How It All Began

Story by hazardbwb on SoFurry

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#1 of Trey's Story

This starts off with a 16-year-old boy named Trey Knowles. He's dark skinned, black, and wears a black jacket with a red shirt with black jeans and shoes. He likes to participate in many sports and activities at his school and has made many friends, but one friend he'll meet, will change his life.

A Monday morning, 8:00 a.m., the sun shines bright into Trey's room as he awakens. Another week of school starts at Marshall Junior High. It was mixed with a school, a regular high school, and a college. Trey stays a week there, then is home for the weekends. Trey gets up and puts on his regular clothes, gets his backpack, and heads out the door, ready to start the day.

When school started, everyone completed their daily warm-up, then the teacher, Mrs. Frowlings, began an announcement.

Mrs. Frowlings: Okay class. We hae a new student. I want all of you to show him respect so he can respect you. [walks to the door and opened it] Everyone, please welcome Drew Berrings.

As he walked in the door, everyone gasped, except Trey. Drew was a red dragon with red eyes, white horns with spikes going down his back and tail, he had red stripes on his neck and tail, and had a six-pack, rock-hard abs. What he was wearing, he wore a green white beater and black jeans. He stood in front of the classroom, just looking around.

Boy: [sitting next to Trey] It can't be him!

Trey: What do you mean Ray?

Ray: Dawg, you never heard of Drew? Dude, he is the meanest, most cold-hearted dragon on the face of the earth!

Wolf: [in front of Trey] It's true! He lives in the castle place, kinda looks like a dungeon. He sends some goons out in a white van and they go around capturing and kinapping people and take them back to his place and be brought up as slaves. And then, bad things happen.

Trey: Like?

Wolf: Torture. And rape.

Trey: What?

Wolf: No lie, man. I'm serious.

Trey didn't believe him entirely. He wanted to see for himself.

Mrs. Frowlings: Now Drew, you can go ahead and pick any seat.

Drew looked around and saw an empty seat next to Trey. He made his way down the aislway, everyone staring at him with fear. He got to the seat and sat down and looked at Trey, who was writing notes down in his notebook. He looked back at the blackboard.

Mrs. Frowlings: Okay everyone. Time for something new. It's time to pick roommates. The person you pick will be your roomate for the school year.

Everyone got up and wondered around.

Ray: Hey, I want you to be my roommate, Trey.

Trey: Uh, how about you buddy up with Jason, Ray?

Ray: Why? [eyes widened] Don't tell me you're...

Trey: [nods] I want Drew to be my roommate.

Ray: ARE YOU CRAZY?! Did you listen to what we said?! Do you want to die?!

Trey: Man, he can't be that bad.

Ray: [shrugs] Suit yourself. Watch. You're gonna wake up chained to the wall.

Trey: You're overreacting.

Ray: Am I? We'll see.

Ray walks out the classroom with Jason. Trey sighs.

Later that day, Trey was laying in bed, reading a book, when there was a knock on the door.

Trey: Come in. [door opens and Drew walked in, looking at him] Oh, uh, hi...uh, Drew.

Drew: Hello. [sets his bookbag down and sat on the bed] You're not scared of me?

Trey: No. I don't really believe what everyone said. I don't think you're mean. You just need someone to talk to. You know, a friend.

Drew: [looks at him, surprised a little by his courage] I guess I should thank you for accepting me. Trey was it?

Trey: [nods] And remember, whenever you need help, just come to me.

Drew: I will.

Throughout the week, Trey's been helping Drew with Science, Social Studies, Math, and other subjects that he needed assistance with. Pretty much, Trey's been taking care of Drew, looking out for him.

A month later, everyone was out of school, and Trey was at home, talking to his friends.

Jason: I can't believe that you actually got along with Drew.

Ray: I'm suprised he hasn't raped you yet.

Trey: [rolls his eyes] Oh please. Like he'll ever do that. He wouldn't.

Ray: Maybe he would. Who knows? I'm not his friend.

Trey: [scoffs and gets up] I'm gonna head to the store.

Ray: Yeah, we gotta head out, too. Talk to you tomorrow.

Ray and Jason got up and headed out the door and they went their seperate ways.

