Fallout - A preview

Story by emporerx on SoFurry

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#1 of Fallout

This is a preview of a Fallout themed story I'm working on set in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, the story doesn't start here and the main character is only mentioned later in this scene. I got a lot planned for this story but I still need to decide on how things play out in the start before moving things along. Until then, please enjoy this scene of Sheila, the overworked Overseer of Vault 52.

This is a work in progress and is subject to change, I welcome all questions and considerations.

I'm thinking about calling it Fallout: Lonestar but I haven't decided yet.

The overseer leaned back in her chair rubbing her eyebrows after having just finished looking over the recent reports from the engineers maintenance logs, none of it was good. Granted none of it was serious, but it could have been better, a lot of things could have been better. The reactors were running at 85% efficiency but a dozen other things were breaking down at the same time thus keeping it from running at optimal efficiency, the constant demand for needed parts and tool made her absolutely livid. There was also the requests from the botanists for better fertilizer, Dr. Leone's requests for much needed chemicals, the security teams requests for better quality ammo, and even that annoying little cunt Bruce down in the salon was asking for a better chair.

"Ugh, fuck it all!" Groaned the middle aged lioness as she spun in her chair, stopping at the window which overlooked the main atrium of the Vault. Sheila watched as the many furs she knew went about their business as they have always done, all with the same frustrated looks on their faces. The Cubs who busied themselves at play didn't share in their frustration and she envied them for it, she pitied the ones who were getting close to the age where they get their Pip-Boys, along with their first assigned duties. Then they learn of one of the vault's most painful of prohibitions, and then they will have those same frustrated looks on their faces.

Sheila thought that Vault 52 might not have been one of the best Vault-Tech had to offer, but here it was two-hundred years later and still functioning. It sat just under what remained of the Dallas Convention Center, accessible only through the old DART rail tunnel which ran just under it, which incidentally helped kept it hidden. Two hundred years ago her ancestors managed to get into the vault on the day the bombs fell, she didn't know if it was purely out of blind luck they got in or if they had done something that got them selected beforehand. She would never know now, her mother had told her that her own parents didn't like talking about life before the bombs so the reason died with them. But none of that mattered now, now she was the overseer, and had no time to dwell on what happened in the past. Because there was always the worry of what was gonna happen tomorrow.

She reluctantly spun her chair back facing her desk and the computer that sat on it. With a click of a button she made the engineer's report disappear, bringing her back to the main page of the overseers private terminal. She read over the large green block letters that popped up one at a time on the screen.

**Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink Clearance: Overseer Eyes Only

[Vault 52 OVERSEER INSTRUCTIONS] [Supply Requests] [Maintenance Requests] [Logs]**

"And now the vault is infected with a serious case of blueballs" She said to herself as she spun herself around again.

The sudden halt of production of contraceptives was indeed a serious matter, almost more serious than the reactor maintenance. Everyone needed to fuck now and then, especially when there wasn't much in regard to entertainment around here, and sex was usually a good way to kill time. However sex usually resulted in Cubs, which in the right circumstances would be a happy occasion, but unfortunately it was now a dangerous risk to the vault. Now with the contraceptives gone everyone was now under strict orders to refrain from any and all "reproductive actives" unless she signs off on it. As dictated in the Overseer's instructions, all pregnancies were determined by lottery and only married couples could participate. And lotteries were only held when it was determined that the vault could accommodate another cub to feed, clothe, educate, and have a role to fill when they got older. While this rule never really sat well with most members of the Vault, especially for the well meaning couples who wanted nothing more than to have a family of their own, it was accepted as a necessity with the understanding that all would be provided with all the contraceptives they wanted. But now with the exhausted supply and the lack of resources to make more, everyone had to more or less keep their pants on for the time being until they could find the needed materials.

Sheila's eyes wandered down to the bottom drawer of her desk, the one she had a locked at all times. She allowed her left paw to glide along her inner thigh as she slumped in her chair.

I really shouldn't...She thought to herself...I still have work to do.

Her paw seemingly ignored her thoughts as her fingers went deeper between her thighs. The shivers she felt made her slump down even further and made her legs spread wide as her paw began to caress her pussy through her vault suit.

