck!" The otter made out in a squeak, as she finally rode out the wavy and potent feeling that this leopard had given her.

"You okay?" The feline asked as she licked her lips sensuously.

"Y-y-yeah... That... That was intense..." She said with a blush, looking down her belly at this cute girl.

"Mmm I could tell... You almost cut blood flow to my fingers... Still have 'em trapped, actually" she teased playfully, prompting the otter to quickly let go and apologize.

"S-sorry... I didn't... I... I didn't mean to..." She said softly as she saw the unfazed look on her girlfriend's face.

"Hey, don't apologize for that... I didn't know you could do that, it's cute" Anna said as she came up closer to her.

"Heh... I didn't know that either... That... That was my first time cumming, I think..." She said shyly as she looked at the kitten that had come up to cuddle.

"Really? Awwww mishyyyyy that makes me feel so special..." She said as she just threw her arms around the girl.

"Kitten... You're already special to me..." The otter said, hugging back.

"Mmmmm..." Came the somewhat sleepy moan from the leopard.

"Oh no, you're not falling on me yet... Not until..." The otter said as she stretched and opened the bottom drawer of the nightstand on Anna's side. The feline's eyes went open immediately as she heard the sound of Mishka rustling about.

"Aha!" The otter said as she pulled out a double sided purple toy, which had been hidden away under a pile of makeup.

"Ummm... I can explain..." The feline began shyly, looking away.

"You really thought I was that deep of a sleeper?" Mishka asked as she poked the girl in the butt with the toy, giggling.

"B-but... But I always waited until you were like, really really asleep... And I was silent and... And..." Anna began.

"Kitten... You don't have to apologize for something like that... You had your needs, and you needed to take care of them..." The otter said with a little kiss, trying to lift her chin up.

"I-I wasn't sure you'd understand..." Anna replied.

"Of course I do, silly butt. Besides..." Mishka began.


"It was really damn cute to see you do it... How you'd alternate between the barbed and the smooth end sometimes... How you bit your pillow to keep silent... How you looked at me as you came..." The otter said in a soft and seductive voice, playfully dragging the tip of the toy across the feline's belly.

"H-how long..." The leopard asked.

"Six months ago, when we moved in together. That's when I started noticing" the otter said with a kiss.

"And you still..."

"Of course, you silly tush. I'm not going to stop loving you for having urges. Just as long as it's either me or the plastic satisfying them" she said with a playful smile, kissing her deeply.

"Mmm... Mishy..." She replied softly, out of breath.

"speaking of which... Wanna give it a try between the two of us?" The otter said with a wink and a lick at Anna's nose.

"I thought you'd never ask" the playful feline said with a toothy grin.

"Dibs on barbed one then!" The otter girl said with a gleeful tone. The feline chuckled softly and reached out to grab the bottle of lube she kept by the nightstand, but was interrupted by the plastic toy dragging over her sex.

"I think we won't be having a problem with lube tonight..." Mishka said as she coated the toy in both their juices, gently inserting the barbed side into herself. She had never felt barbs before, and they felt... Tantalizing. Each one of them tugged against her insides in ways she had never thought could feel so pleasurable. Once she got to the mid point, she bent the flexible toy on a sort of U shape and aimed at the feline.

"M-Mishy..." She began, but had to stop to gasp for air as the otter penetrated her with the smooth end of her own toy. She clenched a little, but soon allowed the toy to go deep into the very end of her sex, letting out a happy sigh as the otter hugging her from behind hilted her.

"Kitten..." The otter said before they both began to move. It was awkward at first, the shaking and the thrusting mostly a matter of luck. Eventually though, they reached a comfortable cadence and began to pump against each other. Whoever clenched the hardest was the boy for that particular thrust, both losing the contest in purpose sometimes just to feel the other thrust deep into their needy sex. Wet sounds and happy moans quickly permeated the area, both of them lost in their passion as they fucked merrily, with no one else in mind. As their thrusts became erratic, and their need took over, they began to breathe faster and grip harder at each other.

Anna came first, her face revealing that she had lost the race as she moaned out in pure orgasmic bliss, gripping the sheets as the otter drove her well over the edge. Mishka had a half a second to flash a victorious grin, before the kitten's orgasmic clenching provided her with the deep penetrations she needed to cum around that barbed toy, joining her girlfriend in ecstasy as she shuddered violently, both girls riding out their orgasms as they held each other like castaways in an endless blue ocean.

"Hah... Ah... Whoa... We have to do that again..." Mishka said with a giggle. Her partner groaned and looked back at her over her shoulder, peering deep into those blue eyes.

"I agree... But after a nap... or two..." The feline said before slipping off the toy, and turning around to cuddle the girl. It felt warm and fuzzy in her arms, so much that she barely had time to kiss the otter and tell her that she loved her before both sexed up females fell asleep in a locked embrace.

Five weeks later

The male's hands were in his pockets as he walked down the closed and dark aquarium, whistling a catchy melody as he crossed off items on his list.

"Octopus checked... Dolphins fed... Aaaaaaaand Shark filter changed. Seems pretty simple for a night's worth of work..." The husky said with a content sigh.

"Well, you should never discount the opportunity of something exciting happening around here at night. You do know everyone says this shift is haunted, right?" The pink mouse said as she walked by the male.

"Well, I don't believe in ghosts. Besides... It takes quite a lot to amaze me, so my guess is it won't happen tonight." He said as he sat down in front of the dolphin tank.

"We'll see about that, James..." The mouse said as she fidgeted with a small pendant in the shape of a heart around her neck, bringing back fresh memories.

"We'll see about that"