9:00 p.m. Cars are speeding down the street. Trey was walking to the store, passing an alley, with a white truck in it. As soon as he walked past, the lights came on. He stopped walking and turned around and looked at the van. He saw some people come out, the next thing he knew, someone knocked him upside the head and he was knocked out.

A few hours later, he woke up in what seemed like a cell. He was stripped of his clothes, except his shorts, and he was chained to the wall, his hands were. Suddenly, the cell door opened and someone came in and approached him.

?: The master wants to see you.

The person unchained him and led him to the master's chamber. As they entered a room, there were cells everywhere, with slaves in it, screaming and crying. Trey shuddered a little as he was pushed into the master's room and he fell on the ground.

Trey: Where am I?

?: Hello human.

Trey: Huh? Who's there?

?: Welcome to my...humble home.

Trey: [looks over and saw who it was and gasps] D-Drew?! Is that you?

Trey was completely shocked. He couldn't believe it. What his friends said about him were true.

Drew: So, I take it you heard of me?

Trey: Do you remember me?

Drew: I don't remember a lot of things. [glares at him] And don't you DARE call me dumb!!

Trey: No no! I wouldn't! Never!

Drew: [nods] Good. Just what I expected from you...[grins a little] ...Trey...

Trey: So you do remember me?

Drew: [nods, smiles a little, and pats his leg] You must be tired from my slavers bringing you here. Come. Have a seat.

Trey hesitated for a second, then walked slowly toward him.

Trey: ~I wonder what he wants with me?~

He came up to him and looked up at him, sitting in his chair. Trey sighed and climbed up and sat on his lap.

Drew: So, Trey, tell me about yourself. I've known you for a month and a half and I know nothing about you.

Trey: Oh, well, I'm an athlete at school. Uh, I like to play sports, hanging out with my friends, working out sometimes, and rap a little.

Drew: [was staring at him funny] And how old are you?

Trey: I'm 16. Now, how old are you??

Drew: 239 years old.

Trey: Whoa! And a guy like you is in my class???

Drew: That's how old I am in dragon years. I'm actually 18 in human years.

Trey: Wow, that explains a lot...Okay, Drew. What's the real reason that you kidnapped me?

Drew: Wow, you catch on quick. Heh, very well. Follow me.

Drew got up and walked out the chamber. Trey followed him upstairs, to Drew's room. Drew had a king-sized bed, with a bathroom next to his closet full of items used on slaves. He had yellow wallpaper with purple carpeting. They walked in, and Drew secretly locked the door.

Trey: So what's up?

Drew had a secret he had to get off his chest.

Drew: Have a seat Trey.

Trey: [sits down on the bed] Are you okay?

Drew: [sits down next to him] I want your opinion on something.

Trey: Sure. What is it?

Drew: Do you like men?

Trey: Huh?

Drew: I mean, do you hate homosexuals?

Trey: No I don't. Actually 3 of my friends are gay, 7 are lesbians, and 5 are bisexuals (who's counting? Obviously him...) Why do you ask?

Drew: [swallows extremely hard] Please don't hate for this... [looks over at Trey, leans in, and kisses his cheek, then looked in his eyes] Trey...I...I love you!

Trey: [shocked] me? Wh-why? Why me?

Drew: You really helped me out in certain situations and the only one that talked to me. Pretty much, you looked after me. Took care of me. I've grown attached to you and I hid my feelings from you.

Trey: But, I'm just a human. I mean, just look at me!

Drew: Yeah, but this human... [grabs Trey and holds him close] ...means the whold world to me.

Trey looked into his eyes. He had to admit that he liked Drew. He was glad to be there for him.

Trey: [takes a deep breath] Could we, uh, try that kiss again?

Drew: [smiles and nods] Of course.

Drew laid Trey down on his back on the bed as Drew lured his face toward Trey's. Both of their eyes closed at their lips meet. To both of them, it was one of the amazing experiences they've ever had. Trey felt Drew licking his lips, so he opened his mouth and Drew's tongue made its way in, tracing all over Trey's insides. Trey could hear Drew moaning as their tongues wrestled with each other. They broke the kiss and stared at each other.

Trey: That was...incredible.

Drew: Indeed it was. [lays down on his back, taking off his shirt, revealing his chest and abs, as he began stroking his chest, noticing that Trey was looking at him, he smiles] Go on. You can do it.

