Tied At First Sight

Story by Xadera on SoFurry

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Mark yawned as he walked off his plane, exhausted by the four hour flight. He groaned as he looked at the signs: ‘Baggage Claim - Terminal 13'. His flight had come in at Terminal 82...

He shook his head and plodded on. Taking his sweet time, he paused every now and then to stretch his legs, visited one of the many bathrooms, sipped from a couple fountains, and rode the moving walkways whenever possible.

When he finally approached Terminal 13, Mark was debating if he had been fully awaken by the whole ordeal, or thoroughly fatigued by it. Stuck in between and left dazed, he stumbled through the rotating baggage carousals, having some difficulties focusing on the signs above that indicated their corresponding flights. A few rows down, he came to a halt when he finally saw his numbers. Bags were already in procession, another flight having been mixed in to expedite the process. All he had to do was wait...

"Umm... Excuse me...," a soft, feminine voice roused his attention.

Mark turned and was struck dumb. He had never really been much attracted to the anthro species, being human himself, but the sable and white haired rough collie that stood before him took his breath away. The shine of her coat gave her slender face a glow and the fluid movement of her petite body was emphasized by the swaying of her bushy tail. Even the simple, tight sweater and denim jeans she wore seemed perfect, her voice so sweet to his ears. And those big, beautiful brown eyes...

"Y-Yes?," he stammered as his heart fluttered.

The collie blushed a little and curled her tail between her legs. "I'm sorry to bother you, but my friend went off to the bathroom and I can't watch all the bags myself... Would... Would you mind helping me search for them?"

At first, Mark was confused. He glanced about and noticed the reason for her asking. Most of the passengers from his flight had already gotten their bags and the ones that were left over were just other stragglers who had yet to arrive. Him and the cute girl were the only ones here.

"Uhh... Yeah, sure. What does your bag look like?"

"Well, it's about this tall and it's bright pink, so it should be pretty hard to miss. But we've been watching for a half hour now and all I've found was my clothes bag..." She rustled the larger, matching bag that rolled on wheels.


"Thank you so much." She smiled warmly at him, returning her attention to the carousels.

Mark quickly looked in the other direction, a bit sheepish. After about a minute of silence, he mustered up some courage. "Umm... I'm Mark."

"S-Susan." Susan also seemed rather embarrassed to have consulted him like this.

"Nice to meet you, Susan." Mark stuck a hand out for her.

She took it, relaxing a little more. "Nice to meet you too. So... Umm... What brings you here, Mark?"

"Business has been pretty hectic lately, so they sent me here to relax. You?"

"Kinda the same, though it was my friend who urged me to come. She said it would be good if I lost some of my stress by visiting the bars around here..." She perked up as she realized the possible misinterpretation. "Not that I'm much of a drinker! Not at all, actually. The only time I've ever been to a bar was because of my friend..."

"Ahh. I should probably do that too, at some point. I didn't really plan anything out, really. Just sorta thought I'd wing it and relax in the hotel, do whatever comes to mind."

"Heh, that's what I would have done too, if my friend didn't push me... She gets me to do a lot of things I normally don't do."

"Mmm, yeah, I know the type. I've got a few of them too, back home. Luckily, my job didn't send them here with me, so-"

::Beep, beep, beep::

"Oh no!" Mark said as he looked at his watch, the alarm having gone off. "My taxi should be here! I'm so terribly sorry I couldn't help you find your luggage, but I really must go."

"Hehe, that's alright, I understand. It was nice to meet you, Mark."

Mark took her hand and gave it another gentle shake. "And it was very nice to meet you too, Susan." He spotted his own bag moving by and grabbed it, then started his dash for the doors. "Goodbye Susan!"

"Goodbye Mark!," she called back with a wave.

He ran down the sidewalk and spotted his taxi. With a sigh of relief, he tossed the bag inside and plopped down onto the seat, his heart beating from the sudden exercise and then some. As the taxi drove off, he cursed himself under his breath. "Dammit, I should have asked for her number..."

"Gee Susan, you're still waiting?" The grey female husky pranced over to her friend, her tail bobbing through a short skirt and a well-endowed chest bouncing in the cropped t-shirt.

"Yeah... I think they lost my bag, Cassie," Susan pouted.

"Aww. I'm sure they'll find it though. Usually it just takes a day or two and they'll send it out to you."

"True. Though, I did get to meet a really cute guy because of it."


