Sampson and Devilah #17 EPILOGUE

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#24 of Sampson and Devilah


| "Oh, there's Ubergard. Does she see us? It wouldn't do if she thought we were dead and started chasing Devilah."

"Yup, she waved back. She should be here in a few minutes. Let's wait for her." | |

| "Well, now that was something!"

"I'll say! I can't wait to get a new boyfriend now!"


"I've got so many new ideas to try out! You didn't see what she did after the seventh round!"

"I'm not sure I want to know." | |

| "Oh yeah, they started using random objects by then. Oh, and by the way, my childhood teacher was dead wrong! You can fit a square peg into a round hole!"

Kitty slapped her hands over her face. "Ugh... And you were sitting there the whole time?" | |

| "Absolutely. They were so lost in each other they didn't even notice. But the best was at the very end. You'd be amazed by what can be done with a pineapple and a yo-yo!"

"What's a yo-yo? No. Forget I asked." | |

| "So, how_can_ a Succubus be Good? Isn't that kind an oxymoron?"

"The way I figure it, any sentient creature with free will can go either way."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Sort of defeats the whole self-determination purpose otherwise."

Kitty nodded. | |

| "Kitty, can I ask you something personal?"

"Sure Red. Anything. After what you, Ubergard and Shabhira did for me, ask anything. I owe you my life!"

"Look, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm sure Kitty isn't your real name."

"No. No, it's not. And of course, neither is Black Cat."

"So...?" | |

| Kitty leaned close and whispered something to Muz-Ra.

"No... Really?"

Kitty nodded embarrassed.

"Your parents named you that? What, did they not like you or something?" | |

| "It's not spelled the same and doesn't mean the same thing in Ta'agra. But that is how it's pronounced."

"Well, I understand why you don't go by your name in Skyrim then!"

"Yeah, it would be difficult."

"Kinda fitting, if only it didn't have that other meaning though."

Kitty looked at her with perhaps a touch of menace.

"Ok, ok. 'Kitty' then!"

"Thanks Red. Now here's Uber." | |

| "Ubergard! Are you ok?" Kitty called as Ubergard got to the steps.

"Yes, I'm fine. Maybe a little sore. I'm so happy to see you are safe. And Shabhira?"

"She's fine too. Sleeping off a spell that Devilah cast on her."

"So, she is a magic user! I suspected as much."

"Oh, she's more than that, Uber. But it's ok. They're gone now. They finally came to understand that I wasn't really an assassin."

"Thank heavens! After fighting with that Sampson, I knew nothing short of an army would stop him." | |

| "I'm not sure an army could have either. But let's go in and see if Shabhira's up yet. We'll tell you all about it."

"Say, I have some few more cookies if you're interested."

"Oh, that's right. Did they help?"

"Well, they didn't hurt anyway."

The big Argonian looked up at the castle. "You know Kitty, this place is starting to grow on me. I think I could call this home."

Muz-Ra nodded, and with a grandiose gesture and in a much-too-loud for Kitty's comfort, called out "Welcome back, Ubergard, to Castle Pussy!"

"RED! SHUT UP!" | |