Sabhira's Daughter #29

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#32 of Tails of the Khajiit

Ubergard gets pissed off

| As with the other times, Kitty's blindness wore off so suddenly that she didn't realize it until she looked at the huge muscled arm she was holding.

"OH! Hello again FarSeer. I can see you now. My but you're big! Say, hold up a second and let me get my boots back on."

"No problem. That's great! And yes, living out here in the wilds will certainly build muscle. There's always something that needs lifting, carrying or pulling it seems. So, if I understand right, that cloak of yours blinds you for the same amount of time you were invisible, right?"

"That's about it."

"I'm not sure if that's a curse or a blessing." | |

| "Well, it has helped me out on occasion. For all your help though, I'd like to give it to you!"

"Thank you, but no. The more I stay away from magic, the happier I'll be. Besides, it would never fit me."

Kitty considered that. "I guess so. But surely there's something I can do to repay you?"

"Maybe after we find your friends. If I gauge the timeline right, they shouldn't be too far."

"I was thinking of repayment BEFORE we find them," Kitty said with a gleam in her eye. | |

| "KITTY! Oh thank god you're ok. Where have you been? We've been looking for hours! After it got dark, we feared the worst. Ubergard's been beating herself up for letting you go alone," said Udaran and then called out, "Ubergard! Come back! We found her!" | |

| "I'm sorry Udaran. Hi Red! It's a bit of a long story, but the gist of it is that I was chased by wolves and ended up stuck up in a tree a long way from the trail. My new friend FarSeer here helped me out and led me back to the trail while I was blind."

"Well thank you, FarSeer! We'd be lost without our Scout!" Muz-Ra added, looking the big Argonian up and down approvingly. | |

| "I don't know about that Red, I think maybe you would do better WITHOUT me. I'm not proving to be a very good scout."

At that point Ubergard came into the clearing and stopped cold at the sight of FarSeer.

"An-Dee?" FarSeer asked as if seeing a ghost.

"Heem-Ja. So this is where you're hiding now," responded Ubergard with obvious disdain. | |

| "I'm called FarSeer now. And I'm not hiding," FarSeer protested.

"Call it what you will. And I'm known as Ubergard here, so I'd appreciate it if you'd use that name. Actually, I'd appreciate it more if you never spoke to me at all." | |

| Kitty was outraged by this rude introduction. "Uber! Please! FarSeer probably saved my life. Please show him some respect!"

"I'm sorry Kitty. You don't know him. I do. I give respect to those who deserve it."

"I don't care what you think Uber, he DOES des..." Kitty started angrily before FarSeer interrupted her. | |

| "No Kitty. She's right. You don't know me. I'd best go. I'm glad you've found your friends, but I must be off now."

With that, the Argonian turned to leave. | |

| "Wait!" shouted Udaran unexpectedly, casting an angry glare up at Ubergard.

FarSeer stopped and turned back. "Yes?"

"You've returned Kitty to us and have asked for no payment or reward..."

The barest glance between Kitty and FarSeer went without notice from the others.

Udaran continued, "...and we could use your guidance as I'm sure you know this area far better than any of us. It's late and we need to find a safe place for the night. Maybe you could guide us to somewhere appropriate?"

The Argonian considered this for a moment. | |

| FarSeer replied quietly, "This area is teeming with wolves and worse. I daresay with Ubergard, you should have no problem if you stay close to the trail. However, if you wish, you're welcome to the rough hospitality I can offer. I have a cabin not far from here. Maybe an hour's walk. It's small and sparse, but it would provide a roof over your heads and I have a pretty well-stocked larder. If you are interested, you may follow me. I would be honored to have you stay the night. Even An-Dee if she would condescend to do so." | |