Susan frowned some more. "But I forgot to get his number..."

"Yep, that sounds like my Suzy." Cassie wrapped her arm around the collie and playfully escorted her out of the airport, trying to cheer her up from both losses.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Oh nooo!" Susan whined as she sorted the contents of her lone bag in her hotel room.

"What's wrong?" Cassie sat up from her nap on the single bed.

"My heat-pills were in my other bag!"


"So?! I haven't had sex or a complete estrus in over two years! My hormones are going to EXPLODE!! I can already feel it coming on strong... I think that guy at the airport triggered it early..."

"Ooo, so you really liked him, huh? Maybe you should streak through the city until you find him and jump his bones~"

"Don't tease me like that..."

Cassie stuck her long, broad tongue out at Susan. "Why don't you just use mine."

"No way! You remember what happened last time. I nearly tore myself on that bed-post. Heat-pills are prescription for a reason."

"Hehe. Oh yeah... Well, we did come here to let you relax and have some fun. If you keep yourself busy, you should be able to ignore it for the most part, right?"

"Yeah... I guess I don't really have a choice."

"Alright, then it's settled. Tomorrow, we'll sleep in late, do some lounging and sunbathing, and then in the afternoon we'll head out to a bar. I asked the clerk for a good place and he mentioned one that's only a five minute walk down the block. Perfect to get hammered and dance our tails off!"

"Right..." Susan rolled her eyes at the drunk bit. It wasn't much her thing and Cassie knew it.

But, that didn't keep her from strolling into the bar early the next day. Susan came alone, having left the sleeping Cassie behind on one of the lounge-chairs on the sundeck. Just lying there, soaking up the rays, getting warmer and warmer, wasn't exactly helping the itch she felt. So, she slipped out of her pink bikini, tossed on a decent dress, and left a note saying she had gone ahead and would wait for Cassie to join up later.

The bar was full of music and laughter. Several people enjoyed themselves out on the dance-floor while a few more occupied some barstools. It was a little past dinnertime, so the place had yet to really get jumping, but it was enough to divert Susan's attentions. Without Cassie around to dance with, she didn't have much choice but to sit and watch everyone else for now anyways.

"Ma'am," the bartender knocked the bar-table behind her after she had been sitting for a while.

She twirled around. "Yeah?"

The bartender slid a fruity drink to her. "This is from the gentlemen at the other end." He pointed her in the right direction.

Susan's muzzle dropped open with a gasp. Mark waved at her with a smile. She picked up the glass and hopped down from her seat, moving to one adjacent to the fellow.

"Hi. I remembered you said you didn't drink much, so I got you something that wasn't very alcoholic. It's Susan, right?"

Her jaw dropped even more, a tinge of blush showing through her fur. "Why thank you. And yes, it is, Mark." She gave him a proud grin for remembering his name as well. "What a coincidence seeing you here, though! I thought yesterday was just a one time deal..."

"Yeah, me too. But when I recognized you over there my hear- err... I was really happy to see you again." Mark, too, sported a bit of red from his near slip.

"Hehe, I'm quite glad as well. So, what brings you here, to this very bar? Are you stalking me?" Susan winked.

"Stalking, huh? I was here first, so wouldn't that mean you're stalking me?" He chuckled with his counter-point. "Anyways, I was thinking about what you said yesterday and decided to check out the bar-scene around here. So, I asked a clerk at my hotel and he said there was this place just five min-"

"-utes down the block." Susan finished the sentence with him. "No way! Don't tell me you're staying in the Stanton Hotel as well!"

"Umm... Yeah. Room 403."

"Room 520. Nice to meet you 403." Susan stuck her hand out again with a giggly smile.

Mark gave her yet another shake. "Wow, this really is quite the coincidence. So, where's the friend you mentioned? Shouldn't she be here with you?"

"She's snoozing at the moment. But I'm sure she'll be here eventually." Susan avoided the true reason. It wasn't something most anthro-girls like to advertise.

"Oh. So you're here all by yourself?"

"Yeah... I didn't really know what I was actually going to do here until then..."

"Hmm..." Mark stood up and extended a hand, this time without the intent to shake. "Would you like to dance?"

"Why, don't mind if I do~" Susan smiled and let him lead her out onto the dance floor.

