Sabhira's Daughter #35 pt. 1

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#39 of Tails of the Khajiit

Knocking at the Door of the Cathouse

| Kitty and the others stepped out of the main Markarth gates after a leisurely breakfast provided by Kleppr free of charge. However, as Udaran pointed out, this might have been expected given the exorbitant amount she had paid for a single night's stay on essentially a polished rock bed. Still, the breakfast was good and they didn't want to arrive at their destination TOO early given the Cathouse's late-night hours of operation. | | | The mood was quiet among them. Kitty noticed that even Muz-Ra's attitude was subdued, having made only a single crude comment concerning the breakfast sausage. In no time they had arrived at the building. Udaran pointed to a sign over near the door which read, "Only weapon allowed is that between your legs. If you bring more, you will lose them both." While humorous, Kitty was none too sure that it was entirely in jest. Skyrim was, after all, quite a lawless and violent land. Sill, it did help to lighten the apprehensiveness. | | | "What do you think Ubergard? Do you want to stay out here, or risk your blade to the local security?" asked Udaran.

"I'll remain out here. Just yell if you need me. I doubt there's anything to worry about here."

"I agree. Well Kitty, Red, I guess this is it."

"Good luck Udie," Muz-Ra said, "But don't be too disappointed if she's not here."

"Thanks," replied Udaran, and then knocked on the door. | | | It took a few tries before a bleary-eyed male Khajiit came out to meet them, closing the door behind him.

"Yes? What is it? We won't be open for hours yet," he stated with some annoyance. Then, as if reappraising them, he added, "Or perhaps you're applying for a position?" | | | "No sir, we need to speak with the owner, Lady Ashasha. We need to talk to her about a matter of some importance, and we're prepared to pay handsomely for any information she can provide," Udaran said, and then shook a pocket that clinked with the unmistakable sound of coins.

His eyes brightened at that. "Well, you DO know how to make an introduction lady! I'm K'rris, one of Lady Ashasha's guards. Please forgive the rude introduction. We're really a pretty friendly lot, just not morning people. Can I tell her who is asking for her?" | | | "Call me Lady Udaran. I doubt she would know me, we've never met. But I... WE have come a long way to speak with her. I assure you we mean no harm. Our guard here, Ubergard, will wait outside."

"Udaran? THE Udaran? From the Tails?!" the Khajiit's eyes grew large.

"Oh! You know my work? I didn't expect anyone would know me this far from Whiterun. Then perhaps you know Red, Kitty and Ubergard too?"

"Sorry, I don't go much for Scalies. And I don't recognize Kitty I'm afraid," he said, nodding in greeting. "I don't get the Tails often, just occasionally a friend will loan me a copy. I'm awfully glad to meet you Lady Udaran!" | | | "That explains it. Kitty's pretty new. She's only been in a couple of issues."

"Well, wait a moment, I'll be right back!" With that, the guard retreated back inside the Cathouse.

"Who'd have guessed, Tails readers way out here?" Udaran remarked.

"But only the Khajiit issues," snorted Muz-Ra in mock indignation, to which even Ubergard had to laugh. | | | The door opened again and K'rris emerged, once again closing the door behind him. That, Kitty realized, was not a good sign. | |