Sabhira's Daughter #35 pt. 2

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#40 of Tails of the Khajiit

What's Good for the Goose... or

Compliments Can Take Many Forms.

| "I'm dreadfully sorry Lady Udaran, but Lady Ashasha has a request before I allow you in. She doesn't believe you are really THE Udaran. She's asked me to confirm it. She's really quite adamant."

"Confirm it? How do you... oh... OH. You know me THAT well do you?" Udaran smiled. After all, this WAS one of her admirers.

"Well, let's just say that I've spent a LOT of time, um, looking at your pictures. I'm your biggest fan!"

Kitty couldn't help but laugh at the embarrassed look on his face. To think, a guard at a brothel could even BE embarrassed! | |

| "If I weren't in such need of her help, I'd refuse. But so be it. Go ahead, you first."


"Surely you don't expect me to expose myself out here in front of the gods and nature by myself do you? You DID say she was insistent right?"

The guard hesitated and glanced back towards the door. He gave one last pleading look to Udaran, but she didn't relent.

"Go on then, let's see you!" she insisted. | |

| Then with an embarrassed shrug, he removed his armor and stood naked before them. "Satisfied?"

Muz-Ra whispered to Kitty who couldn't quite suppress a giggle, "I doubt he's her BIGGEST fan!" | |

| Udaran gave him an appraising look. "You're a braver Khajiit than I gave you credit for K'rris. You deserve this."

With that, in a moment she also stood naked before the guard. She struck one of her famous poses. "So? Do I pass?" | |

| The Khajiit's eyes weren't the only thing that grew large at the sight of her.

"Your pictures don't do you justice, Lady Udaran! You're even more beautiful than I expected!"

"Ok, NOW he's her biggest fan," Muz-Ra said appreciatively. | |

| Both Udaran and K'rris glanced down at his erection, which K'rris covered quickly. "I'm sorry Lady, I can't help it."

"No need to be embarrassed, K'rris. I'm flattered - by BOTH your compliments! Now let's get dressed and go see Lady Ashasha, shall we?" | |

| The moment they were both finished dressing, a voice came from within. "Welcome to the Cathouse, Udaran. You and your friends may enter. And Ubergard is welcome as well." | |