At first, a bead of sweat ran down Mark's face. Both of them were just a tad nervous about how to go about it. They were still mostly strangers. They started out awkwardly swaying back and forth, remaining mostly rigid. As they talked about their backgrounds and became more comfortable, they slowly started to dance like goofs, eliciting laughter between them.

The hour pressed on and the bar was gained more and more customers. The crowded room forced them to tighten their distance. They danced closer and closer together, until eventually they took each others hands.

To prevent the dancers from tiring out, the music shifted to a slower, more romantic pace for a while. With smiles on both of their faces, they hugged each other. Something in them called out for each other, making the relationship progress far quicker than they would ever have normally.

Susan nuzzled Mark's chest, happier for being with him. She took in his scent and let it settle within her nose. He smelled fantastic. Her hands slowly drifted down and soon cupped his rear. Mark chuckled to himself, leaning his face into her fur and rubbing down the back of her dress. Her tail swooned as he gripped her own tight rump. She wanted to climb up him, cover him, engulf-!

Susan suddenly pushed away with a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?"

"Umm... I totally forgot about something! I really need to head back to my room."

"Oh. Alright. Will you be back here later then? Though you'll probably be with your friend..."

Susan couldn't help but smile again at how adorable he looked as he nearly pouted, despite her predicament. "Nah, I don't think I'll be able to come back again tonight. But I've got your room number, Mr. 403, so I can give you a call tomorrow to see if we can do something together."

"I'll look forward to it." Mark smiled back.

"Alright, Bye-bye." Susan stood up on her toes and gave him a peck on the cheek before darting through the crowd for the door.

Mark watched tail swish sporadically back and forth as she exited, mesmerized by it. His hand gently touched the cheek she had kissed, a bit lightheaded. Without much of a reason to remain anymore, he also left, but decided to take in some of the sights before heading back up to his room. He was really looking forward to tomorrow and needed to still his beating heart.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


The door slammed shut. Startled, Cassie placed her glass of water back on the countertop, completely neglecting it.

"What's wrong?" She asked as Susan stormed in.

Her hand fluffing her shirt, Susan took a few more heavy breaths. "This damned heat is really firing up! I can't even think straight anymore! How am I supposed to enjoy anything like this?!"

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down girl. What happened?"

"Well, I saw that guy again down at that bar. We started dancing and stuff and, well, you know how it works!"

"Oh, yeah, I saw the note. I was about to get ready and head down there myself." Cassie motioned to the fact that she was still in the blue bikini from sunning herself. "So you just ditched the poor guy?"

"Yes! I didn't want too, but this stupid, stupid heat is messing everything up! I don't want him to think I'm that kind of girl. I want him to know me for me! EAAUGH!," Susan shouted out her frustration.

"Hmm... This is getting really desperate..." The husky walked over to the bed. She pointed to the space between it and herself. "Come over here?"


"I said COME!"

Susan scowled back at the half-serious command, but she complied anyways.

Cassie immediately squat down and ducked under Susan's dress before the collie could resist. She stared at the striped panties before her, the crotch thoroughly soaked through and even smearing down the thighs, forming webs in the fur.

"Ack! What are you doing?!" Susan tried to push her dress down in front of Cassie's eyes, to no avail.

The husky continued her inspection, pulling down the panties as well.

"No!" Susan's tail curled around to cover her naked sex, but it was stuck outside her dress through the appropriate hole, making it impossible.

Cassie glared at the issue. The reddened labia flared past the fur, swollen to twice their normal size. Far more than any canine should have to endure. "Lay down on the bed, Suzy."

"What?! Why?"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. Now SIT!"

Susan whimpered as she sat down onto the bed. Her dress grew moist from her nude bits. Cassie came back out with the satin underwear in hand, having removed it completely. She tossed it aside and pushed Susan. "Lay back."

Susan flumped into the sheets. She watched as Cassie flipped back her dress, exposing her bits. This time, her tail was able to curl around and cover herself. She continued to scowl at Cassie for the treatment.

"Relax, Suzy, I'm not goinna to hurt you. You know you need this. I mean, just look at yourself."

It was true. Susan could feel her tail sopping up some of her stuff as well. "But... I don't want to do this to you..."

"Nuh-uh. You're not doing it to me. I'm doing it for you."

To emphasize her point, Cassie tickled a finger down Susan's belly. Susan shivered, her tail straightening reflexively in anticipation and revealing her engorged sex once more. She blushed at herself, not bothering to cover herself again. She conceded.

