Queen Muz-Ra #9

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#10 of Queen Muz-Ra

Clothes Hunting with Bhusaran

| (Author's note - the 'people' standing around the wall are actually more mannequins. That might not be clear.)

Ubergard, Kitty and Muz-Ra were sitting with Bhusaran in the main meeting room at H's underground chateau, home of the Tails of the Khajiit and Tails of the Argonian magazines.

"I'm afraid H is out for some time on a new recruitment trip. He has left me in charge though. What is it I can do for you, Red?" asked Bhusaran.

"That might be a good thing Bhusaran, since you're the Advocate to the Jarl here. It's a bit complicated," Muz-Ra started, "but the gist is that I need to find some appropriate clothing for a dinner tonight at Dragonsreach."

"Dragonsreach? The Jarl?" | image | | Muz-Ra nodded.

"Well, that is interesting. Of course, you can take any clothes you need, Red. We don't forget your years of service here!"

"Thank you Bhusaran! I would prefer to pay for anything I take though. Now that I'm not working here anymore, it just seems right."

"I wouldn't dream of making you pay for it Red! However, there is something you could do that you can look at as payment..."

"Oh? What can I do for you in exchange?" | image | | "Red, since you've left, we've received quite a number of missives requesting your return from readers."

"Oh? I gathered I wasn't all that popular actually."

"Frankly, we did too. We were wrong."

The gold-clad Argonian smiled.

"So, what I would like to propose is another photo shoot of you. Perhaps in a week or two. But I'd need to know if you're agreeable to that so that I can advertise the upcoming shoot in this month's TotA." | image | | "Why certainly Bhusaran! It would be an honor. I don't forget all you and H have done for me either. You should have asked sooner!"

"Thank you, Red. And now, why don't you and I go to the wardrobe room and find you something appropriate?"

"Oh, would you? No one has spent more time at the palace than you!"

"Indeed. That is my primary function here, to intercede with Whiterun and keep our relationship agreeable. Please excuse us Kitty, Uber. She's in good hands."

"No problem Bhusaran! Ubergard, why don't you and I go take a dip in the hot tub? It's been ages and I'd love to catch up on the latest gossip!" suggested Kitty.

Ubergard nodded, "An excellent idea! Let's see if Udaran would like to join us. Red, if we're not here when you're done, you'll find us up top." | image | | Bhusaran led Muz-Ra to a small room with two large wardrobes full of outfits just off the master bedroom.

"This is where we keep the more formal clothes. Khajiit-fitted on the left, those for Argonians on the right. Inside, you'll find the larger sizes to the right. Go on, try some of these on, just for size at this point. Once we determine the right sizing, then we can see what choices we have. We have some fine tailors among our models, so if they need a little adjustment, we can make that happen in time for tonight." | image | | "Oh Bhusaran, you're SO helpful! It's like your my fairy godmother!"

Bhusaran frowned, "I'm a lawyer by trade, with an occasional modelling job. I prefer to be known as an Advocate. Not a godmother. Now, I'll wait just outside and you come out when you've found one that you like."

"Sounds good!" | image | | A few minutes later, Muz-Ra stepped outside with her first trial dress.

"What do you think?"

"It's gorgeous, but your chest must be awfully constricted in there."

"Yeah, it kinda is. I thought it might be I'm just so used to my open bikini top..."

"It looks fine, and that peekaboo design is awesome, but I don't think you'd be comfortable with that bust size. Go ahead and try another." | | | "Oh,much better! Red, you look awesome!" "Why, thank you Bhusaran." "Do you like it? You know, you don't have to wear red." "I know, but it's just my color. I do like it, and it's much more comfortable in the chest, but there's one more I'd like to try."

"Certainly, but this would do just fine if the other doesn't work." | | | "What about this one?" Muz-Ra asked, stepping out of the dressing room once more.

"Oh yes. I think we're done here," Bhusaran agreed.

"You.. don't think it's too plain? I added a few accessories I found in a drawer."

"Not at all. It's perfect." | | | "I... I think so too. At least, I feel very comfortable in it."

"Do you want to box it up?"

"Not yet. I want to show Kitty and Uber."

Bhusaran nodded."I think they're up in the hot tub. Go surprise them!" | |