Queen Muz-Ra #4

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#5 of Queen Muz-Ra

This isn't Politics. This is Biology!

| "Just one thing, Irileth. You understand Red is under my protection. Should anything_uninvited_ happen, you and I shall dance."

"It would bring me great pleasure to dance with you, Ubergard. But that will not happen. He's not that sort of man. If he were, I wouldn't work for him."

Ubergard shrugged. "I'll tell her when she gets back."

The Dunmer nodded in acknowledgement and went back up the stairs. | |

| "Whew! You have more stamina than I expected Red!" said Cheetah, flopping back down on the bench, exhausted.

"Oh, stamina I have! I may not have the muscles of Ubergard, but I do exercise often and for a long time. Though the muscles I train most aren't obvious."

"I used to do that sort of training too, but now that I'm with Udaran, it seems kind of pointless. I'm afraid I have let myself go in that department." | |

| "Oh? I'd be interested to know what exercise techniques you used! I guess in your former line of work that would have been helpful."

"Absolutely. Some people think you just lay back and let him do all the work. I guess maybe some do, but not at the Cathouse. We took pride in turning the act into an art form, and we girls were certainly active participants!

We even held contests sometimes during the off hours, of which I am proud to admit I won quite a few!" | |

| "Contests? Like?"

"Oh, all sorts of things. Most Flexible. Most Accommodating. Least Gag Reflex. We even had a weight lifting contest once a month."

"Weight lifting? Now that must have been interesting!"

"Oh yes! That's where I got the inspiration for my exercise routine. First, you tie a string around a..." | |

| "Excuse me, Cheetah," interrupted Ubergard, sensing the conversation was not going to end anytime soon.

"Oh, sorry Ubergard," Cheetah apologized.

"If you don't mind, I need to talk to Red alone for a minute."

Muz-Ra looked at the giant Argonian. "Me? Now?"

"Please. It's rather important."

Muz-Ra shrugged. "Well, ok. Cheetah, we'll pick this conversation up again when I get back." | |

| When they had stepped away a short distance, Ubergard spoke to her friend in Jel so as to be unintelligible to anyone in the tavern...

"Someone wants to meet you Red. Up in the private room."

"Really? Who is it?"

"Irileth just came from there and told me." | |

| Muz-Ra looked at Ubergard, confused.

"Irileth? Isn't she the Housecarl of Dragonsreach?"

"The same."

"She wants to meet me?"

"Not her." | |

| Muz-Ra's eyes grew large as saucers.

"The Jarl? He's here?" she said, looking up to the balcony.

"Yes. And he wants to meet you. I'm given to understand he is interested in you."

"Well," Muz-Ra looked back at her friend, "and why not? I was a model you know!"

Ubergard nodded, conceding the point. | |

| Muz-Ra smiled at the sudden reintroduction of romance to her life.

"Well, I mustn't keep him waiting! Give my apologies to Cheetah and Kitty. I'll be back later."

"Red... Be careful. Politics is not your strong suit."

"Politics? What has this got to do with Politics? This is Biology!" | |

| As she turned to go, she hesitated. Still speaking in Jel, she asked Ubergard, "Say, he's kind of old. Do you think his heart is up to the challenge?"

"From what I know of him, I don't think you need to worry about that too much. He's old, but he's still a warrior-king."

"A warrior-king eh? I wonder what warrior-kings fuck like?" | |

| And with that, the golden-clad Argonian fairly skipped towards the stairs.

Ubergard returned to her bench, shaking her head. "This," she thought, "is going to be a disaster." | |