"Good. Now just relax and enjoy yourself~"

Cassie began to rub her own groin, right through the blue bikini bottom. Within seconds a wet blotch started to show. The truth was, Cassie found the prospect rather kinky, even if she had never been with another girl before. And what better time to try than with your best friend?

She straddled Susan's knees, slowly descending. They both gasped as their stiff clits touched with nothing but the moist swimsuit between them. Cassie ground her sex into Susan's, only to be met with even more furious humping by the collie. Susan closed her eyes, still mentally reluctant, but that didn't prevent her body from acting upon its desires. Her tongue lolled out from her muzzle and her back arched again and again, thrusting up against her friend.

Very quickly, Cassie's hips became exhausted from Susan's bouncing. This wasn't going to work. The position put too much strain on her legs and the bed-sheets were becoming rather soaked with the resulting splatter. They had to sleep in those sheets later, after all...

Susan let out a whine as Cassie stood up. The grey husky gave herself another rub, delighting in how slick she was. Her knees drew up to the corner of the bed as she began to crawl over the surrendering girl below. She twisted around, leaving her rump hovering above Susan's head. And as she crouched down to slather Susan's arousal with her broad tongue, Susan was met with a face full of blue. The collie reflexively lapped over the slick material. Her rear rose off the bed, pressing Cassie's tongue in further. The swollen bits throbbed in ecstasy. The heat built throughout her nerves.

Long before Cassie was at the same level, Susan exploded with a growling shout, "Grraaauuuhh!"

Cassie took a few more licks, easing the bloated labia down as the blood receded. With Susan rolling her head around in afterglow, her own sex was no longer being tended to. She huffed and crawled right back off the bed. Her tongue continued to lick about, but now it was at the of fem-cum that drooled about her muzzle. Susan's burst had given both her and the bed a good coating.

"Okay, you seem like you'll be fine for a while. I-" Cassie paused, getting a little frustrated as a gob was just barely out of reach of her long tongue. "I think I need to get this taste outta my mouth though. I think I'm gonna head down to the bar and get myself a couple drinks." She slid out of the bikini and tossed it to the floor, grabbing up the clothes she had already laid out for herself. She gave herself a little rub, still a bit hot herself. "Not saying you don't taste great, Suzy, but if I'm gonna talk with anyone, I don't wanna advertise where I've been eating. It'd be nice to find a guy to fantasize about for myself later, if you catch my drift."

"O-Okay." Susan's hand slid up and down through her cleavage, quite flustered.

"You have fun for now. I won't be too long, I'm sure. An itch needs to be scratched eventually!" And just like that, Cassie was out the door. It was best to not dwell too much on what they had just done.

A few minutes later and Susan finally sat up. She stumbled slightly, but her smacking lips told her to get up. Despite getting a ample dose of Cassie's fluids, she was actually quite parched from her first lesbian experience. Much to her luck, there was already a full glass of water just a few feet away on the countertop...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Cassie wiggled a little on the barstool. The feeling below reminded her of something she hadn't done yet. Her hand slipped into her purse and pulled out a small, plastic disk. She opened it up.

"Aww, dammit. I wasted one..." She stared at the empty slot in the pill case. When Susan burst into the room, she had completely forgotten about the one she dropped into her glass of water...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

::Knock, knock!::

Mark slowly opened the door.

"Hellooo, Mr. 402~"

"Susan?! What are you doing here?" He gazed at the sable collie that had propped her hands on either side of the doorway, leaning towards him with her tail swishing behind her like he had last seen her. Even more so, actually.

"C'mon, Mark, let's go swimming!" She showed off the blue bikini she wore, all ready for the pool. The top hung so loose that her nipples were almost bare.

"But, I don't have a bathing-suit." He almost thought to ask if she had already been, since certain bits of her seemed quite wet. But, that would have meant he had glanced at those certain bits as well, so he thought against that.

"Don't worry about that~!"

She gave him a wink before grabbing his arm and yanking him out of his room, still in the outfit he had worn to the bar. She couldn't even wait for the elevator and instead dragged him to the stairwell. She led him all the way down and outside without a word. It was already dark and there wasn't a soul in sight. At this time of night, people were more focused with the local attractions rather than a hotel pool.

"Umm..." Mark was still unsure of what to do.

"You can just go in your undies, I won't mind. Here, I'll even turn around as you get into the pool." Susan turned to face the hotel, her tail never ceasing in its movement.

