The Eyes Have It

Story by Hobbes-Tigris on SoFurry

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The Eyes Have It


Hobbes' Journal

Entry 13

I don't know what it is about him that gets to me. Maybe it's the way he walks, how he seems to tease me with each step as his cute husky butt moves from side to side, as his tail wags eloquently from side to side. Perhaps it's the way he talks, the way each word seems like beautiful music to my ears and his voice is the only thing I want to hear. Maybe it's his personality, the cutest little things he does, it could be anything... But the first thing I remember noticing about him was his eyes. He has the most beautiful purple eyes.

I was walking around, strutting my stuff at school when I saw him first. I saw some of the jocks trying to pick on him, a few of my old friends. I could hear them yelling things like "fag" and "homo" and stuff like that. I knew what that felt like and I couldn't just sit by so I went and helped him out. I persuaded them to leave him alone and helped him up off the ground. As I helped him he looked into my eyes, his purple eyes welled with tears as he thanked me. He was so cute.

He agreed to let me take him out to dinner and we went to a nice restaurant for our date. I barely touched my food, I couldn't. I know not everyone believes in love at first sight but I know that I sure do. He took my breath away and apparently I had the same effect on him. I paid the bill, which was a lot more than the amount we ate was worth. The waiter looked at us like we were crazy but we didn't care, all I cared about was being with him.

After diner we went for a walk in the park and talked until the moon was the only thing that lit our way. I drove him home in the dark of the night and walked him to his door. I thought he was just going to walk in and leave me there, never to even speak to me again like all of the rest but he surprised me. He stared into my eyes and leaned in towards me, wrapped his hands around me and kissed me more deeply than anyone else ever had. The kiss seemed to last an eternity, his masterful tongue exploring every crevice of my mouth as I was made breathless, lost in the moment of passion.

When we broke it off, he said good night and went back into his house, leaving me there in complete bliss. I walked back to my car, all I could think of was him all the way home and when I went to school the next day I was hoping I would run into him again. All I could do was wonder when I would see him next as I didn't see him at the school. I went home and realized how silly I was being, though I still paced by the phone for hours waiting for his call. When he finally did call we talked for hours about random nothings, every once and a while stopping to tell each other we loved the other. Some may have said that it wasn't love but I knew the truth.

I asked him if he would go out with me again and we decided on a movie. We said our goodbyes (though it took a while due to the inevitable neither of us wanting to be the first to hang up the phone, which only ended because my roommate came and hung me up.) and I spent the rest of the week excited about our next date. All I wanted to do was see him, to gaze once more into those eyes, to feel the warmth of his embrace, and to kiss him again. He made me feel like nobody else ever could and I couldn't wait to feel that special again.

I hopped into my Jeep and drove over to his house to pick him up again, his mom answered the door when I knocked and looked me up and down, an inquisitive look in her eyes. I felt a little uncomfortable but I guess it was expected, I had only just come out that I was gay recently and it still felt a little weird being out with another male. But all that mattered was that I was with him. When he came out of his room, I wanted to run up to him and embrace him, holding him for as long as I could but I held myself back, not knowing how his mom would react to that.

When we left his house I felt his eyes on me the whole drive over to the theatre, I was listening to my tape player and one of his favourite songs came on. He started singing along and I joined in too, we sounded pretty good together too. The theatre wasn't too far away but when we got there we didn't really want to leave. We kissed in the car before realizing that we were running out of time. I was kind of sad that we had to break it off so early but the movie would be worth it, he kept telling me. We went in and bought our tickets and then took our seats in the almost empty theatre.

The movie was supposed to be an hour and forty-five minutes long but I think I only saw a few minutes of it. Pretty much as soon as the movie started Iaran and I started making out. It was pretty typical, a couple of teens go to a romantic movie and spend most of it making out but it was just as, and if not more enjoyable than watching the movie. That was the first half hour or so of it. The rest was a bit more, well, heh, it was awesome. He unzipped my pants and as we kissed I felt his paw stroking my sheath and cupping my balls, causing me to get aroused pretty quickly.

When I was fully stiff he grabbed onto my erect cock with one hand and started rhythmically pumping, the other hand undoing his own pants and then grabbing my paw and putting it on his hardened husky crotch. I followed suit and pumped, the feeling of his warm meat in my hands mixed with his tongue in my mouth, masterfully exploring my mouth in totality and his own paw on my black tiger meat was amazing. As we jerked each and kissed passionately we became less aware of the people around us. The guard came just in time to see us each reach our climaxes before he booted us, leaving a sticky mess behind as we left.

The guard gave us a lecture on why what we did was wrong, but I don't think I heard a word of it, I was focusing on the fact that he was holding my paw, his thumb stroking the top of my white paw slightly. I don't know how he was able to affect me the way that he did, but when I was around him nothing else was important. We were banned from the theatre for a month or something like that. When we left we were still holding paws, both of us smiling. I didn't want the night to end but I knew that it would have too. I drove him home and we made out in my car for a while before his mom came out and yelled at us for being late. I'll never forget the loneliness I felt when he left...

