Sabhira's Daughter #27

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#30 of Tails of the Khajiit

Kitty runs away

| A few minutes passed before Udaran spoke up, "I don't see or hear anything. Uber?"

"Nothing here either, but something's out there." | | | Kitty sighed and admitted, "Sounds like Scout work to me."

"Be careful Kitty. Just go far enough to see what it is and come back," said Udaran as Kitty once more donned her invisibility cloak.

"I'm really starting to hate this thing," Kitty thought as she raised the hood. | | | With that, Kitty headed back to the trail, it's hard packed earth and stone offering a quieter approach. Stealthily she crept farther down the trail, stopping to listen every few paces, then continuing on when nothing presented itself. | | | Soon she was out of sight of where the others waited, and before long out of earshot as well. She considered turning back but decided to continue on since she had as of yet seen nothing unusual. | | | Then she saw them. Three lean wolves emerging onto the trail in front of her from the grass. She immediately dropped into a crouch, and at the same time she realized two facts. | | | First, the slight breeze was at her back carrying her sent towards the pack. Second, they were crouched facing her direction and were slinking towards her. Then she heard a sound from behind her. She turned back but froze when she saw two more wolves directly behind her and looking her way. While she may be invisible, their sense of smell was obviously indicating her presence nearby. And they were blocking her retreat. | | | Panic began to assert itself in her rapid shallow breath and she saw many sets of ears twitch just before they all bolted directly at her. Had she stood still, perhaps they would have stopped short when they could see no prey, but every instinct was dead set against that course and she bolted off the trail in the direction of the lake.

"WOLVES!" she cried as loud as she could, trying to at least alert the others. | | | That, of course, gave the wolves a definite quarry and like dogs chasing an unseen fox, they were fully in the chase. Her feline instincts dropped her to all fours, trying to gain the few seconds she needed and, save for one particularly fast wolf, she left the others behind as she raced toward a large tree. | | | It took a few minutes before she managed to stop shaking and regain some sort of composure. Though she couldn't see anything, she could hear the wolf below and she could do nothing but hold on and hope she was far enough up already. Her position was precarious, so she did the only thing she could think of.

"HELP! UBERGARD! MUZ-RA! I'M HERE! UDARAN! I'M STUCK UP IN A TREE! CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Kitty screamed at the top of her lungs.

However, no reply came and she realized she had gone too far from the trail. | |