It took a moment for Mark to digest the situation, but he quickly nixed any reluctance. She said she would call for something else to do, right? His shirt flew off to the side and his pants fell to the concrete floor. And then he slipped into the water with a light splash wearing nothing but his boxers.

"How's the water?" Susan kept her back to him.

"It's, uhh... nice. Very warm, actually."

"Mmm, good. I suppose it's my turn then~"

Mark was confused by what she meant at first, but his breath soon came to a halt as he found out. Susan's hands met behind her neck and played with the knotted lace. One hand fell right after the blue cloth, replacing it over her bosom. Mark's soft gasp for air as his lungs remembered their function informed Susan that he had definitely been watching.

Before he could avert her eyes, she glanced over her shoulder and gave him a wink of consent. Then, to make sure she kept his attention, she bent down, the bottom piece stretching tight over her rump. Her faux attempt at decency fell away as her hand left her chest to attend to her waist. Mark could see perk nipples jiggle from side to side, but his eyes were focused on the swaying rear. The tail stood high, jerking in anticipation as the cloth pulled away from it. The cleavage of the two well-toned cheeks grew larger and larger. The blue bits clung to the nether-region, peeling away with long webbed strands of clear fluid. The white fur looked more like the rest of her sable color, the vulva was so terribly engorged. Even Mark noticed that the supple lips looked abnormally large. What he didn't know was that they were about three times larger than they should be, sweating so profusely with sexual lubricant that the wetness he had noticed earlier wasn't because she had already been here beforehand.

Susan displayed her arousal for a few more seconds, letting it seep deep into Mark's psyche while her scent wafted to his nose on the breeze that rustled between her legs. Satisfied with his drooling trance, she rose back up with an alluring flourish. "I hope that water is as warm as you said it was... maybe even a little warmer now~?"

She gave him another sultry wink as her slender legs dipped into the pool. She squatted as she slowly slipped in, spreading herself wide. The stiff clitoris nearly shivered as it touched the surface, and not from the cold. The rest of her quickly slid into the warm water with an erotic gasp. She tread in place as her mind re-collected itself before swimming her way over to Mark.

Mark could hardly believe this was the same collie he had known earlier. The timid, cute Susan had been replaced by a sexy, horny animal. But as she rubbed up against his body, cupping the obvious bulge in his boxers with her palm, his thoughts scattered to match her primal lust. His hands struggled to remove his underwear, caught by the erection. As he popped free, he left the thing to float about the water while he was pushed up against a wall of the pool.

A hot lick tingled over his neck and cheek. Susan's muzzle enveloped his lips with a deep, luscious kiss. Her paws scraped over his chest as her hips tossed about through the water, hunting for her prey. The rod was hard to miss, especially with how large her other lips had become. Yet, despite how enormous they were, Mark had to let out a groan. The whole tunnel was so swollen, so tight around his member, that it literally sucked in the rest of his length.

Ripples danced across the water. Susan thrust up and down upon Mark, driving him in all the way to his scrotum. Even the watery environment couldn't dissipate the amount of stuff that seeped through her labia. Her tail wedged between his legs, trapping all the slime about their genitals. The intense experience quickly sent semen swimming about her fur as it gushed out, but without any reduction in Mark's pace.

Climax after climax, Susan howled in bliss. Mark throbbed within her, spraying a second volley of cum. As the time passed in ecstasy, she could only shiver against the nape of his neck as everything went numb with pleasure from the waist down. Yet, she continued to cling to him, squeezing him in her embrace, unwilling to let go.

With the night pressing on, Mark was empowered with the strength to carry them both from the pool. He gathered up what clothes he could and snuck his way back into the hotel, wearing the collie like a shirt. Fortunately, the curled tail prevented any mess from leaking out, so the floor of the elevator only became moist with water as they crossed their fingers and hoped nobody would try to use it. They made it up to the fourth floor without being caught, skulking their way to room 402.

The door slammed behind them and Mark's own legs finally gave into the ache from carrying a whole other body on his waist. He wobbled over to the bed and collapsed down on top of her. They both breathed heavily, their hearts beating from the prolonged intercourse, as well as the terrifying thrill of sneaking about the hotel like this.

Gradually, Mark regained his senses.

Was this right? They only knew each other for a day... But...

