Queen Muz-Ra #15

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#22 of Queen Muz-Ra

Twin Moons.

| "Red! Welcome back!" Kitty said, then called "Uber! Red's back!"

Ubergard uncharacteristically came running.

"So, tell us all about it? Did you stay overnight?" Kitty asked excitedly.

"What?" Muz-Ra looked up out of her reverie. | image | | "Oh Red, do I have to just ask straight out? Did you fuck the Jarl?"

"Fuck? Oh... oh, yes. Quite a lot in fact."

"What's wrong?" Ubergard interjected. "Did something happen? Did he..."

Muz-Ra focused on Ubergard as if seeing her clearly for the first time. "Did he what? Oh! Of course not. He wouldn't force himself on me. Balgruuf is a decent man. Hell, I practically had to rip is clothes off to suck his dick!" | image | | "Well, then what's wrong? You seem preoccupied," Ubergard said.

"Oh, it's just something Irileth said."

"What did she say?" Kitty asked with concern in her voice.

"Nothing bad. Just... oh, never mind. I had a great time. 15 great times in fact!" she said, returning to her old form. | image | | "Fifteen?! Are you serious?"

"Serious as a heart attack!"

"Which you must have damn well almost caused! How's the Jarl?"

"Oh, he's fine. Stamina of a bull. Well, maybe not the MOST energetic I've ever had, but he tries harder and that counts for something."

"I've got dinner cooking. Come with me and tell me all about it!" | image | | "So, how is he... downstairs?"

"Oh, he's ok. Not huge, but quite sufficient. And he knows what to do with it. But his tongue. That's his real magic. Must be from being a politician. Just the thought of the same tongue that gives those speeches licking me... Oh, it was glorious!"

"And you're not kidding? 15?"

"I kid you not." | image | | "Damn, I'm going to have to give Mikael a challenge!"

"Ooh! Now that sounds like a game I'd like to play! You beat 15 with Mikael and I'll have to beat that."

"Can we use fingers?"

"Oh, don't be silly. Of course. The male doesn't exist who could cause that many without some help."

Kitty nodded agreement, "That's true. Well alright then, you're on!" | image | | And so began a torrid affair between Muz-Ra and the Jarl that went on for almost three months. Of course, those closest to the Jarl knew about it, but outside Dragonsreach it was at most a rumor of a rumor. While Muz-Ra was never one to be uncomfortable with sex, the increasing familiarity and affection helped the Jarl become more inventive in their lovemaking as well. | image | | After months of clandestine meetings and trysts, however, Muz-Ra found herself growing annoyed at the continuing secrecy of their affair...

"Jarlyhorse..." she ventured late one night while they were standing exhausted under the stars on the Great Porch.


"I'm sorry to bring this up, but I'm sure you knew eventually I would have to."

The Jarl turned to face her, a mixture of anxiety and resignation on his face. | image | | "Balgruuf, I'm tired of sneaking around all the time. I know I'm a problem for you, but I can't help but wish we didn't have to hide our relationship so much."

He looked away, lest she should see his eyes tear up. "Red, our time together has made my life so much better. I enjoy getting up in the mornings again..."

"Or afternoons!" smiled Muz-Ra.

"Or afternoons even better," laughed the Jarl. "I never want it to end. Truly I don't." | image | | "I don't either. But as long as we're hiding it, I constantly worry that it will end. That someone will find out and you'll abandon me. I know we're not promised to each other or anything, but it's just natural that I wish we could at least go out together."

Balgruuf sighed. "I do too, you know. I so rarely get to leave Dragonsreach anymore anyway. It's like you've brought the world in to me, and as long as you're with me I don't miss the outside world so much anymore."

"Let's not think about it anymore tonight, Jarly. You know I don't lie, and I know it will have to end one way or another, but for tonight... forget I said anything."

"I can't. But if you bend over just a little more, I'll make you forget it for a while."

Muz-Ra smiled, with maybe just a hint of sadness of her own, and complied with his suggestion. "Yes, make me forget again, for just a little while."

And soon the Jarl again stayed true to his word. | image |