"Fuck it, I need some love too." She said reaching up to terminal and selecting the option to lock her office door.

Once her terminal confirmed she was secure she reached down to the locked drawer and entered the code. Inside were various documents, a .44 Magnum, and far in the back: her favorite toy. She reached for it and pulled out the long red rocket ship and held it up. From a distance one would thing it was just some Cubs toy rocket with its long, smooth, sleek shape coupled with its four thrusters on the bottom that helped it stand. Emblazoned across the shaft were the words Red Rocket Fuel, she wasn't sure what it was in reference to but she didn't care. She twirled the rocket in her paw until the rocket's nose was pointing down and her finger rested on the nozzle, inside which held a small, concealed button. With one audible click of her finger the rocket began to hum and shake in her paw.

The tingling the rocket gave off sent shivers down her back as she reached up to her collar to unzip her suit. She grasped one of her breasts as they popped out of the snug suit which she proceeded to peel down to her legs, leaving her naked from the knees up. She brought the rocket to her mouth and gave it a good long lick along its length as she pinched her nipple as hard as she could. She tried to think about who she would fantasize about this time, she ultimately decided on Officer Patton, her strong, rugged chief of security. The grey wolf was almost pushing fifty now but he always seemed to stay in good shape. She wondered how he was in bed, probably powerful and assertive, maybe a little rough even, she wondered why he never got married. Man probably fucks like a beast.

She played out a scenario in her head:

She called him up to his office...

"You wanted to see me madam overseer?" He asked.

she started laying into him about not keeping his men in line making sure no one was screwing around in secluded parts of the vault,

"YOU NEED TO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!" She yells at him. "This is the eighth incident of your men sneaking off with someone to fool around in secluded parts of the vault! I'm starting to wonder if you can even do your job!"

He started to get frustrated with her...

"We're doing all we can ma'am! We can't be everyplace at once!"

She wasn't gonna budge...

"Then put your men on double shifts! And put yourself on triple!"

She turned her back to him only for a moment before he spun her around with his large, masculine, calloused paws...

"Think you're tough bitch?"

He gripped her collar and yanked down her zipper, causing her large breasts to spill out for him to see.

"I always wanted to play with these things, we all have. My men talk about them extensively."

She squeezed both her breasts in her paws as she imagined him squeezing him and playing with them roughly before he shoves her into her desk and yanks down the rest of her suit, leaving her naked.

"Don't know how you do it, how does a woman your age have such a lovely body?"

He got on the desk on top of her, straddling her chest as he pulls down his own zipper, revealing his strong chiseled chest along with his large thick cock...

"You have no idea how painful this is" he said gripping his cock and pointing down at her lips. "Why don't you kiss it and make it better?"

Sheila brought the tip of the rocket to her lips and shoved it into her mouth as she imagined Patton doing the same with his cock, making her take it all while he pulls her hair.

"Ya you like the taste of it don't ya bitch? Use your tongue, I SAID USE IT!"

He makes her slather his cock with her saliva, demanding that she use more tongue. Then he made her use her breasts, and Sheila pressed the vibrator between her breasts and continued to lick its tip...

"Mmmmm so soft and firm, I bet these must ache sometimes do they? Oh? Am I being too rough on your nipples?"

After a while Patton tells her that he wasn't gonna waist himself on a titty-fuck. Sheila give the vibrator one last lick and slides it along her body, over her erect nipples and along her belly, coming to a stop on her mound...

"Didn't come here for a appetizer" he grows at her "I'm ready for the entrée!"

She pressed the rockets tip against her clit, imagining that Patton was lining himself up, ready to ravage her over and over and over again until all of his pent up lust was satisfied along with all his frustration of her. Her fingers withered and prodded her entrance, making her leak her juices all over the floor...

"Come on fellas, there is plenty for everyone!" He says to someone she doesn't see.

But then there were suddenly others in her office too, other men from the vault, all naked, and all very excited...

_"Oh no please, don't!"_Sheila whimpered despite the quivering feeling over her loins.