The cold hard fact was I was completely in love, nothing else in the world could ever mean more to me than him. My roommate laughed at me when I got home because there was a white stain on my pants and the fur on my paws was crusty. I told him what happened and he said that I was still a kid, even though I was seventeen. I couldn't possibly know what love was like or anything like that and I was probably just confused or it was lust. I yelled at him, What do you know, who do you think you are, stuff like that and he told me he had been in a relationship and felt like I do now, but he was crushed by the end of it.

"But that could never happen to you, right," he said to me. "You're young, still on top of the world. You're invincible, immune to the hardships of the world. Nothing bad could ever happen to you. Just be careful kid. I care about you more than you know. I don't want to see you end up like I did, wallowing in self pity and drinking yourself into a drunken frenzy before you cry yourself to sleep." Those words always stuck with me, even to this day. He was a good friend, just trying to help but I think he made me a little over protective of myself and my heart.

The next time I spoke to Iaran I asked him out to a sports game. My little brother Louis was playing volleyball and he asked me to go. Iaran said yes and two nights later I walked over to his place, it wasn't too far from my brother's school anyway and I enjoy walking, the fresh air always calms me down. When I knocked on the door he answered this time, he was wearing a pair of loose shorts and no shirt, which was fine; I wasn't wearing a shirt either. I never really liked wearing a shirt, they ruffle my fur and I can't show off my body in them. When he stepped out of the door he kissed me and we clasped paws and walked to the school, I almost kept walking right past it because I was too focused on his paw again.

We got in and took our seats. The match was pretty good. Lou played well, he was an excellent volleyball player where as I was always more into football. Their team won it in four sets and when it was over we went over and congratulated him before we left to go to diner. This time we actually ate, he insisted on covering the tab this time. We had a lovely chicken dinner with a couple of garden salads to match and cola to drink, neither of us was old enough to order from the alcoholic beverages but we didn't mind. We didn't need alcohol to make us feel better, as long as we had one another. I felt his footpaw on my leg at a couple points during diner, distracting me slightly and once causing me to spill some of my soda on the table.

When we went to walk home he said that we should go to my place for a bit instead of his house, since I always walked him home. So we walked to my place from the restaurant, which was a good hour long walk. We held paws the entire way and walked slowly, enjoying every second of the walk there, each moment we had together. I glanced over at him a few times and saw his beautiful eyes sparkling in the moonlight. They always looked so stunning, so breathtaking. I could get lost in them so easily.

When we finally got to my door he told me that he had asked his mom if he could stay the night at my place. I wasn't sure how Echo would react to that but when I went inside I realized he wasn't there and that there was a note on the table saying he got called into work and would be gone for a couple of days. I couldn't believe what was about to happen. When Iaran walked up to me and stared into my eyes I knew his intentions instantaneously. He walked over to me, wrapped his paws around me, and kissed me, like our first kiss, the most passionate kiss I could ever imagine. As we kissed we moved closer towards the couch, slowly and making sure we didn't break anything though we still managed to knock over a lamp. He was so amazing; his grace, his poise, everything about him.

When we made it to the couch he broke off the kiss, a small stream of slobber hanging suspended from our lips for what seemed like an eternity. He moved down my body, kissing each muscle as he went and pushed down my shorts until they were around my ankles, revealing my fully erect shaft. He eyed it up for a second before wrapping his soft, warm husky tongue around it. It sent a shiver up my spine and caused me to murr. He was amazing and knew just what to do to drive me crazy.

He ran up and down my cock with his tongue, lapping at the sensitive head and making sure not to miss an inch of the shaft. He fondled my balls as he went to work before he engulfed my entire cock in his maw. I spurted a glob of pre onto his velvety tongue, which he mixed with his own spit and used to lube up my already slippery member. I tossed my head back in a roar and placed my hands on his head and gently pumped his head up and down my cock, forcing it a little farther down his throat. Just as I felt myself approaching my climax, he pulled my cock out of his mouth, I groaned a bit at being teased but he said, "Don't worry hon, just relax."

I leaned back on the couch and he positioned his tailhole over my slick member, he kissed me gently before he began to lower himself onto my shaft slowly, a quick look of pain flashed across his face as my cock worked its way past layers of muscle to get into his warmth. He was so tight and it felt so good that I let out a murr. I grabbed his hips and helped push him down until my member was completely engulfed by his tailhole, I could feel the muscles working to push me back out, he let out a yipp when I got all the way in and then I started rhythmically sliding him up and down my shaft, his tongue lolled as I brushed against his pressure point.

He spoke once to ask me "How... How am (pant) I, hun?" and I replied "You're (pant) so good (pant)." He really was, I was so close to reaching my climax that I knew there was no way I would be able to hold on for much longer. I felt my balls clinch up to my body before unleashing a few ropes of my tiger seed into his tight hole, the seed splashed against his prostate, causing him to reach his own orgasm, as his cum splashed all over my chest and face, which I licked up happily. We collapsed onto each other and lied on the sofa for a while, kissing in the heat of the passion; the smell of our combined musk was so strong.

That's how we fell asleep that night, naked together on the couch. I'm not sure if it was his first time but it sure was mine. He was so tender, so loving, so amazing. When I woke up I saw his big purple eyes gazing into mine and I knew that he loved me so much, I felt completely lost in his gaze. This is where I wish I could still be to this day, lying in his loving embrace, knowing that I am loved completely and totally for who I am, not for what I had done. He was my first love, and I love him to this day.