Queen Muz-Ra #7

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#8 of Queen Muz-Ra

Kiss and Tell


The Jarl and I


Getting to Know You

Pick one.

| Suddenly, a voice came out of the darkness from the side of the tavern.

"My lord, perhaps this would be a good time to return to Dragonsreach?" said Irileth from the shadows.

"Irileth, I told you to wait inside, didn't I?"

"Yes my Lord."

"And you've been following us ever since?"

"Yes my Lord."

"And you saw and heard everything?"

"Yes my Lord."

The Jarl of Whiterun sighed."Can't I get any privacy around here?"

"No my Lord. Only inside Dragonsreach." | |

| Balgruuf turned back to Muz-Ra."Red, would you mind coming to Dragonsreach next time?"

Muz-Ra kneeled in sincere respect for her Jarl. "It would be an honor, your Jarliness."

When she rose, he planted a kiss firmly on her cheek."I will contact you soon, Red. It's been a very memorable night."

And with that, Jarl Balgruuf went down the stairs, bidding goodnight to the Argonian.

Muz-Ra returned his wave with a smile and a wave herself, but used her tail to do the waving.

With that, she turned back into the tavern, happier than she had been in a long time. | |

| Kitty was the first to greet her.

"Red! Ubergard told me all about it! I'm sorry I missed all the fun!"

"Oh, you know. That sort of thing happens all the time when I go out. I can barely walk without a King or a Jarl trying to get into my panties," Muz-Ra laughed.

"So, what happened? Did you...?"

"Now, you know a nice girl doesn't kiss and tell!" | |

| Kitty looked around facetiously, "Where's one of those?"

Muz-Ra feigned indignation.

"Besides," Kitty went on, "you ALWAYS kiss and tell!"

Ubergard came up to them.

"And what about you, Uber? Are you going to ask me what happened too?"

"Of course not. But you'll tell us anyway so I might as well get it over with," replied Ubergard, but something about her expression betrayed more interest than her words indicated. | |

| "Wait, where's Cheetah?"

"Oh, she went back to the Tails."

"Did she know about the Jarl?"

"No. Ubergard didn't say anything to her, and I was too busy with Mikael."

"Well, if you're ready to leave, I'll tell you on the way when we're out of the city." | |

| Outside, Muz-Ra remembered to ask Kitty something...

"Oh! so how'd it go with Mikael anyway? Did he like the new dress?"

"Absolutely! But as expected, it seems like the the more they like new clothes, the sooner they want to take them off!"

"Well I think it looks fabulous. Your catsuit is great too, you know, but that shows off a bit more fur. And frankly looks more... oh, what's the word... luxurious."

"Why thanks, Red. I told him I couldn't stay overnight tonight, so he didn't get the chance to figure out how to untie it yet." | |

| Once they were out of the city gates, Muz-Ra began to tell her story.

"Ok, so I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed in me. We didn't actually do anything. But he did take me on a nice walk around. Even took me up to the Cloud District."

"Wow! That's unexpectedly chaste of you!"

Muz-Ra nodded, "I know. I don't know what came over me. I had a man right in the palm of my hands, but I let him slip away."

"So... what did he want? I thought he wanted to, you know, do it with you." | |

| "Oh, he did! But... it just didn't feel right. And probably Irileth was hovering around somewhere too."

"He wanted you, and you still didn't? Are you not feeling well?"

"I know, right? But... The Jarl. That's not like fucking some mangy, two-timing guard! And who knows what trouble I'd be getting myself into?"

Ubergard, silent as usual, had to speak up at that. "On that point, your instincts were true Red. You saved yourself more trouble than you can possibly imagine." | |

| Red looked at her fellow Argonian. "It sounds like you have some experience with such matters, Uber."

"I've perhaps been closer to that sort of thing than you. Just trust me, you don't want to get mixed up in politics like that. It's dangerous."

"I don't know, they say politics makes strange bedfellows. Maybe they're talking about me! Besides, you never know what the future may hold, right?"

Ubergard looked to Kitty, who just shrugged as Muz-Ra skipped the rest of the way to the castle, singing some odd tune she seemed to have just made up. Something about 'Getting to Know You'... | |

| The next day came and went, and Kitty noticed that Muz-Ra did seem more lighthearted than she had days before. But as the week went on, her attitude steadily seemed to sink until by the end of the week she seemed more depressed than ever.

Finally, when she caught the normally cheerful Argonian sobbing alone in the kitchen one evening, she could restrain herself no longer and she asked her friend directly what was wrong. But Muz-Ra refused to discuss it, saying it was just a silly fantasy of hers and that she'd get over it soon enough. | |

| Until the messenger came the next day... | |