Trey smiled and rubbed his rock-hard abs.

Trey: Wow Drew, these are amazing.

Drew: And they're all for you, Trey.

Drew laid his head and closed his eyes, sighing in pleasure. Trey kept rubbing until his hand brushed past his nipples. He heard a silent moan from Drew. Realizing the pleasure, Trey started to lick Drew's nipples.

Drew: [eyes widened] Whoa, didn't see that coming.

Drew moaned a little louder as Trey kept licking. Drew noticed that Trey had a budge in his pants. He cocked an eyebrow and motioned Trey to stop.

Trey: What's wrong?

Trey looked at his pants and realized what Drew wanted to do. He smiled as he let Drew undress him, pulling down his shorts that he only had on. Drew noticed when he looked at Trey's stomach that he hardly had any abs, muscles here and there, but he still looked like an ordinary human. An ordinary human that Drew loves with all his heart. He then saw that Trey's underwear was tented and was stained.

Drew: Horny I see.

Trey giggled a little as Drew licked the stain and pulled Trey's underwear down.

Trey: I'm...a bit small...

Drew: This has to be 7 inches.

Drew began to lick the head of Trey's cock. Trey moaned as Drew took the cock in his maw and started sucking furiously, licking all over it, licking his balls as well. Trey moaned more and more as Drew felt his cock twitch.

Trey: Drew...I...I'm gonna...!!!

Drew: ~This soon?! Already?!~

Drew felt Trey shoot pre-cum in his mouth as Trey shot his load down Drew's mouth. Drew hungerly swallowed every last drop of it.

Trey: [pants heavily] Sorry Drew. I wanted it to be longer.

Drew: It's okay. You taste pretty good. [leaned in and kissed Trey passionately, sharing the cum]

Trey: Wow, I've tasted myself before, but I'll never get used to it.

Drew: Well, maybe you can help me.

Trey noticed that Drew still had his jeans on. Trey smiled as he saw that Drew had a budge in his pants as he began pulling them down, anxious to see what Drew's cock looked like and how big it was, then he noticed something.

Trey: Not wearing any underwear, I see.

Drew: You like?

Trey: [nods] I do.

Drew leaned in and kissed him, licking him lovingly, urging him to continue. Trey resumed pulling his pants down and he saw Drew's cock flop out. It was a dark shade of red and his balls were the size of tennis balls.

Trey: Wow! That's big!"

Drew: 27 inches.

Trey stroked his cock and he heard Drew murr slightly.

Trey: I take it you've been blown before.

Drew: [nods] Ya, I have.

Trey: Damn. I wanted to be the first.

Drew: Well this is my first time with a guy and I rarely receive blowjobs. I wanna see how good you are.

Trey: You'll be surprised.

Trey began to lick Drew's cock all over. Drew moaned as Trey started sucking on the head, then started bobbing his head. Drew moaned, then realized something. He grabbed Trey's head and pulled him away from his cock.

Trey: Hey what's wrong?

Drew: I noticed you were gagging. Take it easy, alright? You can suck my cock, but I'm big, and I don't want you to choke.

Trey: You're right. My bad.

Drew smiled as he let go of Trey's head, letting him continue. Trey took his cock back in his mouth and continue sucking, bobbing his head, but faster. Drew laid back and moaned louder, setting his hands on Trey's head. Trey sucked faster, massaging his balls. Drew moaned even louder and began thrusting his hips, humping into Trey's mouth. He let out an ear-splitting roar, thrusted one last time and shot his dragonseed down Trey's throat. It was too much for Trey to swallow and it got all over his face and some was dripping from his mouth. Drew pulled out and panted.

Drew: Oh man! I never came like that before...

Trey: I should know.

Drew: I didn't hurt you there, did I?

Trey: Not at all.

Drew: Good cause I got something else in mind.

Trey: [notices that Drew's cock was still rock hard] You want me to suck you off again?

Drew: Trey, babe, you can suck me off anytime you like. I was thinking of something different. [rubs Trey's back, leading his hand down and squeezing his ass]

Trey: You want to...

Drew: [nods] Wait here. [gets up and goes to his dresser and gets out a bottle of lube and a condom.

Trey: Where did you find a condom that fits you?

Drew: I know a good store.

Trey: [unwrapped it and placed the condom on Drew's cock, sliding it down] So how do we do this?