He tried to pull away from Susan. She let out a whimper and tightened her hold about his neck and hips. He looked down into her beautiful brown eyes. There was still the longing and need for him. However, now there was a glint of embarrassment and shame as well. This was the Susan he knew. And this Susan still wanted him.

Without a single word, Mark renewed his pace, satiating all that Susan could possibly desire. On and on they went, until sleep finally overtook them, drifting off in each other's arms, together under the covers...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

... Mark woke up. Alone. His arms flailed for the other body, but only found empty space. Fear sparked up in his mind. Did they really just do all that last night, or was it merely a dream?!

He scoured his room. She wasn't there, save a few sable hairs that simply proved it wasn't his imagination. But she wasn't there. He cleaned himself up a bit and donned a random outfit from his suitcase. Before he had even thought about what he was doing, he found himself knocking on the door to room 520.

It slowly opened.

"Yes, sir?"

Mark stared wide-eyed at the lady from room-service, the room behind her bare and almost completely prepped for the next guest. "What happened to the women that were here?!"

"Oh, they left in a rush this morning."

"Why?" His voice nearly squeaked.

"They looked pretty worried. Probably a family crisis or something similar, I guess."

"Oh... Okay..."

Mark's face went pale. In a stupor, he made his way down to the lobby and asked the clerk the same question. The clerk gave him the same response. He also asked for any sort of contact information, but the clerk was adamant about client confidentiality. Defeated, Mark sulked all the way back up to his room.

The vacation gone sour, he found himself back home by the next day. Every day that passed, he recounted the events of the short time there. He just waved away any of the questioning from his friends and peers at work.

Days... Weeks... Months went by in mental agony. His heart felt heavy. All he could think about was Susan. He blamed her. He blamed himself. He blamed everything that led to them both meeting. But he never really meant any of it. Truth was, he really loved her. And he thought she really loved him...

Then came a phone call.

"H-Hello? Mark?"

"Susan?! What- How- Why?..."

"I'm so sorry Mark... I didn't mean to disappear like that... It's just, well... I did grab one of your business cards before I left, and I'm in your area right now..."

Mark's heart stopped.

"Can we meet?"

As soon as Mark heard the destination, the phone was hanging off the hook with a few "Hello's?" echoing on the line. He dashed down the streets, beads of sweat dripping from his brow. The restaurant she had mentioned was only a few blocks away. The glass doors nearly shattered as he crashed through them, frightening the hostess.

Susan blushed, her eyes shining with the same embarrassment and shame as before, just a few feet away. Her tail swayed lazily behind her. Her arms cradled the protruding belly.

An eternity passed in silence and anticipation for the next moment.

With tears welling in both of their eyes, Mark stumbled into Susan, squeezing her with all his might, threatening to never let go again.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

And he didn't.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A few months later...

"C'mon girl, can't you suck it in any more?!" Cassie glared at the obstinate zipper.

"I-I'm trying~!" Susan squinted, trying to push her engorged breasts back with her hands.

With a few more tugs, the zipper of the white gown finally gave way and pulled up to her shoulder blades. Susan posed in front of the mirror, her hands roving over the enormous belly as she grew lost in pleasant thought. Cassie nudged her back to reality and tossed on her veil, urging her out of the room as they were already late.

Her vision was a haze of bliss as she walked down the aisle. With just a few, fleeting, unforgettable moments, Mark reinforced his everlasting embrace as he slid one more ring onto her finger. And not long after their wedding bells had rang did they find themselves back on vacation, this time together on their honeymoon.

Unfortunately, again, the vacation came to an abrupt halt from another rambunctious night. Yet, this time, Mark and Susan were never separated. He held her hand as she was rushed through the halls of the hospital.

Despite being a major turning point in his life, Mark wound up trying to look away so as to not to stare at her bits that had been shaven in preparation, only to find himself staring at the bits of the many other canine women in this particular maternity ward. He shook his head and tried to wash his mind of naughty thoughts, but Susan gave him a grin of approval. She was also looking forward to getting back to what they were doing once they were done here and couldn't blame him.

And years later, the couple was still tied at the waist. They would be forever haunted by their first encounter; enticed by its perversion. Susan may have been under the influence of her best friend's medication, but that was only for the first hour or two. And the fact that they had so much stamina back then, well... it never quite died. Especially when she stopped taking her own pills altogether.

And they even had two beautiful baby puppies to start their lives together with~