Sampson and Devilah #16

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#23 of Sampson and Devilah

The Departure of Sampson and Devilah

(Epilogue still to come btw)

| Later all three females were sitting around the banquet table, eating the last of Muz-Ra's cookies.

"Oh, he'll be fine. He's just exhausted. Let him sleep," Devilah said.

"Ok, but you are going to have to clean up the mess!"

"You obviously know nothing about us Succubi. It's already been cleaned up," said the winged one, smiling and smacking her lips. | |

| "Ewwwww!"

"What can I say, it's what I do. What do you expect?" | |

| "I didn't expect a Succubus to eat chocolate chip cookies!"

"I didn't either. I wonder if that's what starts me to turn to the Good?"

Kitty shrugged. "Could be!"

Muz-Ra disagreed though, "I suspect Sampson was a more likely cause. Want another?"

"Oh, no thanks. I'm stuffed!" | |

| All three sat a second in silence before the laughter started. No one needed to make the obvious pun. | |

| "So what will you do now?"

"I've already started actually. Sampson will wake up without any memory of what happened after he hit you with the Sword, Kitty."

"Then... he won't remember... about you?"

"Nope. I've decided I kinda like the big meathead. He's stupid as a brick, but sometimes a brick is what you need. I think we'll stick together for a bit longer." | |

| "Well, I hear there's a Thieves Guild in Riften that could use some breaking-up."

Devilah considered this a minute. "Hmm. There's possibility in that. A bit of persuasion and Sampson will be back on a quest again in no time! Good idea Red!"

"But, you know... he'll think his vow is still intact." | |

| Devilah sighed. "Yeah. I thought about that. It will really suck, frankly. But he's gotta have time to recharge again if we're ever going to manage_that_ again! And also, somewhere in his body, it will remember. I can't erase that. I think he'll be a bit more ready to end his vow next time." | |

| "What about your bosses? Will you get in trouble?"

Devilah sighed. "Yes. No doubt. But if my soul is destined to be good, I'm not going to be able to avoid that forever. Who knows, maybe the other team will help me out."

"I do hope so Devilah." | |

| "Shabhira should be waking up soon, and Ubergard is probably on her way here now. I think we'd better get going. I'll leave it to you two to do the explaining."

"Is Sampson up for riding again?"

"I'll have to Automate him for a little bit. He'll be sleep-walking basically. But I'll get him out." | |

| "Wow! Sampson's truly got the stamina of 10 men. This time he's taking charge!" Later, at the steps of Castle Kitty.

"Good bye Devilah, and good luck!" Kitty called after her.

The Succubus, now reverted to her previous form, waved back. "Thanks! I'll write you if I can! Goodbye Kitty, Goodbye Red!"

"I'll be looking forward to it!"

Muz-Ra and Kitty sat on the steps, watching the two heading west into the sun. | |