Queen Muz-Ra #3

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#4 of Queen Muz-Ra

Cupid's Arrow

| Ubergard sat alone on the bench, watching the proceedings. She was intrinsically stoic in her demeanor, but in her own way she had developed a strong affection for Muz-Ra and Kitty during her adventures with them. While she didn't often engage in the sort of frivolity they were having, she nonetheless enjoyed watching them at play like this. If asked, she would have feigned disgust at their antics, but that was really a ruse. These trips to the Bannered Mare were, in fact, the high point of her days, excluding the now-infrequent battles since she had settled into a more civilized lifestyle. | | | It was while she was reflecting on this that she noted a new presence sitting beside her. The voice, however, was familiar.

"Looks like they're having quite a time of it tonight. Don't you dance Ubergard?"

"I do, but my partner generally doesn't walk away afterwards," she replied quietly, not looking away. "What are you doing here Irileth? Shouldn't you be back at Dragonsreach counting taxes or something?"

"Even a Housecarl needs to get away occasionally," the dusky Dunmer responded, though Ubergard noted that she hadn't truly answered the question. | | | "What do you want?" Ubergard asked, perhaps a bit disrespectfully.

"Want? It's a public tavern. Must I have an agenda?"

"You usually do."

"You're not still upset about that little spat are you? That was months ago! You really need to learn to let things go. It's not wise for a person in your position to harbor resentment towards your superiors you know." | | | "When I find one, I'll consider your advice," Ubergard turned to look directly at her neighbor.

Irileth's red eyes flashed momentarily, but then she turned back to the dancers.

"I understand you've moved in with Kitty and... What's her name? Muz-La? ...in the old castle."

"Muz-RA. Yes, Castle Kitty we call it now. And why should I care what you do or don't understand?"

"I've heard of another name for it. But please, there's no need to be hostile. I'm just curious. Kitty's sudden, shall we say, 'change of fortune' has raised some eyebrows in the city." | | | "That doesn't surprise me. Having a wealthy Khajiit living openly nearby isn't something they're used to."

"Oh, it's unusual to be sure. H is one exception, but he's discreet and rarely seen in Whiterun. Still, you might be suprised to know just how well they actually LIKE Kitty around town. Such a thing is... unexpected from the Nords around here."

"Because they're a bunch of species-ist bigots. When they learn that another race can actually be considered as an equal - when they actually interact with them on an equal footing, that should be expected if they're not unredeemable."

"As well I know, Argonian. I see it as a very good thing. But not all do. We have a unique perspective, you and I. We're both outsiders here." | | | "Get to the point,Dunmer," Ubergard demanded. "What do you want?"

"I'm just interested in finding out more about Muz-Ra actually. What can you tell me about her? I know she's been working at H's for years, but I now have a need to know more."

Ubergard was suprised at this. Asking about Kitty would be expected now that she had become a significant personage around Whiterun with her purchase of Castle Kitty. But she did not expect any interest in Muz-Ra.

"Red? Well, she's very forthright, to a fault. I can tell you that. Also she is uninhibited, which is pretty obvious considering her present posture! She is, as far as I know, exactly what you see." | | | "Interesting. It seems clear to me also that Kitty is quite fond of Mikael... Very fond indeed. And yet there seems to be no animosity, given that, between Mikael and Muz-Ra. Can I surmise then that Kitty and Muz-Ra are not, in fact, lovers?"

"Muz-Ra? Kitty? Oh no. They're about as male-loving as they can be."

"And yet Muz-Ra dances with this other Khajiit, one I am given to understand is in a physical relationship with another female Khajiit at the Tails..."

"Irileth, they're just having fun! They're not licking each other!" | | | "Even so..."

"Kitty and Muz-Ra are friends, as are Cheetah and Muz-Ra. Just good friends, nothing more. Why are you so interested in Red anyway? I know it's your job to keep tabs on the locals here for the Jarl, but why..."

At this point, Irileth looked directly at the Argonian for the first time and touched Ubergard's thigh, interrupting her.

"We all have our reasons," she said while her eyes indicated something above and to her right where a balcony overlooked the tavern floor below. | | | Ubergard glanced up and away, catching the sight of a hooded figure there, watching the dancers.

"No!" she whispered to Irileth, "an Argonian?Red?!"

Ireleth gave a sigh. "Nature is truly mysterious, my friend. A cupid's arrow can strike anyone,despite all the protection that servants like us can muster." | | | "Oh... My... God," Ubergard whispered, looking from the hooded figure to Muz-Ra and back again, her mouth gaping. She then turned to the Housecarl of Dragonsreach, Ubergard's expression changed to one of pity for the Dunmer.

"Heaven help you Irileth. You have my sincere sympathy."

Irileth sighed as she stood up to go, "Thank you, Ubergard. We all do our best with what we're given." | |