They got closer and encircled her desk, two of the help her legs open for Patton allowing him to lean in closer for a better thrust, and yet he continued to tease her, even as more pulsing cocks began to obscure her vision. He made her beg for it...

"Order me to do it!" He growled at her with a evil smile.

Sheila held the vibrator firmly in place, ready to follow with the fantasy.

"Please..." She whimpered.

The rocket started to prod...

"We can't hear you!"

The tip began to slide in...


-BUZZ- "Madam Overseer?" Came a sudden garbled voice.


Sheila opened her eyes and found herself alone in her office, still sitting naked in her chair with her toy poised to penetrate her. Her fantasy was gone, all that was left was Officer Patton's garbled voice coming through the intercom on her desk.

"Overseer Rawlings, are you there?" Came Patton's concerned voice over the intercom.

All at once Sheila felt absolutely livid...

"GOD DAMN IT!!!" She bellowed throwing the toy across the room, all at once she stood up and slammed her finger down on the talk button.

"WHAT?!" She demanded loudly.

"Gah! Er-Madam Overseer" responded Patton sounding very stunned. "I'm sorry to bother you but I-"

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT PATTON?!" She snarled into the intercom, silently swearing to herself that if she didn't like what came next she would kill the wolf no matter what.

"I-I need you to come down to the vault entrance!" He responded trying to regain his usual composure.

Sheila's anger started to melt away, but not entirely. What had filled the space was a mixture of concern, confusion, and profound annoyance. Something was very wrong if Patton was calling for her to come down all the way to the vault entrance. Sheila sent five seconds gathering what patience she could muster before speaking again.

"Are we under attack?" She asked almost in a low whisper.

"Oh, no ma'am, it's nothing like that." He said dismissively as if that was to make her feel better.

"Then WHY" she began to growl again "DO I need to go down to the vault door, officer?"

"Ma'am, it's Roberta, she's outside the door."

"Is that all?!" She asked becoming more annoyed "for Christ sake just let her in! We have been expecting her for over a week!"

Roberta was a scavenger, making a living finding, buying, and selling assorted things in and around the metroplex wasteland. She was good at it too, if ever they needed something important she was always able to find it...at the right price. Sheila sort of thought of her as her only friend, even though she only came by every couple months or so. But she like her, she was tough, she got to travel a lot, and was always up to date on the news going around the commonwealth, she even sold her that vibrator.

The thought of her toy made her glance towards the wall she threw it at, it laid on the ground seemingly unbroken from what she could tell and sighed in relief. She'd hate to have to explain that to Roberta if it had broken, that thing had costed her almost a hundred caps. Just as she was about to walk over to it and make sure it was still useable, Patton's voice came over the intercom again.

"Yes ma'am, I know that, but the thing is..." He paused for brief moment "she isn't alone ma'am."

"Does she have guards?" She asked thinking that was the obvious explanation "just tell them to wait outside while she comes in to do business."

"I would have done that if that were the case ma'am" he responded sounding a little annoyed as if she assumed he didn't know protocol "only it isn't a guard, it's a cub."

"A what?" Sheila asked not sure if she had heard him right.

"A cub ma'am, a boy. But get this: Roberta says she found him in another vault, Vault 45, have you heard of that one ma'am?"

"Vault 45?" She repeated "No I haven't heard of that one, you said she found him there?"

"Roberta says she can explain in greater detail but she wanted to explain it to you, in person."

Sheila stood there leaning over her desk, her suit still peeled down to her knees. She decided that first things came first: she pulled her suit back on and made herself look presentable. Then she retrieved her hopefully still working vibrator and returned it to the safety of her desk before she cleaned up the mess she made on her chair. Once everything was in order, she unlocked her office door and pressed the talk button on the intercom.

"Tell her I'm on my way down."

Little did Sheila know that when her private time was interrupted and she made her loud outbursts over her intercom she had failed to notice that her chair had spun around as she stood up. The same chair that sat between her desk and the window overlooking the atrium. With the chair turned to the side and her leaning over her desk with her suit rolled down, virtually anyone looking up at her office got more than a eyeful of her round, well-toned ass.

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