Drew: Get on all fours. I'd think it'll be better for you. [Trey gets into position, pours some lube on his fingers] I'm gonna linsert my fingers in you. You need to be stretched.

Trey: Go ahead.

Drew nods and pushed his finger in and out of Trey. Trey grunted in pain a little as he let Drew continue.

Drew: Okay here comes two fingers.

Trey: Do it.

Drew nodded and inserted two fingers in him. Trey grunted in more pain as he clamped down his insides on Drew's fingers.

Drew: Trey you need to relax!

Trey: I know...

Drew: [kept up the moment until he pulled out] Three fingers now. You ready?

Trey nodded and Drew inserted three fingers. Trey grunted more and clamped down, but told Drew to continue. Drew nodded and continued going in and out, then he pulled his fingers out.

Drew: [grins] Alright, ready for the real thing?

Trey: Oh yeah...I'm ready for it...

Drew poured some lube on Trey's analhole and poured some on his cock. He gripped Trey's hips and inserted the head of his cock. He moaned in pleasure.

Drew: tight...

Trey: Virgin...

Drew: Not for long. [grins even more and pushes more of his cock in Trey, moaning] You'll probably be sore later on.

Trey: I don't care just...fuck me!"

Drew: Oh believe me. I will!

Drew pushes more inside Trey, moaning more. He managed to get half of it in, but the rest was getting difficult. He kept going, trying to make it as painless as possible. With one thrust, he got all of it in.

Drew: You alright?

Trey: Never better...

Drew: Good!

Drew grins again and begins thrusting, humping into Trey, moaning and groaning in pleasure. Trey moaned along with him as he gripped the bedsheets. He felt some pain from Drew's thrusting, but he didn't care. Drew kept up the thrusting, going harder and faster. He leaned over Trey, pressing his stomach against his back, and began pawing him. Trey moaned even more and Drew increased the speed. He licked Trey's ear, purring, and moaning as his thrusts got a lot faster and harder. He stops everything and pulls out.

Trey: Why'd you stop?

Drew: I never really did like this position when it comes to having sex with my mate. I perfer this. [picks Trey up and flipped him over on his back] This is better. I want to look in those beautiful eyes of yours.

Drew put his cock back in and resumed thrusting, moaning a lot louder, his tongue hanging out, as he leanded down, laying on top of Trey, thrusting into him, humping him.

Drew:'re gonna make me cum...fuck...

Trey: ...what's stopping you? Fill me!"

Drew: You're gonna get it alright!

Drew thrusted one last time, roared, and came furiously into Trey, who had came on his chest. Drew's ejaculation went on for 6 minutes, cum was leaking out of Trey's ass and Drew nearly collapsed.

Drew: That...was the best...fuck that I...ever did!

Trey: Yeah, it was...

Drew: Are you comfortable...with me...sitll being inside you?

Trey: Yes, it's the most amazing thing I've ever felt.

Drew: Thanks. Uh, Trey?

Trey: What's up Drew?

Drew: Um, will you be my mate? You know, my boyfriend?

Trey: Yes Drew. I will be your mate.

Drew: [smiles] I love you.

Trey: I love you too.

Drew came up and licked his chin, then his face, as he looked in his eyes. He closed his eyes and kissed Trey passionatly, moving his tongue around in Trey's mouth. They tongue-wrestled with each other but little did they know that a wolf and a lizard was by the door.

Wolf: He seems busy.

Lizard: Well, we need to tell him that it's time!

Wolf: I'm not going in there!

Lizard: I'm not going either!

Wolf: Fine! We both go in there! [opens the door slowly and walked in] Uhh, sir? Do you have a moment? [taps Drew's hip, trying to get his attention] Sir, we need to talk to you!"

Drew: [groans and stopped making otu with Trey, whispers] I'm sorry Trey. [turns to the wolf and lizard] What is it?! Can't you see I'm busy?!

Wolf: I'm sorry, sir, but it's time for you to rape the slaves.

Drew: [wide-eyed] ~Damn! I forgot about raping the slaves!~ [clears his throat] Uh, yes. I'll be down in a second.

Wolf: We'll be waiting, sir. [They make their way to the door]

Drew: One thing, though.

Wolf: [turns around] Yes sir?

