Queen Muz-Ra #16
#24 of Queen Muz-Ra
All good things must come to an end.
| In fact, it was a full two more weeks before she brought up the subject again.
"Jarly," she started. "What do you really think would happen if we... you know... went public?"
"I honestly have no idea. Irileth says doing so might undermine my support. Lord knows the Grey-Mane's are just itching for a reason to dethrone me."
"Do you really think that would happen?"
"It's a very real possibility." | |
| "And what would happen if they did? What would you do?"
The Jarl shrugged. "No idea. But I can't let that happen, Red. I know you don't follow what I do all day, but I really am keeping Whiterun and the area around here peaceful. The Grey-Manes would destroy the balance I've established. I adore you, Red, but I just can't risk that. All that I've worked for would be undone."
Muz-Ra looked at him hard then. "You're a good Jarl, Balgruuf. Probably the best."
"Thank you, Red." | |
| "But you're a lousy boyfriend."
"Your lovemaking is top-notch, you're a good man, but you're not the mate for me."
Balgruuf looked forlornly at the scaly face he'd become so accustomed to. "Of course I'm not. You deserve someone you can wander the wilds with. Someone who can make love to you on a mountaintop. You're going to leave me, aren't you?" | |
| "Yes, Jarls the Gaul, I am. And I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life. But I can't go on like this."
"No. I suppose not." he said, and turned his back on her.
"Tears don't aren't really a thing for Argonians. But my spines are low."
She couldn't see his face when he said, "I'll miss you Red. I'll miss you more than you will believe."
"You are a good man, Balgruuf. You are a good Jarl."
Turning back, he said, "Thank you Red. Leave me now. I'm too old to let you see me blubber like a schoolboy."
"Goodbye Jarlyhorse."
"Goodbye my love." | |
| And with that, Muz-Ra got up, dressed, and left Dragonsreach by the secret exit for the last time. |
| It took a full month before the first letter arrived.
Muz-Ra, just getting over her depression from leaving the Jarl, couldn't help but be excited to read her first love letter from him. In it, he asked her to come visit again - just once. She laughed and cried both at his feeble attempts at love poetry. Muz-Ra might know nothing about politics, but she realized as she read it that she knew one hell of a lot more about love than he did. She wrote a short note back to him though, thanking him for still thinking about her, but declaring in no uncertain terms that their relationship was over. She would not be back. | |
| But that wasn't the last letter. They began arriving more frequently, with more fervid declarations of heartbreak for her arriving almost daily. These she didn't answer at all, knowing that it would do no good. Finally, those too stopped abruptly. She even received one from Irileth, begging her to visit the Jarl again, but this one she declined as politely as she could. |
| But finally, a very special letter arrived. A letter in real gold leaf, addressed to her in the Jarl's own handwriting.
In it, he again expressed his love for her, but more... he proposed to marry her. This, she could not ignore. It was then that her vague plan took solid form. If he was really willing to go this far, if he was willing to risk his entire life's work and reputation for her, she could no longer ignore it. | |
| "Well, you're looking better tonight Red!" Ubergard commented after dinner later that day.
"She got another letter from the Jarl," Kitty noted, adding, "Gold leaf this time even!"
"Oh? Those usually depress you Red. What did this one say?"
Muz-Ra smiled at her enigmatically. "Oh, just the usual. Undying love, blah blah blah." | |
| "As if that's a bad thing!" Kitty said questioningly.
"Oh, well... he proposed to me."
"WHAT!?" Ubergard and Kitty shouted simultaneously.