Queen Muz-Ra #5

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#6 of Queen Muz-Ra

Red, meet the Jarl. Jarl, meet Red.

| After knocking at the door, Muz-Ra was admitted to a small room by the Housecarl, Irileth. A hooded figure sat on the bed nearby. At her arrival, the man looked up and gestured to Irileth who exited to the balcony but still obviously within earshot.

"Welcome, Muz-Ra," said the voice of the Jarl of Whiterun. | image | | Muz-Ra bowed awkwardly, "Forgive me, my lord. I am not familiar with the etiquette you are used to, but I understand you wanted to speak to me?"

The Jarl smiled at the Argonian. "Please, it is I who am misplaced here. In Dragonsreach, that sort of thing is expected, but here I am just another patron. Call me Balgruuf. When I visit outside the palace, I try to forget that I am also the Jarl." | image | | Of course, lord Balgruuf. But I can't forget it, you know. And you can call me 'Red', if you are going to be my friend."

"I do hope to be, Red. I suppose you have some idea why I called you up here?"

"I'm not accustomed to being summoned to the presence of a Jarl, lord, but I am familiar with being courted by other males. I could tell you that I dress this way for comfort, or come up with some other reason just as plausible. But I do enjoy the attention more than anything else." | image | | "Please, would you mind sitting here beside me? I really would prefer it. I have people bowing to me all day. I don't find it pleasant."

"Tell you what, I'm a little offput by the presence of a bed on our first meeting. I'm not a naive waif, but then again we females do like the courtship ritual before we jump right into the sack!"

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just the only furniture in here!"

"Uh huh. Besides, Irileth is undoubtedly listening to every word we say. That is more than a little unnerving. Kinda throws off the mood when you know there are glowing red eyes hovering over you, you know? Not to mention a huge decapitated moose head!" | image | | Balgruuf looked at the moose. "I guess you're right about that!" he chuckled. "But I've got an idea..." He then looked at the balcony doorway. "I get so used to her presence, I forget sometimes. Irileth, can you come in here?"

The Housecarl appeared instantly, "I know what you're going to say, lord, and I do protest! We know nothing about Muz-Ra and I think it would be unwise in the extreme to allow you to stay completely unprotected in here with her. You know your life is never safe outside Dragonsreach." | image | | "Red, how long have you lived around Whiterun? With H I mean," asked Balgruuf.

"I guess it's been about 5 years now. Why?"

"5 years. Irileth, do you really think Muz-Ra here has been waiting 5 years for this night to happen? To dance with her friends, and catch my attention so she can assassinate me?"

"Well... no." | image | | "But you're right about one thing. I_would_ like you to remain in this room."


"While Red and I go take a stroll."

The Housecarl's red eyes went wide. "Alone? You think you can just go on a midnight 'stroll' around Whiterun?!"

"I do. And I will. And you will remain here."

"But, Lord, please! If anything were to happen to you..."

"Do I not have enough guards in the city? If I am in danger in my own city, I am a poor Jarl indeed! You WILL stay here, and await my return."

"Lord." Irileth acquiesced. | image | | "Red, shall we go?"

"Go where, my lord?"

"Why, for a stroll of course!"

"A stroll? I don't recall being asked to go for a stroll with you."

The Jarl of Whiterun's jaw fairly dropped before he re-mustered his composure. | | | "I'm sorry Red. You're right, of course. It was presumptuous of me to assume..."

"Yes, in fact, it was presumptuous. However, now that you recognize that, I would be happy to accompany you," Muz-Ra said, satisfied that she had established the ground rules of this game and who was in control.

As they walked out of the Bannered Mare, Balgruuf couldn't help but admire the view.

"Red, I have to tell you something. Irileth will not stay in the tavern. I expect she's heading out the back door already. She'll be shadowing us." | | | "Really? I thought you were the Jarl of Whiterun? Your orders aren't obeyed here?"

"Well, Irileth is a special case. She's not like one of my guards."

"I see. Well, I suppose as long as she stays out of sight and I don't have to think about her."

"Oh, that she will. But I know her well enough to know that she'll be nearby."

Muz-Ra nodded, accepting it as inevitable. | | | "Red, you know, I'm not a young man anymore. All my years as the Jarl have worn away my skill at artifice and romance."

"Oh, don't worry about that, Balgruuf. You've got a hard-on for me, and I'm at a time in my life where such interest is welcome. But I'm not just going to spread my legs for you and have a night of wanton lust. I want lots of nights of wanton lust. And I want to be comfortable with my partner."

"Why, Red, you certainly get right to the point, don't you?"

"You said you lack artifice. I've never had any. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say."

"So I see!" | |