Sabhira's Daughter #31

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#34 of Tails of the Khajiit

Around the Campfire

| "So... your brother the werewolf? I must say he is a fine specimen though!" Muz-Ra said jokingly to Ubergard, but she did not respond.

Though she wore the same tough expression she had adopted since she first saw FarSeer, Kitty wondered if perhaps she detected some other emotion in the giantess. Certainly the Argonian seemed to be lost in her own thoughts anyway.

"I don't think she wants to talk about him Red," Kitty suggested.

"They sure seem to grow large in Uber's family though. Do you suppose the same holds true for his manhood?" Muz-Ra speculated.

"I don't think ANYONE wants to talk about that Red!" Udaran said. | image | | "Ok, come on up girls," said FarSeer from within the now-lit cabin. "I told you it wasn't much. I'm cooking some food out front. It should be ready in an hour or so. And before you say anything Ubergard, it's venison."

"Saving the good stuff for yourself?" Ubergard shot him a nasty look.

FarSeer sighed and turned to the others. "Can I get you anything to drink? I've some mead and some spiced wine. | image | | "That was just excellent FarSeer. Maybe a bit light in the vegetable department, but you do know your way around a slab of meat!" Muz-Ra thanked the big Argonian, smacking her lips and began to chisel out some fragments from between her teeth with a small stick she'd found for the purpose.

Kitty could swear she heard from Udaran under her breath, "As do you."

"Thank you Red. Now, as for other accommodations, I'm afraid I have little in the way of a lavatory here. There's a bucket of water in the corner for washing, and for any other needs there's a hole about a hundred feet directly behind the cabin. Just watch your step. I've erected a band of rocks around it for privacy so you can't miss it."

"From what I've seen of male urinals recently, I'll bet YOU can," Muz-Ra quipped with a chuckle. | image | | "I've put down some mats for bedding but they're not much I'm afraid."

"Oh, I was going to mention, FarSeer. I hope you don't mind, but I sleep in the nude. Not to be provacative mind you, and to be clear, I'm not interested in males anyway, but it's just how I sleep. Is that going to be ok?" Udaran asked without a trace of embarrassment.

"Sure Udaran. I can't say I wouldn't enjoy the view, but don't worry. In fact, I spend my nights nude too you might say!"

"Oh REALLY?" Muz-Ra perked up, suddenly interested.

"Oh yes. Though you might find my appearance somewhat altered. I don't sleep, but I do get cranky!" FarSeer explained with a smile. | image | | "OH! So you spend your nights as a wolf?" Udaran asked.

"Werewolf. It's not the same form at all. In fact, I often wonder how that connection was ever made. But again, don't worry. My consciousness is fully intact. I don't hurt anyone. Years ago the body change did affect my mind and I couldn't say that - but time and experience work wonders. I'm as much myself in werewolf form as I am now. I just can't talk, but I can think. Sleep, however... it's not that I can't sleep. It just does me no good, so I no longer even try," FarSeer went on. | image | | "So, what do you do all night?" Kitty asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh, mostly just run, hunt and kill. You'll notice I have no weapons. Don't need em. That venison you ate, I took that down just last night."

"You've got yourself quite a place here, FarSeer. A nice life. But doesn't it get lonely?"

FarSeer let out a sigh. "Yes, it does. To be honest, you're the first people I've had here in months. But when you choose to follow my path, you have to anticipate solitude. Mostly I wouldn't have it any other way. But, I'm a social creature too and once in a while it get's a bit much. Which is why I really appreciate you girls visiting me." | | | Ubergard seemed about to say something, but thought better of it. Instead, she confessed, "I will admit you've built a nice life here FarSeer. Though I disagree with your life choices, you've done well with it. Better than any of us in the family expected. When next I see them, I'll let them know."

Kitty noticed that FarSeer seemed to listen to his sister's few words as if they were words from a god. Perhaps it was a trick of the light that made his eyes shine a little brighter. But he remained silent for some time before he asked Ubergard if she would mind walking with him for a bit. Kitty was not that suprised when the giantess agreed and the two walked out into the night, though Kitty certainly noticed that Ubergard didn't forget to bring her huge axe along too. | | | While they were out, the three remaining travellers prepared their beds. Though the mat that Kitty lay upon was certainly firm, it was surely better than sleeping on rocks and roots. Udaran stripped out of her clothes and settled in as Muz-Ra returned from a trip behind the house.

"How was it?" Kitty asked, knowing that she would find out herself in the morning regardless.

"Oh, smelly as you'd expect. But he's put up an acceptable seat. He even sanded and varnished it - no spliters in the butt there. I'd not want to try it in the rain though." | | | At that, footsteps were heard entering through the door and Ubergard and FarSeer's forms were seen in the doorway.

"Good night girls. I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night FarSeer," Ubergard grudgingly responded. "Don't kill anyone we know."

"Thanks," FarSeer said sarcastically. "Oh, and Udaran?"


"Nice!" he smiled, and left the cabin.

Kitty heard a snort of disgust mixed with amusement from Udaran, "He wishes!" | | | Kitty then snuggled up, happily against Udaran, and fell into a contented and undisturbed sleep. Somewhere in her sleeping mind though, she did notice that there was no snoring from Ubergard all night long. | |