Sabhira's Daughter #45

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#50 of Tails of the Khajiit

Departure from the Cathouse

| Ubergard was snoring loudly when Ashasha came in to wake the travelers in the morning.

"Rise and shine girls! It's a new day and full of possibilities. Breakfast is waiting for you and Shabhira will be here in an hour." | |

| "Early? It's halfway to noon! Oh, you'd have a hard time of it here Kitty. Most of the girls have already eaten and are about their chores." she smiled.

"Chores? Last night's work wasn't enough?"

"That? That's just Work. But this place doesn't run itself and we don't make enough to hire maids." | |

| "You're surprisingly upbeat this morning Ashasha!" Udaran noticed from behind Kitty.

"Well, I have a right to be. We made good money last night and it turns out S'uzi's tail is just sprained. She'll be back on her back in a week."

"Oh, that's good to hear," Kitty said, having worked out the odd phrasing. "...I guess." | |

| "Yes! Shabhira took a look at her last night before she left."

"And you don't mind Shabhira coming with us anymore?" Udaran asked. | |

| "Of course I do! But we worked out a deal. No matter what happens, she'll drop by once a month and help J'ara get up to speed to take her place."

"Well that sounds wonderful. Has she given any indication of her own plans... after?"

"I don't think she has a clue herself yet." | |

| After breakfast, the group had gathered outside the Cathouse when Shabhira came up the hill.

"Whoa! Shabhira, you look different today? Your traveling clothes?" asked Udaran.

"What? Oh, the gown. I'm sorry, I should have said something. Last night I was meeting with some people in Markarth when Ashasha sent for me. I don't normally dress like that."

"I see. So, are you ready to go?"

"Absolutely! Eager in fact!" | |

| Meanwhile, Kitty and her new friend Cheetah were saying their goodbyes.

"Could you do me a favor Kitty?"

"Anything Cheetah! What can I do?"

"Well, when you get back, can you ask H to stop by here next time he's recruiting. I think I'm interested." | |

| "Oh? You don't like it here?"

"It's not bad. Really it's not. Ashasha is a good boss to have. And it may be wrong, but I DO love the work SO much! But it seems so... out of the way here. It's like Markarth is at the edge of everything. Nothing ever happens here, and everything happens in Whiterun. Plus I got K'riss to let me look at a copy of the Tails he has. Very erotic!"

"You like it?" | |

| "Once I managed to peel the pages apart, yeah! I think I'd like to do that!"

K'riss looked away, somewhat embarrassed. | |