Queen Muz-Ra #8

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#9 of Queen Muz-Ra

A Day in the Life of a Skyrim Courier



| Ubergard was up on the balcony, doing martial exercises with her blade the following morning when she heard someone approaching below. Looking over the parapet, she called to the man below.

"Hello! What do you need?"

"I have a message for someone named 'Muz-Ra'. Does she live here?"

"Yes. I'll deliver it for her. Wait a minute and I'll be right down." | | | The messenger was taken aback when the big door swung open and the sight of the giant Argonian appeared.

"Yes?" Ubergard said, jolting him out of his stasis."You have a message for Muz-Ra?"

"Er... oh! Yes. Right here. From the Jarl himself."

"Thank you. I'll see that she gets it right away."

"Um... If you don't mind, he requested I deliver it to her personally. It's for her eyes only."

"Oh. Well, come on in. She's probably still sleeping, but follow me." | | | "Welcome to Castle Kitty, Mr..."

"Oh. I don't really have a name. Mostly I'm just called 'courier'."

"No name? That's odd. Well, I'll just call you Mr. Courier."

"Mr. Courier? I like that! And you are?"

"I'm known as Ubergard."


"Well, wait here a minute Mr. Courier. I'll let her know you're here. I'm sure she'll be right out." | | | If the messenger was unprepared for the appearance of Ubergard, he was even less prepared for Muz-Ra when she appeared in the doorway.

"Yes?" Muz-Ra greeted the little man groggily. "You have something for me?"

The courier's eyes grew as large as saucers at the scantily clad Argonian's appearance and for a moment he stood transfixed with his eyes glued to her breasts. | | | "Oh, I'm sorry. You're probably distracted by my skimpy outfit. Give me a second!" And with that Muz-Ra withdrew back inside her bedroom for a minute. When she came out again, her golden bikini was gone and in it's place was... nothing.

"Buuh buhh..." stammered the messenger.

The Argonian smiled broadly. | | | "Well dammit, give me the message man!"

The poor courier drew a gold embossed envelope from his pouch as if in a trance and handed it to Muz-Ra, somehow never taking his eyes off her chest.

The Argonian's eyes went as wide as the couriers' own when she saw the envelope and the smile that spread over her face was no less than radiant. She opened it rapidly and scanned the neatly folded parchment within, then let out a scream of joy and started jumping up and down. | | | As Ubergard led the man out of the castle, his head was still reflexively bobbing up and down. When she returned, Muz-Ra was rolling back and forth in her bed, still naked, holding the parchment to her breast all the while.

"My god Red, what_is_ it?"

Muz-Ra looked at Ubergard in rapture. "It's an invitation to dinner tonight at Dragonsreach!"

"Oh no," Ubergard sighed. "It begins." | | | "What's all the commotion?" Kitty asked, stepping into Muz-Ra's room sleepily.

"Apparently Red has been invited to Dragonsreach by the Jarl himself," Ubergard stated unenthusiastically.

"Oh Kitty, he said he'd invite me! I thought he'd forgotten all about me!"

"The Jarl? Red, that's wonderful!" Kitty laughed.

Muz-Ra leapt off the bed, picked up Kitty and spun her around in an expression of pure excitement before she suddenly stopped cold. | | | "Oh Kitty, what will I_wear_? I don't have anything that's fit for a palace!"

Kitty looked down at the nude form before her.

"Apparently you don't have anything at all!"

Muz-Ra looked down at herself too and realized she was naked.

"Ack! Sorry. I was just having fun with the messenger. Wait a sec." | | | In a minute she had her gold bikini back on.

"I guess you can't go in that. Come on to the armory, let's see what I've got."

Ubergard sighed. "Let me help. I've a pretty good idea of what's acceptable in such company."

Upon entering the armory, Muz-Ra was struck by how realistic the Khajiit mannequins were.

"Wow. Your mannequins are very lifelike!" Ubergard noted.

"Yeah, I had them custom made to my body."

"They're anatomically very_very_ accurate, aren't they?" Muz-Ra mused, looking at one wearing exceptionally sheer lingerie. | | | "Well, yeah. I need to know what they'll look like on me after all!" said Kitty, somehow getting a bit embarrassed.

"Kitty, I'm afraid this isn't going to work. These clothes are all custom tailored to you," Ubergard said as she looked at some other outfits.

Meanwhile Muz-Ra had gone on to another lingerie-clad model and was touching it's breast.

"Wow! It's even soft and squishy! "

"Red... um... can you not do that? Please?" Kitty said, her tail now fully fluffed out in a Khajiitish blush.

"Oh, sure Kitty! Shall we go to the Tails? They have a wider variety of sizes you know."

"Yes, let's do that. Right now!" Kitty said, somewhat relieved. | |