Sampson and Devilah #9

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#12 of Sampson and Devilah

A Fistful of Sampson

| "You misunderstand. I'm leaving to go to Riverwood. But only because I want to talk with this warrior. I assume he will be going through there. But no, I rescind my resignation. If I must, I will fight for you Kitty."

"Oh thank you Uber. Thank you all! You know, I really don't know if I'm even doing the right thing here. Frankly, I can run. I'm damn good at running and hiding. If any of you get hurt, I'll feel really stupid for this." | | | "But if you ran, we'd lose our friend. I've seen the guy. He's a dimwit, but he's a persistent dimwit. We'd never see you again. I think I speak for us all when I say, you are worth fighting for. We're with you Kitty, and you're not making a mistake."

"Thanks Shabhira. Look, that thing I said, back at the cabin. I was wrong. You are my friend."

"I know Kitty. I know." | | | "And you are mine. But stay away from FarSeer. He's mine too."

"I will. Ok, then... so Ubergard is going to Riverrun to meet them, Shabhira is going to prepare some 'entertainment'. Muz-Ra, are you planning anything?"

"Sure am! I'm going to bake cookies!" | | | "Cookies? What, are you going to try to poison them?!"

"No one can kill someone who gave them cookies. It's against all the conventions of war."

"Worth a shot I guess."

"Kitty," Shabhira said admiringly to the worried Khajiit, "I do believe Red is the smartest one of us all."

"Chocolate chip I think," Muz-Ra said as she walked proudly to the kitchen. | | | Devilah was angry. "No, Sampson. She deliberately led us astray. Lucky for us we stopped by the Cathouse or we'd have gone all the way to Markarth!"

"Oh yes. Those girls were SO kinda and helpful!"

"I doubt they would have been if you'd have told them why we were searching for Kitty. You should take my advice more often." | | | "It is curious how everyone seems to like her so much," Sampson mused.

"Do you think maybe she's not the arch-assassin you imagined?"

"Of course not. That's just what an arch-assassin would make you think. So clever you think you are, my nemesis. But your cleverness will not save you!" | | | "So I guess it's on to Whiterun and the Tails of the Khajiit publisher then?"

"Yes. They may be unaware that they have been harboring a mass-murderer, but ignorance of the law is no excuse!"

"Ignorance... yes..." muttered Devilah.

"What I don't understand is why they would open a soup kitchen so far from the city." | | | "Soup kitchen? What on earth are you talking about?"

"The Cathouse. Those darling cherubs would rival you in their generosity to feed the poor, but they really should have set up their soup kitchen inside of Markarth itself. As it is, they say their customers only come at night."

"Oh no... Sampson... really? A Soup Kitchen? I said it was a brothel!"

"Yes. That such virtues still exist in this land gives me hope for Justice's final victory!" | | | "DEVILAH! I told you_last_ time, you can't just grab me like that!"

"I'm sorry Sampson, sometimes I need to remember why I still hang around you. At times I forget."

"Don't lose heart, fair companion. The journey has been long and hard, I know. Yet now, the final goal is in sight.We cannot give up hope now when the taste of victory is so close!"

"It was long and hard for sure! But I'm not giving up hope yet. I'm confident I shall have a taste soon too. Very soon." | | | Later that evening found the pair settling in for the night inside the Sleeping Giant Inn.

"So, perhaps the Khajiit witch wasn't lying after all. Our quarry has, in fact, moved into a castle! Maybe she just had the location wrong."

"Could be. At least we won't need to go to that Tails place. But it's late. We'll storm the gates in the morning, right?"

"Yes... Beware, foul assassin, your doom approaches!" | | | "Devilah?"

"Yes, my master?"

"Your hand..."

"Oh, yes. It was cold. I'm just warming it up a bit."

"Devilah, you're fondling me."

"Oh? Oh, I'm so sorry Sampson. You are just so warm there..."


"Yes Sampson?"

"You're still doing it. Sleep in the bedroll."

"Yes Sampson," said Devilah with a heavy sigh. | |