Drew: [growls and glares at him] Don't ever tap me on my ass again! You know how much I hate that!

Lizard: [sighs and looks at the wolf sternly]

Wolf: Uh, my apologizes, sir...[they leave]

Drew: [sighs] I am sorry about that, Trey.

Trey: It's okay Drew.

Drew: Well, after I'm done, we can do something together.

Trey: Sounds good.

Drew: [smiles as he pulls out of Trey carefully and got up and opened his closet] Okay, now what will I use to rape the slaves today?

Drew began humming as Trey put on his shorts on, then looked at Drew, thinking about something.

Trey: ~Is it really true that Drew gets pissed when people tap his ass like that?~ [clenched his fists] ~I'm gonna have to find out for myself!~ [walked toward Drew] ~Here goes nothing...~

Drew bent down, scrappling for some items to use on the slaves, still humming. Trey put his hand out, walking forward, then tapped his ass, looking back at him, a bit nervous. Drew didn't do anything but kept humming, but unknown to Trey, he was purring. Trey was a little confused, but decided to take it a step further by squeezing his ass. As he thought, Drew stopped and looked back at Trey. Trey looked at him, like that triggered it. Drew didn't get mad. He didn't swing. He didn't do anything, but purred and smiled.

Drew: Heh heh. That tickles, Trey. That actually feels good, you rubbing on my ass like that. [his tongue was sticking out]

Trey: [confused] What? But I thought you would get angry.

Drew: Normally, I would, but why would I get mad at you? [notices that Trey was still confused] Heh. Let me explain. You can do whatever you want here.

Trey: Really?

Drew: [nods] Yes. You are my mate now. You know that I love you and I will never treat you wrong. [gets up and french-kissed Trey, moaning slightly, purring] Therefore, you can tap my ass anytime you like. I wouldn't mind at all. [smiles and wags his big tail a little]

Trey: [smiles] Gee thanks Drew.

Drew: Why, you're welcome. [gets an idea and picks Trey up] Hey, why don't you come with me and watch me? Think of it as a performance, just for you.

Trey: Really?

Drew: Yep, and it's a good one. Here, climb on. [helps Trey up on his shoulder] I'll take you downstairs.

Trey: Cool. And when it's over, we can go out and get something to eat.

Drew: Good idea. [licks his lips] "Don't worry, tacos, daddy's coming! [walks out the room, going down to the throne room] Trey I must tell you something.

Trey: What is it?

Drew: The guards here don't know about me and you going out, so when they're around, just pretend to be a slave, okay?

Trey: Uh, sure Drew.

They reached the throne room and Drew sets him down on the chair.

Drew: I'll be back. Wait here.

Drew leaves to go get a slave. A few minutes later, Drew comes back with a girl, looks like she's in her 20's. She had brown hair and hazel eyes. She was on all fours, naked, shivering, and crying. Trey looked at Drew.

Drew: Don't you worry your pretty little head, my love. This will never happen to you.

Girl: [crying like hell] P-Please...don't...I haven't recovered since the last time...

Drew: Shut up bitch! Crying ain't gonna get you anywhere!

Drew growled and shoved his cock in her cunt. She screamed in extreme pain as he thrusted violently into her, reaching down and rubbing her titties. She continued to scream and cry in pain.

Drew: Yeah you like that. I know you do. Take it all, you little slut!"

Drew continues thrusting and looks at Trey. He grins and winks at him. Trey smiled and watched. Drew kept thrusting, then he cums and shoots his hot seed into her. She screamed ven more as dragonseed filled up her pussy. Drew pants a little and sighs.

Drew: What do you think, Trey?

Trey: [smiles evilly a little] I think she looks a little 'anal'!

Drew blinks and smiles, laughing evilly as he pulls out and pushes the head against her analhole.


She started screaming again as Drew thrusted in and out of her ass. Drew groaned as he can feel her insides. He kept up the pace until he shot his seed into her ass. She screamed again.

Drew: [sighs and pulls out of her] TAKE HER AWAY! [the guards came by and picked her up and took her back to her cell] Okay, I'm done. You ready, my love?

Trey: Yep.

Drew came by and picked him up, setting him back on his shoulders and walked out the place, then Drew took off. AND THIS...THIS IS ONLY...THE BEGINNING!!!!